17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Kooperatif Tipe Talking Stick Disertai Metode Eksperimen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mapel IPA Fisika Di Mts N Bangsalsari Jember

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of significant learning model coopratif type Talking Stick accompanied by experimental methods to study the results of the learning activities of students during cooperative learning using the following model types Talking Stick accompanied by experimental method in grade VII in the MTS N Bangsalsari. This type of research is the study of true experiments, and research determined using the method of purposive sampling area. The research was conducted at MTs Bangsalsari Country, the study determined after a test of its homogeneity. Design research using the control-group post test only design. Data collection techniques are documented, observation, interviews, and tests. Data analysis techniques to answer the first problem is to use a t-test is using independent sample t test. Data analysis techniques to answer the second problem that is by using the observation sheet student learning activities. Based on the results of the test t with the help of Independent-Sample T-test results obtained by the value of the sig. 0.0005 < 0.05 Ha was rejected and then Ho accepted, meaning that there was significant influence between the IPA learning outcomes of students who use cooperative learning model type Talking Stick accompanied experimental methods. Results of the learning activities of students during the learning process using model following the cooperative type of Talking Stick accompanied experimental methods are active in the category because it is on the range of 60%-80%, that is, with an average percentage of 70,27%

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Obat Pada Plot Cuplikan Di Hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Indonesia

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    Hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) merupakan kawasan yang kaya akan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan obat. Hal tersebut disebabkan tanah yang subur dan iklim mikro hutan tropis yang lembab di kawasan ini. Jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat yang beragam ini perlu dikaji potensi dan penyebarannya untuk menjaga kelestarian dan keberlanjutannya. Pengambilan sampel tumbuhan menggunakan metode kuadrat berukuran 2x2 m2, 5x5 m2, 10x10 m2, dan 20x20 m2 pada ketinggian 1400, 1500, dan 1600 meter di atas permukaan laut (m dpl). Tumbuhan diidentifikasi secara langsung menggunakan buku identifikasi tumbuhan obat dan jasa parataksonom. Metode wawancara dilakukan terhadap masyarakat lokal di sekitar hutan TNGGP yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan Excel 2007 dan dideskripsikan bagian tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku obat. Tumbuhan obat yang berhasil diidentifikasi sejumlah 45 jenis yang termasuk ke dalam 40 marga dan 29 suku. Suku dengan anggota terbanyak yaitu 4 jenis ditemukan pada Urticaceae, sedangkan suku lainnya beranggotakan satu hingga tiga jenis. Anggota suku Urticaceae diyakini dapat digunakan dalam pengobatan demam, batuk, mata, organ vital wanita, dan anti kanker. Bagian tumbuhan yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku obat adalah daun (42%) dibandingkan akar, batang, bunga, dan buah. Tingkat keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat tergolong sedang (1≤H\u27≤3). Kekayaan jenis tumbuhan berperawakan herba tergolong tinggi (R\u27>5), pancang dan pohon tergolong sedang (R\u27=3,5─5), dan tiang berkategori rendah (R\u27<3,5). Informasi tentang potensi tumbuhan obat di hutan TNGGP diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar kawasan pada khususnya dan mendukung upaya konservasi agar tetap terjaga kelestariannya

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Berbasis Observasi Gejala Fisis Pada Pembelajaran Ipa-fisika Di SMP

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    The cooperative learning model type group investigation based on observations of physical symptoms is one model that can improve learning outcomes and developing science process skills of students in science subjects. This research aims to reviewing the difference in students learning outcomes that are taught using the cooperative learning model type group investigation based on observations of physical symptoms with the students taught using direct learning model that usually taught by a teacher in junior high school and describe the students learning science process skills after using the cooperative learning model type group investigation based on observations of physical symptom. This type of research is an experimental research conducted at the country junior high school 7 Jember. Source of data derived from the assessment by the observer, post-test, and filling the questionnaire. Based on the research that has been conducted, the obtained 1) t test assessment results obtained sig. 0.001 ≤0.05 so that Ha&nbsp; accepted and Ho rejected, it means there is a significant difference between the students taught by the cooperative learning model type group investigation based on observations of physical symptom with students taught using direct learning model commonly taught by teacher in junior high school 2) The avarage results of students learning science process skills in each indikator that is 90,33%. Means the learning science process skills of students while using the cooperative learning model type group investigation based on observations of physical symptom&nbsp; included in the category goo

    Positive correlation of Hypertension and Cognitive Function of Elderly

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    Biological changes in the elderly are one of the triggers for the emergence of hypertension which can cause changes in cognitive function. The purpose was to analyze the correlation between hypertension and cognitive function in the elderly. The design was correlation descriptive research design with the cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, the number of samples of respondents was 56 people. The research was conducted at Integrated Healthcare Center Elderly, Malang City. The instrument used to while the cognitive function in the elderly uses the MMSE. Analysis used the Spearman rank test with an alpha value of 0.05 (95% CI). The results showed that there was a significant correlation between hypertension and cognitive function in the elderly (r=0.532 and p=0.000). The direction of the correlation is positive, meaning that the more severe hypertension suffered by the elderly, the more severe they will tend to experience more severe cognitive function impairments. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended for people with hypertension do blood pressure screening and undergo hypertension treatment regularly. This is very important so that prevention and treatment can be carried out earlier to prevent more severe cognitive impairment

    Analysis of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Magnetic Field Effect to Oyster Mushroom Productivity

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    Extremely Low Frequency magnetic field has frequency 0-300 Hz and included on non-ionizing radiation. The side effect of ELF magnetic field researched by many researcher on some sectors, such as on food sector and agriculture sector. In food sector, research of Sudarti (2016) shown that ELF magnetic field can use as alternative sterilization gado-gado food to decrease population of Salmonella. Oyster mushroom as alternative nutrition sources with many advantages for health, many people consume it and start cultivation it. ELF magnetic field can use as growth accelerator in agriculture sector, such as for oyster mushroom growth. This research aims to analyze of effect of ELF magnetic field to oyster mushroom productivity based on appearance of pin head and oyster mushroom wet weight. Result shown that exposure ELF magnetic field with intensity 500 µT in 50 minutes influence appearance of pin head with average amount 20,2 and influence oyster mushroom wet weight amount 212,2 grams

    Konseling Konseptual: sebuah Tinjauan Filosofis

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    CONCEPTUAL COUNSELING: A PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW. Counseling is a process of giving help done by an expert (called counselor) to the individual who experienced a problem (called counselee) which leads to the overcoming problems facing him. Counseling serves as an effort to change, prevent or increase the potential of life. This literature study contains a description of the counselor's professional concepts in providing counseling services covering the meaning of counseling, counseling parameters, counseling and philosophy, counseling conditions and the effects of the professional counselor as well as the characteristics of a professional counselor which is seen based on the effectiveness of a helper

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Open Ended dengan Pendekatan Active Learning pada Pembelajaran Fisika di SMA

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    The goals of this research were: (1) to describe student activity use open ended model by active learning approach on learning physics at senior high school; (2) to describe the influence of application open ended model by active learning approach for study outcome on learning physics at senior high school. The type of this research was pure experiment research. The research methodology of this study used control group pretestposttest design. Data collection method of this research used observation, documentation, and test. The data analysis used: (1) the percentage of students learning activities; (2) difference of pre test and post test score and use of t-test statistic to analyze. This research was done through three meeting. The score value of t-test is 3.42 greater than t-table is 1.994 and its mean that there were differrence of students' outcome. The percentage of students learning activities at first meeting was 53.44%. In the second meeting, percentage classically more than the first meeting it was 53.59% and the third meeting was 54.84% so the average of students activities percentage was 53.95%

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Snowball Throwing Disertai Diskusi dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Kelas VII di SMP

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    Purposes of this study were: (1) to examine differences in learning outcomes using cooperative learning model type of snowball throwing base on &nbsp;discussions with the conventional learning in teaching physics in the junior class (VIIth); (2) to study the student learning activities during the learning using cooperative learning model types snowball throwing base on learning discussion in junior high school physics class VII. This type of research is experimental research. The design of this study is control group pre-test post-test. Methods used to collect data were observation, documentation, interviews and tests. The data analysis used: (1) the percentage of students learning activities; (2) difference of pre test and post test score and use of t-test statistic to analyze.&nbsp; Analysis of the data using the t test showed &nbsp;ttes = 2.69 and ttabel= 2.18, so ttes&gt;ttable the nihil hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the working hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Student learning activities is 91.16% belongs to the category very active

    Model Problem Solving dengan Metode Pictorial Riddle dalam Pembelajaran Fisika di SMA

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    Problem solving model is a learning process that trains the students how to solve their problem that they face weather by themselves or together with their friends, so that they can interact and inform each other about the problem untill its problem solving. The purpose of this research are (1)To describe students' learning activities during learning process, and (2) To study influence of the problem solving model with pictorial riddle method application to the students' physics achievements in Senior High School. Design of research is an experiment research by using post-test only control group design. The technique of collecting data in this research are observation, documentation, and interview. Data analysis uses percentage of students activities and Independent Sample T-test SPSS 16 program to calculate the influence of the model for the learning achievement. Results of the study are 1) Value of students' learning activities is 75,45%, it is called active, and 2) The significant value (1-tailed) is p=0,0055(£ 0,05), its mean the Ha accepted (there is significantly influence the model to students' physics achievements). This study can be concluded that (1) Students' learning activities during joins the physics learning by using the model are in active category, and (2) The model significantly influences to the students'physics achievements of physics XI grade in first state Senior High School of Kalisat on period 2013/2014