22 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Soft Skill Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Magetan Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Background: The implementation of regional autonomy inhealth care, Human Resources (HR) are required to have healthentrepreneurship ability, leadership and managerial. In fact,until now information about the capabilities are not yet clearlyknown.Purpose: This study aims to know the capabilities soft skills(entrepreneurship, managerial, leadership) of health workersin the District of Bojonegoro and Magetan.Method: Research design that is used is descriptive researchon the location of Health Dander, Baureno Health, and dr.Sosodiro Hospital District of Bojonegoro. Health Candirejo,Health Ngariboyo, Plaosan Health, Health Kawedanan Dr.Sayidiman Hospital Magetan District. Research target is thehead office staff and health, and director of the hospital staff,health staff and the head. Large target is 82 people. Variableinvolved is the ability of soft skills aspects of entrepreneurship,leadership, change management and conflict management.Collecting data is done by giving a ranking scale with the contentof the medium on the aspects of konatif attitude. Data analysiswould be conducted descriptive.Result: Result of research showed that entrepreneurial abilityis less 56.1%, 50.0% less in leadership and managerial 41.5%less. Attributes such as entrepreneurial marketing 48.1% less,self-confidence 57.3% less, task orientation and 58.5% poorresults. Courage risk taking 56.1% less; lobby and negotiate47.5% less. Attributes such as leadership ability 36.6% lessdirective, less supportive 82.9%, 48.8% less participative,achievement orientation, and 52.5% less. While the ability tomanage changes to 13.4% less, manage conflict 74.3% less.Conclusion: The situation above can be concluded that theability entrepreneurship aspects of soft skills, leadership andmanagerial health still needs to be done so that lessimprovement and development of these skills.Keywords: soft skills, entrepreneurship, leadership,manageria

    Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat (Phbs) Dalam Rumah Tangga Ibu Hamil Dan Ibu Pernah Hamil Di Indonesia

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    Background: The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high at about 307 per 100,000 live births and Indonesia were lower target of 75% of maternal deaths in the period 1990-2015 with indicators: MMR per 100,000 live births from 390 to 102, the proportion of deliveries by skilled health 40.7% to 100%. One indicator is the PHBs delivery by health workers and health behaviors that are performed on the awareness that a family member or family can help themselves in the field of health. Pregnant mothers who are in households that do PHBs will reduce the incidence of diseases that worsen the maternal mortality. The general objective of this study was to determine the picture PHBs Household pregnant women based on socioeconomic factors, demographic and geographical environment in Indonesia. Methods: The data on secondary data analysis is that in getting from Riskesdas 2007 and 2010 the data collection are questionnaires and structured interviews. Result: The results suggest that PHBs in the household ever been pregnant and pregnant women are reviewed by province, economic level, and level of education is still very low. Recommendation: Thus suggested the need for promotion of PHBs in Families of pregnant women and mothers have become pregnant on an ongoing basis

    Mekanisme Hubungan Sosial Ekonomi, Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi terhadap Prevalensi Panjang Badan Lahir Pendek

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    Prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek di Indonesia masih tinggi dan menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor secara langsung dan tidak langsung serta berdampak luas dan berkelanjutan dalam siklus kehidupan. Penelitian menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 dengan pendekatan potong lintang bertujuan mengetahui mekanisme hubungan berbagai variabel laten terhadap prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek. Sampel adalah 497 kabupaten yang diagregat dari data individu, yaitu anak lahir dari ibu berusia 15 hingga 49 tahun dengan kriteria anak kandung dan lahir tunggal. Pemodelan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling. Kehamilan berisiko tinggi berhubungan positif langsung dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek (r = 0,279; nilai p = 0,014). Pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan berhubungan positif tidak langsung dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek melalui kehamilan berisiko tinggi (r = 0,135; nilai p = 0,029). Sosial ekonomi tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek (r = -0,087; nilai p = 0,156), namun akan berhubungan bila melalui mekanisme hubungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan (r = 0,653; nilai p = 0,0001) dan kehamilan berisiko tinggi (r = 0,759; nilai p = 0,0001). Upaya intervensi perlu difokuskan pada pencegahan kehamilan berisiko tinggi melalui perbaikan status gizi dan kesehatan ibu sejak usia remaja untuk menurunkan prevalensi panjang badan lahir pendek. Mechanism of Socio-Economic, Health Services Use and High Risk Pregnancy Relations to The Prevalence of Short Birth LengthThe prevalence of short birth length in Indonesia still high and it becomes a public health problem caused by any direct and indirect factors as well as having a wide and sustainable effect in life cycle. The study used Basic health system (Riskesdas) 2013 data with a cross-sectional approach aiming to find out the mechanism of the relation between any latent variables to the short birth length prevalence. Samples were 497 districts aggregated from individual data that were children children born by 15 - 49 year-old mothers with biological children and single birth criteria. The modelling used Structural Equation Modeling. High-risk pregnancy had a direct positive relation with the prevalence of short birth length (r = 0.279; p value= 0.014). The use of health services had an indirect positive relation with short birth length prevalence through high-risk pregnancy (r = 0.135; p value= 0.029). Social economy did not have any significant relation with the prevalence of short birth length (r = -0.087; p value = 0.156), but would be related if through the mechanism of health service use (r = 0.653 ; p value = 0.0001) and high-risk pregnancy (r = 0.759 ; p value = 0.0001). Efforts of intervention need to be focused on prevention of high-risk pregnancy through improvement of nutritional and health status of mothers since teenager in order to reduce short birth length prevalence

    Analysis of Referal Delivery System of Jamkesmas and Jampersal Members Coordinated by Surabaya Municipality Health Office

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    Background:Policy issues states that referral delivery system of Jamkesmas and Jampersal have not been implemented properly. The study aims to determine of referal delivery systems for members of Jamkesmas and Jampersal social schemes coordinated by Surabaya municipality health office. Method: It was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was carried outfrom March to December 2013 in Surabaya Municipality. Data were collected by indepth interviews to head of Surabaya municipality health office, chiefs of Jamkesmas/Jampersal and basic health services section in that office. Secondary data were collected to determine number of health facilities, personnels and finance related to service delivery for Jamkesmas and Jampersal members. It also conducted study of documents. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed descriptively. results: The implementation level of referral system for members of Jamkesmas and Jampersal social scheme in Surabaya have not been optimal due to the number of referal hospital was very limited and limited capacity of bed hospitals and community factors. The availability of health facilities and health workers for delivery services is sufficient, but those having MOU with Jamkesmas and Jampersal were very few, especially on midwife private services. The financing of Jamkesmas and Jampersal social scheme were sufficient and increase every year. The referral screening of pregnancy using a score of Puji Rohyati cards and the referral screening of delivery using child birth screening form of normal delivery care. Monitoring and evaluation of the referral delivery system were conducted in the form programs meeting, supervision, reports and complaints managemen. conclusion:In Surabaya, the coordination of referral delivery systems for members of Jamkesmas and Jampersal have been conducted, by structures & levels but not optimal. The availability of health facilities, health workers and financing were sufficient, in addition the referral screening mechanisms and also the monitoring and evaluation have been conducted as well

    Risiko Terjadinya Disabilitas Fisik Akibat Penyakit Degeneratif di Perkotaan dan Pedesaan di Indonesia

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    A physical disability is an individual disability or individual decline of doing daily activities which could be caused by physical obstacles. The study aimed to determine the risk of physical disability caused by degeneratitve desease in Indonesia. It used secunder data of Susenas morbidity study year 2004 and SKRT year 2004 based on ICD 10, focus on physical disability analysis. The samples were 6973 people. The analysis is done by using cross tabulation and double logistic regression. Results showed that in urban heart attack, pivot joint or rheumatism and asthma were factors that influenced physical disabilities. While in rural areas there were just rheumatic and asthma. In urban areas an individual had heart attack OR = 1.863. Rheumatics had possibility of having physical disabilities 2.7 more than those who did not have rheumatic. In rural areas, the rheumatic had the risk of physical disabilities of 4.2 higher than those who had no rheumatic (OR= 4.274) and people who suffered asthma would have the risk of the disability about 1.9 higher than had no asthma (OR = 1.903). The individual who suffered asthma had risk about 1.7 more than those had no asthma (OR = 1 737). It concluded that heart attack is an influence factor in urban areas, but it is not in the rural areas