13 research outputs found

    Testing the Effectiveness of Creative Drama Based Training Program Prepared to Increase Subjective Well-Being Level in Adults

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    Yaşamı mutlu bir şekilde geçirmek insanların önemli isteklerinden bir tanesidir. Psikolojide mutluluk öznel iyi oluş kavramı ile ele alınmaktadır. Öznel iyi oluş, bireyin kendi yaşamını değerlendirerek bir yargı bildirmesi anlamına gelmektedir ve olumlu duygulanım, olumsuz duygulanım ve yaşam doyumu boyutlarını içermektedir. Öznel iyi oluş, bireylerin yaşamlarına olumlu katkıları olduğu için üzerinde durulan bir kavramdır. Çalışmalarda yüksek düzey öznel iyi oluşun ilişkili olduğu değişkenler; stresle daha olumlu baş etme gibi kişisel çıktılardan daha iyi bir vatandaş olmak gibi daha genel sonuçlara uzanan geniş bir yelpazede gösterilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, “Öznel İyi Oluş Eğitim Programı”nın yetişkinlerin öznel iyi oluş düzeyleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaçla Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası çalışanlarından katılıma gönüllü olan toplam 32 kişiden oluşan bir çalışma grubu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın veri toplama aracı olarak “Öznel İyi Oluş Ölçeği” kullanılmış ve uygulanan programın etkililiği söz konusu ölçme aracı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Deney ve kontrol grupları rastlantısal atama yoluyla oluşturulmuştur. İki grubun ön test ölçek puanlarının farklılaşmadığı görülmüştür. Ardından deney grubuna yaratıcı drama uygulamaları ve bilişsel davranışçı yaklaşım temelinde, her biri 180 dakika süren 6 haftalık program uygulanmıştır. Son oturumda son test verileri alınmıştır. Veriler, nonparametrik testlerden Mann Whitney U ve Wilcoxon işaretli sıralar analizi testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular deney grubunun son test puanlarının ön test puanlarından yüksek olduğunu gösterirken, kontrol grubunda herhangi bir farklılaşma gözlenmemiştir. Deney ve kontrol grubu son test puanları ise deney grubu lehine farklılaşmaktadır. Sonuçlar yaratıcı drama temelli öznel iyi oluş eğitim programının yetişkinlerin öznel iyi oluş düzeylerini artırmada etkililiğini kanıtlamaktadır.Living happily is one of the important wishes of people. Happiness in psychology is addressed by the concept of subjective well-being. Subjective well-being means an individual’s judgment by evaluating his/her life and includes positive effect, negative effect and life satisfaction dimensions. In the studies, related variables with high-level subjective well-being are shown in a wide range, from coping with stress to being a better citizen. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the subjective well-being training program on adults. A total of 32 volunteers participated in the study. Subjective Well-Being Scale was used as the data collection tool and to test the effectiveness of the training program. Experimental and control groups were randomly assigned. It was found that there is no difference between the two groups with respect to the pre-test scores. The experimental group participated in a 6-week training program, which lasted for 180 minutes, on the basis of creative drama practices and a rational emotional behavioral approach. After the last session, the post-test data were collected from the experimental and control group. Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed rank analysis tests were used in the analyses. The results showed that the posttest scores of the experimental group were higher than the pre-test scores, but no difference in the control group. Experimental and control group posttest scores differed in favor of the experimental group. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the subjective well-being training program to increase the subjective well-being of adults

    School counselors' attitude toward online counseling services during the pandemic: The effects of resilience and digital self‐efficacy

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    School counseling activities have been delivered online during the COVID‐19 pandemic. This compulsory change has been associated with difficulties in school counseling services. The resilience and digital skills of school counselors are likely to influence the quality of counseling services and their attitude toward online work. Thus, we examined the role of resilience on their attitude toward online counseling services during the pandemic. We also looked at the role of digital skills on their attitudes toward online counseling. The sample consisted of 149 school counselors. We conducted structural equation modeling, in which the direct and indirect effects of resilience and digital self‐efficacy was tested. The results suggested that higher resilience was significantly associated with better attitudes toward school counseling. Moreover, resilient school counselors had higher digital self‐efficacy, which was associated with more positive attitudes toward online school counseling. The implications in terms of preservice and in‐service education of school counselors and interventions to promote resilience were discussed

    Ebeveyn-Ergen Çatışma Süreci ve Ergenlerin Problemli İnternet Kullanımı ile İlişkisi

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    Ergenlik, ebeveyn-ergen arasındaki ilişkilerin daha karmaşık hale geldiği bir dönemdir. Ergenler anne babalarından daha fazla özerklik talep ederken, ebeveynler kendi beklentileri ve ergenlerin talepleri arasında denge kurmaya çalışırlar. Bu değişimler ebeveyn-ergen arasında daha yoğun ve sık çatışmalara neden olabilir. Çatışmaların artışı ise ergenin problemli davranışları ile ilişkilendirilebilir. Bu araştırma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır: Çalışma 1’in örneklemi 173 ergen oluşturmaktadır (101 kız, %58.4, 72 erkek, %41.6). Çatışmanın ayrıntılı incelenmesinde cinsiyetin ana ve ortak etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla iki-yönlü ANOVA kullanılmıştır. Çalışma 2’nin örneklemi 221 ergen oluşturmaktadır (107 kız, %48.4, 113 erkek, %51.4). Ebeveyn ve ergenin birlikte geçirdikleri zamanın miktarının ve çatışma konularının Problemli İnternet Kullanımı (PİK) üzerindeki yordayıcılığı hiyerarşik regresyon analizi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular çatışma üzerinde ebeveyn ve ergenin cinsiyetinin ortak etkisini göstermektedir. Kız-anne ve oğlan-baba arasındaki çatışmalar daha olumlu yollarla çözülmektedir. Ayrıca, ebeveynleriyle daha fazla zaman geçiren ergenlerin PİK düzeyleri daha düşüktür. Ancak internet konusunda yapılan tartışmalar PİK’in yüksek düzeyiyle ilişkili bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, ergenin kendi cinsiyetinden ebeveyniyle geçirdiği etkileşimin önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Ek olarak, ebeveyn-ergen etkileşimi PİK üzerinde koruyucu bir faktörken, internet hakkındaki çatışmalar risk faktörüdür

    Problematic Internet Usage on Adolescents

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı ergenlerde dürtüsellik, ana-baba aracılığı ve bağlanma biçimlerinin Problemli Internet Kullanımı (PİK) üzerindeki doğrudan ve dolaylı etkisini sınamaktır. Çalışmaya Ankara’nın üç farklı ilçesinde bulunanokulların altıncı, yedinci ve sekizinci sınıflarında öğrenim gören toplam 708 ergen katılmıştır (x̅yaş = 12.50, SS = 1.04, Noğlan = 359 , %52.2, Nkız = 338, %47.8). Veriler “İşlevsel Olmayan İnternet Kullanımı Ölçeği”, “İnternet Kullanımında Ana-Baba Aracılığı Ölçeği” “İlişki Ölçekleri Anketi” ve “Conners-Wells Ergen Öz Bildirim Ölçeği- Hiperetkinlik/Dürtüsellik Alt Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde yapısal eşitlik modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Bir hipotez model ve bir alternatif model test edilmiştir. Sonuçlar hipotez modeli desteklemiştir. Bağlanma biçimlerinin, dürtüselliğin ve ana-baba aracılığının PİK üzerinde doğrudan etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Kayıtsız bağlanma ve PİK arasındaki ilişkide, hem dürtüsellik hem de ana-baba aracılığının tam aracı rolü gösterilmiştir. Korkulu bağlanmanın PİK üzerindeki etkisinde ise ana-baba aracılığı tam aracı rolde bulunmuştur. Kurulan model PİK’in daha iyi anlaşılması ve önlenmesinde dürtüsellik ile ana-baba aracılığının etkisi hakkında bilgi sağlamaktadır

    School belongingness as a mediator in the relationship between self-reported PTSD and cyber victimization: Sex Differences

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    The incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Traumatized adolescents might cope with maladaptive strategies such as increased internet usage, which might be a risk for cyber victimization. We investigated the relationship between self-reported PTSD and cyber victimization and the mediator role of school belongingness in this relationship. The sample consisted of 292 adolescents ages 11-14 years old (M=12.53, SD=.71; Nfemale=165, 56.1%; Nmale=129, 43.9%). Results show that male are more likely to be cybervictims and have lower levels of school belongingness than female. Additionally, results supported the association between higher levels of PTSD and higher levels of cybervictimization. Traumatized adolescents with high levels of school belongingness are less likely to be cyber victims. These findings highlight the importance of school related personal and relational characteristics in promoting adolescent mental health

    Multigroup analysis of the relationship loneliness, fear of missing out, problematic internet usage and peer perception in gifted and normally developing adolescents

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    The current study examined the effects of Internet usage characteristics and peer perception on loneliness. The mediating role of Internet usage characteristics was examined in the relationship between loneliness and peer perception. The sample included 661 Turkish adolescents (Ngirls =379, 57.34%; Ngifted= 211, 31.92%) aged 11–18 years. Structural equation model analyzes were conducted to test the hypothesis model across the group. Moreover, multigroup structural model was conducted to test the differences of the relationships across gifted and normally developing adolescents. The results of the structural model showed that Internet use characteristics did not have a mediating role in the relationship between adolescents’ peer perception and loneliness. On the other hand, problematic Internet use had a full mediator role in the relationship between fear of missing out and loneliness. The results of the multigroup structural model emphasized the similar effects between the research variables in gifted and normally developing adolescents. The results were discussed with the effects of Internet use characteristics and peer perception on loneliness. We also pointed out that gifted and normally developing adolescents have similar social and technological outcomes and that these outcomes influence mental health

    The Effect of Gender on Problematic Internet Usage: A Meta-Analysis

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of gender on problematic Internet usage by meta-analysis. Problematic Internet usage is defined by the deterioration of the important dimensions of individuals' lives, such as family and work, the failure to control the usage and compulsive usage of individuals due to the usage of the Internet. It is known that adolescents use the Internet more than other age groups. Therefore, adolescents are thought to be able to use the Internet in a non-functional way, besides, differences in the usage and duration of Internet usage according to gender have also been reported. PIUS and PIUS-A is being used in investigations on problematic Internet usage in Turkey frequently. Thus, the findings of the studies using these measurement tools were used in the analysis of this research. As a result of the literature review, 30 studies including PIUS and PIUS-A were detected and four studies were excluded from the analysis according to different reasons, thus the analyses were performed on the findings of 26 studies. Average effect size is .385 according to fixed effect model and could be considered small and in favor of males. Similarly, in studies where the type of research and the measurement tool used are considered as moderator variables, the effect size is small and in favor of males. As a result, problematic Internet usage of male adolescents may be noted as higher. The results were discussed in the light of cultural differences and parental attitudes

    The Role of Resilience and Coping Strategies in Immigrant and Non-immigrant Adolescents’ Identity Development

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    Migration-related risk factors may impact the association between coping strategies, resilience, and identity development, one of the fundamental developmental tasks in adolescence. We examined the relationship between resilience and coping strategies in immigrant and non-immigrant adolescents’ identity development. On a sample of Turkish adolescents (n = 399, 50.9% girls), we conducted six hierarchical regression models to predict identity dimensions from resilience and coping strategies. For both immigrants and non-immigrants, seeking social support predicted a more mature and successful identity while avoidance predicted less reconsideration of commitment. For non-immigrants, seeking social support and avoidance was associated with in-depth exploration whereas for immigrants, only seeking social support was linked to in-depth exploration. Additionally, resilience predicted a successful identity for immigrants. Results were discussed considering migration-related difficultie

    The pathway from grandparental support with childcare in the early years to child socioemotional outcomes in middle childhood: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study

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    We examined the pathway from grandparental childcare support at age 3 to child social and emotional outcomes at age 7 through maternal mental health and mother–child relationship at age 3 in a sample of n = 1495 biological mothers and their children from the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study. Structural equation modelling showed that time spent in the care of grandparents at age 3 was not associated with the child’s social and emotional outcomes at age 7 via maternal psychological distress or mother–child conflict and mother–child closeness. Maternal psychological distress at age 3 was associated with poor child social and emotional outcomes at age 7 both directly and indirectly via mother–child conflict and mother–child closeness. In the early years, grandparental childcare, as primary form of childcare arrangement, may not be significantly associated with maternal mental wellbeing or parenting capacity, which are both beneficial for child socioemotional development