23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Berbagai Frekuensi Pemberipengaruh Berbagai Frekuensi Pemberian Pakan dan Pembatasan Pakan terhadap Efisiensi Penggunaan Protein Ayam Broiler

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    The research was aims to determine the influence of various feeding frequency and feed restriction on protein utilization of broiler chicken which includes the consumption of protein, protein efficiency ratio and nitrogen retention The experiment used 200 days old chick broilers unsex. Feed rations were calculated 22,69% crude protein; 2930 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 5 replication was used in this experiment. Feed provided ad libitum at the age of 1-7 days. feed restriction (75% standard) with frequency of 8-21 days with treatment at T0 = ad libitum-feed; T1 = 4 times given at 06.00, 10.00, 14.00 and 18.00, T2 = 3 times gave at 06.00, 14.00 and 18.00, T3 = 2 times were gave at 06.00 and 14.00. Feed provided ad libitum at the age of 22-35 days. The results showed that the influence of feeding frequency and feed restriction no significant effect (P> 0.05) on protein consumption, protein efficiency ratio and nitrogen retentio

    Profil Perlemakandarah Dan Persentase Lemak Abdominal Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Tepung Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb)dalam Ransum (Fat Content in Blood and Percentage of Abdominal Fat of Broiler Supplementation Fingerroot (Boesenbergia Pandura

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    This studi aimed to determine the effect offingerroot (Boesenbergiapandurata ROXB) powder in the diet on broiler chicken of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglyceride levels of blood and percentage of abdominal fat. The material used in the study were 120 broilers chick unsex, aged 7 days, mean weight 137,5 ± 16,04 g (CV 6,36 %). Diet was divided into four, T0:was diet without fingerroot powder, T1 : diet with fingerroot powder 0,8%, T2 :diet with fingerroot powder1,2%, T3 :diet with fingerroot powder 1,6% and T4 :diet with fingerroot powder. The experimental was conducted using the completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and one 4 replications and each research unit consist of 6 chickens. Diet and water given ad libitum. The result shownthat means not defernt means of cholesterol (T0 =101,02, T1 = 102,02, T2 = 1012,30, T3 = 143,43, T4 = 130,05 mg/dl), meanshigh density lipoprotein(T0 = 123,78, T1 = 152,70, T2 = 119,80, T3 = 129,18, T4 = 149,05 mg/dl), defernt (P<0,01) meansof triglyceride(T0 = 55,50, T1 = 22,19, T2 = 61,82, T3 = 24,30, T4 = 19,18 mg/dl)and percentage of abdominal fat(T0 = 1,29, T1 = 1,62, T2 = 1,98, T3 = 1,39, T4 = 1,36%).Conclusions the use of fingerroot powder in the diet ration had no decreased abdominal fat and blood cholesterol and not increased HDL, but decreased blood triglyceride of broiler chickens

    Pengaruh Berbagai Frekuensi Pemberian Pakan pada Pembatasan Pakan terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of feeding frequency on feed restriction on broiler chickens performance. The material used in this study were 200 heads of unsex 1 Day Old Chick (DOC), broiler strain. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 4 treatments and 5 trials consisted of 10 chickens. T0: ad libitum feeding according to the standard PT. Charoen Pokphand, T1: feeding 75% of standard feed with 3 times a day frequency, T3: feeding 75% of standard feed with 2 times frequency of. Data obtained then analyzed with the F test at range test level of 5%. The results showed there's no interaction between the restriction on the consumption of feed rations, body weight gain and conversion rations. Consumption of broiler chicken rations at T0: 553.09 g, T1: 553.57 g, T2: 552.80, T3: 555.42 g. Body weight gain of broiler chickens at T0: 360.13 g, T1: 350, 52 g, T2: 347, 99 g and T3: 354.01 g. Conversion ration of broiler chickens at T0: 1.54 g, T1: 1.58 g, T2: 1.59 g and T3: 1.56 g. The conclusion is there's no effect of feeding frequency 4 times, 3 times and 2 times at 75% of standard feed restriction on the broiler chicken performance

    Pengaruh Berbagai Frekuensi Pemberian Pakan pada Pembatasan Pakan terhadap Produksi Karkas Ayam Broiler

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    The research was aims to determine the influence of various feeding frequencies on feed restriction towards broiler chickens on carcass production. The experiment used 200 days old chick broilers unsex. Feed diet were calculated 22,69% crude protein; 2930 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. Design used in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 4 treatments and 5 replications, so there were 20 cages as experiment units. Each experiment unit consisted of 10 brid. T0: ad libitum feeding according to PT. Charoen Pokphand standard. T1: feeding with 75% standard feed which is given 4 times a day, T2: feeding with 75% of standard feed which is given 3 times a day, T3: feeding with 75% of standard feed which is given twice a day. The carcass weight of broiler chickens on T0: 1378,6 g, T1: 1292,4 g, T2: 1294,4 g dan T3: 1295,4 g. The carcass percentage of broiler chickens on T0: 71,86 , T1: 70,89 , T2: 71,19 dan T3: 72,37 %. The carcass percentage cut portion breast of broiler chickens on T0: 35,17, T1: 37,24, T2: 35,35 dan T3: 36,14 %. The carcass percentage cut portion drumstick of broiler chickens on T0: 6,52, T1: 6,68, T2: 6,48 dan T3: 6,59 %. The carcass percentage cut portion thigh of broiler chickens on T0: 8,12, T1: 8,35, T2: 8,14 dan T3: 8,11 %. The carcass percentage cut portion wing of broiler chickens on T0: 5,46, T1: 5,42, T2: 5,83 dan T3: 5,51 %. The carcass percentage cut portion back of broiler chickens on T0: 11,97, T1: 11,86, T2: 11,66 dan T3: 11,56 %. The results showed that the influence of feeding frequency and feed restriction no significant effect (P> 0.05) on weight carcass, carcass percentage and carcass cut portio

    Penggunaan Protein Dan Pertumbuhan Pada Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Ransum Dengan Penambahan Tepung Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb.) (Protein Utilization and Growth of Broiler Chicken Fed Dietary Finggeroot (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb.))

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of dietary inclusion of finggerroot (Boesenbergia pandurata ROXB.) powder on rate of passage, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain in broiler chickens. A total of 120 birds of 7 days old broiker chicken were used as experimental animal. The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications (6 birds each). Dietary inclusion levels of finggeroot namely, 0, 1.2, 1.6, and 2 % were the treatment applied in the present study. Data were stastically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5 % probability, and it was continued to Duncan test if treatment indicated significant efect. The results showed that feding of finggerroot had no significant effect ( P > 0.05 ) on the rate of passage, protein digestibility and body weight gain, but significant ( P < 0.05 ) on nitrogen retention. The conclusion of this study is that the inclusion of finggerroot powder at the level of 2 % decrease nitrogen retention, but the other parameters (rate of passage, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain) are the same

    Nitrogen Retention and Productive Performance of Crossbred Native Chicken Due to Feeding Effect of Kayambang (Salvinia Molesta)

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    The present research was aimed to clarify the effect of feeding Salvinia molesta in crossbred native chicken on productive performance based on the ability of protein utilitation. The reseach was arranged in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications (5 birds each). The animals used in the present study were 100 birds of crossbred native chicken. The treatments given were as follows: T0 (diet without Salvinia molesta ), T1 (diet with 6% Salvinia molesta), T2 (diet with 12% Salvinia molesta), T3 (diet with 18% Salvinia molesta). Parameter observed namely feed consumption, nitrogen retention, muscle protein mass, and body weight gain. The data were analysed using anova, when the effect of the treatments was significant, then duncan's multiple range test was applied. The results showed that the treatment of feeding Salvinia molesta indicated a sinificant effect (p<0.05) on nitrogen retention and productive performance. Feed consumption, nitrogen retention, muscle protein mass, and the body weight gain of T1, T2, and T3 were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of control (t0), while among treatments T1, T2, and T3 were not different. Feeding Salvinia molesta up to the level of 18% can improve nitrogen retention and productive perfomance of crossbred native chicken.Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.1.19-24[How to cite this article: Ma'rifah, U. Atmomarsono, N. Suthama. (2013). Nitrogen Retention and Productive Performance of Crossbred Native Chicken Due to Feeding Effect of Kayambang (Salvinia molesta), 5(1)2013.19-24. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.1.19-24

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jahe Emprit (Zingiber Officinale Var Amarum) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Laju Pakan Dan Kecernaan Pakan Ayam Kampung Umur 12 Minggu

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    This study aims to determine the effect of ginger powder emprit use in the diet on passage rate and feed digestibility of 12 weeks old native chicken. The material used in the study were 240 DOC native chickens. Diet was divided into two phases, namely stater phase with protein 19% and 2.900 EM kcal/kg and finisher phase with protein 17% and 2.900 EM kcal/kg. The experiment was conducted using the Completely Randomized Design(CRD) on split plot pattern with 2 main plot, 4 subplot and 5 replications, there was 40 experimental units. The experimental unit consisted of 6 bird chicken. The diet given adlibitum fed DOC to 4 weeks. Old after 5 weeks old the chicken male and female were separate and gave ginger powder in the diet T1 = 1%, T2 = 2%, T3 = 3% and the control diet (with out ginger powder). The results showed an average digestibility of the diet (T0 = 75,38%, T1 = 75,83%, T2 = 73,95%, T3 = 73,26%), passage rate (T0 = 179,2 min, T1 = 174,0 min, T2 = 186,0 min, T3 = 163,0 min), protein digestibility (83,97% males and females 80,67%). The conclusion of this study showed that the effect of ginger powder in the diet significant on passage rate. The treatment use ginger powder in the diet no significant effect on digestibility of diet and the protein digestibility, but significant effect on the digestibility protein male and female show that the males chicken more can ulitize the protein digestible than the female