21 research outputs found

    Comparison of Cooperative Diversity Protocols in Various Relay Locations through Network Coding

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    In this paper, the performance of Network Coded (NC) based cooperative network for various relay location over Rayleigh fading channels is studied. Comparisons of Amplify and Forward (AAF), Detect and Forward (DTF) and Decode and forward (DCF) protocols for the proposed system are shown. The performance of relays in AAF, DTF and DCF is analyzed in terms of bit error rate (BER) vs signal to noise ratio (SNR). Matlab is used to build Monte-Carlo link level simulation. The effect of relays at different position is studied

    Effect of dichloromethane fraction of Areca catechu nut on monoamines associated behaviors and tyramine pressor sensitivity in rodents

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    The current study was aimed at investigating the effect of Areca catechu nut dichloromethane fraction (7 mg/kg) on monoamines (serotonin and dopamine) modulation (5-hydroxytryptophan-induced tremors and phenylethylamine-induced stereotypes) and its interaction with tyramine (cheese effect). The dichloromethane fraction caused pronounced increase in 5-HTP-induced tremors (50%) with negligible PEA-induced stereotypes (20%). Additionally, it did not produce a significant increase in the tyramine pressor effects. These results suggest that the dichloromethane fraction of A. catechu nut primarily elevates serotonin levels (probably via monoamine oxidase A inhibition) and does not induce cheese effect

    An Overview of 4G LTE Technologies – A Top down Approach

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    4G LTE design began in 2000 and was first implemented in 2010.commercially in DLTE technology introduced December 2009 by teliasonerain Norway and Sweden came to the U.S. in 2010.Data rates and supportable bandwidths much higher in Forth generation and This has a significant in fact on voice. In cellular telecommunications, the term handover or handoff refers to the process of transferring an ongoing call or data session from one channel connected to the core network to another channel.In This paper we provide a comprehensive overview of Long Term Evolution network evolution.4G technologies are designed to provide IP-based voice, data and multimedia streaming at speeds of at least 100 Mbit per second and up to as fast as 1 Gbitper second

    A study on the Impacts of COVID-19 on health, Economy, Employment and Social Life of People in Indonesia

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    Background: The aftershocks of COVID-19 pandemic are still emanating in different regions of the world in term of increasing number of cases and deaths due to mutation in the virulence and pathogenicity of the virus. The pandemic affected almost every part of our lives including health, economy, employment, and social interactions. This study surveyed the Indonesian public to better understand their health, employment, and economic deterioration during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak.Methods: An online cross-sectional survey of 200 participants was conducted from eight different regions (Jawa Timur, DKI Jakarta, Kalimantan Tengah, Yogyakarta, Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, Jawa Tengah) of Indonesia who speak Bahasa. A standardized questionnaire was used to obtain information about COVID-19 impacts on health, employment, the economy, and social life from the respondents. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests were conducted to analyze the data.Results: According to the findings, out of 200 participants, 40% stated that the impact of COVID-19 did not affect their salary. People under the age of 20 with an intermediate education who worked in government sectors were more likely to lose their jobs (p-value 0.05), which would result in a loss in salary that would have an impact on the education of their children. Only the "use of hand sanitizers" indicated a statistically significant difference between the practices of male and female respondents (p-value = 0.038), which is one of the activities that helps to prevent fever and respiratory difficulties during the present pandemic.Conclusion: The finding of the study depicted that COVID-19 has no immediate collateral effects on the economy of the study participants. However, the pandemic has a negative impact on the employment, health, and social life of the people. To mitigate the negative effects of this pandemic on health, employment, economy, and social life, a complete evaluation of COVID-19 impacts, as well as public health interventions, should be conducted

    Ischemic Preconditioning and Postconditioning Protect the Heart by Preserving the Mitochondrial Network

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondria fuse to form elongated networks which are more tolerable to stress and injury. Ischemic pre- and postconditioning (IPC and IPost, respectively) are established cardioprotective strategies in the preclinical setting. Whether IPC and IPost modulates mitochondrial morphology is unknown. We hypothesize that the protective effects of IPC and IPost may be conferred via preservation of mitochondrial network. METHODS: IPC and IPost were applied to the H9c2 rat myoblast cells, isolated adult primary murine cardiomyocytes, and the Langendorff-isolated perfused rat hearts. The effects of IPC and IPost on cardiac cell death following ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), mitochondrial morphology, and gene expression of mitochondrial-shaping proteins were investigated. RESULTS: IPC and IPost successfully reduced cardiac cell death and myocardial infarct size. IPC and IPost maintained the mitochondrial network in both H9c2 and isolated adult primary murine cardiomyocytes. 2D-length measurement of the 3 mitochondrial subpopulations showed that IPC and IPost significantly increased the length of interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM). Gene expression of the pro-fusion protein, Mfn1, was significantly increased by IPC, while the pro-fission protein, Drp1, was significantly reduced by IPost in the H9c2 cells. In the primary cardiomyocytes, gene expression of both Mfn1 and Mfn2 were significantly upregulated by IPC and IPost, while Drp1 was significantly downregulated by IPost. In the Langendorff-isolated perfused heart, gene expression of Drp1 was significantly downregulated by both IPC and IPost. CONCLUSION: IPC and IPost-mediated upregulation of pro-fusion proteins (Mfn1 and Mfn2) and downregulation of pro-fission (Drp1) promote maintenance of the interconnected mitochondrial network, ultimately conferring cardioprotection against IRI

    Hypocholestrolic effect of spent black tea leaves replaced with wheat bran in broiler ration

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    Abstract: Black tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) have been known for many years in lowering cholesterol level. The purpose of the present study was to find the effects of spent black tea leaves as a substitute of wheat bran on cholesterol reduction in broiler chicks. For this purpose a total of hundred & fifty (150), day old broiler poultry chicks were purchased from the local market. The spent black tea leaves were collected from tea stalls. Chicks were randomly distributed into 5 main groups according to spent black tea leaves and wheat bran supplementation. Group R 0 was kept as control, containing 120g/kg wheat bran but no spent black tea leaves supplementation; group R 30 received spent black tea leaves supplemented feed at the rate of 30g/kg plus 90g/kg wheat bran; group R 60 received spent black tea leaves supplemented feed at the rate of 60g/kg plus 60g/kg wheat bran, group R 90 received spent black tea leaves supplemented feed at the rate of 90g/kg plus 30g/kg wheat bran and group R120 received the spent black tea leaves supplemented feed at the rate of 120g/kg plus 0 g/kg wheat bran respectively. Each group was carrying three replicate (10 chicks/replicate). The data was statistically analyzed, using completely randomized design. Mean liver cholesterol per chick on diet R 30 , R 60 , R 90 , and R 120 was 102. 22, 93.55, 76.22, 60.78 and 51.55mg/100g. Breast cholesterol per chick on diet R 30 , R 60 , R 90 , and R 120 was 61. 89, 51.33, 44.78, 37 and 32.77mg/100g. It was concluded that the addition of spent black tea leaves at the rate of 120g/kg has significant effect on cholesterol reduction and over all performance of broiler chicks and recommended that expensive wheat bran can be effectively replaced by these spent black tea leaves in broiler poultry ration

    Statistical Analysis of Pakistani Currency Regime before and after Floatation

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    Sunt prezentate tendinţele ratelor de schimb ale monedelor străine, studiate anual comparativ cu rupia din Pakistan. În 2000, Banca centrală din Pakistan a menţinut ofi cial rupia. Tendinţele ratei de schimb verifi că impactul asupra PIB-ului pe locuitor al ţării. Avem în vedere datele zilnice ale ratei de schimb ale monedei din Pakistan în perioada [1995][1996][1997][1998][1999][2000][2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006][2007][2008][2009]. Datele au fost analizate din 1995 până în 2000 în prima etapă. În etapa a doua au fost analizate date din perioada [2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006][2007][2008][2009]. Rezultatul arată că dacă cineva vrea să menţină moneda trebuie să ţină cont dacă este stabilă situaţia politică sau dacă economia este şi ea stabilă încât sistemul poate realiza funcţiile sale complete. Abstract In this paper the trends of exchange rates for the foreign currency are studied yearly for Pakistan rupee. In 2000 State bank of Pakistan offi cially fl oated the rupee. In this studies the trends of the exchange rate before fl oating and after fl oating and then checks its impact on the GDP per capita of the country. Here we consider the daily data of exchange rates of Pakistani currency from 1995 to 2009. Data was analyzed from 1995 to 2000 in the fi rst step. In the second step data from 2001 to 2009 was analyzed. The result shows that if one wants to fl oat currency he must keep in mind that the political condition or stable and that the economy is also stable so that the system of fl oat can perform its functions completely. Romanian Statistical Review nr. 4 / 2011 70 *** In this paper we studied the effect of fl oatation of Pakistan currency. State bank of Pakistan in 1999 decided to re-categorize Pakistan rupee interbank exchange rates. Thus the exchange rate was classifi ed into a semi fi xed pegged and a managed fl oating arrangement. Offi cially the SBP started operating on multiple exchange system in July 2000. This was a unifi ed system in which rupee was pegged to US dollar to a certain amount but was still fl oated to a large extent. According to fi nancial critics, this was a wrong decision taken because as far as the conventional thinking is concerned, it claims that a country whose political system is not stable should not fl oat its currency as it will stop the entry of new investors in the country and at that time Pakistan was not in a stable position to fl oat its currency but they did it. The basic rationale which an ordinary mind fi nds is that in a fl oating currency the demand and supply is corrected by the market and as Pakistan was politically unstable at that time with army ruling the country and a dictator was the Chief Executive of emergency in the state they took this action due to the automated corrective effect of the fl oating exchange system. At that time demand for Pakistan Rupee was low, and it was going more and more down. When it was fl oated it was open to all the currencies and in the fl oat market it would have gone down thus imports would have got expensive and the demand for local goods would have increased which would have caused an auto correction in the market. The basic aim of fl oating a currency is that in a free fl oat the interbank exchange rate are determined by demand and supply of foreign exchange and interest rate is used as key monetary tool for controlling value of currency by open market operations. The basic aim of this study is to check the ups and downs of the interbank currency exchange rate after it is fl oated and its some effects on the growth of economy of the country as the decision was taken at a wrong time as conventional thinkers say. But before going into details of the study, a small overview of history of Pakistan Rupee, exchange rates and fl oating and fi xed exchange rates is presented. History of Pakistan Rupee (PKR) Rupee has served as National currency of Pakistan since 1948. Pakistan rupee is a distinct cousin of Indian rupee. In fact, when Pakistan came into being the notes issued were Indian rupee notes with Pakistan imprinted hastily on its face. Shortly after independence state bank was incorporated that started issuing it own notes. Pakistan rupee was converted to decimal-based currency system in 1961. Before that in the imperial system the Rupee was divided into 16 anna, each anna consisted of 4 paisas. The decimal system divided it into 100 paisas and thus the imperial system of anna became obsolete. Pakistan rupee was pegged to British pound sterling till 1971. After that it became pegged to US dollar and was devalued. In 1982 the Rupee was devalued because SBP unhitched it from US dollar and abolished the fi xed rate but not completely. A new effective exchange rate was set in accordance to the trade basket in which the rupee was placed. This trade basket has members who were the trade partners of Pakistan. In 1988, due to nuclear weapons tests, the country faced a lot of sanctions by global superpowers and thus the country has to follow a two tiered exchange rate policy. In 1998, another step was taken and banks were than made allowed to quote exchange rate for other currencies as well. Exports were done the offi cial exchange rate and not by the quoted. The system was reclassifi ed to managed fl oat. The rupee was narrowly controlled by the SBP and was informally fl oated. In July 2000 the currency was fully fl oated, pegged within a certain band to the US dollar but the offi cial rate was determined by demand and supply of the foreign exchange and not wholly the dollar. This free fl oating of the currency continues till date. Exchange rates An exchange rate is the rate at which one country's currency is traded or exchanged to another country's currency. Like, if you go to some foreign country or trading with foreign country, you are required to buy local currency of that country. Price of the buying of the local currency is the exchange rate. If you are traveling to England, the exchange rate is 123 rupees, which means for every one pound you need 123 rupees to buy. Fixed exchange rates It is the exchange rate which the government or central banks sets and controls as the offi cial exchange rate. In this system the exchange rate is determined by setting a rate with a major currency of the world. For maintenance of this exchange rate the central banks buys and sells other foreign exchange funds in the exchange market for the currency to which it is pegged or fi xed. For example if Pakistani Rupee is pegged to US dollar at a rate of 80. This means that State bank has to keep a certain amount of US dollars in order to maintain the rate, the state bank should have to control the money supply, infl ation defl ation and thus the exchange rate is kept controlled. They State bank can also adjust the offi cial exchange rate when necessary. Romanian Statistical Review nr. 4 / 2011 72 Floating Exchange rate It is the exchange rate which is determined by the demand and supply of the foreign exchange with the home or local currency. This rate is often termed as self correcting, as the differences in demand and supply are automatically corrected by the market. Keeping in mind this model it can be easily explained that if the demand for a currency is low, its value will decrease, that will cause an increase in the prices of the imported goods but on the other hand it will also increase the demand for local goods as imports will go down thus at the end of the day with the increased demand of local goods the local industry will fl ourish and the currency will get stable automated. Literature Review For a region to enter into a currency union differ from that of the incentives for admission of a region into a union. The entrant starts from low transaction cost of trade with the existing union, while the already existing regions gain on trade from the potential entrant and with the potential entrant. This shows that even a country with a free fl oat across its regions may fi nd this attractive to make or join a currency union with other regions Bayoumi (1994). It is also proved that a fi xed exchange rate with the desire to have credibility of a non-domestic currency is vulnerable in achieving self fulfi lling currency crisis state. In this type of cases the credibility of fi xed peg decreases and unemployment also increases to such extent that the critical threshold is reached where the policy maker has to devalue the currency. These issues cannot stand the crisis and imposes unwanted costs on the home economy. This shows that a semi fl oated or fully fl oating currency regime is required to decrease the risk of crisis Bensaid and Jeanne (2000). According to Shambugh(2004), he does not agree completely with the above view and he claims that reluctance and hesitation from fl oating the currency can be due to other variables like infl ation, currency mismatches, import export and certain other factors. Another research study shows that policy choice of government that faces a trade-off between monetary policy autonomy and exchangerate stability depends on global monetary system, the greater the dominance of key currencies and the larger will be the correlation between monetary relations and trade relation of the countries, the more likely does the country with smaller currency fi x its exchange rate with the dominant or large key currency. These countries do not simply fi x their exchange rate but countries fi x their exchange rate with key currencies or basket of key currencies in orde

    Statistical Analysis of Pakistani Currency Regime before and after Floatation

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    In this paper the trends of exchange rates for the foreign currency are studied yearly for Pakistan rupee. In 2000 State bank of Pakistan officially floated the rupee. In this studies the trends of the exchange rate before floating and after floating and then checks its impact on the GDP per capita of the country. Here we consider the daily data of exchange rates of Pakistani currency from 1995 to 2009. Data was analyzed from 1995 to 2000 in the first step. In the second step data from 2001 to 2009 was analyzed. The result shows that if one wants to fl oat currency he must keep in mind that the political condition or stable and that the economy is also stable so that the system of fl oat can perform its functions completely

    Characterization of plant-based meat alternatives blended with anthocyanins, chlorophyll, and various edible natural pigments

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    ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to characterize the physicochemical, proximal, textural, and visual properties of plant-based meat (PBM) patties blended with natural pigments such as anthocyanin from black beans, Fe-chlorophyll from spinach, and edible red and purple pigments. A comparison was made between these plant-based pigments and the pigments derived from animal-based sources (control). The values of the color coordinates of the developed patties were broadly distributed (L* [lightness], a* [redness], and b* [yellowness] of raw PBMs: 34–53, 2–25, and 4–27; steamed: 29–42, 4–21, and 5–25; and cooked: 28–43, 5–19, and 9–21, respectively). The proximate chemical analysis revealed no (P > .05) significant difference between the PBMs and the control in terms of moisture (63.28–61.25), crude protein (20.98–19.17) crude fat (3.19–2.92) and ash content (3.80–1.71). Nevertheless, significant differences (P < .05) were observed in textural attributes among all samples (S1-S16) in terms of hardness, chewiness, and gumminess. For instance, hardness (6.39–3.72), chewiness (9.27–4.13), and gumminess (3.04–1.60). Conversely, springiness showed considerable variations (P < .05) in a majority of PBM samples except for S1 (dilute red) (3.06) and S4 (paprika) (3.06) than control (3.31). For DPPH radical scavenging activity of patties samples incorporated with, the S10 (Red Cabbage) (19.95), S13 (Grape skin Color) (24.35), S15 (Anthocyanin) (33.12), and S16 (Fe-pheophytin) (18.69) of PBMs had significantly higher activity (P < .05) than the control (5.14). To sum up, the inclusion of natural pigments in PBM resulted in improved overall properties without any deleterious effects

    A holistic approach toward development of plant-based meat alternatives through incorporation of novel microalgae-based ingredients

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    This study explored the changes in the physiochemical, textural, sensory, and functional characteristics of plant-based meat (PBM) after incorporating novel plant-based ingredients including spirulina (SPI), duck Weed (DW), and yellow Chlorella (YC). In the chromaticity evaluation, the YC group (YCI YC2, and YC3%) displayed significant differences (p &lt; 0.05) in lightness (L*) indices as compared to the control. Whereas, based on concertation gradient of SPI microalgae (SP0.5, SP0.7, and SP1%) incorporated into PBM patties demonstrated that SPI 1 had the lowest values (p &lt; 0.05) in redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) followed by SPI 0.7 and SPI 0.5% concentration, respectively. The concentration gradient of the YC group indicated that YC3 was intended to be the highest crude fat value followed by YC2 and YCI. The ash content in PBM patties increased considerably (p &lt; 0.05) as the concentration level of microalgae advanced in all treated groups. Based on the concentration level of YC incorporated microalgae into PBM patties indicated that YC 3 had the highest (p &lt; 0.05) gumminess and chewiness while YC 1 had the lowest reported values in terms of gumminess and chewiness. Moreover, springiness and cohesiveness showed considerable differences between SPI and YC groups. In the sensory evaluation, SPI 1 showed the lowest value only in color and appearance (p &lt; 0.05), conversely, the other sensory parameters were non-significant among all treatment groups (p &gt; 0.05). The micronutrient in PBM presented an irregular pattern after incorporating various ingredients. However, levels were higher (p &lt; 0.05) in the DW group (DW 0.5 DW 0.7, and DW% 1) than those in the other groups. Moreover, the SPI and YC groups showed detectable levels of diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity with, SP 1 showing the highest level of antioxidant activity. Acknowledging the limited research on PBM production, extraction technologies, and selecting various novel suitable ingredients in meat substitutes. Hence, to fill this knowledge gap an attempt has been made to incorporate various concentrations of microalgae including SPI, YC, and DW to enhance the quality and functionality of meat alternatives. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that describes the physiochemical, textural, sensory, and nutritional attributes of PBM incorporated with novel microalgae. Collectively these results indicate that the incorporation of SPI, DW, and YC may improve the quality of PBM without showing deleterious outcomes on the quality and functionality of the ultimate PBM products