39 research outputs found

    Covariant one-loop fermion emission amplitudes in closed string theories

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    We calculate the 2 fermion-2 boson and the 4 fermion scattering amplitudes at one loop in the NSR formulation of the heterotic and type II superstring theories using the covariant fermion emission vertex. The results are shown to agree with well known amplitudes calculated in the light-cone gauge in the Green-Schwarz formulation. The agreement of the 4-fermion amplitude entails the use of a new ϑ-function identity which we also prove

    Two-loop dilaton tadpole induced by Fayet-Iliopoulos D-terms in compactified heterotic string theories

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    We calculate the two-loop dilaton tadpole induced by Fayet-Iliopoulos D-terms in heterotic string theories compactified on arbitrary supersymmetry preserving backgrounds. The result turns out to be a total derivative in the moduli and hence receives contribution solely from the boundary of the moduli space. This contribution is shown to be proportional to the square of the coefficient of the one-loop Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term in agreement with what is expected from effective lagrangian considerations

    Spin field correlators on an arbitrary genus Riemann surface and non-renormalization theorems in string theories

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    We calculate the n-point correlation functions of spin fields on an arbitrary genus Riemann surface. We also calculate the corresponding correlators for the spin fields associated with the local supersymmetry ghosts using a specific ansatz for screening the background ghost charge. Using these results we show by explicit calculation that to all orders in the string perturbation theory all n-point amplitudes involving massless fields in the superstring and the heterotic string theory vanish identically for 0≤n≤3

    Catoptric tadpoles

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    Fermionic string perturbation theory is known to suffer from an ambiguity in the form of a total derivative in the moduli space. For a class of backgrounds (including R10, orbifolds and theories with no U(1) factors in gauge group) we show that these ambiguities for the partition function of heterotic string theory at any genus are proportional to massless physical tadpoles in the theory at lower genera and hence vanish in stable vacua. We also find that in R10 the cosmological constant at a given genus is proportional to the cosmological constant at lower genera. This enables us to give an inductive argument for the vanishing of the cosmological constant in R10 to all orders in string perturbation theory. We also address the ambiguity and finiteness of n-point functions. Our results indicate that in R10 the ambiguity can be absorbed by a renormalization of the string coupling constant and the string tension. The expected sources of divergence in the n-point function in arbitrary tachyon-free backgrounds, besides the usual infrared divergences for d≤4, are shown to be proportional to tadpoles of physical massless fields. For type II strings in arbitrary backgrounds, we show by explicit calculations that the ambiguity vanishes at g=2

    Weak Scale Superstrings

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    Recent developments in string duality suggest that the string scale may not be irrevocably tied to the Planck scale. Two explicit but unrealistic examples are described where the ratio of the string scale to the Planck scale is arbitrarily small. Solutions which are more realistic may exist in the intermediate coupling or ``truly strong coupling'' region of the heterotic string. Weak scale superstrings have dramatic experimental consequences for both collider physics and cosmology.Comment: harvmac, 14 pages. References added, 3 typos fixed, Comments added at beginning of section 4 emphasizing flaws of the toy example

    Self Gravitating Fundamental Strings

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    We study the configuration of a typical highly excited string as one slowly increases the string coupling. The dominant interactions are the long range dilaton and gravitational attraction. In four spacetime dimensions, the string slowly contracts from its initial (large) size until it approaches the string scale where it forms a black hole. In higher dimensions, the string stays large until the coupling reaches a critical value, and then it rapidly collapses to a black hole. The implications for the recently proposed correspondence principle are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Combinatorics of Boundaries in String Theory

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    We investigate the possibility that stringy nonperturbative effects appear as holes in the world-sheet. We focus on the case of Dirichlet string theory, which we argue should be formulated differently than in previous work, and we find that the effects of boundaries are naturally weighted by eO(1/gst)e^{-O(1/g_{\rm st})}.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    High Temperature Limit of the Confining Phase

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    The deconfining transition in non-Abelian gauge theory is known to occur by a condensation of Wilson lines. By expanding around an appropriate Wilson line background, it is possible at large NN to analytically continue the confining phase to arbitrarily high temperatures, reaching a weak coupling confinement regime. This is used to study the high temperature partition function of an SU(N)SU(N) electric flux tube. It is found that the partition function corresponds to that of a string theory with a number of world-sheet fields that diverges at short distance.Comment: 13 page

    Black Hole Complementarity vs. Locality

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    The evaporation of a large mass black hole can be described throughout most of its lifetime by a low-energy effective theory defined on a suitably chosen set of smooth spacelike hypersurfaces. The conventional argument for information loss rests on the assumption that the effective theory is a local quantum field theory. We present evidence that this assumption fails in the context of string theory. The commutator of operators in light-front string theory, corresponding to certain low-energy observers on opposite sides of the event horizon, remains large even when these observers are spacelike separated by a macroscopic distance. This suggests that degrees of freedom inside a black hole should not be viewed as independent from those outside the event horizon. These nonlocal effects are only significant under extreme kinematic circumstances, such as in the high-redshift geometry of a black hole. Commutators of space-like separated operators corresponding to ordinary low-energy observers in Minkowski space are strongly suppressed in string theory.Comment: 32 pages, harvmac, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of String Field Theory Motivated Nonlocal Models

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of the nonlocal tachyon motivated by their nonlocal structure in string field theory. We use previously developed perturbative methods for nonlocal fields to calculate the partition function and the equation of state in the high temperature limit. We find that in these models the tachyons undergo a second order phase transition. We compare our results with those of ordinary scalar field theory. We also calculate the one loop finite temperature effective potential.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure