681 research outputs found

    Separate Constraints on Early and Late Cosmology

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    Since the public release of Planck data, several attempts have been made to explain the observed small tensions with other data-sets, most of them involving an extension of the {\Lambda}CDM Model. We try here an alternative approach to the data analysis, based on separating the constraints coming from the different epochs in cosmology, in order to assess which part of the Standard Model generates the tension with the data. To this end, we perform a particular analysis of Planck data probing only the early cosmological evolution, until the time of photon decoupling. Then, we utilise this result to see if the {\Lambda}CDM model can fit all observational constraints probing only the late cosmological background evolution, discarding any information concerning the late perturbation evolution. We find that all tensions between the datasets are removed, suggesting that our standard assumptions on the perturbed late-time history, as well as on reionisation, could sufficiently bias our parameter extraction and be the source of the alleged tensions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Les professeurs de droit, la RĂ©publique et le nouvel esprit juridique : Introduction

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    En mettant en perspective les contributions de ce dossier, une interprĂ©tation globale des transformations affectant le rĂŽle des professeurs de droit Ă  la Belle Époque est ici proposĂ©e. RattrapĂ©s par une rĂ©alitĂ© sociale qu’ils ont longuement ignorĂ©e, ces enseignants se prĂ©sentent alors, autour de 1900, comme les nouveaux experts du social. Souvent hostiles Ă  la RĂ©publique, ils se posent Ă©galement en dĂ©fenseurs du droit contre un parlementarisme qu’ils jugent despotique. Mobilisant outils de la science et ressources politiques et sociales, les professeurs de droit feront de la crise de leurs facultĂ©s un « Ăąge d’or » de la pensĂ©e juridique.This article is an introduction to the contributions of this volume. It suggests a new interpretation of the role of Law Professors in the Belle Époque era (1870-1914). In order to protect society from the dangers of parliamentarism, Law Professors presented themselves as the new experts of the Social and supported the emergence of the État de droit in France. As a consequence, Law Professors have transformed the crisis of their faculties into a golden age of legal science

    Cosmological constraints on Lorentz violating dark energy

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    The role of Lorentz invariance as a fundamental symmetry of nature has been lately reconsidered in different approaches to quantum gravity. It is thus natural to study whether other puzzles of physics may be solved within these proposals. This may be the case for the cosmological constant problem. Indeed, it has been shown that breaking Lorentz invariance provides Lagrangians that can drive the current acceleration of the universe without experiencing large corrections from ultraviolet physics. In this work, we focus on the simplest model of this type, called ThetaCDM, and study its cosmological implications in detail. At the background level, this model cannot be distinguished from LambdaCDM. The differences appear at the level of perturbations. We show that in ThetaCDM, the spectrum of CMB anisotropies and matter fluctuations may be affected by a rescaling of the gravitational constant in the Poisson equation, by the presence of extra contributions to the anisotropic stress, and finally by the existence of extra clustering degrees of freedom. To explore these modifications accurately, we modify the Boltzmann code CLASS. We then use the parameter inference code Monte Python to confront ThetaCDM with data from WMAP-7, SPT and WiggleZ. We obtain strong bounds on the parameters accounting for deviations from LambdaCDM. In particular, we find that the discrepancy between the gravitational constants appearing in the Poisson and Friedmann equations is constrained at the level 1.8%.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Figures des sciences sociales (XIXe-XXe siĂšcles)

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    Ce numĂ©ro propose une galerie de portraits. Les personnalitĂ©s croquĂ©es ici n'avaient, jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, que rarement retenu l'attention des historiens. Certaines d'entre elles ont participĂ© aux activitĂ©s du mouvement leplaysien, voire exercĂ© quelques responsabilitĂ©s en son sein. Ainsi Jacques Bardoux et RenĂ© de Kerallain interviennent devant la SociĂ©tĂ© d'Ă©conomie sociale ou dans les CongrĂšs qu'elle organise de concert avec les Unions de la paix sociale et publient dans La RĂ©forme sociale, tandis que le magistrat Jules Lacointa est, lui, un dirigeant majeur du mouvement leplaysien, siĂšgeant au conseil d'administration de la SociĂ©tĂ© d'Ă©conomie sociale dĂšs 1882. Les influences leplaysiennes dans l'Ă©chantillon de personnalitĂ©s ici Ă©tudiĂ©es sont parfois plus diffuses et indirectes comme dans le cas du juriste belge Arthur Levoz, hĂ©rault de la protection de l'enfance, qui fut un disciple du pĂ©naliste Adolphe Prins, membre de la SociĂ©tĂ© belge d'Ă©conomie sociale. Par cette forte prĂ©sence des juristes, ce numĂ©ro prolonge l'enquĂȘte, inaugurĂ©e dans le numĂ©ro 135-136 (2002), sur les liens entre les professionnels du droit et le mouvement de FrĂ©dĂ©ric Le Play. L'action et la rĂ©flexion de ces figures font pleinement Ă©cho Ă  plusieurs thĂšmes rĂ©currents de la science sociale leplaysienne. Qu'il soit monarchiste ou libĂ©ral, chaque auteur ici Ă©tudiĂ© appelle de ses vƓux une rĂ©forme des mƓurs adaptĂ©e aux besoins du temps prĂ©sent. Adossant ces ambitions rĂ©formatrices sur des compĂ©tences intellectuelles attestĂ©es et des expertises raisonnĂ©es, il leur donne, le plus souvent, une orientation fonciĂšrement conservatrice mais non exempte d'un esprit de nouveautĂ© et d'ouverture. [PremiĂšres lignes

    Potential of power recovery of a subsonic axial fan in windmilling operation

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    During the last decades, efforts to find efficient green energy solutions have been widely increased in response to environmental concerns. Among all renewable energies, this paper is focused on wind power generation. To this end, a windmilling axial fan in turbine operation is experimentally and numerically investigated. Under specific conditions, the studied fan is naturally freewheeling. Consequently, the main objective of this analysis is to determine whether or not this intrinsic windmilling behavior can be optimized for power generation. A preliminary study of the fan is dedicated to the knowledge of the fan characteristics in normal operating conditions. Then, two windmilling configurations (direct and reverse flow direction) are tested and compared on the basis of the output power. An analysis of the velocity triangle gives the opportunity to evaluate the energy recovery potential of both solutions. Of the two, the reversed configuration showed a higher level of output power than the direct one

    La Belle époque des juristes catholiques (1870-1914)

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    Cet article dresse le portrait du groupe, aux contours et aux activitĂ©s mal connus, des professeurs de droit catholiques, qu'ils appartiennent aux facultĂ©s libres ou aux facultĂ©s d'État. Constatant l'absence de relations rĂ©guliĂšres entre ces deux milieux, il souligne l'importance de la culture catholique dans la construction de leur position scientifique respective dans la France de la Belle Ă©poque. Il montre Ă©galement l'importance de ce rĂ©seau non seulement dans le dĂ©veloppement du droit des cultes mais Ă©galement dans l'Ă©mergence d'une École scientifique.This paper portrays the group, whose limits and activities remain poorly known, of the catholic professors of Law in public or in private faculties. The study reveals the absence of regular relations between these two environments but emphasizes the part played by the catholic culture in the construction of theses jurists' scientific stance in late nineteenth-century France. It shows also how this network of scholars contributed significantly to the development of Cult Law as well as to the rise of a Scientific School

    Paul Huvelin (1873-1924) : juriste et durkheimien

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    Pour l’histoire des sciences humaines, Paul Huvelin est l’homme d’une controverse : avec Marcel Mauss, Ă  propos des rapports qu’entretiennent le droit, la religion et la magie. C’est naturellement un peu court pour rĂ©sumer une carriĂšre. CarriĂšre brĂšve, il est vrai, car Paul Huvelin est dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©, en pleine activitĂ©, Ă  l’ñge de 51 ans, le 2 juin 1924. Il enseignait alors le droit romain Ă  la facultĂ© de droit de Lyon. La Revue historique de droit français et Ă©tranger, vitrine de la discipline histoire du droit, lui consacre en hommage une assez brĂšve nĂ©crologie. Elle vante l’esprit et la culture du juriste mais ne mentionne Ă  aucun moment ses prĂ©occupations sociologiques. Pourtant, actif collaborateur Ă  L’AnnĂ©e sociologique Ă  partir du sixiĂšme volume (1901-1902), il confie Ă  la revue un mĂ©moire original et plus d’une quarantaine de comptes rendus. Les annĂ©es 1910 marquent une incontestable Ă©volution de la carriĂšre. Sans abandonner son enseignement, il se tourne alors vers la diplomatie et la politique (...)

    La sociologie de René Worms

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    Qui connaĂźt RenĂ© Worms ? L’histoire de la sociologie n’a conservĂ© de lui qu’un assez vague souvenir, comme peut en tĂ©moigner une historiographie le concernant fort modeste. Sa contribution scientifique et institutionnelle est le plus souvent jugĂ©e sĂ©vĂšrement par une tradition sociologique qui n’a d’égard que pour le durkheimisme. De sorte que, aujourd’hui encore, l’opinion communĂ©ment admise sur R. Worms n’est autre que celle, formulĂ©e il y a plus d’un siĂšcle, par Durkheim et ses Ă©lĂšves : R. Worms ne serait qu’un « farceur » dont l’éclectisme stĂ©rile n’aurait rien produit de sĂ©rieux et d’intĂ©ressant pour une discipline en pleine construction. La puĂ©rilitĂ© de son « organicisme » est raillĂ©e et vilipendĂ©e. Une telle disqualification n’en finit pas de faire sentir ses effets de telle sorte que, Ă  quelques exceptions prĂšs, l’itinĂ©raire et le projet de R. Worms n’ont guĂšre Ă©tĂ© pris au sĂ©rieux et n’ont jamais donnĂ© lieu Ă  une enquĂȘte collective et approfondie. Avec ce dossier « La sociologie de RenĂ© Worms », Les Études sociales souhaitent contribuer Ă  combler cette lacune. [PremiĂšres lignes

    Strongest model-independent bound on the lifetime of Dark Matter

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    Dark Matter is essential for structure formation in the late Universe so it must be stable on cosmological time scales. But how stable exactly? Only assuming decays into relativistic particles, we report an otherwise model independent bound on the lifetime of Dark Matter using current cosmological data. Since these decays affect only the low-ℓ\ell multipoles of the CMB, the Dark Matter lifetime is expected to correlate with the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr as well as curvature Ωk\Omega_k. We consider two models, including rr and r+Ωkr+\Omega_k respectively, versus data from Planck, WMAP, WiggleZ and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, with or without the BICEP2 data (if interpreted in terms of primordial gravitational waves). This results in a lower bound on the lifetime of CDM given by 160Gyr (without BICEP2) or 200Gyr (with BICEP2) at 95% confidence level.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for submission to JCA

    Cosmological constraints on deviations from Lorentz invariance in gravity and dark matter

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    We consider a scenario where local Lorentz invariance is violated by the existence of a preferred time direction at every space-time point. This scenario can arise in the context of quantum gravity and its description at low energies contains a unit time-like vector field which parameterizes the preferred direction. The particle physics tests of Lorentz invariance preclude a direct coupling of this vector to the fields of the Standard Model, but do not bear implications for dark matter. We discuss how the presence of this vector and its possible coupling to dark matter affect the evolution of the Universe. At the level of homogeneous cosmology the only effect of Lorentz invariance violation is a rescaling of the expansion rate. The physics is richer at the level of perturbations. We identify three effects crucial for observations: the rescaling of the matter contribution to the Poisson equation, the appearance of an extra contribution to the anisotropic stress and the scale-dependent enhancement of dark matter clustering. These effects result in distinctive features in the power spectra of the CMB and density fluctuations. Making use of the data from Planck and WiggleZ we obtain the most stringent cosmological constraints to date on departures from Lorentz symmetry. Our analysis provides the first direct bounds on deviations from Lorentz invariance in the dark matter sector.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, revtex; footnote on isocurvature modes added, discussion on the decoupling of the Standard Model fields from the aether extended, a reference added; version to be published in JCA
