3 research outputs found

    El nacimiento de la coparentalidad: Un análisis de los procesos dinámicos subyacentes y de la organización de los servicios territoriales implicados en esta fase

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    Numerosos estudios confirman cómo el embarazo prepara el lugar del niño en la familia y centran la atención en la influencia de la pareja parental en el desarrollo del niño. Se presentan algunos datos preliminares de un estudio longitudinal mayor (30 parejas de nuevos padres observadas desde el 7° mes de embarazo hasta el 1° año) que tiene los siguientes objetivos: estudio de los procesos involucrados en la construcción de la coparentalidad; identificación de casos en riesgo; comparación con operadores locales para la reorganización de los servicios. Los datos se refieren a 10 parejas observadas en el 7º mes de embarazo y en el 3º mes después del nacimiento. Las herramientas utilizadas muestran: El momento del "nacimiento" enfrentado dentro de la pareja; percepción de la familia de origen como recurso y necesidad de diferenciación de la familia; solicitud de apoyo externo; la satisfacción de la pareja, que disminuye después del nacimiento, es un factor de riesgo si se asocia a elementos como dificultad para hacer "espacio" para el niño y ansiedad. Surge tanto la necesidad de ampliar estudios que permitan destacar los factores de riesgo que pueden comprometer el funcionamiento familiar en esta fase como la necesidad de una reorganización de los servicios hacia la participación paterna.Numerous studies confirm how the child's place in the family is prepared by pregnancy and focus attention on the influence of the parental couple on the child's development. Some preliminary data of a larger longitudinal study are presented (30 couples of new parents observed from the 7th month of pregnancy to the 1st year) which has the following objectives: study of the processes involved in the construction of coparenting; identification of cases at risk; comparison with local operators for the reorganization of services. The data concern 10 couples observed in the 7th month of pregnancy and in the 3rd month after birth. The tools used show: the "birth" moment faced within the couple; perception of the family of origin as a resource and need for differentiation from the family; request for external support; couple satisfaction, which declines after birth, is a risk factor if associated with elements such as difficulty making "space" for the child and anxiety. There emerges both the need to expand studies that allow for the highlighting of risk factors that may compromise family functioning in this phase and the need for a reorganization of services towards paternal involvemenNumerosi studi confermano come il posto del bambino nella famiglia si prepari dalla gravidanza e centrano l’attenzione sull’influenza della coppia genitoriale sullo sviluppo del bambino. Sono presentati alcuni dati preliminari di uno studio longitudinale più ampio (30 coppie di neogenitori osservate dal 7° mese di gravidanza al 1° anno) che ha come obiettivi: studio dei processi coinvolti nella costruzione della cogenitorialità; individuazione di casi a rischio; confronto con gli operatori del territorio per la riorganizzazione dei servizi. I dati riguardano 10 coppie osservate al 7° mese di gravidanza e al 3° mese dopo la nascita. Gli strumenti utilizzati mostrano: momento “nascita” affrontato all’interno della coppia; percezione della famiglia d’origine come risorsa e bisogno di differenziazione dalla famiglia; richiesta di sostegno esterno; la soddisfazione di coppia, in calo dopo la nascita, rappresenta un fattore di rischio se associato ad elementi come difficoltà di fare “spazio” al bambino e ansia. Emerge sia la necessità di ampliare studi che permettano di evidenziare fattori di rischio che possano compromettere il funzionamento familiare in questa fase sia la necessità di una riorganizzazione dei servizi verso il coinvolgimento paterno.peerReviewe

    Extraction and separation of volatile and fixed oils from seeds of Miristica fragrans by supercritical CO2: chemical composition and cytotoxic activity on Caco-2 cancer cells

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    Isolation of volatile and fixed oils from nutmeg have been obtained by supercritical fractioned extraction with carbon dioxide. Extraction experiments were carried out at pressures of 90 and 250 bar and temperature of 40 °C. The extraction step performed at 90 bar produced a volatile fraction mainly formed by myristicin (32.8%), sabinene (16.1%), α-pinene (9.8%), β-pinene (9.4%), β-phellandrene (4.9%), safrole (4.1%) and terpinen-4-ol (3.6%). The oil yield relative to this step of the process was 1.4% by weight of the charge. The last extraction step at 250 bar produced a butter-like material (nutmeg butter). The yield of this step was 14.4% by weight. The most represented fatty acids of fixed oil from nutmeg were 14:0 (79.2%), 18:1 n-9 (7.4%) and 16:0 (6.1%), and in particular the unsaturated fatty acids 18:1 n-9 averaged 32.96 μg/mg of oil. The level of myristicin in the nutmeg essential and fixed oils was also directly quantified by reversed HPLC-DAD. Moreover, the essential oil obtained from nutmeg, as well as myristicin, showed a significant in vitro inhibitory effect on the growth of a colon cancer cell line (undifferentiated Caco-2 cells)

    Chemical composition and effect on intestinal Caco-2 cell viability and lipid profile of fixed oil from Cynomorium coccineum L

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    Cynomorium coccineum L. is a non-photosynthetic plant, spread over Mediterranean countries, amply used in traditional medicine. We investigated the composition and effect on intestinal Caco-2 cell viability and lipid profile of fixed oil obtained from dried stems of the plant. Oil isolation has been performed by supercritical fractioned extraction with CO2. 13C NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the molecular composition of oil lipids; fatty acid composition was identified using GC and HPLC techniques. The fixed oil was composed mainly by triacylglycerols and derivates. The main fatty acids were 18:1 n−9 (38%), 18:2 n−6 (20%), 16:0 (15%), and 18:3 n−3 (10.8%). The oil showed a significant in vitro inhibitory effect on the growth of colon cancer undifferentiated Caco-2 cells. Moreover, cell viability, lipid composition, and lipid peroxidation were measured in intestinal epithelial cells (differentiated Caco-2 cells) after 24 h incubation with fixed oil. The oil did not show a toxic effect on colon epithelial cell viability but induced a significant change in fatty acid composition, with a significant accumulation of the essential fatty acids 18:3 n−3 and 18:2 n−6. The results showed remarkable biological activity of Maltese mushroom oil, and qualify it as a potential resource for food/pharmaceutical applications