10 research outputs found

    Opsin expression varies across larval development and taxa in pteriomorphian bivalves

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    IntroductionMany marine organisms have a biphasic life cycle that transitions between a swimming larva with a more sedentary adult form. At the end of the first phase, larvae must identify suitable sites to settle and undergo a dramatic morphological change. Environmental factors, including photic and chemical cues, appear to influence settlement, but the sensory receptors involved are largely unknown. We targeted the protein receptor, opsin, which belongs to large superfamily of transmembrane receptors that detects environmental stimuli, hormones, and neurotransmitters. While opsins are well-known for light-sensing, including vision, a growing number of studies have demonstrated light-independent functions. We therefore examined opsin expression in the Pteriomorphia, a large, diverse clade of marine bivalves, that includes commercially important species, such as oysters, mussels, and scallops.MethodsGenomic annotations combined with phylogenetic analysis show great variation of opsin abundance among pteriomorphian bivalves, including surprisingly high genomic abundance in many species that are eyeless as adults, such as mussels. Therefore, we investigated the diversity of opsin expression from the perspective of larval development. We collected opsin gene expression in four families of Pteriomorphia, across three distinct larval stages, i.e., trochophore, veliger, and pediveliger, and compared those to adult tissues.ResultsWe found larvae express all opsin types in these bivalves, but opsin expression patterns are largely species-specific across development. Few opsins are expressed in the adult mantle, but many are highly expressed in adult eyes. Intriguingly, opsin genes such as retinochrome, xenopsins, and Go-opsins have higher levels of expression in the later larval stages when substrates for settlement are being tested, such as the pediveliger.ConclusionInvestigating opsin gene expression during larval development provides crucial insights into their intricate interactions with the surroundings, which may shed light on how opsin receptors of these organisms respond to various environmental cues that play a pivotal role in their settlement process

    Primary forest loss and degradation reduces biodiversity and ecosystem functioning : a global meta-analysis using dung beetles as an indicator taxon

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data are available via the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4tmpg4fc0 (López-Bedoya et al., 2022).1. Because of continuing degradation or deforestation in areas of undisturbed primary forest, there is a need to study the relative merit of strategies that mitigate their impacts on biodiversity and associated ecological functionality. 2. Here, we provide a global synthesis of forest degradation or deforestation using 48 studies published in peer-reviewed journals that use dung beetles as indicators given their sensitivity to anthropogenic disturbance and their relevance in performing essential ecological functions in terrestrial ecosystems. 3. We evaluated forest cover associated with undisturbed primary forest degradation (i.e. degraded primary forest) and undisturbed primary forest deforestation (i.e. secondary forest, forestry plantations and forestry restoration implementation) on species richness, total abundance, biomass, functional groups' presence and ecological functions provided by dung beetles. Additionally, we determined whether if dung beetle responses to forest disturbances were geographically dependent. 4. We found lower diversity and a decrease in ecological functions associated with all classes of disturbance in primary forest. However, the effects were less severe in the case of forest degradation compared to complete deforestation with natural regeneration of secondary forest, development of forest plantations or active forest restoration by planting indigenous trees. The Neotropical and Oriental regions are particularly vulnerable, given the elevated rates of undisturbed primary forest deforestation and its negative impact on their assemblages' diversity and ecological functions. 5. Synthesis and applications. Our results show that efforts for the conservation of remaining undisturbed primary forests need to be prioritized, especially in tropical latitudes. However, in regions where primary forest conservation is not feasible, logging management programs in degraded primary forest may have a potential role in reducing negative impacts for dung beetle diversity and ecological functions. Moreover, we conclude that despite the negative effect of primary forest deforestation and implementation of secondary forest, forestry plantation and forestry restoration, they can be useful for partial recovery of diversity and ecological functions performed by dung beetles in areas lacking any primary forest (undisturbed or degraded) vegetation cover.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jpehj2023Zoology and Entomolog

    Variation in eye abundance among scallops reveals ontogenetic and evolutionary convergence associated with life habits

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    Eyes are remarkable systems to investigate the complex interaction between ecological drivers and phenotypic outcomes. Some animals, such as scallops, have many eyes for visual perception, but to date, the evolution of multiple-eye systems remains obscure. For instance, it is unclear whether eye number changes over a lifetime or varies among species. Scallops are a suitable model group to investigate these questions considering the interspecific variation of adult size and ecological diversity. We tested whether eye abundance scales with body size among individuals and species and whether it varies with life habits. We performed comparative analyses, including a phylogenetic ANCOVA and evolutionary model comparisons, based on eye count and shell height (as a proxy of body size) across 31 scallop species. Our analyses reveal that patterns of increasing relationship with body size are not concordant among taxa and suggest ontogenetic convergence caused by similar ecologies. Accordingly, selective optima in eye numbers are associated with shifts in life habits. For instance, species with increased mobility have significantly more eyes than less mobile species. The convergent evolution of greater eye abundance in more mobile scallops likely indicates a visual improvement based on increased levels of oversampling the surrounding environment.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Audino, Jorge A., Dean C. Adams, and Jeanne M. Serb. "Variation in eye abundance among scallops reveals ontogenetic and evolutionary convergence associated with life habits." Evolution (2022), which has been published in final form at doi:10.1111/evo.14541. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited

    Molluscan Genomes Reveal Extensive Differences in Photopigment Evolution Across the Phylum

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    In animals, opsins and cryptochromes are major protein families that transduce light signals when bound to light-absorbing chromophores. Opsins are involved in various light-dependent processes, like vision, and have been co-opted for light-independent sensory modalities. Cryptochromes are important photoreceptors in animals, generally regulating circadian rhythm, they belong to a larger protein family with photolyases, which repair UV-induced DNA damage. Mollusks are great animals to explore questions about light sensing as eyes have evolved multiple times across, and within, taxonomic classes. We used molluscan genome assemblies from 80 species to predict protein sequences and examine gene family evolution using phylogenetic approaches. We found extensive opsin family expansion and contraction, particularly in bivalve xenopsins and gastropod Go-opsins, while other opsins, like retinochrome, rarely duplicate. Bivalve and gastropod lineages exhibit fluctuations in opsin repertoire, with cephalopods having the fewest number of opsins and loss of at least 2 major opsin types. Interestingly, opsin expansions are not limited to eyed species, and the highest opsin content was seen in eyeless bivalves. The dynamic nature of opsin evolution is quite contrary to the general lack of diversification in mollusk cryptochromes, though some taxa, including cephalopods and terrestrial gastropods, have reduced repertoires of both protein families. We also found complete loss of opsins and cryptochromes in multiple, but not all, deep-sea species. These results help set the stage for connecting genomic changes, including opsin family expansion and contraction, with differences in environmental, and biological features across Mollusca.This article is published as Kyle E McElroy, Jorge A Audino, Jeanne M Serb, Molluscan Genomes Reveal Extensive Differences in Photopigment Evolution Across the Phylum, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 40, Issue 12, December 2023, msad263, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad263. © The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Mantle margin morphogenesis in Nodipecten nodosus (Mollusca: Bivalvia): new insights into the development and the roles of bivalve pallial folds

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    Background: Despite extensive knowledge on bivalve anatomy and development, the formation and differentiation of the mantle margin and its associated organs remain largely unclear. Bivalves from the family Pectinidae (scallops) are particularly promising to cast some light on these issues, because they exhibit a complex mantle margin and their developmental stages are easily obtained from scallop farms. We investigated the mantle margin of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus (L. 1758) during larval and postmetamorphic development. Methods: A thorough analysis of the mantle margin development in Nodipecten nodosus, from veliger larvae to mature adults, was conducted by means of integrative microscopy techniques, i.e., light, electron, and confocal microscopy. Results: Initially unfolded, the pallial margin is divided into distal and proximal regions by the periostracum-forming zone. The emergence of the pallial musculature and its neural innervation are crucial steps during bivalve larval development. By the late pediveliger stage, the margin becomes folded, resulting in a bilobed condition (i.e., outer and inner folds), a periostracal groove, and the development of different types of cilia. After metamorphosis, a second outgrowth process is responsible for emergence of the middle mantle fold from the outer surface of the inner fold. Once the three-folded condition is established, the general adult features are rapidly formed. Conclusions: Our data show that the middle mantle fold forms from the outer surface of the inner fold after metamorphosis and that the initial unfolded mantle margin may represent a common condition among bivalves. The first outgrowth process, which gives rise to the outer and inner folds, and the emergence of the pallial musculature and innervation occur during larval stages, highlighting the importance of the larval period for mantle margin morphogenesis in Bivalvia

    Inferring muscular ground patterns in Bivalvia: Myogenesis in the scallop Nodipecten nodosus

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    Background: Myogenesis is currently investigated in a number of invertebrate taxa using combined techniques, including fluorescence labeling, confocal microscopy, and 3D imaging, in order to understand anatomical and functional issues and to contribute to evolutionary questions. Although developmental studies on the gross morphology of bivalves have been extensively pursued, organogenesis including muscle development has been scarcely investigated so far. Results: The present study describes in detail myogenesis in the scallop Nodipecten nodosus (Linnaeus, 1758) during larval and postmetamorphic stages by means of light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The veliger muscle system consists of an anterior adductor muscle, as well as four branched pairs of striated velum retractors and two pairs of striated ventral larval retractors. The pediveliger stage exhibits a considerably elaborated musculature comprising the velum retractors, the future adult foot retractor, mantle (pallial) muscles, and the anterior and posterior adductors, both composed of smooth and striated portions. During metamorphosis, all larval retractors together with the anterior adductor degenerate, resulting in the adult monomyarian condition, whereby the posterior adductor retains both myofiber types. Three muscle groups, i.e., the posterior adductor, foot retractor, and pallial muscles, have their origin prior to metamorphosis and are subsequently remodeled. Conclusions: Our data suggest a dimyarian condition (i.e., the presence of an anterior and a posterior adductor in the adult) as the basal condition for pectinids. Comparative analysis of myogenesis across Bivalvia strongly argues for ontogenetic and evolutionary independence of larval retractors from the adult musculature, as well as a complex set of larval retractor muscles in the last common bivalve ancestor