30 research outputs found

    Establishment and lineage dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the UK

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    The UK’s COVID-19 epidemic during early 2020 was one of world’s largest and unusually well represented by virus genomic sampling. Here we reveal the fine-scale genetic lineage structure of this epidemic through analysis of 50,887 SARS-CoV-2 genomes, including 26,181 from the UK sampled throughout the country’s first wave of infection. Using large-scale phylogenetic analyses, combined with epidemiological and travel data, we quantify the size, spatio-temporal origins and persistence of genetically-distinct UK transmission lineages. Rapid fluctuations in virus importation rates resulted in >1000 lineages; those introduced prior to national lockdown tended to be larger and more dispersed. Lineage importation and regional lineage diversity declined after lockdown, while lineage elimination was size-dependent. We discuss the implications of our genetic perspective on transmission dynamics for COVID-19 epidemiology and control


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    This study shows the conditions that should be considered to determine the arterial pressure in children by the auscultatory method. A standard method of choice of the suitable cuff for the child is reported and series of procedures that should be followed during the diastolic and sistolic pressure reading are related.São apresentadas as condições que devem ser levadas em consideração quando se faz a determinação da pressão arterial de crianças pelo método auscultatório. Ê focalizado um critério para a seleção do manguito, para que seja adequado à criança, e ê relacionada uma seqüência de procedimentos a serem seguidos durante as leituras das pressões sistólica e diastólica