45 research outputs found

    La toute-épice en Europe occidentale, un complément

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    Ce court article est un complĂ©ment du prĂ©cĂ©dent (Machuca et al. ce numĂ©ro), faisant l’historique de l’arrivĂ©e des graines de Pimenta en Europe, du rĂŽle primordial des Anglais, de sa mĂ©connaissance en cuisine française et amĂ©ricaine mais de ses usages dans certaines liqueurs et en cosmĂ©tique.This short paper complements information about historical introduction of the seeds of Pimenta in Europa, the important paper of the English, the nearly ignorance of the seeds in French and American cooking, but their uses in some liqueurs and in cosmetic

    Partage, fĂȘte et alliance dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s arabo-musulmanes

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    Nous dĂ©veloppons quelques aspects oĂč s’illustre le partage du repas, dit partager le sel, puis nous Ă©voquons le renouveau d’une ancienne institution des sociĂ©tĂ©s du Maghreb : l’achat collectif et le partage de la viande dans ces sociĂ©tĂ©s dont une partie a migrĂ© en Europe, dĂ©jĂ  sous la colonisation. Ce sont les retours au pays et les retrouvailles familiales qui ont fait renaĂźtre cette institution que les Kabyles nomment thimecherĂȘt.We develop some aspects of the sharing food, said sharing the salt ; then we evoke the revival of an old institution, among the maghrebian societies : the collective purchase and the sharing of the meat, among those societies, a part of them migrated to Europe yet during the colonization. The returning to the country and the familial reunions revived that institution called by the Kabyls thimecherĂȘ

    Introduction régionale

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    La forĂȘt tropicale humide couvrait jusqu'Ă  la fin du XIXe siĂšcle la majeure partie de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Ce sont des rĂ©gions hautement montagneuses et soumises Ă  la mousson. Elles se situent sur la partie continentale (ThaĂŻlande, Laos, Cambodge, ViĂȘtnam) et sur les trĂšs nombreuses Ăźles et presqu'Ăźles bordĂ©es par les ocĂ©ans Indien et Pacifique (La Malaisie : pĂ©ninsule malaise et BornĂ©o ; l'IndonĂ©sie : Java, Sumatra, les Moluques, les CĂ©lĂšbes, Irian Java ; auxquelles s'ajoutent les Philippines ..

    Mercedes GarcĂ­a-Arenal, coord., Al-Andalus allende el-AtlĂĄntico

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    Allende el AtlĂĄntico est l’une des publications marquantes que l’Unesco a rĂ©alisĂ©e en Espagne pour commĂ©morer l’annĂ©e 1492. Cet ouvrage collectif, qui comprend quatorze articles de spĂ©cialistes coordonnĂ©s par Mercedes GarcĂ­a Arenal, prĂ©sente divers aspects de la contribution de la culture arabo-andalouse Ă  la culture hispanique – en ce qui concerne la vie sociale la navigation, le cheval, l’agriculture, l’irrigation, les plantes et leurs corollaires, l’alimentation, la mĂ©decine, l’habitat – e..

    Una galería de retratos reales: los soberanos omeyas de al-Ándalus (siglos II/VIII-IV/X) en la cronística årabe

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    The public written projection of the Umayyad sovereigns of al-Andalus is examined throughout two different and complementary testimonies, preserved in Arab chronicles. First, their physical appearance as described in these sources, and secondly, the inscriptions in their seals. Both are compared with similar texts regarding Umayyad and Abbasid rulers in the Eastern parts of the Islamic Medieval realm. Religious and political uses of these images of power are finally offered.<br><br>Se examina aquĂ­ la proyecciĂłn pĂșblica y escrita de los soberanos omeyas de al-Ándalus a travĂ©s de dos diferentes y complementarios testimonios, preservadoa en las crĂłnicas ĂĄrabes: en primer lugar, su aspecto fĂ­sico tal como se describe en esas fuentes y, en segundo, las inscripciones de sus sellos. Ambas cuestiones se comparan con textos similares relativos a los Omeyas y AbbasĂ­es de Oriente. Finalmente, se presentan conclusiones respecto al uso religioso y polĂ­tico de estas imĂĄgenes del poder

    La mousson, pluie des agriculteurs et vent des marins

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    The monsoon is an arabic word (with its proper origin and history), which designates as well as winds, as marine streams, which go from indian Ocean to the china and japanese sea. That large zone of intense movements putt in contacts very diverse populations.The monsoon facilitated since a very long time the travels from east to west (China to India and persian gulf) and from west to east (South Arabia to Indonesia and China), travels which gave access to the islands and peninsulas of India and southeast Asia, rich in spices and fine products. But monsoon obliges the travelers to accomodate to its very particular annual calendars : it directs the boats alternatively from west to east and from east to west.The cultural frame of the paper focalizes the arabo-muslim world of the 8th-16th, 18th centuries, with glimpses on the other cultures (in term of boats, travels, travelers, products).We shall evocate the action of the monsoon on the land and the adaptation of the small farmers to those rains, but also the good and bad consequences of those rains for the societies.We also shall evocate the steps of the trade (chinese, indian, arabic, persian, then portuguese, english and french), some great oriental and occidental travelers, their aims.For the Europeans in the Indian Ocean, that monsoon route has been first the alternative to the inside asiatic route, the silk route. But overall, the monsoon route merges into the discovery of the world. That large zone, linked to the search of the spices, is the starting point of great explorations, and world tours, therefore of the world conquest

    Les voyages du Henné

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    The Henna, Lawsonia inermis L., is known since the highest antiquity in the Middle Orient. To-day, it is widely distributed and used from the Occidental Africa to the Far East. We shall try to put in evidence since when, how and by the help of what movements and what culture, i.e. Islam, this plant is used to dye in red the hair, the palm of the hands, and the sole of the feet.Le HennĂ©, Lawsonia inermis L., est connu depuis la plus haute antiquitĂ© au Moyen Orient. Aujourd'hui, on le trouve largement rĂ©pandu et utilisĂ© de l'Afrique occidentale Ă  l'ExtrĂȘme-Orient. Nous essaierons de montrer depuis quand, comment, et Ă  la faveur de quels mouvements et de quelle culture, c'est-Ă -dire l'Islam, cette plante dont on se teint les cheveux, la paume des mains et la plante des pieds en rouge, s'est rĂ©pandue.Aubaile-Sallenave Françoise. Les voyages du HennĂ©. In: Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquĂ©e, 29ᔉ annĂ©e, bulletin n°2, Avril-juin 1982. pp. 123-178

    Le monde traditionnel des odeurs et des saveurs chez le petit enfant maghrébin

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    A maghrebi baby, in the first days of his life, experiments a lot of sensations, in smelling, tasting, hearing and to a less extent, seeing and touching. This is what we try to show, through the description of that first period of his life, when complex birth rituals are observed in those traditional societies.Les premiers jours de la vie d'un petit enfant maghrĂ©bin sont riches d'expĂ©riences mettant en Ă©veil ses sens olfactif, gustatif auditif, et dans une moindre mesure visuel et tactile. C'est ce que nous voulons essayer de montrer par la description de cette premiĂšre pĂ©riode de la vie, pĂ©riode oĂč entrent en jeu des pratiques rituelles complexes toujours vivantes dans ces sociĂ©tĂ©s traditionnelles.Aubaile-Sallenave Françoise. Le monde traditionnel des odeurs et des saveurs chez le petit enfant maghrĂ©bin. In: Enfance, n°1, 1997. pp. 186-208

    Les animaux teints au henné dans le monde musulman

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    El libro de Agricultura, su autor el doctor excelente Abu Zacaria Iahia

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    Aubaile-Sallenave Françoise. El libro de Agricultura, su autor el doctor excelente Abu Zacaria Iahia. In: Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquĂ©e, 35ᔉ annĂ©e,1988. p. 329