6 research outputs found

    Motivations individuelles dans la pratique de l'agriculture urbaine dans les quartiers défavorisés : trois cas de villes de différents contextes socioéconomiques

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    Dans le contexte actuel de crise sanitaire et de changements climatiques, le rĂŽle de l'agriculture urbaine apparaĂźt de plus en plus essentiel dans le renforcement des systĂšmes alimentaires urbains. Sa diversitĂ© de formes et de fonctions suscite l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'un ensemble hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne d'acteurs (citoyens, autoritĂ©s municipales, professionnels de santĂ©, amĂ©nagistes) dans les villes des pays du Nord, tout comme dans celles des pays du Sud, lesquelles Ă©voluent dans des contextes socioĂ©conomiques diffĂ©rents. Un grand nombre d'Ă©tudes a dĂ©jĂ  explorĂ© ses multiples bĂ©nĂ©fices, actuels et potentiels, pour diffĂ©rents groupes d'acteurs urbains, incluant les pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine, les urbanistes, les professionnels de santĂ© et les autoritĂ©s municipales. NĂ©anmoins, la prise en compte de l'agriculture urbaine dans les politiques publiques et l'amĂ©nagement des villes reste trĂšs limitĂ©e. Les caractĂ©ristiques et les impacts des initiatives et programmes d'agriculture urbaine(avec ou sans appui des autoritĂ©s municipales), en constante augmentation dans nos villes depuis la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, sont peu connus. Plusieurs acteurs Ă©voluant dans des contextes socioĂ©conomiques diffĂ©rents, dont les pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine, jugent que la dimension alimentaire ne jouit pas de mesures politiques suffisantes dans la planification urbaine. Certaines Ă©tudes soulignent Ă©galement les contraintes associĂ©es Ă  l'agriculture urbaine et invitent Ă  tenter de mieux comprendre ses caractĂ©ristiques. Ces travaux mettent en Ă©vidence le peu de connaissances existantes sur les caractĂ©ristiques, les motivations des pratiquants, et sur les impacts des initiatives sur le cadre de vie urbain, sur le foncier, ou sur l'organisation locale. De plus, la recherche scientifique dans ce domaine fait parfois l'objet de critiques en raison de sa façon d'aborder les questions d'agriculture urbaine avec une approche productiviste ou de consommation dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans les pays du Sud, et une approche post-productiviste ou multidimensionnelle privilĂ©giĂ©e dans les pays du Nord. Partant de ces constats, cette thĂšse en amĂ©nagement du territoire et dĂ©veloppement rĂ©gional porte sur les motivations individuelles dans la pratique de l'agriculture urbaine dans les quartiers dĂ©favorisĂ©s de trois villes Ă©voluant dans des contextes socioĂ©conomiques contrastĂ©s. Dans un premier temps, elle cherche Ă  comprendre les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine sur la santĂ© et ses dĂ©terminants. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, elle questionne les caractĂ©ristiques et motivations des pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine dans les milieux Ă©tudiĂ©s. Notre Ă©tude de cas multiples est de nature exploratoire et mobilise une approche qualitative combinant des donnĂ©es secondaires, tirĂ©es d'une revue systĂ©matique de littĂ©rature de type scoping review, et des donnĂ©es primaires collectĂ©es Ă  travers un questionnaire et des entretiens semi-directifs dans les quartiers de Villeray et Parc-Extension Ă  MontrĂ©al (Canada), Quitumbe et Turubamba Ă  Quito (Équateur), et Martissant et CitĂ© Soleil Ă  Port-Au-Prince (HaĂŻti). Au total 63 entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s soit, 52 auprĂšs de pratiquants d'agriculture urbaine et 11 auprĂšs de promoteurs d'agriculture urbaine. Suivant l'introduction organisĂ©e en deux parties pour exposer les Ă©lĂ©ments de mise en contexte et Ă©claircir les concepts mobilisĂ©s, les rĂ©sultats sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans le document sous forme d'articles scientifiques, correspondant Ă  quatre chapitres indĂ©pendants mais complĂ©mentaires. Dans le premier chapitre, nous dĂ©crivons le protocole ayant guidĂ© Ă  la revue de littĂ©rature pour recenser les Ă©tudes portant sur les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine sur la santĂ© et ses dĂ©terminants. Le deuxiĂšme chapitre prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats de la revue systĂ©matique et identifie des lacunes dans la littĂ©rature traitant les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine. Parmi celles-ci, nous soulignons un manque d'analyse comparative et l'existence de limites dans la portĂ©e gĂ©ographique de la recherche en agriculture urbaine. Dans le troisiĂšme chapitre, et en rĂ©ponse aux lacunes prĂ©cĂ©demment mises en Ă©vidence, nous rĂ©alisons une analyse comparative des caractĂ©ristiques et motivations des pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine Ă  MontrĂ©al (Canada) et Ă  Quito (Équateur). Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšlent des similitudes et contrastes dans les motivations des pratiquants de ces deux contextes. Enfin, le quatriĂšme et dernier chapitre approfondit le sujet en explorant le rĂŽle de l'agriculture urbaine et les motivations des pratiquants dans la transformation de deux quartiers dĂ©favorisĂ©s de Port-Au-Prince (HaĂŻti). La thĂšse fait plusieurs apports thĂ©oriques, mĂ©thodologiques et pratiques sur la question de l'agriculture urbaine telle qu'abordĂ©e par l'amĂ©nagement du territoire. Elle contribue notamment aux discussions soulignant la nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©passer l'approche dichotomique Nord/Sud dans la recherche scientifique en agriculture urbaine. Par exemple, d'un cĂŽtĂ© la revue systĂ©matique met en Ă©vidence les dimensions alimentaires et non alimentaires de l'agriculture urbaine indĂ©pendamment du contexte socioĂ©conomique (Chapitre 1). D'un autre cĂŽtĂ©, elle souligne le fait que les Ă©tudes en agriculture urbaine des pays du Sud particuliĂšrement celles de la rĂ©gion d'Afrique Sub-saharienne tendent Ă  explorer largement les questions de sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire en guise d'une approche holistique comme il en question dans les pays du Nord (Chapitre 2). Plus loin, on dĂ©montre qu'il soit Ă  MontrĂ©al (Canada) ou Ă  Quito (Équateur), la fonction nourriciĂšre des jardins peut avoir une grande importance aux yeux des pratiquants. De plus, au-delĂ  de la fonction strictement nourriciĂšre, la qualitĂ© des aliments, leur signification pour celui qui les a plantĂ©s, leur rĂŽle dans la construction de liens sociaux, sont complĂ©mentaires aux autres fonctions des jardins, indĂ©pendamment du contexte socioĂ©conomique (Chapitre 3). Enfin, nous observons que les dimensions non alimentaires de l'agriculture urbaine (transformation des espaces dĂ©tĂ©riorĂ©s, renforcement des relations sociales), dĂ©jĂ  admises dans les pays du Nord, peuvent ĂȘtre tout aussi pertinentes que la dimension strictement nourriciĂšre pour les pratiquants haĂŻtiens (chapitre 4). Globalement, les rĂ©sultats de la thĂšse suggĂšrent que l'agriculture urbaine est une composante indissociable de tout projet d'amĂ©nagement du territoire, et soulignent la nĂ©cessitĂ© de poursuivre la recherche sur les motivations individuelles en fonction du contexte socioĂ©conomique.In the current context of health crisis and climate change, the role of urban agriculture appears increasingly essential in strengthening urban food systems. Its diversity of forms and functions arouses the interest of a heterogeneous group of actors (citizens, municipal authorities, health professionals, urban planners), in cities of both the Global North and the Global South with different socioeconomic contexts. Many studies have already explored its multiple current and potential benefits for different groups of urban actors which include urban agriculture practitioners, urban planners, municipal authorities, and health professionals. However, the inclusion of urban agriculture in public policies and city planning is still limited. Little is known about the characteristics and impacts of urban agriculture initiatives and programs (with or without the support of municipal authorities), which have been constantly increasing in our cities over the past decade. Several actors from different socioeconomic contexts, including practitioners of urban agriculture, consider that the food dimension does not have enough political support in the urban planning. Some studies also draw attention to the constraints associated with urban agriculture and suggest to better understand its characteristics. These studies highlight the little knowledge that exists on the characteristics and the motivations of practitioners and the impacts of such initiatives on the urban lifestyle, on land ownership, or on local organization. In addition, scientific research in this field is sometimes criticized because of addressing urban agriculture questions with a productivist or consumption approach developed in the Global South, and a post-productivist or multidimensional approach favored in the countries of the Global North. Based on these observations, this PhD dissertation in urban planning and regional development focuses on individual motivations for urban agriculture practice in deprived neighborhoods of three cities evolving in contrasting socioeconomic contexts. First, we try to understand the impacts of urban agriculture on the health and its determinants. Second, we explore the characteristics and motivations of urban agriculture practitioners in the studied areas. Our multiple cases study is exploratory with a qualitative approach combining both secondary data from a scoping review and primary data collected through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews in the neighborhoods of Villeray and Parc-Extension in Montreal (Canada), Quitumbe and Turubambain Quito (Ecuador), and Martissant and CitĂ© Soleil in Port-Au-Prince (Haiti). In total 63 interviews, of which 52 urban agriculture practitioners and 11 urban agriculture promoters, were conducted. Following the introduction organized in two parts to expose the study context and to clarify the main concepts, the results are presented as four independent, but complementary chapters framed as scientific articles. The first chapter presents a scoping review protocol that guided the literature review to identify studies on the impacts of urban agriculture on health and its determinants. The second chapter presents the results of the scoping review and identifies gaps in the literature on the impacts of urban agriculture. These gaps include a lack of comparative analysis and limitations on geographical scope regarding urban agriculture research. The third chapter attempts to fill these gaps by presenting a comparative analysis of the characteristics and motivations of the urban agriculture practitioners in Montreal (Canada) and Quito (Ecuador). The results of this study highlight similarities and contrasts in the motivations of urban agriculture practitioners in these two different contexts. Finally, the fourth chapter goes further to explore the role of urban agriculture and the motivations of practitioners in the space- to- place transformation of two deprived neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Our research makes several theoretical, methodological, and practical contributions on urban agriculture and urban planning. It contributes to the discussions on the need to go beyond the North / South dichotomy regarding urban agriculture scientific research. For example, on the one hand, the systematic review highlights the food and non-food dimensions of urban agriculture independent of the socioeconomic context (Chapter 1). On the other hand, it underlines the fact that studies on urban agriculture of the Global South, particularly those of Sub-Saharan Africa tend to largely explore the food security questions instead of a holistic approach as it is the casein the Global North (Chapter 2). Furthermore, we show that in Montreal (Canada) or in Quito (Ecuador), the food function of the gardens, is a very important motivation for the urban agriculture practitioners. Moreover, beyond the food function, the quality of the foods, their significance to the one who planted them and their role in the construction of social connections, are complementary to the other functions of the gardens independently of the socioeconomic context (Chapter 3). Finally, we observe that the non-food dimensions of urban agriculture (transformation of deteriorated spaces, strengthening of social relations) as already accepted in the Global North, can also be relevant to the Haitian practitioners, to a level similar to that of food dimension (Chapter 4). Overall, the thesis findings suggest that urban agriculture is an important component for land use and urban planning projects and underline the need to continue research on individual motivations based on the socioeconomic contexts

    To put an end to car dependence - Final report of the scoping review of the literature on the modal shift from the car to alternative modes 2010-2020

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    This research answers the following question: what are the main modal shift strategies discussed in the literature of the last 10 years? It also undertakes to analyze the impacts of each of the strategies present in the literature. It presents a scoping review of the literature aiming to draw an up-to-date portrait of the abundant literature on modal shift in order to synthesize it and present it in an organized manner and draw conclusions for future research and transport and development policies aimed at reducing automobile dependence and inducing a modal shift from the automobile to alternative modes of transport. We reviewed 2,872 studies published between 2010 and 2020 and retained 108 that we analyzed in detail. More than two thirds of studies report positive results of modal shift from the car towards alternative mobility. This leads us to believe that it is possible to implement public policies to facilitate modal shift and thus help reduce car dependence. A large majority of research on public transport reports positive examples. However, for studies on active transportation, we note that almost all of the research (92%) reports successes. By paying attention to the degree of coercion of the interventions investigated in the literature, we see that the “carrot” measures which seek to induce the modal shift by offering a benefit are more successful than the “stick” type measures which aim to restrict certain choices (pricing, tolls, reduction of parking spaces). However, research on the “carrot and stick” combination approach reports the most positive results. This leads us to conclude that research on this type of intervention should continue to be developed, even encouraged, and to suggest that public decision-makers take into account the beneficial effects for modal shift resulting from the combination of the two types of interventions simultaneously “carrot and stick”

    Pour en finir avec la dĂ©pendance automobile : rapport final de l’étude de la portĂ©e de la littĂ©rature sur le transfert modal de la voiture aux modes alternatifs 2010-2020

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    Cette recherche rĂ©pond Ă  la question suivante : quelles sont les principales stratĂ©gies de transfert modal discutĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature des 10 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Elle entreprend aussi d’analyser les impacts de chacune des stratĂ©gies prĂ©sentes dans littĂ©rature. Elle prĂ©sente une Ă©tude de la portĂ©e de la littĂ©rature visant Ă  dresser un portrait Ă  jour de l’abondante littĂ©rature sur le transfert modal afin de la synthĂ©tiser et de la prĂ©senter de façon organisĂ©e et d’en tirer des constats pour la recherche future et les politiques de transport et d’amĂ©nagement visant Ă  rĂ©duire la dĂ©pendance automobile et Ă  induire un transfert modal de l’automobile vers les modes de transports alternatifs. Nous avons rĂ©visĂ© 2872 Ă©tudes publiĂ©es entre 2010-2020 et en avons retenu 108 que nous avons analysĂ©es en dĂ©tail. Plus de deux tiers des Ă©tudes rapportent des rĂ©sultats positifs de transfert modal de la voiture au profit des mobilitĂ©s alternatives. Ce qui nous porte Ă  croire qu’il est possible de mettre en place des politiques publiques afin de faciliter le transfert modal et d’ainsi contribuer Ă  rĂ©duire la dĂ©pendance Ă  l’automobile. Parmi les recherches portant sur les transports en commun, une grande majoritĂ© rapporte des exemples positifs. Cependant, du cĂŽtĂ© des Ă©tudes portant sur le transport actif, nous notons que la presque totalitĂ© des recherches (92 %) rapporte des succĂšs. En portant attention au degrĂ© de coercition des interventions enquĂȘtĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature, on constate que les mesures « carotte » qui cherchent Ă  induire le transfert modal en offrant un bĂ©nĂ©fice ont plus de succĂšs que les mesures de type « bĂąton » qui visent Ă  restreindre certains choix (tarification, pĂ©age, diminution des espaces de stationnement). Cependant, les recherches portant sur la combinaison « carotte et bĂąton » rapportent les rĂ©sultats les plus positifs. Ceci nous amĂšne Ă  conclure que la recherche sur ce type d’intervention devrait continuer Ă  ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©e, voire encouragĂ©e, et Ă  suggĂ©rer aux dĂ©cideurs publics de tenir compte des effets bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour le transfert modal provenant de la combinaison des deux types d’interventions simultanĂ©ment « carotte et bĂąton »

    An?lisis de situaci?n y propuesta de plan estrat?gico para la organizaci?n Zanmi Lasante/Zanmi Agrik?l ubicada en Corporant, departamento del centro de Hait?

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    Tesis (M?ster en Pr?cticas del Desarrollo) -- CATIE. Escuela de Posgrado. Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2014La organizaci?n Zanmi Lasante/ Zanmi Agrik?l (ZL/ZA), creada por Partners in Health (PIH) se ha dedicado a promover la agricultura y dar respuesta al problema de malnutrici?n de los ni?os en el Departamento del Centro de Hait?. Esta organizaci?n enfrenta algunas dificultades tanto en la consecuci?n de recursos como en su administraci?n interna. Por lo tanto, se ha apostado al establecimiento de metas a mediano y largo plazo, as? surgi? la necesidad por parte de la organizaci?n de tener un plan estrat?gico (PE) institucional. Para la elaboraci?n de este plan estrat?gico fue necesario hacer un diagn?stico previo que analiza la situaci?n actual de la organizaci?n. El diagn?stico fue realizado mediante una herramienta que permite calificar siete capitales o recursos de la organizaci?n mediante un conjunto de criterios o preguntas. La informaci?n para completar la herramienta fue obtenida mediante entrevistas y grupos focales realizados con el personal de la organizaci?n. Luego de analizar la situaci?n de la organizaci?n se realizaron de manera participativa talleres para obtener informaci?n que sirva en la elaboraci?n del plan estrat?gico de la organizaci?n para los pr?ximos cinco a?os. Los resultados permitieron comprender el estado actual de la organizaci?n. En general, podemos decir que ZL/ZA es una organizaci?n que est? creciendo. Sus principales puntos fuertes son el capital f?sico/construido (recursos materiales) que se ha acumulado con el tiempo, las buenas relaciones con otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales (capital social). Pero la organizaci?n tiene debilidades en la planificaci?n de sus actividades, la coordinaci?n de la labor del personal (capital humano), su sistema de comunicaci?n interna y externa, seguimiento y evaluaci?n de proyectos para medir sus impactos. Adem?s, la falta de productividad, los recursos financieros que representan el capital productivo/financiero, mostraron que la organizaci?n tiene una fuerte dependencia de recursos externos. Esto representa una amenaza para la sostenibilidad de los proyectos de la organizaci?n. En el PE los administradores y empleados de la organizaci?n plasmaron su visi?n y estrategias para lograr mayor coordinaci?n interna y generar recursos para garantizar la sostenibilidad de sus acciones

    Contribution of environmental determinants to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in a life-course perspective: a systematic review protocol

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    Abstract Background Prevention policies against type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) focus solely on individual healthy lifestyle behaviours, while an increasing body of research recognises the involvement of environmental determinants (ED) (cultural norms of land management and planning, local foodscape, built environment, pollution, and neighbourhood deprivation). Precise knowledge of this relationship is essential to proposing a prevention strategy integrating public health and spatial planning. Unfortunately, issues related to the consistency and synthesis of methods, and results in this field of research limit the development of preventive strategies. This systematic review aims to improve knowledge about the relationship between the risk of developing T2DM in adulthood and long-term exposure to its ED during childhood or teenage years. Methods This protocol is presented according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) tools. PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, EBSCO, and grey literature from the Laval University Libraries databases will be used for data collection on main concepts such as ‘type 2 diabetes mellitus’, ‘zoning’ or ‘regional, urban, or rural areas land uses’, ‘local food landscape’, ‘built environment’, ‘pollution’, and ‘deprivation’. The Covidence application will store the collected data for selection and extraction based on the Population Exposure Comparator Outcome and Study design approach (PECOS). Studies published until December 31, 2023, in English or French, used quantitative data about individuals aged 18 and over that report on T2DM, ED (cultural norms of land management and planning, local foodscape, built environment, and neighbourhood deprivation), and their association (involving only risk estimators) will be included. Then, study quality and risk of bias will be conducted according to the combined criteria and ratings from the ROBINS-E (Risk of Bias in Non-randomised Studies—of Exposures) tools and the ‘Effective Public Health Practice Project’ (EPHPP). Finally, the analytical synthesis will be produced using the ‘Synthesis Without Meta-analysis’ (SWiM) guidelines. Discussion This systematic review will summarise available evidence on ED associated with T2DM. The results will contribute to improving current knowledge and developing more efficient cross-sectoral interventions in land management and public health in this field of research. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42023392073

    Nurses’ Perceptions of Climate Change: Protocol for a Scoping Review

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    BackgroundClimate change is a major threat to human health. Nurses are in contact with patients suffering from the effects of climate change in their daily work. Therefore, they need to be involved in combating it at both the individual and collective levels. However, there is still very little known about nurses’ perception of climate change and their role toward it. A few recent studies have embarked on the process of examining the perceptions of these health professionals relative to climate change, but no exploratory review of the literature has been conducted on nurses’ perception of this phenomenon. ObjectiveThe purpose of this protocol is to develop a research strategy for an exploratory review of the literature focused on identifying nurses’ perceptions of climate change. MethodsFirstly, with the help of a specialized librarian, we defined keywords and their combinations, using an iterative process, to develop a documentary search strategy. This strategy was tested in the following four bibliographic databases: MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, and Web of Science. A search of the grey literature will also be conducted to supplement the results of the bibliographic database search. The next step will be for 2 members of the research team to carry out a 2-stage selection process using the web-based systematic review software Covidence. They will carry out this selection process independently, with the aim of identifying relevant studies that meet the inclusion criteria for our exploratory review. Finally, data on year of publication, authors, geographic area, article type, study objectives, methodology, and key findings will be extracted from selected articles for analysis. The data will be analyzed by the research team based on an in-depth examination of the findings and will be directed toward answering the research question and fulfilling the study’s objective. ResultsThe results will help in defining nurses’ perceptions of climate change more clearly as well as the role they can play and what they need to be able to bring forward solutions to this phenomenon. The findings should also serve to guide the health sector and nursing faculty’s interventions aimed at preparing health professionals to act on the potential threats associated with climate change. ConclusionsThe preliminary search suggests a possible gap between the importance of the nursing role in addressing the health impacts of climate change and the nurses’ lack of knowledge and awareness on this matter. The results will allow for raising nurses’ awareness of their role in the fight against climate change and the ways to address its health effects. This study will also open up new research perspectives on how to equip nurses to better integrate response to climate change issues into their professional practice. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)DERR1-10.2196/4251