10 research outputs found

    ā€œBeing Guidedā€: What Oncofertility Patientsā€™ Decisions Can Teach Us About the Efficacy of Autonomy, Agency, and Decision-Making Theory in the Contemporary Critical Encounter

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    Recent research on patient decision-making reveals a disconnect between theories of autonomy, agency, and decision-making and their practice in contemporary clinical encounters. This study examines these concepts in the context of female patients making oncofertility decisions in the United Kingdom in light of the phenomenon of ā€œbeing guided.ā€ Patients experience being guided as a way to cope with, understand, and defer difficult treatment decisions. Previous discussions condemn guided decision-making, but this research suggests that patients make an informed, autonomous decision to be guided by doctors. Thus, bioethicists must consider the multifaceted ways that patients enact their autonomy in medical encounters

    An explorative qualitative study to determine the footwear needs of workers in standing environments

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    Background: Many work places require standing for prolonged periods of time and are potentially damaging to health, with links to musculoskeletal disorders and acute trauma from workplace accidents. Footwear provides the only interaction between the body and the ground and therefore a potential means to impact musculoskeletal disorders. However, there is very limited research into the necessary design and development of footwear based on both the physical environmental constraints and the personal preference of the workers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore workers needs for footwear in the ā€˜standingā€™ workplace in relation to MSD, symptoms, comfort and design. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from demanding work environments that require standing for high proportions of the working day. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the results and gain an exploratory understanding into the footwear needs of these workers. Results: Interviews revealed the environmental demands and a very high percentage of musculoskeletal disorders, including day to day discomfort and chronic problems. It was identified that when designing work footwear for standing environments, the functionality of the shoe for the environment must be addressed, the sensations and symptoms of the workers taken into account to encourage adherence and the decision influencers should be met to encourage initial footwear choice. Meeting all these criteria could encourage the use of footwear with the correct safety features and comfort. Development of the correct footwear and increased education regarding foot health and footwear choice could help to reduce or improve the effect of the high number of musculoskeletal disorders repeatedly recorded in jobs that require prolonged periods of standing. Conclusion: This study provides a unique insight into the footwear needs of some workers in environments that require prolonged standing. This user based enquiry has provided information which is important to workplace footwear design

    Using peer advocates to improve access to services among hard-to-reach populations with hepatitis C:a qualitative study of client and provider relationships

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    BACKGROUND: Peer support programmes use individuals with specific experiences to improve engagement and outcomes among new clients. However, the skills and techniques used to achieve this engagement have not been mapped. This potentially restricts the development and replication of successful peer advocate models of care. This study explored how a group of peer advocates with experience of homelessness, alcohol and drug misuse made and sustained relationships with their client group. For the purposes of this project, the client group were located among a hepatitis C-positive cohort of people who have a history of injecting drug use and homelessness. METHODS: Five self-selecting advocates gave a narrative interview lasting 40-90Ā min. These interviews were double transcribed using both thematic analysis and narrative analysis in order to triangulate the data and provide a robust set of findings about the unique skills of peer advocates in creating and sustaining relationships with clients from hard-to-reach populations. RESULTS: Peer advocates build rapport with clients through disclosing personal details about their lives. While this runs counter to assumptions about the need to maintain distance in client-patient relationships, the therapeutic benefits appear to outweigh the potential costs of this engagement. CONCLUSION: We conclude the therapeutic benefits of self-disclosure between peer advocates and their clients offer a moral grounding for self-disclosure as a means of building relationships with key hard-to-reach populations

    Mental health systems in six Caribbean small island developing states: a comparative situational analysis

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    Background: Small island developing states (SIDS) have particular mental health system needs due to their remoteness and narrow resource base. We conducted situational analyses to support mental health system strengthening in six SIDS: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos Islands. Methods: The situational analyses covered five domains: 1. Socio-economic context and burden of mental disorders, 2. Leadership and governance for mental health 3. Mental health and social care services 4. Strategies for promotion and prevention in mental health and 5. Information systems, evidence and research for mental health. First, a desk-based exercise was conducted, in which data was drawn from the public domain. Second, a field visit was conducted at each site, comprising visits to facilities and consultation meetings with key stakeholders. Results: Our key findings were 1. Despite most of these SIDS being high-income economies, social inequalities within states exist. There was no population-level data on mental health burden. 2. All SIDS have a mental health policy or plan, but implementation is typically limited due to lack of funds or staff shortages. There was minimal evidence of service user involvement in policy or service development. 3. All SIDS have a specialist, multi-disciplinary mental health workforce, however Montserrat and Anguilla rely on visiting psychiatrists. Child and adolescent and dedicated crisis intervention services were found in only two and one SIDS respectively. A recovery-oriented ethos was not identified in any SIDS. 4. Mental illness stigma was prevalent in all SIDS. Promotion and prevention were objectives of mental health strategies for all SIDS, however activities tended to be sporadic. No mental health non-Governmental organisations were identified in three SIDS. 5. Health information systems are generally underdeveloped, with paper-based systems in three SIDS. There has been no rigorous local mental health research. Conclusion: Cross-cutting recommendations include: to develop mental health action plans that include clear implementation indicators; to facilitate community surveys to ascertain the prevalence of mental disorders; to explore task-sharing approaches to increase access to primary mental health care; and to develop programmes of mental health promotion and prevention

    ā€˜The things you didnā€™t doā€™: Gender, slut-shaming, and the need to address sexual harassment in narrative resources addressing sexting and cyberbullying

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    This chapter reports on research examining young peopleā€™s understandings of gender roles in everyday digital cultures and communication technologies, and in relation to sexting practices. A cyber-safety narrative film that addresses sexting, cyberbullying, and digital citizenship was used as a springboard for focus group discussions with 24 young people in Victoria, Australia. The chapter outlines the key findings regarding how young people understood and explained common gender dynamics in relation to bullying, cyberbullying, and sexting, reflecting as they did in these discussions on both the gender relations depicted in commonly used cyber-safety narrative resources, as well as in their own social lives. The chapter describes a discussion that arose among female participants around the ā€˜slutā€™ label, concerns about the possibility for sexual rumours to be spread via digital social networks, and associated on- and offline harassment over sexual things they had not actually done. This discussion, it is argued, illustrates the way girls feel responsible for protecting themselves from the potential psychic injuries of the slut label through strict sexual self-regulation, knowing that they cannot control malevolent and frequent use of this label by peers on- and offline. Future narrative resources that seek to address sexting and cyberbullying need to more clearly identify and respond to sexual harassment and sexism as a persistent feature of young peopleā€™s digital and school cultures