22,919 research outputs found
Global Innovation Policy Index
Ranks fifty-five nations' strategies to boost innovation capacity: policies on trade, scientific research, information and communications technologies, tax, intellectual property, domestic competition, government procurement, and high-skill immigration
The geometrically-averaged density of states as a measure of localization
Motivated by current interest in disordered systems of interacting electrons,
the effectiveness of the geometrically averaged density of states,
, as an order parameter for the Anderson transition is
examined. In the context of finite-size systems we examine complications which
arise from finite energy resolution. Furthermore we demonstrate that even in
infinite systems a decline in with increasing disorder
strength is not uniquely associated with localization.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; revised text and figure
Charge and spin state readout of a double quantum dot coupled to a resonator
State readout is a key requirement for a quantum computer. For
semiconductor-based qubit devices it is usually accomplished using a separate
mesoscopic electrometer. Here we demonstrate a simple detection scheme in which
a radio-frequency resonant circuit coupled to a semiconductor double quantum
dot is used to probe its charge and spin states. These results demonstrate a
new non-invasive technique for measuring charge and spin states in quantum dot
systems without requiring a separate mesoscopic detector
Multimode switching induced by a transverse field planar magnetic nanowires
We report how transverse fields affect the axial field needed to "inject" domain walls from a large Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) pad into planar nanowires of width 184 nm, 303 nm, 321 nm, and 537 nm fabricated by electron beam lithography. For the narrowest wire, different switching fields are observed under the same transverse field conditions, indicating that more than one mode or state for the domain walls may exist. In contrast, in the widest wires a transverse field causes each reversal event to occur in two stages. The different response may be attributed to the magnetostatic energy differences of domain walls in wires of different widths
Observation of the Purcell effect in high-index-contrast micropillar
We have fabricated pillar microcavity samples with Bragg mirrors consisting
of alternate layers of GaAs and Aluminium Oxide. Compared to the more widely
studied GaAs/AlAs micropillars these mirrors can achieve higher reflectivities
with fewer layer repeats and reduce the mode volume. We have studied a number
of samples containing a low density of InGaAs/GaAs self assembled quantum dots
in a cavity and here report observation of a three fold enhancement in the
radiative lifetime of a quantum dot exciton state due to the Purcell effect
Oxide-apertured microcavity single-photon emitting diode
We have developed a microcavity single-photon source based on a single
quantum dot within a planar cavity in which wet-oxidation of a high-aluminium
content layer provides lateral confinement of both the photonic mode and the
injection current. Lateral confinement of the optical mode in optically pumped
structures produces a strong enhancement of the radiative decay rate. Using
microcavity structures with doped contact layers, we demonstrate a
single-photon emitting diode where current may be injected into a single dot
Experimental position-time entanglement with degenerate single photons
We report an experiment in which two-photon interference occurs between
degenerate single photons that never meet. The two photons travel in opposite
directions through our fibre-optic interferometer and interference occurs when
the photons reach two different, spatially separated, 2-by-2 couplers at the
same time. We show that this experiment is analogous to the conventional
Franson-type entanglement experiment where the photons are entangled in
position and time. We measure wavefunction overlaps for the two photons as high
as 94 3%.Comment: Updated to published version, new fig. 4., corrected typo
Multiplicative renormalizability and quark propagator
The renormalized Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark propagator is
studied, in Landau gauge, in a novel truncation which preserves multiplicative
renormalizability. The renormalization constants are formally eliminated from
the integral equations, and the running coupling explicitly enters the kernels
of the new equations. To construct a truncation which preserves multiplicative
renormalizability, and reproduces the correct leading order perturbative
behavior, non-trivial cancellations involving the full quark-gluon vertex are
assumed in the quark self-energy loop. A model for the running coupling is
introduced, with infrared fixed point in agreement with previous
Dyson-Schwinger studies of the gauge sector, and with correct logarithmic tail.
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is investigated, and the generated quark
mass is of the order of the extension of the infrared plateau of the coupling,
and about three times larger than in the Abelian approximation, which violates
multiplicative renormalizability. The generated scale is of the right size for
hadronic phenomenology, without requiring an infrared enhancement of the
running coupling.Comment: 17 pages; minor corrections, comparison to lattice results added;
accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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