147 research outputs found

    Lifted Polymatroid Inequalities for Mean-Risk Optimization with Indicator Variables

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    We investigate a mixed 0-1 conic quadratic optimization problem with indicator variables arising in mean-risk optimization. The indicator variables are often used to model non-convexities such as fixed charges or cardinality constraints. Observing that the problem reduces to a submodular function minimization for its binary restriction, we derive three classes of strong convex valid inequalities by lifting the polymatroid inequalities on the binary variables. Computational experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the inequalities in strengthening the convex relaxations and, thereby, improving the solution times for mean-risk problems with fixed charges and cardinality constraints significantly

    Multi-Commodity Multi-Facility Network Design

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    We consider multi-commodity network design models, where capacity can be added to the arcs of the network using multiples of facilities that may have different capacities. This class of mixed-integer optimization models appears frequently in telecommunication network capacity expansion problems, train scheduling with multiple locomotive options, supply chain, and service network design problems. Valid inequalities used as cutting planes in branch-and-bound algorithms have been instrumental in solving large-scale instances. We review the progress that has been done in polyhedral investigations in this area by emphasizing three fundamental techniques. These are the metric inequalities for projecting out continuous flow variables, mixed-integer rounding from appropriate base relaxations and shrinking the network to a small kk-node graph. The basic inequalities derived from arc-set, cut-set and partition relaxations of the network are also extensively utilized with certain modifications in robust and survivable network design problems

    Network Design with Probabilistic Capacities

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    We consider a network design problem with random arc capacities and give a formulation with a probabilistic capacity constraint on each cut of the network. To handle the exponentially-many probabilistic constraints a separation procedure that solves a nonlinear minimum cut problem is introduced. For the case with independent arc capacities, we exploit the supermodularity of the set function defining the constraints and generate cutting planes based on the supermodular covering knapsack polytope. For the general correlated case, we give a reformulation of the constraints that allows to uncover and utilize the submodularity of a related function. The computational results indicate that exploiting the underlying submodularity and supermodularity arising with the probabilistic constraints provides significant advantages over the classical approaches

    Simplex QP-based methods for minimizing a conic quadratic objective over polyhedra

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    We consider minimizing a conic quadratic objective over a polyhedron. Such problems arise in parametric value-at-risk minimization, portfolio optimization, and robust optimization with ellipsoidal objective uncertainty; and they can be solved by polynomial interior point algorithms for conic quadratic optimization. However, interior point algorithms are not well-suited for branch-and-bound algorithms for the discrete counterparts of these problems due to the lack of effective warm starts necessary for the efficient solution of convex relaxations repeatedly at the nodes of the search tree. In order to overcome this shortcoming, we reformulate the problem using the perspective of the quadratic function. The perspective reformulation lends itself to simple coordinate descent and bisection algorithms utilizing the simplex method for quadratic programming, which makes the solution methods amenable to warm starts and suitable for branch-and-bound algorithms. We test the simplex-based quadratic programming algorithms to solve convex as well as discrete instances and compare them with the state-of-the-art approaches. The computational experiments indicate that the proposed algorithms scale much better than interior point algorithms and return higher precision solutions. In our experiments, for large convex instances, they provide up to 22x speed-up. For smaller discrete instances, the speed-up is about 13x over a barrier-based branch-and-bound algorithm and 6x over the LP-based branch-and-bound algorithm with extended formulations

    Submodularity in conic quadratic mixed 0-1 optimization

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    We describe strong convex valid inequalities for conic quadratic mixed 0-1 optimization. These inequalities can be utilized for solving numerous practical nonlinear discrete optimization problems from value-at-risk minimization to queueing system design, from robust interdiction to assortment optimization through appropriate conic quadratic mixed 0-1 relaxations. The inequalities exploit the submodularity of the binary restrictions and are based on the polymatroid inequalities over binaries for the diagonal case. We prove that the convex inequalities completely describe the convex hull of a single conic quadratic constraint as well as the rotated cone constraint over binary variables and unbounded continuous variables. We then generalize and strengthen the inequalities by incorporating additional constraints of the optimization problem. Computational experiments on mean-risk optimization with correlations, assortment optimization, and robust conic quadratic optimization indicate that the new inequalities strengthen the convex relaxations substantially and lead to significant performance improvements

    Path Cover and Path Pack Inequalities for the Capacitated Fixed-Charge Network Flow Problem

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    Capacitated fixed-charge network flows are used to model a variety of problems in telecommunication, facility location, production planning and supply chain management. In this paper, we investigate capacitated path substructures and derive strong and easy-to-compute \emph{path cover and path pack inequalities}. These inequalities are based on an explicit characterization of the submodular inequalities through a fast computation of parametric minimum cuts on a path, and they generalize the well-known flow cover and flow pack inequalities for the single-node relaxations of fixed-charge flow models. We provide necessary and sufficient facet conditions. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the inequalities when used as cuts in a branch-and-cut algorithm

    A Bound Strengthening Method for Optimal Transmission Switching in Power Systems

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    This paper studies the optimal transmission switching (OTS) problem for power systems, where certain lines are fixed (uncontrollable) and the remaining ones are controllable via on/off switches. The goal is to identify a topology of the power grid that minimizes the cost of the system operation while satisfying the physical and operational constraints. Most of the existing methods for the problem are based on first converting the OTS into a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) or mixed-integer quadratic program (MIQP), and then iteratively solving a series of its convex relaxations. The performance of these methods depends heavily on the strength of the MILP or MIQP formulations. In this paper, it is shown that finding the strongest variable upper and lower bounds to be used in an MILP or MIQP formulation of the OTS based on the big-MM or McCormick inequalities is NP-hard. Furthermore, it is proven that unless P=NP, there is no constant-factor approximation algorithm for constructing these variable bounds. Despite the inherent difficulty of obtaining the strongest bounds in general, a simple bound strengthening method is presented to strengthen the convex relaxation of the problem when there exists a connected spanning subnetwork of the system with fixed lines. The proposed method can be treated as a preprocessing step that is independent of the solver to be later used for numerical calculations and can be carried out offline before initiating the solver. A remarkable speedup in the runtime of the mixed-integer solvers is obtained using the proposed bound strengthening method for medium- and large-scale real-world systems

    A Conic Integer Programming Approach to Constrained Assortment Optimization under the Mixed Multinomial Logit Model

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    We consider the constrained assortment optimization problem under the mixed multinomial logit model. Even moderately sized instances of this problem are challenging to solve directly using standard mixed-integer linear optimization formulations. This has motivated recent research exploring customized optimization strategies and approximation techniques. In contrast, we develop a novel conic quadratic mixed-integer formulation. This new formulation, together with McCormick inequalities exploiting the capacity constraints, enables the solution of large instances using commercial optimization software

    A Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation Approach to Grid Scheduling

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    Determination of the most economic strategies for supply and transmission of electricity is a daunting computational challenge. Due to theoretical barriers, so-called NP-hardness, the amount of effort to optimize the schedule of generating units and route of power, can grow exponentially with the number of decision variables. Practical approaches to this problem involve legacy approximations and ad-hoc heuristics that may undermine the efficiency and reliability of power system operations, that are ever growing in scale and complexity. Therefore, the development of powerful optimization methods for detailed power system scheduling is critical to the realization of smart grids and has received significant attention recently. In this paper, we propose for the first time a computational method, which is capable of solving large-scale power system scheduling problems with thousands of generating units, while accurately incorporating the nonlinear equations that govern the flow of electricity on the grid. The utilization of this accurate nonlinear model, as opposed to its linear approximations, results in a more efficient and transparent market design, as well as improvements in the reliability of power system operations. We design a polynomial-time solvable third-order semidefinite programming (TSDP) relaxation, with the aim of finding a near globally optimal solution for the original NP-hard problem. The proposed method is demonstrated on the largest available benchmark instances from real-world European grid data, for which provably optimal or near-optimal solutions are obtained

    Accommodating new flights into an existing airline flight schedule

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    We present two novel approaches to alter a flight network for introducing new flights while maximizing airline's profit. A key feature of the first approach is to adjust the aircraft cruise speed to compensate for the block times of the new flights, trading off flying time and fuel burn. In the second approach, we introduce aircraft swapping as an additional mechanism to provide greater flexibility in reducing the incremental fuel cost and adjusting the capacity. The nonlinear fuel-burn function and the binary aircraft swap and assignment decisions complicate the optimization problem significantly. We propose strong mixed-integer conic quadratic formulations to overcome the computational difficulties. The reformulations enable solving instances with 300 flights from a major U.S. airline optimally within reasonable compute times