48 research outputs found

    Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Tissue Engineering of Bone and Cartilage Using Second Generation Biomimetic Scaffolds (EXPERTISSUES)

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    The main aim of the proposed network of excellence (Noël) is to combat and overcome fragmentation of European Research on the field of Tissue Engineering of Bone and Cartilage. The network will bring together Europe's leading academic centres and several complementary industrial players in a multi-disciplinary consortium to conduct and structure research that is able to compete in the internationally arena, namely with USA and Japan. The constitution of this network of excellence will lead to a complete restructuring and reshaping of the European research in this field. The size of the network (20 partners from 13 countries, including 9 of the EU member states), and the selection of its original members, was designed in order to join together the critical mass and all the expertises needed to be an unavoidable world reference on the topic of tissue engineering of bone and cartilage. In order to achieve that, the network also incorporates, as part of an International Advisory Board (not funded by EU), academic (but not industrial) partners of leading institutions in the USA, Canada and Singapore. These partners, leaded in most cases by researchers of EU nationality, agreed to join the network bringing in a specific expertise that will help to move European research on that particular topic. This Noël aims to provide new tissue engineering technologies for therapeutic treatments, which will ultimately have a major social impact by contributing to the challenge of providing lifelong health for our society at an affordable cost.NoE - Network of Excellence (FP6-2002-NMP-1

    Combustion of volatile matter in fluidized beds

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    Demir-çelik ve çinko endüstrilerinden çıkan ve metal oksit içeren atıkların kükürtlü hidrojen gazının giderilmesinde kullanılması

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    TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG Proje15.03.2002Ülkemizde bulunan entegre demir-çelik tesisleri yılda yaklaşık 4-5 milyon ton çelik üretmekte, bu üretimden yaklaşık 1.5-2 milyon ton cüruf hasıl olmaktadır. Bu cüruf FeO, MnO, CaO, vs. gibi metal oksitleri açısından zengin olmasına rağmen, cüruf için bugüne kadar yapı ve çimento sanayiinden başka yararlı bir kullanım alanı bulunamamıştır. Ayrıca çinko endüstrisi atıklarında da önemli miktarda ZnO ve FeO bulunmaktadır. Büyük bir olasılıkla bu atıklardan çeşitli endüstrilerden çıkan ve H2SH_2S içeren atık gazların temizlenmesinde yararlanılabilir. ayrıca, kömürün gazlaştırılmasına dayanan termik santrallerde (Entegre Gazlaştırma Kombine Çevrim-EGKÇ) üretilen kömür gazı kirletici bileşikler olarak H2SH_2S ve diğer kükürtlü gazları içermektedir. Bu gazların uygun ve ekonomik bir sorbent ile kömür gazından uzaklaştırılması gerekmektedir. Demir-çelik ve çinko endüstrilerinden çıkan atık maddeler kükürtlü gazların kömür gazından uzaklaştırılması için potansiyel adaylardır. Bu atık maddeler oldukça bol ve nispeten ucuzdurlar. Bu araştırmanın amacı, demir-çelik ve çinko endüstrisi cürufunun H2SH_2S gazının temizlenmesini sağlayabilecek bir sorbent olarak kullanılma olasılığını araştırmak ve prosesi ekonomik olarak değerlendirmektir. Bu atık maddeler labaratuvarımızda H2SH_2S sorbenti olarak değişik deneysel koşullarda denenmiş, sorbent kapasitesi ve rejenerasyon performansı yönünden incelenmiştir. Araştırmada iç çapı 25 mm olan kuartz bir reaktör ve H2SH_2S içeren simüle edilmiş gaz karışımı kullanılmıştır. 400-600\circC reaksiyon sıcaklıklarında ve 1000ppmv giriş H2SH_2S konsantrasyonlarında sulfidasyon "Breakthrough" eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, sorbent olarak denen demir-çelik ve çinko atık maddelerinin kükürtlü gazların giderilmesinde düşük maliyetli sorbent olarak kullanılmaya aday oldukları görülmüştür. Sonuçlar sorbent kapasitesinin reaksiyon sıcaklığı ile arttığını göstermiştir. Hem çelikhane hem de çinko cüruflareı için en yüksek verim 600\circC ve 1000 ppmv H2SH_2S konsantrasyonunda elde edilmiştir. Bunlara karşılık gelen "Breakthrough" zamanları sırası ile 680 ve 1530 dakikadır. Her iki atık maddenin de 2000 ppmv H2SH_2S giriş konsantrasyonunu breakthrough' dan önce 1-2 ppmv seviyesine indirdiği gözlenmiştir. Sülfidasyon deneylerinden sonra yapılan XRD analizleri, sorbentlerde FeS ve CaS oluştuğunu göstermiştir. Genel olarak çinko cürufu çelikhane cürufundan daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Ağırlıkça değişik oranlarda hazırlanan çelikhane ve çinko cürufu karışımları da sorbent olarak denenmiş ve iyi sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür. Bunlardan ağırlıkça %75 çinko ile %25 çelikhane cürufundan oluşturulan ve WM-3 diye nitelenen atık karışımının 500\circC reaksiyon sıcaklığında ve 2000 ppmv H2SH_2S konsantrasyonunda diğerlerinden, ayrıca yanlızca çinko atığından oluşan sorbentlerden bile daha iyi sorbent kapasitesi ve verimi sağladığı gözlenmiştir. sorbentlerde ardışık sülfidasyon ve rejenerasyon testleri de uygulanmış ve çinko cürufunun bu testlerde çelikhane cürufundan daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği saptanmıştır. Çinko cürufu kolayca rejenere edilebilirken, çelikhane cürufunun sorbent kapasitesi üçüncü sülfidasyon sonrası önemli oranda düşmüştür. Rejenerasyon sırasında önemli miktarlarda SO2SO_2 gazı çıkışı gözlenmiştir. Elde edilen SO2SO_2 gazı da sülfürik asit üretiminde kullanılabilir

    Combustion of agro-waste with coal in a fluidized bed

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    In this study, a review of the studies done on the co-combustion of some agro-waste in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor (BFBC) having an inside diameter of 102 mm and a height of 900 mm is given. The agro-waste used to investigate the co-combustion characteristics were peach and apricot stones produced as a waste from the fruit juice industry, and olive cake produced as a waste from the olive oil industry. These are typical wastes for a Mediterranean country. A lignite coal was used for co-combustion. On-line concentrations of O(2), CO, CO(2), SO(2), NO (x) and total hydrocarbons (C (m) H (n) ) were measured in the flue gas during combustion experiments. Variations of emissions of various pollutants were studied by changing the operating parameters (excess air ratio, fluidization velocity and fuel feed rate). Temperature distribution along the bed was measured with thermocouples. Emissions were also monitored from the exhaust. Various combinations of coal and biomass mixtures were tested. During the combustion tests, it was observed that the volatile matter from the biomass quickly volatilizes and mostly burns in the freeboard. The temperature profiles along the bed and the freeboard also confirmed this phenomenon. It was found that as the volatile matter of the biomass increases, combustion takes place more in the freeboard region. Better combustion conditions occur at higher excess air ratios. The results showed that co-combustion with these three proposed biomasses lowers the SO(2) and NO (x) emissions considerably. CO and hydrocarbon emissions are lower at the higher excess air ratios

    Kömür gazındaki kükürtlü hidrojen gazının giderilmesi için yeni bir sorbent geliştirilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, stabilize edilmiş silika taşıyıcı malzeme üzerine çinko, demir ve vanadyum it çözeltilerinin emdirilmesiyle Entegre Gazlaştırma Kombine Çevrim Sistemlerinde sıcak desülfurizasyonu amacıyla kullanılmak üzere bir sorbent geliştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda vanadyum eklenmesinin sonuçlarını daha iyi analiz edebilmek amacıyla sadece çinko ve demir oksit yüklenerek çinko ferrit sorbentleri hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan sorbentler kimyasal ve fiziksel analizlere tabi tutulmuştur. Daha sonra H2S,N2veH2H_2S, N_2 ve H_2 içeren gaz karışımı ile sülfıdasyon deneyleri yapılmıştır. Sorbentiere uygulanan analizler, yüzey alanı ve porozite ölçümleri, elektron haritası çıkarılması, Tarama Elektron Mikroskopisi (SEM), X-Işımmı Kırınım Analizleri (XRD) ve Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrofotometresi (AAS) ile metal içeriği ölçümleridir. Çinko ferrit ve vanadyum eklenmiş çinko ferrit sorbentleri 5000 ppmv H2SH_2S gazı karışımı ile 600, 650 ve 700^\circ C sıcaklıklarda sülfıdasyona tabi tutulmuştur. Sülfıdasyon deneyleri sonucunda vanadyum eklenmesinin bu çalışmada kullanılan tüm reaksiyon sıcaklıklarında başlangıç reaksiyon hızını arttırdığı gözlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda vanadyum eklenmiş sorbentlerde yüksek sıcaklıklardaki çinko kayıplarının azaldığı saptanmıştır

    Co-combustion of olive cake with lignite coal in a circulating fluidized bed

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    In this study, olive cake (OC) was co-fired with coal in a circulating fluidized bed of 125 mm diameter and 1800 mm height. Olive cake is a waste from olive oil production. A lignite coal that is most widely used in Turkey (Tuncbilek lignite) was used together with OC and the combustion characteristics of olive cake (OC) + coal mixture were investigated. The combustion experiments were carried out with various excess air ratios. The excess air ratio, A, has been changed between 1.1 and 2.16. Temperature distribution along the bed was measured with thermocouples. On-line concentrations Of O-2, SO2, CO2, CO, NOx, and total hydrocarbons were measured in the flue gas. Various runs were conducted with each mixture of OC and lignite, namely 25, 50 and 75 wt% OC mixed with lignite. These mixtures were burned with various excess air ratios. Combustion efficiencies of olive cake and lignite coal mixtures are calculated, and the optimum conditions for operating parameters are discussed. There is a sharp decrease observed in the combustion losses due to hydrocarbons and CO as the excess air ratio increases. The minimum emissions are observed at about lambda = 1.5. The combustion efficiency for lignite coal changes between 82 and 98% for various excess air ratios used in the study. The results suggest that OC is good fuel that can be mixed with lignite coal for cleaner energy production in small-scale industries by using CFB. Less than 50 wt% OC concentration in the fuel mixture is suggested in order to be within the EU limits for emissions

    Use of clinoptilolite for odour removal from restaurant emissions

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    Clinoptilolite is well suited for adsorption applications due to its large amount of pore space, high resistance to extreme temperatures, chemically neutral basic structure and also its availability and low cost. In this project the relationship between odorant concentrations in the inner atmosphere of two restaurants were studied with respect to time by using a filter which has the clinoptilolite as packing material. "Olfactometer TO7" was used for determination of odorant concentrations. Results of the experiments have shown that in one of the restaurants the initial concentration was 375 OU/m(3) at the start of the experiment. As time progressed during experiments, the odour concentration decreased and after 2 hours a concentration of 100 OU/m(3) was obtained. In the second restaurant the initial odour concentration in the environment was 15000 OU/m(3) and it fell to 400 OU/m3 in 20 minutes and it continued to go down to 90 OU/m(3) in 120 minutes. The odour removal efficiencies in 2 hrs were calculated as 73.3% and 97.3% for the first and the second restaurants, respectively

    Color Removal with Natural Materials for Reuse of Wastewater in Textile Industry

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    The water consumption in textile industry, especially in dyeing and washing processes is too high. Therefore, large amount of wastewater is produced and discharged to the receiving environment during textile production process. Discharge of colored effluents without decoloration originated from textile industries may cause serious problems in the receiving environments. Besides water resources are limited. The textile industry should look for recycling and reusing this water. The objective of this chapter is to explain the use of various natural materials like basaltic tephra and clinoptilolite to remove basic, acidic and reactive types of dyes from textile wastewater. The determination of dye removing capacities and adsorption isotherms of these adsorbents are among the objectives of this study. The second objective is to modify the surface properties of these adsorbents by using a surfactant chemical and then determine their equilibrium sorbent capacities again with basic, acidic and reactive dyes. The results showed that removal efficiencies for cationic basic dyes are higher than those for anionic acidic and reactive dyes with the natural materials. Therefore, modification of surface properties of natural materials with a cationic surfactant was considered to increase the removal efficiencies of those for anionic dyes. After modification of the surface properties, adsorption capacities of adsorbents for anionic dyes were higher than those of natural materials. The results showed that the adsorption of dyes on adsorbents used in this study fitted nicely to the Langmuir Isotherm Equations

    Modeling of air pollution and development of air quality management plan for Iskenderun region in Turkey

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    Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement for human health and their well- being. Air pollution has become an alarming problem with industrialization, and protection of air quality turned into a topic of great interest since early 1960’s. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in 1992 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, adopted the Framework Climate Convention (Agenda 21) which underlined the need of air pollution control. Also, the declaration of Habitat II (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements held in June 1996, at Istanbul, Turkey) emphasized the “sustainable development” and “sustainable human settlements” for the protection of environment. In sustainable human settlements clean air was one of the most important considerations put forward among the other environmental issues

    Investigation of co-combustion of coal and olive cake in a bubbling fluidized bed with secondary air injection

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    In this study, a bubbling fluidized bed of 102 mm inside diameter and 900 mm height was used to burn olive cake and coal mixtures. Tuncbilek lignite coal was used together with olive cake for the co-combustion tests. Combustion performances and emission characteristics of olive cake and coal mixtures were investigated. Various co-combustion tests of coal with olive cake were conducted with mixing ratios of 25%, 50%, and 75% of olive cake by weight in the mixture. Operational parameters (excess air ratio, secondary air injection) were changed and variation of pollutant concentrations and combustion efficiency with these operational parameters were studied. The results were compared with that of the combustion of olive cake and coal. Flue gas concentrations of O(2), CO, SO(2), NO(x), and total hydrocarbons (C(m)H(n)) were measured during combustion tests. For the setup used in this study, the optimum operating conditions with respect to NO(x) and SO(2) emissions were found to be 1.35 for excess air ratio, and 30 L/min for secondary air flowrate for the combustion of 75 wt% olive cake and 25 wt% coal mixture. The highest combustion efficiency of 99.8% was obtained with an excess air ratio of 1.7, secondary air flow rate of 40 L/min for the combustion of 25 wt% olive cake and 75 wt% coal mixture