11 research outputs found

    Promotion of physical activity in rural, remote and northern settings: a Canadian call to action

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    Introduction: The lack of policy, practice and research action on physical activity and features of the physical (built and natural) environments in rural, remote and northern settings is a significant threat to population health equity in Canada. This paper presents a synthesis of current evidence on the promotion of physical activity in non-urban settings, outcomes from a national priority-setting meeting, and a preliminary call to action to support the implementation and success of population-level initiatives targeting physical activity in non-urban settings. Methods: We conducted a “synopses of syntheses” scoping review to explore current evidence on physical activity promotion in rural, remote, northern and natural settings. Next, we facilitated a collaborative priority-setting conference with 28 Canadian experts from policy, research and practice arenas to develop a set of priorities on physical activity in rural, remote and northern communities. These priorities informed the development of a preliminary Canadian call to action. Results: We identified a limited number of reviews that focused on physical activity and the built environment in rural, remote and northern communities. At the priority-setting conference, participants representing rural, remote and northern settings identified top priorities for policy, practice and research action to begin to address the gaps and issues noted in the literature. These priorities include self-identifying priorities at the community level; compiling experiences; establishing consistency in research definitions and methods; and developing mentorship opportunities. Conclusion: Coordinated action across policy, practice and research domains will be essential to the success of the recommendations presented in this call to action

    Conceptualizing quality in participatory health research: a phenomenographic inquiry

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    Participatory approaches to research are gaining popularity in health and wellness disciplines because of their potential to bridge gaps between research and practice and promote health equity. A number of guidelines have been developed to help research-practitioners gauge the quality of participatory health research (PHR). In light of the increasing popularization of this approach in the field of public health, there is a need to check in with current practitioners to see if their practices are still reflective of past guidelines. The aim of this study was to understand how research-practitioners currently conceptualize the quality of participatory health research in particular. Using phenomenographic inquiry, we interviewed 13 researchers who described their experience of PHR. We identified 15 categories of description and visually represented the relationship between the categories using an outcome space. Our findings suggest that conceptualizations of what is considered high quality PHR have remained consistent. This reliability bodes well for the development of quality criteria for participatory health research. We discuss implications for scaling up this study to compare quality criteria beyond a North American context. (author's abstract)Partizipative Ansätze erfreuen sich in den Gesundheitswissenschaften zunehmender Beliebtheit infolge ihres Potenzials, Forschung und Praxis näher zusammenzubringen. In diesem Zusammenhang sind verschiedene Leitlinien entwickelt worden, um Forschenden zu helfen, die Qualität partizipativer Gesundheitsforschung (PGF) zu bewerten. Hiervon ausgehend entsteht ein Bedarf, die Güte dieser Leitlinien im Lichte aktueller Forschung zu reflektieren. Wir wollten deshalb wissen, wie die Qualität von PGF im Feld selbst konzeptualisiert wird und haben 13 Forschende in einer phänomenografischen Studie zu ihren Erfahrungen mit PGF befragt. Insgesamt haben wir 15 Kategorien identifiziert, deren Beziehung wir in diesem Beitrag auch visuell zu veranschaulichen versuchen. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Dimensionen, die für die Zuschreibung hoher Qualität verantwortlich sind, vergleichsweise stabil (geblieben) sind. Diese Verlässlichkeit ist u.E. vielversprechend mit Blick auf die Entwicklung von Qualitätskriterien für PGF. Wir diskutieren abschließend auch Implikationen, die bedacht werden müssen, wenn Untersuchungen außerhalb des nordamerikanischen Kontextes mit dem Ziel eines internationalen Vergleichs stattfinden sollen. (Autorenreferat

    Conceptualizing Quality in Participatory Health Research: A Phenomenographic Inquiry

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    Participatory approaches to research are gaining popularity in health and wellness disciplines because of their potential to bridge gaps between research and practice and promote health equity. A number of guidelines have been developed to help research-practitioners gauge the quality of participatory health research (PHR). In light of the increasing popularization of this approach in the field of public health, there is a need to check in with current practitioners to see if their practices are still reflective of past guidelines. The aim of this study was to understand how research-practitioners currently conceptualize the quality of participatory health research in particular. Using phenomenographic inquiry, we interviewed 13 researchers who described their experience of PHR. We identified 15 categories of description and visually represented the relationship between the categories using an outcome space. Our findings suggest that conceptualizations of what is considered high quality PHR have remained consistent. This reliability bodes well for the development of quality criteria for participatory health research. We discuss implications for scaling up this study to compare quality criteria beyond a North American context. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs160227

    Adoption and diffusion of zoning bylaws banning fast food drive-through services across Canadian municipalities

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    Abstract Background Healthy public policy is an important tool for creating environments that support human health and wellbeing. At the local level, municipal policies, such as zoning bylaws, provide an opportunity for governments to regulate building location and the type of services offered. Across North America, there has been a recent proliferation of municipal bylaws banning fast food drive-through services. Research on the utilization of this policy strategy, including bylaw adopters and adopter characteristics, is limited within the Canadian context. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize Canadian municipalities based on level of policy innovation and nature of their adopted bylaw banning fast food drive-through services. Methods A multiple case history methodology was utilized to identify and analyse eligible municipal bylaws, and included development of a chronological timeline and map of adopter municipalities within Canada. Grey literature and policy databases were searched for potential adopters of municipal fast food drive-through service bylaws. Adopters were confirmed through evidence of current municipal bylaws. Geographic diffusion and diffusion of innovations theories provided a contextual framework for analysis of bylaw documents. Analysis included assignment of adopter-types, extent and purpose of bans, and policy learning activities of each adopter municipality. Results From 2002 to 2016, 27 municipalities were identified as adopters: six innovators and twenty-one early adopters. Mapping revealed parallel geographic diffusion patterns in western and eastern Canada. Twenty-two municipalities adopted a partial ban and five adopted a full ban. Rationales for the drive-through bans included health promotion, environmental concerns from idling, community character and aesthetics, traffic concerns, and walkability. Policy learning, including research and consultation with other municipalities, was performed by nine early adopters. Conclusion This study detailed the adoption of fast food drive-through bylaws across Canada. Understanding the adopter-type characteristics of municipalities and the nature of their bylaws can assist other jurisdictions in similar policy efforts. While the implications for research and practice are evolving and dynamic, fast food drive-through service bans may play a role in promoting healthier food environments. Further research is required to determine the viability of this strategy for health promotion and chronic disease prevention

    Evidence synthesis - Promotion of physical activity in rural, remote and northern settings: a Canadian call to action

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    Introduction: The lack of policy, practice and research action on physical activity and features of the physical (built and natural) environments in rural, remote and northern settings is a significant threat to population health equity in Canada. This paper presents a synthesis of current evidence on the promotion of physical activity in non-urban settings, outcomes from a national priority-setting meeting, and a preliminary call to action to support the implementation and success of population-level initiatives targeting physical activity in non-urban settings. Methods: We conducted a “synopses of syntheses” scoping review to explore current evidence on physical activity promotion in rural, remote, northern and natural settings. Next, we facilitated a collaborative priority-setting conference with 28 Canadian experts from policy, research and practice arenas to develop a set of priorities on physical activity in rural, remote and northern communities. These priorities informed the development of a preliminary Canadian call to action. Results: We identified a limited number of reviews that focused on physical activity and the built environment in rural, remote and northern communities. At the prioritysetting conference, participants representing rural, remote and northern settings identified top priorities for policy, practice and research action to begin to address the gaps and issues noted in the literature. These priorities include self-identifying priorities at the community level; compiling experiences; establishing consistency in research definitions and methods; and developing mentorship opportunities. Conclusion: Coordinated action across policy, practice and research domains will be essential to the success of the recommendations presented in this call to action

    Synthèse des données probantes - Promotion de l’activité physique en milieu rural ou éloigné et dans les régions du Nord : un appel pancanadien à l’action

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    Introduction. L’absence d’interventions en matière de recherche, de pratiques et de politiques relativement à l’activité physique et les particularités de l’environnement physique (bâti et naturel) en milieu rural ou éloigné et dans les régions du Nord constituent des freins importants à l’équité en santé de la population au Canada. Cet article présente une synthèse des données probantes pertinentes sur l’activité physique en milieu non urbain, les résultats d’une rencontre sur l’établissement de priorités nationales ainsi qu’un appel préliminaire à l’action en vue de favoriser la mise en place et la réussite, à l’échelle de la population, d’initiatives axées sur l’activité physique en milieu non urbain. Méthodologie. Nous avons d’abord réalisé un examen de la portée des synopsis de synthèses pour étudier les données probantes pertinentes en lien avec la promotion de l’activité physique en milieu rural, éloigné ou naturel et dans les régions du Nord. Nous avons ensuite organisé une conférence à laquelle ont pris part 28 experts canadiens spécialisés en politiques, en recherche et en pratiques, afin de concevoir de manière concertée un ensemble de priorités sur l’activité physique en milieu rural ou éloigné et dans les régions du Nord. À la suite de cette rencontre, nous avons rédigé un appel à l’action préliminaire pour tout le Canada. Résultats. Nous avons relevé relativement peu de travaux axés sur l’activité physique et l’environnement bâti en milieu rural ou éloigné et dans les régions du Nord. Lors de la conférence sur l’établissement de priorités, des participants représentant des milieux ruraux ou éloignés et des collectivités du Nord ont formulé les grandes priorités d’action en matière de politiques, de pratiques et de recherche pour commencer à réduire les écarts et résoudre les problèmes soulevés dans la littérature : le besoin d’identification au niveau communautaire; la compilation d’expériences; l’assurance d’une cohésion dans les définitions et les méthodes de recherche et enfin la création de possibilités de mentorat. Conclusion. Une action concertée entre les domaines des politiques, des pratiques et de la recherche est essentielle au succès des recommandations formulées dans cet appel à l’action

    Australian and Canadian financial wellbeing policy landscape during COVID-19: An equity-informed policy scan

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    Background: This targeted and comprehensive policy scan examined how different levels of governments in Australia and Canada responded to the financial crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. We mapped the types of early policy responses addressing financial strain and promoting financial wellbeing. We also examined their equity considerations. Methods: Through a systematic search, snowballing, and manual search, we identified Canadian and Australian policies at all government levels related to financial strain or financial wellbeing enacted or amended in 2019–2020. Using a deductive-inductive approach, policies were categorized by jurisdiction level, focal areas, and target population groups. Results: In total, 213 and 97 policies in Canada and Australia, respectively, were included. Comparisons between Canadian and Australian policies indicated a more diversified and equity-targeted policy landscape in Canada. In both countries, most policies focused on individual and family finances, followed by housing and employment areas. Conclusions: The policy scan identified gaps and missed opportunities in the early policies related to financial strain and financial wellbeing. While fast, temporary actions addressed individuals’ immediate needs, we recommend governments develop a longer-term action plan to tackle the root causes of financial strain and poor financial wellbeing for better health and non-health crisis preparedness. Statement on Ethics and Informed Consent: This research reported in this paper did not require ethical clearance or patient informed consent as the data sources were published policy documents. This study did not involve data collection with humans (or animals), nor any secondary datasets involving data provided by humans (or from animal studies)

    Healthy food procurement and nutrition standards in public facilities: Evidence synthesis and consensus policy recommendations

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    Introduction: Unhealthy foods are widely available in public settings across Canada, contributing to diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity. This is a concern given that public facilities often provide a significant amount of food for consumption by vulnerable groups, including children and seniors. Healthy food procurement policies, which support procuring, distributing, selling, and/or serving healthier foods, have recently emerged as a promising strategy to counter this public health issue by increasing access to healthier foods. Although numerous Canadian health and scientific organizations have recommended such policies, they have not yet been broadly implemented in Canada. Methods: To inform further policy action on healthy food procurement in a Canadian context, we: (1) conducted an evidence synthesis to assess the impact of healthy food procurement policies on health outcomes and sales, intake, and availability of healthier food, and (2) hosted a consensus conference in September 2014. The consensus conference invited experts with public health/nutrition policy research expertise, as well as health services and food services practitioner experience, to review evidence, share experiences, and develop a consensus statement/recommendations on healthy food procurement in Canada. Results: Findings from the evidence synthesis and consensus recommendations for healthy food procurement in Canada are described. Specifically, we outline recommendations for governments, publicly funded institutions, decision-makers and professionals, citizens, and researchers. Conclusion: Implementation of healthy food procurement policies can increase Canadians\u27 access to healthier foods as part of a broader vision for food policy in Canada

    Healthy food procurement and nutrition standards in public facilities: evidence synthesis and consensus policy recommendations

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    Introduction: Unhealthy foods are widely available in public settings across Canada, contributing to diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity. This is a concern given that public facilities often provide a significant amount of food for consumption by vulnerable groups, including children and seniors. Healthy food procurement policies, which support procuring, distributing, selling, and/or serving healthier foods, have recently emerged as a promising strategy to counter this public health issue by increasing access to healthier foods. Although numerous Canadian health and scientific organizations have recommended such policies, they have not yet been broadly implemented in Canada. Methods: To inform further policy action on healthy food procurement in a Canadian context, we: (1) conducted an evidence synthesis to assess the impact of healthy food procurement policies on health outcomes and sales, intake, and availability of healthier food, and (2) hosted a consensus conference in September 2014. The consensus conference invited experts with public health/nutrition policy research expertise, as well as health services and food services practitioner experience, to review evidence, share experiences, and develop a consensus statement/recommendations on healthy food procurement in Canada. Results: Findings from the evidence synthesis and consensus recommendations for healthy food procurement in Canada are described. Specifically, we outline recommendations for governments, publicly funded institutions, decision-makers and professionals, citizens, and researchers. Conclusion: Implementation of healthy food procurement policies can increase Canadians’ access to healthier foods as part of a broader vision for food policy in Canada

    Approvisionnement en aliments sains et normes nutritionnelles dans les établissements publics : synthèse des données probantes et recommandations stratégiques consensuelles

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    Introduction : Les aliments malsains sont facilement accessibles dans les lieux publics au Canada, ce qui favorise les maladies chroniques liées au régime alimentaire, comme l’obésité. Cette réalité est préoccupante, car les établissements publics servent souvent une grande quantité d’aliments destinés à des groupes vulnérables, tels que les enfants et les personnes âgées. L’adoption de politiques sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains, qui soutiennent l’achat, la distribution, la vente ou l’offre d’aliments plus sains, apparaît depuis peu comme une stratégie prometteuse pour contrer ce problème de santé publique, en rendant plus accessibles les aliments sains. De telles politiques n’ont cependant pas encore été adoptées à grande échelle au Canada, malgré les recommandations de nombreuses organisations canadiennes à vocation scientifique et du domaine de la santé. Méthodologie : Afin d’étayer la prise de mesures stratégiques qui favoriseront l’approvisionnement en aliments sains au Canada, nous avons, en premier lieu, réalisé une synthèse des données probantes en vue d’évaluer les répercussions des politiques sur l’approvisionnement en aliments du point de vue des résultats sur la santé, ainsi que des ventes, de la consommation et de l’offre d’aliments plus sains. En second lieu, nous avons tenu une conférence de consensus en septembre 2014. Cette conférence, qui a réuni des experts en recherche sur la santé publique et les politiques nutritionnelles, ainsi que des professionnels de la santé et des services alimentaires, a permis l’étude des données probantes, la mise en commun des expériences et l’élaboration d’un énoncé de consensus et de recommandations sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains au Canada. Résultats : Cet article expose les constatations de la synthèse des données probantes et les recommandations consensuelles sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains au Canada. Plus précisément, nous décrivons les recommandations qui s’adressent aux gouvernements, aux établissements publics, aux décideurs et aux professionnels, aux citoyens et aux chercheurs. Conclusion : La mise en oeuvre de politiques sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains, dans le cadre d'une politique alimentaire globale au Canada, peut accroître l’accès des Canadiens à des aliments plus sains