6,550 research outputs found

    Monthly mean forecast experiments with the GISS model

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    The GISS general circulation model was used to compute global monthly mean forecasts for January 1973, 1974, and 1975 from initial conditions on the first day of each month and constant sea surface temperatures. Forecasts were evaluated in terms of global and hemispheric energetics, zonally averaged meridional and vertical profiles, forecast error statistics, and monthly mean synoptic fields. Although it generated a realistic mean meridional structure, the model did not adequately reproduce the observed interannual variations in the large scale monthly mean energetics and zonally averaged circulation. The monthly mean sea level pressure field was not predicted satisfactorily, but annual changes in the Icelandic low were simulated. The impact of temporal sea surface temperature variations on the forecasts was investigated by comparing two parallel forecasts for January 1974, one using climatological ocean temperatures and the other observed daily ocean temperatures. The use of daily updated sea surface temperatures produced no discernible beneficial effect

    LHC Coverage of RPV MSSM with Light Stops

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    We examine the sensitivity of recent LHC searches to signatures of supersymmetry with R-parity violation (RPV). Motivated by naturalness of the Higgs potential, which would favor light third-generation squarks, and the stringent LHC bounds on spectra in which the gluino or first and second generation squarks are light, we focus on scenarios dominated by the pair production of light stops. We consider the various possible direct and cascade decays of the stop that involve the trilinear RPV operators. We find that in many cases, the existing searches exclude stops in the natural mass range and beyond. However, typically there is little or no sensitivity to cases dominated by UDD operators or LQD operators involving taus. We propose several ideas for searches which could address the existing gaps in experimental coverage of these signals.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures; v2: included new searches (see footnote 10), minor corrections and improvement

    Multiple Parton Interactions, top--antitop and W+4j production at the LHC

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    The expected rate for Multiple Parton Interactions (MPI) at the LHC is large. This requires an estimate of their impact on all measurement foreseen at the LHC while opening unprecendented opportunities for a detailed study of these phenomena. In this paper we examine the MPI background to top-antitop production, in the semileptonic channel, in the early phase of data taking when the full power of bb--tagging will not be available. The MPI background turns out to be small but non negligible, of the order of 20% of the background provided by W+4j production through a Single Parton Interaction. We then analyze the possibility of studying Multiple Parton Interactions in the W+4j channel, a far more complicated setting than the reactions examined at lower energies. The MPI contribution turns out to be dominated by final states with two energetic jets which balance in transverse momentum, and it appears possible, thanks to the good angular resolution of ATLAS and CMS, to separate the Multiple Parton Interactions contribution from Single Parton Interaction processes. The large cross section for two jet production suggests that also Triple Parton Interactions (TPI) could provide a non negligible contribution. Our preliminary analysis suggests that it might be indeed possible to investigate TPI at the LHC.Comment: Typos fixed. Published in JHE

    First global analysis of SEASAT scatterometer winds and potential for meteorological research

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    The first global wind fields from SEASAT-A scatterometer (SASS) data were produced. Fifteen days of record are available on tape, with unique wind directions indicated for each observation. The methodology of the production of this data set is described, as well as the testing of its validity. A number of displays of the data, on large and small scales, analyzed and gridded, are provided

    The prediction of sea-surface temperature variations by means of an advective mixed-layer ocean model

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    An advective mixed layer ocean model was developed by eliminating the assumption of horizontal homogeneity in an already existing mixed layer model, and then superimposing a mean and anomalous wind driven current field. This model is based on the principle of conservation of heat and mechanical energy and utilizes a box grid for the advective part of the calculation. Three phases of experiments were conducted: evaluation of the model's ability to account for climatological sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the cooling and heating seasons, sensitivity tests in which the effect of hypothetical anomalous winds was evaluated, and a thirty-day synoptic calculation using the model. For the case studied, the accuracy of the predictions was improved by the inclusion of advection, although nonadvective effects appear to have dominated

    An Empirical Charge Transfer Potential with Correct Dissociation Limits

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    The empirical valence bond (EVB) method [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 1262 (1970)] has always embodied charge transfer processes. The mechanism of that behavior is examined here and recast for use as a new empirical potential energy surface for large-scale simulations. A two-state model is explored. The main features of the model are: (1) Explicit decomposition of the total system electron density is invoked; (2) The charge is defined through the density decomposition into constituent contributions; (3) The charge transfer behavior is controlled through the resonance energy matrix elements which cannot be ignored; and (4) A reference-state approach, similar in spirit to the EVB method, is used to define the resonance state energy contributions in terms of "knowable" quantities. With equal validity, the new potential energy can be expressed as a nonthermal ensemble average with a nonlinear but analytical charge dependence in the occupation number. Dissociation to neutral species for a gas-phase process is preserved. A variant of constrained search density functional theory is advocated as the preferred way to define an energy for a given charge.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys. 11/12/03. 14 pages, 8 figure

    Energy dependence on fractional charge for strongly interacting subsystems

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    The energies of a pair of strongly-interacting subsystems with arbitrary noninteger charges are examined from closed and open system perspectives. An ensemble representation of the charge dependence is derived, valid at all interaction strengths. Transforming from resonance-state ionicity to ensemble charge dependence imposes physical constraints on the occupation numbers in the strong-interaction limit. For open systems, the chemical potential is evaluated using microscopic and thermodynamic models, leading to a novel correlation between ground-state charge and an electronic temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs.; as accepted (Phys. Rev. Lett.

    ATLAS silicon module assembly and qualification tests at IFIC Valencia

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    ATLAS experiment, designed to probe the interactions of particles emerging out of proton proton collisions at energies of up to 14 TeV, will assume operation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in 2007. This paper discusses the assembly and the quality control tests of forward detector modules for the ATLAS silicon microstrip detector assembled at the Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) in Valencia. The construction and testing procedures are outlined and the laboratory equipment is briefly described. Emphasis is given on the module quality achieved in terms of mechanical and electrical stability.Comment: 23 pages, 38 EPS figures, uses JINST LaTeX clas

    Dark matter searches at LHC

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    Besides Standard Model measurements and other Beyond Standard Model studies, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC will search for Supersymmetry, one of the most attractive explanation for dark matter. The SUSY discovery potential with early data is presented here together with some first results obtained with 2010 collision data at 7 TeV. Emphasis is placed on measurements and parameter determination that can be performed to disentangle the possible SUSY models and SUSY look-alike and the interpretation of a possible positive supersymmetric signal as an explanation of dark matter.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Invited plenary talk given at DISCRETE 2010: Symposium On Prospects In The Physics Of Discrete Symmetries, 6-11 Dec 2010, Rome, Ital

    Macroscopic Strings and "Quirks" at Colliders

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    We consider extensions of the standard model containing additional heavy particles ("quirks") charged under a new unbroken non-abelian gauge group as well as the standard model. We assume that the quirk mass m is in the phenomenologically interesting range 100 GeV--TeV, and that the new gauge group gets strong at a scale Lambda < m. In this case breaking of strings is exponentially suppressed, and quirk production results in strings that are long compared to 1/Lambda. The existence of these long stable strings leads to highly exotic events at colliders. For 100 eV < Lambda < keV the strings are macroscopic, giving rise to events with two separated quirk tracks with measurable curvature toward each other due to the string interaction. For keV < Lambda < MeV the typical strings are mesoscopic: too small to resolve in the detector, but large compared to atomic scales. In this case, the bound state appears as a single particle, but its mass is the invariant mass of a quirk pair, which has an event-by-event distribution. For MeV < Lambda < m the strings are microscopic, and the quirks annihilate promptly within the detector. For colored quirks, this can lead to hadronic fireball events with 10^3 hadrons with energy of order GeV emitted in conjunction with hard decay products from the final annihilation.Comment: Added discussion of photon-jet decay, fixed minor typo
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