1,629 research outputs found

    A Computer Program for the Calculation of Three-Dimensional Transonic Nacelle/Inlet Flowfields

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    A highly efficient computer analysis was developed for predicting transonic nacelle/inlet flowfields. This algorithm can compute the three dimensional transonic flowfield about axisymmetric (or asymmetric) nacelle/inlet configurations at zero or nonzero incidence. The flowfield is determined by solving the full-potential equation in conservative form on a body-fitted curvilinear computational mesh. The difference equations are solved using the AF2 approximate factorization scheme. This report presents a discussion of the computational methods used to both generate the body-fitted curvilinear mesh and to obtain the inviscid flow solution. Computed results and correlations with existing methods and experiment are presented. Also presented are discussions on the organization of the grid generation (NGRIDA) computer program and the flow solution (NACELLE) computer program, descriptions of the respective subroutines, definitions of the required input parameters for both algorithms, a brief discussion on interpretation of the output, and sample cases to illustrate application of the analysis

    A grid-embedding transonic flow analysis computer program for wing/nacelle configurations

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    An efficient grid-interfacing zonal algorithm was developed for computing the three-dimensional transonic flow field about wing/nacelle configurations. the algorithm uses the full-potential formulation and the AF2 approximate factorization scheme. The flow field solution is computed using a component-adaptive grid approach in which separate grids are employed for the individual components in the multi-component configuration, where each component grid is optimized for a particular geometry such as the wing or nacelle. The wing and nacelle component grids are allowed to overlap, and flow field information is transmitted from one grid to another through the overlap region using trivariate interpolation. This report represents a discussion of the computational methods used to generate both the wing and nacelle component grids, the technique used to interface the component grids, and the method used to obtain the inviscid flow solution. Computed results and correlations with experiment are presented. also presented are discussions on the organization of the wing grid generation (GRGEN3) and nacelle grid generation (NGRIDA) computer programs, the grid interface (LK) computer program, and the wing/nacelle flow solution (TWN) computer program. Descriptions of the respective subroutines, definitions of the required input parameters, a discussion on interpretation of the output, and the sample cases illustrating application of the analysis are provided for each of the four computer programs

    Improved circularly polarized antenna

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    Antenna includes two sets of linearly polarized elements. Each set contains slots in parallel array. Sets are mutually orthogonal and are driven in phase quadrature. By changing lengths of slots or their separations, antenna beamwidth can be changed over wide range. Similar results are achieved with dipole configuration

    Study of radiation effects in Li-doped silicon solar cells Quarterly report

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    Irradiation and annealing of lithium doped silicon solar cell

    Determination of Equilibrium Constants for the Reaction between Acetone and HO_2 Using Infrared Kinetic Spectroscopy

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    The reaction between the hydroperoxy radical, HO_2, and acetone may play an important role in acetone removal and the budget of HO_x radicals in the upper troposphere. We measured the equilibrium constants of this reaction over the temperature range of 215–272 K at an overall pressure of 100 Torr using a flow tube apparatus and laser flash photolysis to produce HO_2. The HO_2 concentration was monitored as a function of time by near-IR diode laser wavelength modulation spectroscopy. The resulting [HO_2] decay curves in the presence of acetone are characterized by an immediate decrease in initial [HO_2] followed by subsequent decay. These curves are interpreted as a rapid (<100 μs) equilibrium reaction between acetone and the HO_2 radical that occurs on time scales faster than the time resolution of the apparatus, followed by subsequent reactions. This separation of time scales between the initial equilibrium and ensuing reactions enabled the determination of the equilibrium constant with values ranging from 4.0 × 10^(–16) to 7.7 × 10^(–1)8 cm^3 molecule^(–1) for T = 215–272 K. Thermodynamic parameters for the reaction determined from a second-law fit of our van’t Hoff plot were Δ_(r)H°_(245) = −35.4 ± 2.0 kJ mol^(–1) and Δ_(r)S°_(245) = −88.2 ± 8.5 J mol^(–1) K^(–1). Recent ab initio calculations predict that the reaction proceeds through a prereactive hydrogen-bonded molecular complex (HO_2–acetone) with subsequent isomerization to a hydroxy–peroxy radical, 2-hydroxyisopropylperoxy (2-HIPP). The calculations differ greatly in the energetics of the complex and the peroxy radical, as well as the transition state for isomerization, leading to significant differences in their predictions of the extent of this reaction at tropospheric temperatures. The current results are consistent with equilibrium formation of the hydrogen-bonded molecular complex on a short time scale (100 μs). Formation of the hydrogen-bonded complex will have a negligible impact on the atmosphere. However, the complex could subsequently isomerize to form the 2-HIPP radical on longer time scales. Further experimental studies are needed to assess the ultimate impact of the reaction of HO_2 and acetone on the atmosphere

    Experimentally Constrained Molecular Relaxation: The case of hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We have extended our experimentally constrained molecular relaxation technique (P. Biswas {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 71} 54204 (2005)) to hydrogenated amorphous silicon: a 540-atom model with 7.4 % hydrogen and a 611-atom model with 22 % hydrogen were constructed. Starting from a random configuration, using physically relevant constraints, {\it ab initio} interactions and the experimental static structure factor, we construct realistic models of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Our models confirm the presence of a high frequency localized band in the vibrational density of states due to Si-H vibration that has been observed in a recent vibrational transient grating measurements on plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited films of hydrogenated amorphous silicon.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A novel educational tool for teaching ocular ultrasound

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    Ocular ultrasound is now in increasing demand in routine ophthalmic clinical practice not only because it is noninvasive but also because of ever-advancing technology providing higher resolution imaging. It is however a difficult branch of ophthalmic investigations to grasp, as it requires a high skill level to interface with the technology and provide accurate interpretation of images for ophthalmic diagnosis and management. It is even more labor intensive to teach ocular ultrasound to another fellow clinician. One of the fundamental skills that proved difficult to learn and teach is the need for the examiner to “mentally convert” 2-dimensional B-scan images into 3-dimensional (3D) interpretations. An additional challenge is the requirement to carry out this task in real time. We have developed a novel approach to teach ocular ultrasound by using a novel 3D ocular model. A 3D virtual model is built using widely available, open source, software. The model is then used to generate movie clips simulating different movements and orientations of the scanner head. Using Blender, Quicktime motion clips are choreographed and collated into interactive quizzes and other pertinent pedagogical media. The process involves scripting motion vectors, rotation, and tracking of both the virtual stereo camera and the model. The resulting sequence is then rendered for twinned right- and left-eye views. Finally, the twinned views are synchronized and combined in a format compatible with the stereo projection apparatus. This new model will help the student with spatial awareness and allow for assimilation of this awareness into clinical practice. It will also help with grasping the nomenclature used in ocular ultrasound as well as helping with localization of lesions and obtaining the best possible images for echographic diagnosis, accurate measurements, and reporting

    Charged particle radiation damage in semiconductors. Part 14 - Study of radiation effects in lithium doped silicon solar cells

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    Lithium doped silicon solar cells under electron irradiation and determination of semiconductor parameter