12 research outputs found

    Sensitive Absorption Imaging of Single Atoms in Front of a Mirror

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    In this paper we show that the sensitivity of absorption imaging of ultracold atoms can be significantly improved by imaging in a standing-wave configuration. We present simulations of single-atom absorption imaging both for a travelling-wave and a standing-wave imaging setup, based on a scattering approach to calculate the optical density of a single atom. We find that the optical density of a single atom is determined only by the numerical aperture of the imaging system. We determine optimum imaging parameters, taking all relevant sources of noise into account. For reflective imaging we find an improvement of 1.7 in the maximum signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved. This is particularly useful for imaging in the vicinity of an atom chip, where a reflective surface is naturally present

    Zeeman deceleration of electron-impact-excited metastable helium atoms

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    We present experimental results that demonstrate - for the first time - the Zeeman deceleration of helium atoms in the metastable 2^3S_1state. A more than 40% decrease of the kinetic energy of the beam is achieved for deceleration from 490 m/s to a final velocity of 370 m/s. Metastable atom generation is achieved with an electron-impact-excitation source whose performance is enhanced through an additional discharge-type process which we characterize in detail. Comparison of deceleration data at different electron beam pulse durations confirms that a matching between the initial particle distribution and the phase-space acceptance of the decelerator is crucial for the production of a decelerated packet with a well-defined velocity distribution. The experimental findings are in good agreement with three-dimensional numerical particle trajectory simulations

    Observation of Stueckelberg oscillations in dipole-dipole interactions

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    We have observed Stueckelberg oscillations in the dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg atoms with an externally applied radio-frequency field. The oscillating RF field brings the interaction between cold Rydberg atoms in two separated volumes into resonance. We observe multi-photon transitions when varying the amplitude of the RF-field and the static electric field offset. The angular momentum states we use show a quadratic Stark shift, which leads to a fundamentally different behavior than linearly shifting states. Both cases are studied theoretically using the Floquet approach and are compared. The amplitude of the sidebands, related to the interaction strength, is given by the Bessel function in the linearly shifting case and by the generalized Bessel function in the quadratically shifting case. The oscillatory behavior of both functions corresponds to Stueckelberg oscillations, an interference effect described by the semi-classical Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg model. The measurements prove coherent dipole-dipole interaction during at least 0.6 micro-seconds

    High-Precision Measurement of Rydberg State Hyperfine Splitting in a Room-Temperature Vapour Cell

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    We present direct measurements of the hyperfine splitting of Rydberg states in rubidium 87 using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) spectroscopy in a room-temperature vapour cell. With this method, and in spite of Doppler-broadening, line-widths of 3.7 MHz FWHM, i.e. significantly below the intermediate state natural linewidth are reached. This allows resolving hyperfine splittings for Rydberg s-states with n=20...24. With this method we are able to determine Rydberg state hyperfine splittings with an accuracy of approximately 100 kHz. Ultimately our method allows accuracies of order 5 kHz to be reached. Furthermore we present a direct measurement of hyperfine-resolved Rydberg state Stark-shifts. These results will be of great value for future experiments relying on excellent knowledge of Rydberg-state energies an

    Radio-frequency driven dipole-dipole interactions in spatially separated volumes

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    Radio-frequency (rf) fields in the MHz range are used to induce resonant energy transfer between cold Rydberg atoms in spatially separated volumes. After laser preparation of the Rydberg atoms, dipole-dipole coupling excites the 49s atoms in one cylinder to the 49p state while the 41d atoms in the second cylinder are transferred down to the 42p state. The energy exchanged between the atoms in this process is 33 GHz. An external rf-field brings this energy transfer into resonance. The strength of the interaction has been investigated as a function of amplitude (0-1 V/cm) and frequency (1-30 MHz) of the rf-field and as a function of a static field offset. Multi-photon transitions up to fifth order as well as selection rules prohibiting the process at certain fields have been observed. The width of the resonances has been reduced compared to earlier results by switching off external magnetic fields of the magneto-optical trap, making sub-MHz spectroscopy possible. All features are well reproduced by theoretical calculations taking the strong ac-Stark shift due to the rf-field into account

    Spatially Resolved Excitation of Rydberg Atoms and Surface Effects on an Atom Chip

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    We demonstrate spatially resolved, coherent excitation of Rydberg atoms on an atom chip. Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is used to investigate the properties of the Rydberg atoms near the gold coated chip surface. We measure distance dependent shifts (~10 MHz) of the Rydberg energy levels caused by a spatially inhomogeneous electric field. The measured field strength and distance dependence is in agreement with a simple model for the electric field produced by a localized patch of Rb adsorbates deposited on the chip surface during experiments. The EIT resonances remain narrow (< 4 MHz) and the observed widths are independent of atom-surface distance down to ~20 \mum, indicating relatively long lifetime of the Rydberg states. Our results open the way to studies of dipolar physics, collective excitations, quantum metrology and quantum information processing involving interacting Rydberg excited atoms on atom chips

    Zeeman deceleration beyond periodic phase space stability

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    In Zeeman deceleration, time-varying spatially-inhomogeneous magnetic fields are used to create packets of translationally cold, quantum-state-selected paramagnetic particles with a tuneable forward velocity, which are ideal for cold reaction dynamics studies. Here, the covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy (CMA-ES) is adopted in order to optimise deceleration switching sequences for the operation of a Zeeman decelerator. Using the optimised sequences, a 40% increase in the number of decelerated particles is observed compared to standard sequences for the same final velocity, imposing the same experimental boundary conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it is possible to remove up to 98% of the initial kinetic energy of particles in the incoming beam, compared to the removal of a maximum of 83% of kinetic energy with standard sequences. Three-dimensional particle trajectory simulations are employed to reproduce the experimental results and to investigate differences in the deceleration mechanism adopted by standard and optimised sequences. It is experimentally verified that the optimal solution uncovered by the evolutionary algorithm is not merely a local optimisation of the experimental parameters { it is a novel mode of operation that goes beyond the standard periodic phase stability approach typically adopted

    Zeeman deceleration of metastable nitrogen atoms

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    Raw data, simulations and analysis code for the evidence presented in the paper "Zeeman deceleration of metastable nitrogen atoms" by Katrin Dulitz, Jutta Toscano, Atreju Tauschinsky and Timothy P Softley published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 075203 (6pp