13 research outputs found

    The tuning of tuning: How adaptation influences single cell information transfer

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    Sensory neurons reconstruct the world from action potentials (spikes) impinging on them. To effectively transfer information about the stimulus to the next processing level, a neuron needs to be able to adapt its working range to the properties of the stimulus. Here, we focus on the intrinsic neural properties that influence information transfer in cortical neurons and how tightly their properties need to be tuned to the stimulus statistics for them to be effective. We start by measuring the intrinsic information encoding properties of putative excitatory and inhibitory neurons in L2/3 of the mouse barrel cortex. Excitatory neurons show high thresholds and strong adaptation, making them fire sparsely and resulting in a strong compression of information, whereas inhibitory neurons that favour fast spiking transfer more information. Next, we turn to computational modelling and ask how two properties influence information transfer: 1) spike-frequency adaptation and 2) the shape of the IV-curve. We find that a subthreshold (but not threshold) adaptation, the ‘h-current’, and a properly tuned leak conductance can increase the information transfer of a neuron, whereas threshold adaptation can increase its working range. Finally, we verify the effect of the IV-curve slope in our experimental recordings and show that excitatory neurons form a more heterogeneous population than inhibitory neurons. These relationships between intrinsic neural features and neural coding that had not been quantified before will aid computational, theoretical and systems neuroscientists in understanding how neuronal populations can alter their coding properties, such as through the impact of neuromodulators. Why the variability of intrinsic properties of excitatory neurons is larger than that of inhibitory ones is an exciting question, for which future research is needed

    Social play behavior shapes the development of prefrontal inhibition in a region-specific manner

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    Experience-dependent organization of neuronal connectivity is critical for brain development. We recently demonstrated the importance of social play behavior for the developmental fine-tuning of inhibitory synapses in the medial prefrontal cortex in rats. When these effects of play experience occur and if this happens uniformly throughout the prefrontal cortex is currently unclear. Here we report important temporal and regional heterogeneity in the impact of social play on the development of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex. We recorded in layer 5 pyramidal neurons from juvenile (postnatal day (P)21), adolescent (P42), and adult (P85) rats after social play deprivation (between P21 and P42). The development of these prefrontal cortex subregions followed different trajectories. On P21, inhibitory and excitatory synaptic input was higher in the orbitofrontal cortex than in the medial prefrontal cortex. Social play deprivation did not affect excitatory currents, but reduced inhibitory transmission in both medial prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex. Intriguingly, the reduction occurred in the medial prefrontal cortex during social play deprivation, whereas the reduction in the orbitofrontal cortex only became manifested after social play deprivation. These data reveal a complex interaction between social play experience and the specific developmental trajectories of prefrontal subregions

    Opportunities for risk-taking during play alters cognitive performance and prefrontal inhibitory signalling in rats of both sexes

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    Social play behaviour is a rewarding activity that can entail risks, thus allowing young individuals to test the limits of their capacities and to train their cognitive and emotional adaptability to challenges. Here, we tested in rats how opportunities for risk-taking during play affect the development of cognitive and emotional capacities and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) function, a brain structure important for risk-based decision making. Male and female rats were housed socially or social play-deprived (SPD) between postnatal day (P)21 and P42. During this period, half of both groups were daily exposed to a high-risk play environment. Around P85, all rats were tested for cognitive performance and emotional behaviour after which inhibitory currents were recorded in layer 5 pyramidal neurons in mPFC slices. We show that playing in a high-risk environment altered cognitive flexibility in both sexes and improved behavioural inhibition in males. High-risk play altered anxiety-like behaviour in the elevated plus maze in males and in the open field in females, respectively. SPD affected cognitive flexibility in both sexes and decreased anxiety-like behaviour in the elevated plus maze in females. We found that synaptic inhibitory currents in the mPFC were increased in male, but not female, rats after high-risk play, while SPD lowered prefrontal cortex (PFC) synaptic inhibition in both sexes. Together, our data show that exposure to risks during play affects the development of cognition, emotional behaviour and inhibition in the mPFC. Furthermore, our study suggests that the opportunity to take risks during play cannot substitute for social play behaviour

    How social play experience shapes development of higher brain function: From synapses to behaviour

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    Social behavior is of great importance in human and animal life and encompasses a wide range of sophisticated social interactions. Social play behavior is believed to promote the physical, social, cognitive and emotional development of animals. Moreover, it enables animals living in social groups to practice their complex repertoire of behaviors in a simplified form. In this thesis, we test the hypothesis that social play is essential for the development of the network in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), an important brain region for behavioral flexibility in adulthood. To test this, rats are deprived of play behavior. Our research revealed a complex interaction between social play experience and the specific developmental trajectories of prefrontal subregions on inhibitory, but not excitatory, signals. In parallel experiments, adult playdeprived rats used a more simplified strategy in a PFC-dependent behavioral task. We further show that exposure to risks during play influences performance in PFC-dependent tasks and anxiety-like behaviors in adulthood and influences the development of inhibitory signals in the mPFC. In addition, our results indicated that the interactions between risky play and play deprivation were limited, suggesting that peer social play and the ability to take risks during play independently influence the development of behavior and PFC function. In summary, this thesis contributes to a better understanding of the importance of social play at the molecular and behavioral level. It becomes clear that different types of play influence different parts of brain development and behavior

    Assessing the utility of Magneto to control neuronal excitability in the somatosensory cortex

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    A databank for intracellular electrophysiological mapping of the adult somatosensory cortex

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    Background: Neurons in the supragranular layers of the somatosensory cortex integrate sensory (bottom-up) and cognitive/perceptual (top-down) information as they orchestrate communication across cortical columns. It has been inferred, based on intracellular recordings from juvenile animals, that supragranular neurons are electrically mature by the fourth postnatal week. However, the dynamics of the neuronal integration in adulthood is largely unknown. Electrophysiological characterization of the active properties of these neurons throughout adulthood will help to address the biophysical and computational principles of the neuronal integration. Findings: Here, we provide a database of whole-cell intracellular recordings from 315 neurons located in the supragranular layers (L2/3) of the primary somatosensory cortex in adult mice (9-45 weeks old) from both sexes (females, N = 195; males, N = 120). Data include 361 somatic current-clamp (CC) and 476 voltage-clamp (VC) experiments, recorded using a step-and-hold protocol (CC, N = 257; VC, N = 46), frozen noise injections (CC, N = 104) and triangular voltage sweeps (VC, 10 (N = 132), 50 (N = 146) and 100 ms (N = 152)), from regular spiking (N = 169) and fast-spiking neurons (N = 66). Conclusions: The data can be used to systematically study the properties of somatic integration and the principles of action potential generation across sexes and across electrically characterized neuronal classes in adulthood. Understanding the principles of the somatic transformation of postsynaptic potentials into action potentials will shed light onto the computational principles of intracellular information transfer in single neurons and information processing in neuronal networks, helping to recreate neuronal functions in artificial systems

    Social play behavior is critical for the development of prefrontal inhibitory synapses and cognitive flexibility in rats

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    Sensory driven activity during early life is critical for setting up the proper connectivity of the sensory cortices. We ask here whether social play behavior, a particular form of social interaction that is highly abundant during postweaning development, is equally important for setting up connections in the developing prefrontal cortex (PFC). Young male rats were deprived from social play with peers during the period in life when social play behavior normally peaks [postnatal day 21-42] (SPD rats), followed by resocialization until adulthood. We recorded synaptic currents in layer 5 cells in slices from medial PFC of adult SPD and control rats and observed that inhibitory synaptic currents were reduced in SPD slices, while excitatory synaptic currents were unaffected. This was associated with a decrease in perisomatic inhibitory synapses from parvalbumin-positive GABAergic cells. In parallel experiments, adult SPD rats achieved more reversals in a probabilistic reversal learning (PRL) task, which depends on the integrity of the PFC, by using a more simplified cognitive strategy than controls. Interestingly, we observed that one daily hour of play during SPD partially rescued the behavioral performance in the PRL, but did not prevent the decrease in PFC inhibitory synaptic inputs. Our data demonstrate the importance of unrestricted social play for the development of inhibitory synapses in the PFC and cognitive skills in adulthood and show that specific synaptic alterations in the PFC can result in a complex behavioral outcome