824 research outputs found

    Non-signalling energy use in the brain.

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    Energy use limits the information processing power of the brain. However, apart from the ATP used to power electrical signalling, a significant fraction of the brain's energy consumption is not directly related to information processing. The brain spends just under half of its energy on non-signalling processes, but it remains poorly understood which tasks are so energetically costly for the brain. We review existing experimental data on subcellular processes that may contribute to this non-signalling energy use, and provide modelling estimates, to try to assess the magnitude of their ATP consumption and consider how their changes in pathology may compromise neuronal function. As a main result, surprisingly little consensus exists on the energetic cost of actin treadmilling, with estimates ranging from < 1% of the brain's global energy budget up to one-half of neuronal energy use. Microtubule treadmilling and protein synthesis have been estimated to account for very small fractions of the brain's energy budget, whereas there is stronger evidence that lipid synthesis and mitochondrial proton leak are energetically expensive. Substantial further research is necessary to close these gaps in knowledge about the brain's energy-expensive non-signalling tasks

    Pericyte-mediated regulation of capillary diameter: a component of neurovascular coupling in health and disease

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    Because regional blood flow increases in association with the increased metabolic demand generated by localised increases in neural activity, functional imaging researchers often assume that changes in blood flow are an accurate read-out of changes in underlying neural activity. An understanding of the mechanisms that link changes in neural activity to changes in blood flow is crucial for assessing the validity of this assumption, and for understanding the processes that can go wrong during disease states such as ischaemic stroke. Many studies have investigated the mechanisms of neurovascular regulation in arterioles but other evidence suggests that blood flow regulation can also occur in capillaries, because of the presence of contractile cells, pericytes, on the capillary wall. Here we review the evidence that pericytes can modulate capillary diameter in response to neuronal activity and assess the likely importance of neurovascular regulation at the capillary level for functional imaging experiments. We also discuss evidence suggesting that pericytes are particularly sensitive to damage during pathological insults such as ischaemia, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetic retinopathy, and consider the potential impact that pericyte dysfunction might have on the development of therapeutic interventions and on the interpretation of functional imaging data in these disorders

    Astrocyte calcium signaling: the third wave

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    The discovery that transient elevations of calcium concentration occur in astrocytes, and release 'gliotransmitters' which act on neurons and vascular smooth muscle, led to the idea that astrocytes are powerful regulators of neuronal spiking, synaptic plasticity and brain blood flow. These findings were challenged by a second wave of reports that astrocyte calcium transients did not mediate functions attributed to gliotransmitters and were too slow to generate blood flow increases. Remarkably, the tide has now turned again: the most important calcium transients occur in fine astrocyte processes not resolved in earlier studies, and new mechanisms have been discovered by which astrocyte [Ca(2+)]i is raised and exerts its effects. Here we review how this third wave of discoveries has changed our understanding of astrocyte calcium signaling and its consequences for neuronal function

    NMDA Receptors: Power Switches for Oligodendrocytes

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    The role of NMDA receptors in oligodendrocytes has been controversial. A new paper (Saab et al., 2016) suggests they play a key role in regulating glucose uptake in response to axonal glutamate release, thus controlling metabolic cooperation between oligodendrocytes and axons

    Heart failure causes sleepless nights

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    Cardiac dysfunction triggers immune-mediated loss of pineal gland melatonin release

    Brain's immune cells put the brakes on neurons

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    Optimising the energetic cost of the glutamatergic synapse

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    As for electronic computation, neural information processing is energetically expensive. This is because information is coded in the brain as membrane voltage changes, which are generated largely by passive ion movements down electrochemical gradients, and these ion movements later need to be reversed by active ATP-dependent ion pumping. This article will review how much of the energetic cost of the brain reflects the activity of glutamatergic synapses, consider the relative amount of energy used pre- and postsynaptically, outline how evolution has energetically optimised synapse function by adjusting the presynaptic release probability and the postsynaptic number of glutamate receptors, and speculate on how energy use by synapses may be sensed and adjusted

    Diverse mechanisms regulating brain energy supply at the capillary level

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    Neural information processing depends critically on the brain's energy supply, which is provided in the form of glucose and oxygen in the blood. Regulation of this supply occurs by smooth muscle and contractile pericytes adjusting the diameter of arterioles and capillaries, respectively. Controversies exist over the relative importance of capillary and arteriolar level control, whether enzymatically generated signals or K+ ions are the dominant controller of cerebral blood flow, and the involvement of capillary endothelial cells. Here, we try to synthesise the relevant recent data into a coherent view of how brain energy supply is controlled and suggest approaches to answering key questions

    Synapse development is regulated by microglial THIK-1 K+ channels

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    Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system. They constantly survey the brain parenchyma for redundant synapses, debris, or dying cells, which they remove through phagocytosis. Microglial ramification, motility, and cytokine release are regulated by tonically active THIK-1 K+ channels on the microglial plasma membrane. Here, we examined whether these channels also play a role in phagocytosis. Using pharmacological blockers and THIK-1 knockout (KO) mice, we found that a lack of THIK-1 activity approximately halved both microglial phagocytosis and marker levels for the lysosomes that degrade phagocytically removed material. These changes may reflect a decrease of intracellular [Ca2+]i activity, which was observed when THIK-1 activity was reduced, since buffering [Ca2+]i reduced phagocytosis. Less phagocytosis is expected to result in impaired pruning of synapses. In the hippocampus, mice lacking THIK-1 expression had an increased number of anatomically and electrophysiologically defined glutamatergic synapses during development. This resulted from an increased number of presynaptic terminals, caused by impaired removal by THIK-1 KO microglia. The dependence of synapse number on THIK-1 K+ channels, which control microglial surveillance and phagocytic ability, implies that changes in the THIK-1 expression level in disease states may contribute to altering neural circuit function

    The energetics of CNS white matter

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    The energetics of CNS white matter are poorly understood. We derive a signaling energy budget for the white matter (based on data from the rodent optic nerve and corpus callosum) which can be compared with previous energy budgets for the gray matter regions of the brain, perform a cost-benefit analysis of the energetics of myelination, and assess mechanisms for energy production and glucose supply in myelinated axons. We show that white matter synapses consume ≤0.5% of the energy of gray matter synapses and that this, rather than more energy-efficient action potentials, is the main reason why CNS white matter uses less energy than gray matter. Surprisingly, while the energetic cost of building myelin could be repaid within months by the reduced ATP cost of neuronal action potentials, the energetic cost of maintaining the oligodendrocyte resting potential usually outweighs the saving on action potentials. Thus, although it dramatically speeds action potential propagation, myelination need not save energy. Finally, we show that mitochondria in optic nerve axons could sustain measured firing rates with a plausible density of glucose transporters in the nodal membrane, without the need for energy transfer from oligodendrocytes