13 research outputs found

    Accroissement de la population et migrations intérieures dans les régions péri-urbaines et extra-urbaines des Pays-Bas.

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    Population growth and internal migration in the peri-urban and extra-urban areas of the Netherlands The differences in regional growth in the Netherlands are increasingly linked with internal migrations. Since the seventies, a slackening of counter-urbanization is observed while flows of young migrants are increasing towards the urban areas. A result of this change is the ageing of the non-urban population.Les différences de croissance régionale aux Pays-Bas sont de plus en plus influencées par les migrations intérieures. Depuis les années soixante-dix on observe un ralentissement de la rurbanisation au profit des flux de jeunes migrants vers les villes. Un processus de vieillissement de la population non-urbaine est ainsi en train de s'amorcer.Atzema O. A. L .C, Bargeman C. A. Accroissement de la population et migrations intérieures dans les régions péri-urbaines et extra-urbaines des Pays-Bas.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1986-3. Populations rurales et populations agricoles - Rural populations and agricultural populations. pp. 47-53

    Planning of undefined becoming : first encounters of planners beyond the plan

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    From the 1980s onwards, and due to the ongoing complexity and diffuseness in global networked societies, planners have tried to move beyond classic technocratic and/or sociocratic ideas on planning towards new approaches, dealing with the multiplicities and fuzziness of time and space. Innovative ideas have been developed with regard to discursive, collaborative, informal and post-policy planning, as well as with relational geography, multi-planar, non-linear and actor-relational approaches, and other positions. Nonetheless techno- and sociocratic approaches remain dominant conceptions in much practice and teaching in Europe and elsewhere. This could very well be due to the fact that these innovative contributions of the past two or three decennia have been fragmented and isolated. However these contributions could also be regarded as a bigger transition towards what we call a movement of 'planning of undefined becoming'. Therefore in this paper we will sketch a frame from which these innovative ideas on space and time are in some way interrelated to each other too. From these backgrounds we will also critically reflect on some planning experiments in practice, which have been inspired by these ideas, reciprocally and incrementally, developing practitioners work along the way. Referring to these reflections, we will conclude with some recommendations for further co-evolutionary research in congruence with upcoming planning practices of becoming

    New Economic Geography Reloaded: Localized Knowledge Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation

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