241 research outputs found

    The Feeling of Control: The Psychology Behind Immersive Controls in Video Games and Their Real World Effects

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    There is a phenomenon that can occur while playing video games where the player begins to feel similar sensations to the player character. This phenomenon, unnamed until now, has very little research directly related to it. There is plenty of indirect research that can be applied to this phenomenon, now called sensation mirroring. A review of both cognitive and psychobiological literature allows for major connections between human functions and how they interact with video game control schemes to be drawn. These connections help form a potential theory on the mechanisms of sensation mirroring and provide directions for future research on the topic

    Atomic diffraction in counter-propagating Gaussian pulses of laser light

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    We present an analysis of atomic diffraction due to the interaction of an atomic beam with a pair of Gaussian light pulses. We derive a simple analytical expression for the populations in different diffraction orders. The validity of the obtained solution extends beyond the Raman-Nath regime, where the kinetic energy associated with different diffraction peaks is neglected, into the so-called channeling regime where accurate analytical expressions have not previously been available for the diffraction. Comparison with experimental results and exact numerical solutions demonstrate the validity of our analytical formula.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The EU isn't protectionist - it's one of the most open economies in the world

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    US President Donald Trump recently criticised the EU for being protectionist, and several political figures in the UK have suggested that Brexit will allow the country to remove protectionist tariffs and regulations to boost trade. But how accurate is this claim in reality? Using data on various aspects of trade, Mark Manger and Atom Vayalinkal argue that the EU is ..

    Profil Pengalaman Tki : Pemberangkatan, di Luar Negeri dan Kepulangan Studi Kasus Kotamadya Cianjur, Kotamadya Sukabumi & Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa berlawanan dengan keyakinan umum ternyata peranan sponsor atau calo tidaklah merugikan para calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia . Para TKI mengaku bahwa sponsor sangatlah berperan dan berkontribusi pada keberangkatan mereka dan mereka bersikap positif terhadap sponsor. Demikian juga selama di luar negeri dan pada kepulangan dari luar negeri , mereka mengaku tidak mengalami kesulitan dan penderitaan seperti yang diberitakan dalam mass media.Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teori migrasi , ketenagaan kerja dan wawancara secara kualitatif serta tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengekplorasi profil pengalaman TKI di Kotamadya Cianjur dan Kotamadya dan Kabupaten Sukabumi

    Negative thermal expansion of water in hydrophobic nanospaces

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    The density and intermolecular structure of water in carbon micropores (w = 1.36 nm) are investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements between 20 K and 298 K. The SAXS results suggest that the density of the water in the micropores increased with increasing temperature over a wide temperature range (20-277 K). The density changed by 10%, which is comparable to the density change of 7% between bulk ice (I(c)) at 20 K and water at 277 K. The results of XRD at low temperatures (less than 200 K) show that the water forms the cubic ice (I(c)) structure, although its peak shape and radial distribution functions changed continuously to those of a liquid-like structure with increasing temperature. The SAXS and XRD results both showed that the water in the hydrophobic nanospaces had no phase transition point. The continuous structural change from ice I(c) to liquid with increasing temperature suggests that water shows negative thermal expansion over a wide temperature range in hydrophobic nanospaces. The combination of XRD and SAXS measurements makes it possible to describe confined systems in nanospaces with intermolecular structure and density of adsorbed molecular assemblies.ArticlePHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 14(2):981-986 (2012)journal articl

    Profil Pengidentifikasian Diri Suku Tionghoa Indonesia (Yinhua = Yinni Huaren ) sebagai Bangsa Indonesia dalam Era Globalisasi

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    Penelitian ini berusaha menemukan bahwa ada hubungan antara globalisasi dengan kecenderungan pengidentifikasian diri sebagai bangsa Indonesia untuk suku Tionghoa Indonesia (Yinhua = yinni huaren ). Dalam peneltian ini akan digunakan teori psikologi sosial yang mengungkapkan perasaan kebangsaan Indonesia yang merupakan bagian dari persepsi manusia. Penelitian akan memakai metoda eksploratif dan metoda survai di Jawa Barat dengan sampling Kota Bandung, Sukabumi dan Cianjur
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