3,695 research outputs found

    Quantum anticentrifugal force for wormhole geometry

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    We show the existence of an anticentrifugal force in a wormhole geometry in R3R^3. This counterintuitive force was shown to exist in a flat R2R^2 space. The role the geometry plays in the appearance of this force is discussed.Comment: to appear in Physics Letters

    Ohrid Literary School in the Period of Tzar Samoil and the Beginnings of the Russian Church Literature

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    The article is concerned with the role of St. Clement’s Church in the preservation and the spread of Cyril and Methodius’s literary tradition and Slavic church services. Special emphasis is placed on the work of the Ohrid Literary School in the time of Tsar Samoil and the spread of Slavic literacy from its centers toward Macedonia’s neighboring countries and the Kievan Rus


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    A musical work of art in music classes affects the development of age appropriate music aesthetic criteria, music taste and the acquisition of knowledge of particular music literature. A work of art also functions as a means for developing different elements of musical hearing such as sharpening hearing perception, practising hearing concentration, and learning basic music terminology, such as atmosphere, tempo, dynamics, musical form and different music performers. At the moment of listening to and experiencing music in class, music is considered a work of art, but when its elements are discussed and analysed, the work of art becomes the means of learning about music. As the outcomes of learning need to be evaluated, musical work of art also becomes a means of evaluation. This research tries to establish whether there are differences in opinions among primary school teachers towards evaluation in music class regarding years of teaching experience and whether there are any differences in opinions among primary school teachers towards evaluation in music class regarding their level of education. The obtained results show that there is no statistically significant difference in opinions among primary education class teachers towards evaluation in general, nor according to the teachers’ level of education. The participants show preference for numerical evaluation, which in turn opens new questions related to the teachers’ musical competence in teaching practice and their permanent training in the field of school docimology.Glazbeno umjetničko djelo u nastavi glazbe djeluje na razvijanje estetskih kriterija u području glazbe, glazbenog ukusa i stvaranje fundusa poznavanja određenog dijela glazbene literature, primjerenog uzrastu. Ono je ujedno i sredstvo razvijanja različitih elemenata glazbenog sluha kao što je izoštravanje slušne percepcije, vježbanje slušne koncentracije, upoznavanje s temeljnim glazbenim pojmovima kao što su ugođaj, tempo, dinamika, glazbeni oblik i razni izvodilački sastavi. U trenutku slušanja i doživljavanja glazbe u samoj nastavi glazba je umjetničko djelo, ali u trenutku razgovora i analize sastavnica istog umjetničko djelo postaje sredstvo učenja o glazbi. Kako ishode učenja treba evaluirati, umjetničko djelo u nastavi glazbe time postaje sredstvo evaluacije. Istraživanje koje je provedeno bavi se pitanjem postoje li razlike među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju u predmetu Glazbena kultura s obzirom na godine poučavanja i postoje li razlike među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju u predmetu Glazbena kultura s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja. Rezultati koji su dobiveni otkrivaju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju niti statistički značajna razlika među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja. Ispitanici su skloniji brojčanom ocjenjivanju što otvara pitanja vezana uz glazbene kompetencije učitelja u nastavnoj praksi i njihovog permanentnog usavršavanja u području školske dokimologije