350 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative formulation of the static color octet potential

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    By dressing Polyakov lines with appropriate functionals of the gauge fields, we construct observables describing a fundamental representation static quark-antiquark pair in the singlet, adjoint and average channels of SU(N) pure gauge theory. Each of the potentials represents a gauge invariant eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian. Numerical simulations are performed for SU(2) in 2+1 dimensions. The adjoint channel is found to be repulsive at small and confining at large separations, suggesting the existence of a metastable (N^2-1)-plet bound state. For small distances and temperatures above the deconfinement transition, the leading order perturbative prediction for the ratio of singlet and adjoint potentials is reproduced by the lattice data.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlator for Polyakov Loops

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    The asymptotic behavior of the correlator for Polyakov loop operators separated by a large distance RR is determined for high temperature QCD. It is dominated by nonperturbative effects related to the exchange of magnetostatic gluons. To analyze the asymptotic behavior, the problem is formulated in terms of the effective field theory of QCD in 3 space dimensions. The Polyakov loop operator is expanded in terms of local gauge-invariant operators constructed out of the magnetostatic gauge field, with coefficients that can be calculated using resummed perturbation theory. The asymptotic behavior of the correlator is exp⁡(−MR)/R\exp(-MR)/R, where MM is the mass of the lowest-lying glueball in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional QCD. This result implies that existing lattice calculations of the Polyakov loop correlator at the highest temperatures available do not probe the true asymptotic region in RR.Comment: 10 pages, NUHEP-TH-94-2

    Quarkonium Suppression

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    I discuss quarkonium suppression in equilibriated strongly interacting matter. After a brief review of basic features of quarkonium production I discuss the application of recent lattice data on the heavy quark potential to the problem of quarkonium dissociation as well as the problem of direct lattice determination of quarkonium properties in finite temperature lattice QCD.Comment: Invited plenary talk presented on 4th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2001), November 26-30, 2001, Jaipur; 12 pp, LaTeX, uses pramana.st

    Multiple spin-orbit excitons and the electronic structure of α−RuCl3

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    The honeycomb compound α-RuCl_{3} is widely discussed as a proximate Kitaev spin-liquid material. This scenario builds on spin-orbit entangled j = 1/2 moments arising for a t_{2g}^{5} electron configuration with strong spin-orbit coupling λ and a large cubic crystal field. The actual low-energy electronic structure of α-RuCl_{3}, however, is still puzzling. In particular, infrared absorption features at 0.30, 0.53, and 0.75 eV seem to be at odds with a j = 1/2 scenario. Also the energy of the spin-orbit exciton, the excitation from j = 1/2 to 3/2, and thus the value of λ, are controversial. Combining infrared and Raman data, we show that the infrared features can be attributed to single, double, and triple spin-orbit excitons. We find λ = 0.16 eV and Δ = 42(4) meV for the observed noncubic crystal-field splitting, supporting the validity of the j = 1/2 picture for α-RuCl_{3}. The unusual strength of the double excitation is related to the underlying hopping interactions, which form the basis for dominant Kitaev exchange

    Phase structure of lattice QCD for general number of flavors

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    We investigate the phase structure of lattice QCD for the general number of flavors in the parameter space of gauge coupling constant and quark mass, employing the one-plaquette gauge action and the standard Wilson quark action. Performing a series of simulations for the number of flavors NF=6N_F=6--360 with degenerate-mass quarks, we find that when NF≄7N_F \ge 7 there is a line of a bulk first order phase transition between the confined phase and a deconfined phase at a finite current quark mass in the strong coupling region and the intermediate coupling region. The massless quark line exists only in the deconfined phase. Based on these numerical results in the strong coupling limit and in the intermediate coupling region, we propose the following phase structure, depending on the number of flavors whose masses are less than Λd\Lambda_d which is the physical scale characterizing the phase transition in the weak coupling region: When NF≄17N_F \ge 17, there is only a trivial IR fixed point and therefore the theory in the continuum limit is free. On the other hand, when 16≄NF≄716 \ge N_F \ge 7, there is a non-trivial IR fixed point and therefore the theory is non-trivial with anomalous dimensions, however, without quark confinement. Theories which satisfy both quark confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the continuum limit exist only for NF≀6N_F \le 6.Comment: RevTeX, 20 pages, 43 PS figure

    Heavy Quark Free Energies and Screening in SU(2) Gauge Theory

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    We investigate the singlet, triplet and colour average heavy quark free energies in SU(2) pure gauge theory at various temperatures T. We focus on the long distance behaviour of the free energies, studying in particular the temperature dependence of the string tension and the screening masses. The results are qualitatively similar to the SU(3) scenario, except near the critical temperature Tc of the deconfining transition. Finally we test a recently proposed method to renormalize the Polyakov loop.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of SEWM 2002 (Heidelberg

    Heavy Quark Potentials in Quenched QCD at High Temperature

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    Heavy quark potentials are investigated at high temperatures. The temperature range covered by the analysis extends from TT values just below the deconfinement temperature up to about 4Tc4 T_c in the deconfined phase. We simulated the pure gauge sector of QCD on lattices with temporal extents of 4, 6 and 8 with spatial volumes of 32332^3. On the smallest lattice a tree level improved action was employed while in the other two cases the standard Wilson action was used. Below TcT_c we find a temperature dependent logarithmic term contributing to the confinement potential and observe a string tension which decreases with rising temperature but retains a finite value at the deconfinement transition. Above TcT_c the potential is Debye-screened, however simple perturbative predictions do not apply.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Relation between the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter at strong coupling

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    We discuss the relation between the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter at finite temperature by using the Gocksch-Ogilvie model with fundamental or adjoint quarks. The model is based on the double expansion of strong coupling and large dimensionality on the lattice. In an analytic way with the mean field approximation employed, we show that the confined phase must be accompanied by the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry for both fundamental and adjoint quarks. Then we proceed to numerical analysis to look into the coupled dynamics of the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter. In the case of fundamental quarks, the pseudo-critical temperature inferred from the Polyakov loop behavior turns out to coincide with the pseudo-critical temperature of the chiral phase transition. We discuss the physical implication of the coincidence of the pseudo-critical temperatures in two extreme cases; one is the deconfinement dominance and the other is the chiral dominance. As for adjoint quarks, the deconfinement transition of first order persists and the chiral phase transition occurs distinctly at higher temperature than the deconfinement transition does. The present model study gives us a plausible picture to understand the results from the lattice QCD and aQCD simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.D. Appendix A is modified; references are adde

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with two light quark flavours on a 16^3 x 8 lattice II

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    We have extended our earlier simulations of the high temperature behaviour of lattice QCD with two light flavours of staggered quarks on a 163×816^3 \times 8 lattice to lower quark mass (m_q=0.00625). The transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma is observed at 6/g2=5.49(2)6/g^2=5.49(2) corresponding to a temperature of Tc≈140T_c \approx 140MeV. We present measurements of observables which probe the nature of the quark-gluon plasma and serve to distinguish it from hadronic matter. Although the transition is quite abrupt, we have seen no indications that it is first order.Comment: 23 pages, RevteX, 6 encapsulated postscript figure
