122 research outputs found

    Misaligned? Overvalued? The Untold Story of the Turkish Lira

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    There is a consensus among scholars that overvalued exchange rates result in currency crises. This paper estimates the equilibrium real exchange rate for Turkey and finds that the lira was indeed overvalued before the crises in 1994 and 2001. However, the actual real exchange rate is at present close to the equilibrium level, exposing the myth propagated by the Turkish exporters that lira’s overvaluation is responsible for Turkey’s uncompetitive exports. The paper also highlights the role for fiscal adjustment in macroeconomic stabilityTurkish lira, overvaluation, equilibrium real exchange rate, misalignment

    Agouti-related protein neuron circuits that regulate appetite

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    WOS: 000348622800002PubMed ID: 25402352New tools for mapping and manipulating molecularly defined neural circuits have improved the understanding of how the central nervous system regulates appetite. Studies that focused on Agouti-related protein neurons, a starvation-sensitive hypothalamic population, have identified multiple circuit elements that can elicit or suppress feeding behavior. Distinct axon projections of this neuron population point to different circuits that regulate long-term appetite, short-term feeding, or visceral malaise-mediated anorexia. Here, we review recent studies examining these neural circuits that control food intake

    Clumped isotope signatures of dolomites as reservoir rocks, Southeast Anatolia

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    Yeni nesil bir jeotermometre yöntemi olan kümelemiş izotop tekniği derin gömülmüş kayaçların diyajenetik süreçlerinin iyi anlaşılması kabiliyetine sahiptir. Bu yöntem kullanılarak, Kambriyen-Eosen yaş aralığındaki altı birimden, ~1-3.2 km gömülme derinliğine sahip toplamda 28 adet dolomit üzerinde ölçüm yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bölgesel olarak seçilmiş Güneydoğu Anadolu rezervuarlarının karot ve sondaj kesintilerinden elde edilen dolomit örneklerinin paleosıcaklıkları ve dolomitleşme sularının δ18O değerleri belirlenmiştir. Kümelenmiş izotop yöntemi ile 37.2-161.9oC aralığında değişen sıcaklık değerleri ve +0.9-9‰ aralığında değişen dolomitleşme sularının δ18O değerleri bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma petrografik destekli olarak, paleosıcaklık ve dolomitleşme sularının δ18O d dağılımlarının dört farklı grup altında toplandığını kanıtlarıyla ortaya çıkarmıştır. İlk grup, Hoya Formasyonu için 43±7oC olarak erken dolomitleşme sıcaklığını ve Mardin Grubu-ED için 53 oC kısmi yeniden kristallenme sıcaklıklarını yansıtmaktadır. Bu değerler depolanma yüzeyindeki yoğun buharlaşma ve/veya sığ gömülme olayıyla ilişkilidir. İkinci grubu oluşturan Cudi Grubu dolomitleri, 64.3oC-93.8oC arasında değişen sıcaklık ve 9‰’e varan δ18Osu değerleri sağlamaktadır. Bu değerler, oldukça yoğun buharlaşmış deniz sularının meydana getirdiği yeniden kristallenme olayını temsil etmektedir. Üçüncü grubu oluşturan Mardin Grubu-GD ve Koruk Formasyonu dolomitlerinin kümelenmiş izotop sinyalleri 134.5oC-8‰’e varan sıcaklıklık ve δ18Osu değerlerine dönüştürülmüşlerdir. Bu değerler derin gömülme koşulları altında tamamlanmış yeniden kristallenme olayı ile karakterize edilmektedirler. En yüksek sıcaklık ve δ18Osu değerlerine sahip son grubun değerleri ise 140oC ve +6.5‰’i aşmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar kalın ve masif dolomit oluşumlarından sorumlu olan hidrotermal suların varlığını gösterdiği şeklinde yorumlanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bu araştırma petrol rezervuarlarını meydana getiren dolomitleşme olayının şifrelerini çözmeye yardımcı olan kümelenmiş izotop yönteminin yüksek potansiyelini ortaya çıkarmaktadır.Clumped isotope technique is a new generation of geothermometry that possesses a great ability to understand diaganetic processes in deeply-buried ancient rocks well. A total of 28 dolostone samples from Cambrian to Eocene aged dolomitized rocks across burial depth range of ~1-3.2 km were measured using this method. In this study, the paleotemperature of dolostones and δ18O of the dolomitizing water values have been determined in a regional selection of cores and drilling cuttings obtained from dolomite reservoirs of SE Anatolia. The clumped isotopes found a temperature range of 37.2-161.9 oC and δ18Ofluid of +0.9‰ to 9‰. Our study revealed evidences supported by petrographic evaluation for four distinct patterns in the paleotemperatures and δ18Ofluid. The first group reflects early dolomitization temperature of 43±7 oC for Hoya Formation and partial recrystalization temperature of 53oC for Mardin Group-ED, linking to intensive evaporation effect at the surface and/or shallow burial event. The second group consisting of Cudi Group dolostones provided temperature values between 64.3 oC and 93.8 oC, calculating δ18Ofluid values until 9‰. It is considered to represent recrytallization temperature occured by highly evaporative marine waters. Clumped isotope signatures consisting of Mardin Group-GD ve Koruk Formation dolomites from the third group were converted into temperature and δ18Ofluid values up to 134.5 oC and 8‰. These values are characterized with punctuated recrystalization event under deep burial conditions. Last group having highest T (oC) and δ18Ofluid values exceed 140 oC and +6.5‰. These results are interpreted to display existence of hydrothermal fluids responsible for thick dolomite depositions. Therefore, this research unveils huge potential of clumped isotope method to help decode dolomitization events that produced oil reservoirs

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practices in Patients Admitted to The Pediatric Neurology Outpatient Clinic

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    Introduction: Despite the developments in pharmacologic treatments, traditional and complementary therapies have recently gained popularity in our country, as well as around the world. Aim: To question complementary and alternative medicine practices CAMP during clinical visits of pediatric neurology patients, to raise awareness of families and patients about the use of complementary and alternative medicine, and to prevent possible negative interactions. Methods: This prospective survey study was conducted with the parents of 300 pediatric patients aged between 6 months and 18 years, who were being treated at the Child Neurology Clinic between March 1st and May 30th, 2020. For the study, 360 patients’ parents who came to the Pediatric Neurology clinic for treatment were randomly selected, and a face-to-face survey lasting 2 minutes was conducted with 300 patients’ parents who agreed to participate in the study. This study was approved with the decision number E-20-12-62 at the meeting dated 21.12.2020 of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of SBU Ankara Dr Sami Ulus Gynecology and Childhood Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital. Results: Three hundred parents (56% women) participated in the study. Just over half (55.3%) of the patients were followed up with a diagnosis of epilepsy, 56.6% of the parents stated that they had used traditional and complementary therapy methods before, 43.4% stated that they did not use it, 46.54% stated that they used prayer and 23,9% used vitamin methods, respectively. Conclusion: In neurologic diseases, parents use traditional and complementary therapies as treatment methods, creating an alternative to modern medicine. Families and patients should be informed by investigating the reasons and frequency of using traditional and complementary therapies, raising the awareness of parents, and determining the possible harm caused by traditional and complementary therapies

    Chemogenetic tools for causal cellular and neuronal biology

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    WOS: 000424096200008PubMed ID: 29351511Chemogenetic technologies enable selective pharmacological control of specific cell populations. An increasing number of approaches have been developed that modulate different signaling pathways. Selective pharmacological control over G protein-coupled receptor signaling, ion channel conductances, protein association, protein stability, and small molecule targeting allows modulation of cellular processes in distinct cell types. Here, we review these chemogenetic technologies and instances of their applications in complex tissues in vivo and ex vivo.European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Installation Grant; Howard Hughes Medical InstituteD. Atasoy is supported by a European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Installation Grant. S. M. Sternson is funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute