6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sosial Demografi terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Perempuan Pengrajin Lontar di Desa Bona, Gianyar

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    Bali has many center of home industry. The development of home industry is expected to increase local entrepreneurs income and salary of employee. In palm leaf handicrafts, activities done by women. This study aims to determine the factors that impacted to women labour productivity. This research was conducted in the Bona Village Gianyar Regency. The number of sample is 93 which taken purposively. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that the factors that affect women labour productivity were age, work experience and marital status. Education does not affect the productivity. Age is the dominant factor affecting women labour productivity in palm leaf handicrafts in Bona Village

    Pengaruh Pembiayaan Pemerintah di Sektor Pendidikan dan Kesehatan terhadap Indeks Kualitas Manusia Serta Pertumbuhan Ekonomi pada Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Bali Tahun 2011-2015

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    This research was to analyze the influence of government financing in the education and health sectors against the index of the quality of human as well as economic growth. This research was conducted in the whole district/municipality in the province of Bali. The data used in this research is secondary data, whereas the methods of analysis used i.e. path analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that government financing in the education and health sector a positive and significant effect against the human quality indices. Government financing in the education and health sector have a significant and positive influence toward economic growth. Human quality indices have a significant and positive influence toward economic growth. Government financing in the education and health sectors have influence indirectly against economic growth through the index of the quality of human beings. The indirect influence is indicated by the variable index of human qualities is intervening as variables

    Kebutuhan Investasi Sektor Basis Industri Per Kecamatan di Kabupaten Gianyar dalam Rangka One Village One Product

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    Gianyar regency is the centre of micro and mid-micro industry (IKM) in Bali which gives a big contribution toward Product Domestic Regional Bruto (PDRB) and devisa} to gianyar. This research aims to find out the investment needs of which industrial sector that is considered to be a basic sector industry to determine OVOP from 2013-2016. Data that are used in this research is came from BPS, department of industry and commerce and also relevant agencies. This research used Location Quotient (LQ) and Incremental Capital Outpu RatiotI (ICOR) analysis technique. From this research, it can be known that from each sub district there are 1 to 5 basic sectors and wooden handmade furniture is determined to be a basic sector that is most seen in each sub district of gianyar. The investment needs value from 2013 to 2016 can be estimated from Rp. 47.755.780 billion to Rp. billion which have been distributed to each sub district in gianyar

    Capital Intensity, Openness, and the Economic Growth of the ASEAN 5

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    One of the core elements of the neoclassical growth theory is that poor countries have low capital-labor ratios but have higher marginal products of capital than the rich countries. This means the low-income countries experience faster growth rates and become a reason for allowing capital, goods, and technology can move across countries. Assuming that the labor intensive countries have higher returns on capital, then investment will flows into those countries and encourage higher economic growth. However, in fact capital flows seems to go in the opposite direction. A country with abundant capital can expand its capital-intensive sectors and export their goods along with trade liberalization. Consequently, the returns to capital in its capital-intensive sectors rise and a greater demand for investment induces higher capital inflows from abroad. Those predictions push developing countries to change their labor intensive industrial structures and become more capital intensive, to encourage their economic growth. This paper examines how capital intensity and openness affect economic growth using data from the ASEAN 5 countries data. The issue of endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity, as major problems in a data panel, are addressed by the fixed effect method and the Feasible General Least Square (FGLS). Capital flows appears to be the most important source of economic growth, whilst trade is found to have a limited role. The interaction between capital intensity and the openness indicator do not indicate significant effects. Generally, there is no evidence that the more outward-oriented countries with high levels of capital intensity experiences higher economic growth