32 research outputs found

    Reclaiming the Modern World for the Imagination: Guest of Honor Speech at the 19th Annual Mythopoeic Conference

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    Guest of Honor speech, Mythcon 19. Defines indigenous fantasy—fantasy in a contemporary, “real-world” setting—and illustrates its techniques as demonstrated in Wizard of the Pigeons and Little, Big

    Reinventing Masculinity in Fairy Tales by Men

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    Though fairy-tale retellings by women writers are noted for their usefulness in reinventing femininity, men have also begun to use the form to redefine masculinity. Looking at Michael Cunningham’s 2015 collection A Wild Swan and Other Tales in conjunction with other recent fairy-tale versions from literature, drama, and dance, this essay examines the way male writers use traditional characters and plots to challenge what R. W. Connell terms hegemonic masculinity. Drawing on motifs from the Grimms, Hans Christian Andersen, and other sources, Cunningham and his contemporaries create character types that evade cultural norms and offer alternative ways to be a man

    Spanish and Latin American women writers in the literary canon: a paratextual study of anthologies of fantastic literature (1946-2016)

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    While it is evident that there are outstanding women authors of the fantastic in Spain and Latin America since the nineteenth century, it is not as clear whether these writers are fairly represented in the corpus available to readers. To what extent are women authors part of the fantastic canon? Are there female reference points for new generations of women writers? To explore processes of canon formation in the literature of the fantastic from a feminist perspective, this article gathers paratexts from 110 anthologies. Employing a quantitative approach with regard to indexed authors, the first section addresses specific questions related to gender and the fantastic in the Hispanic context by analysing statistical data. The empirical study is complemented by an analysis of how the female author is presented and constructed through the discourse in introductions, forewords and other paratextual materials of these anthologies

    4. Fantasy Fiction and Religion – Systems Theoretical Insights

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