42 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Penilaian Formatif Online Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Quizizz Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII Smp Thoriqotun Najah Singosari

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    In order to realize a better and advanced education, it is essential to have an assessment that supports the teaching and learning process. During pandemic covid-19 that require applied e-learning, the implementation of learning assessment cannot be separated from the influence of technological progress. With the implementation of formative assessment using the quizizz application, the teacher will be easier to carry out the assessment and students also do not feel bored when answering the questions. The need for an assessment tool based on the quizizz application is based on the fact that the need for an interesting and easy-to-use assessment tool in English learning for 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the process of designing of online English formative assessment for 8th-grade students, (2) knowing the development of online English formative assessment using quizizz for 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari. This research design is research and development (research and development) using the Borg and Gall model. The processed data will be in the form of quantitative descriptive. Quantitative data were obtained from a questionnaire given to content validators, media validators, English teacher, and 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari, with a total of 25 children. While qualitative data is obtained from the suggestion which is given by validators, English teacher, and students. The results of this study indicate the following: (1) the development of assessment tools through six stages, namely the stage of need analysis, planning, developing, revising of product, field testing, and revising final product. (2) based on the result of content and media expert validation, the validity level of the content experts is 92.8% with a strongly valid category, 88.9% of the media experts with a strongly valid category. While the practicality level obtained from the users is 92.8% with a very practical category and the questionnaire for students who get the practicality results is 93.3% with a very practical category

    The Effect Of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Management Capability, Environmental Dynamic To The Business Strategy And Performance Of Small And Medium Industries (SMIS) (Study On The Small And Medium Industries Of Sasirangan In South Kalimantan)

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    This study aims to examine and explain the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the business strategy and performance of SMIs, the effect of management capabilities to business strategy and performance of SMIs as well as the influence of environmental dynamics of the business strategy. The subjects were the business actors in the three districts which are located in Province of South Kalimantan: Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City and Martapura City that do business on Small and Medium Industries (SMIs)of Sasirangan. There were 86 emplyers as the samples and population in this study. Technical analysis in this study employed descriptive analysis and inferential statistics, namely the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results showed that there were seven hypotheses; in detail 6 hypptheses have significant effect and 1 hypothesis produces not significant effect. The hypotheses that produce significant influence on the entrepreneurial orientation are the management capabilities, environmental dynamics and business strategies on the performance of SMIs and entrepreneurial orientation and dynamics of the environment on the business strategy. The hypothesis that does not produce significant effect is the management capability on the business strategy. Keywords: SMIs, performance of SMIs, business strateg

    The Effect Of Computer Self-Efficacy Toward System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, Usage, User Satisfaction, And Individual Impact (A Study on University Students Using the E-Learning System at Kopertis III Jakarta)

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    This study aims at analyzing and explaining the influence of computer self-efficacy (CSE) on system quality, information quality, service quality, usage, user satisfaction and individual impact. The study was conducted on university students as users of the e-learning system in Kopertis III Jakarta. The population consisted of 144.686 students, and a sample of 178 students was taken. The sampling technique used was the proportional random sampling. The analytical method used was GSCA Generalized Structured Component Analysis. The results showed that 13 of the 16 hypotheses had a significant effect and the remaining 3 hypotheses resulted in a non-significant effect. The hypotheses with a significant effect were: (1) the effect of CSE on system quality, on information quality, on service quality, on usage, on user satisfaction, and on individual impact; (2) the effect of system quality on information quality, on usage, and on user satisfaction; (3) the effect of information quality on usage and user satisfaction; and (4) the effect of service quality to usage and user satisfaction. The hypotheses with a non-significant effect were: (1) the effect of CSE on user satisfaction, the effect of usage on individual impact, and the effect of user satisfaction on individual impact Keywords: Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE), system quality, information quality, service quality, usage, user satisfaction, and individual impac

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Commerce (A Study on SMEs in Malang)

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    This study aims at analyzing and explaining factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce by integrating the variables of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Task Technology Fit (TTF). The subjects of the study are owners of SMEs being members of the Chamber of Trade and Industry Malang. The population of the study is 103 owners of SMEs while the sample consists of 97 owners of SMEs. The inferential analysis technique used in this study is Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results of the study show that out of 8 hypotheses, 5 of which are significant and 3 of which are non-significant. The hypotheses resulting in significant effect are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and fit toward behavioral intention, as well astask characteristic toward fit and behavioral intention toward adoption. The hypotheses with non-significant effect are social influence and facilitating condition toward behavioral intention as well as technology characteristic toward fit. Keywords: SMEs, Mobile Commerce, UTAUT 1, and TT

    Analysis and Design Marketing Information System to Improve Competitive Advantage in East Java SMEs

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    The existence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs ) have a very important role in the economic structure of a country , including Indonesia . SMEs can be regarded as a business sector that is elastic because it can move and survive in the midst of turmoil and economic crisis. However, SMEs also have some problems in the development of its business in the midst of intense competition not only with the products of the domestic, but also from the invasion of the products from abroad . This study aims to determine the problems experienced by the SMEs in the area of Sidoarjo and Pasuruan , East Java, Indonesia especially in the marketing activities . Based on the existing conditions in the field, can be determined appropriate marketing information system to be applied to support the marketing activities of SMEs in Pasuruan and Siodarjo. The method used is action research by taking a sample of 39 leading SMEs in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan as informants. The results of this study found several factors that cause the problems that arise in the SMEs. The solution offered is to design a marketing information system based on SMS ( Short Message Service ) Gate Way or called mobile marketing . The consideration is choosing this technology because the technology by using mobile tools tend to be more applicable to SMEs and are user friendly. Keywords: SMEs, Marketing Information System, Competitive Advantage, SMS Gate Wa

    The Influence of Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance and Firm Value of Bank Sub-Sector Campanies Listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange in Period 2008-2012

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    This study examines whether corporate governance and intellectual capital affects the financial performance and firm value. Data were obtained from 26 companies of banking sector over 5 years (2008-2012). The analysis technique was using GSCA (General Structure Component Analysis). The result indicates that Corporate Governance has a significant effect on the Financial Performance and Firm Value. Disclosure of Intellectual Capitalhas significant effect on the Financial Performance and Firm Value. Financial Performance has a significant effect on Firm Value. However, Corporate Governance is not significantly effecting on the Intellectual Capital. Also,disclosure of Intellectual Capital is not a significant effect on Corporate Governance. This study only used two indicators to measure the variables of Corporate Governance and Financial Performance, so that further research is expected to add another proxy allegedly have effect on the Financial Performance and Firm Value. Keywords :corporate governance, disclosure of intellectual capital, financial performance, firm value

    The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Social Competence, Self-Efficacy, Work Engagement, and Individual Performance

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the effect of transformational leadership on social competence, self-efficacy, work engagement, and individual performance as scientific information for private hospitals in South Kalimantan Province dealing with the management of human resources that are expected to contribute to the development of effective and efficient organization. As many as 216 people became the sample of the study, and they came from nine hospitals in four regencies / cities in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. Technical analysis of the data was done using GSCA. The results showed that of the eight hypothesized that there are three hypotheses that do not have significant influence, social competence to performance, work engagement and performance of the self-efficacy; and five hypotheses showed a significant effect. The five hypotheses include transformational leadership significant effect on the social competence, self-efficacy, work engagement; and individual performance; self-efficacy significant effect on individual performance. Keywords: Transformational leadership, Social Competence, Self Efficacy, Work Engagement, and Individual Performance

    How Social Media Impacts on Customer Brand Engagement, Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty

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    This research analyzes the effect of Social Media Marketing Activities, Customer Brand Engagement, and Brand Trust on Brand Loyalty. Currently, coffee drinks and activities have become a trend for the community. Starbucks, the world's largest coffee shop company, was born with a luxurious image. By demographic class, the Starbucks customer segment is middle to upper class, classified as a masstige brand. The masstige brand position is between the upper mid-level and super premium courses. Business competition for masstige brands is more sophisticated and global, which expedites adapting communication technology to build brand loyalty. Social media marketing activities reinforce brand loyalty through customer engagement to improve customer relations. Even the transfer of information between brands to customers through social media has the potential to boost brand trust. The research method used is quantitative. This research questionnaire was distributed online to 210 customers of the masstige brand Starbucks in three major cities in East Java Province. The data were analyzed using PLS. This study's results show that the 5 hypotheses significantly affect the dependent variable. It indicates that implementing Social Media Marketing Activities, CBE, and BT strategies can improve BL on customers of masstige brand Starbucks

    The Effect of Online Service Quality towad Perceived Risk, Customer Attitudes, Relationship Quality, Online Purchase Intention, E-Loyalty, and Purchasing Behavior

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    This study aims to analyze and explain 1) the effect of online service quality toward perceived risk, 2) the effect of online service quality toward customer attitudes, 3) the effect of online service quality toward online relationship quality, 4) the effect of perceived risk toward customer attitudes, 5)the effect of perceived risk toward online relationship quality, 6)the effect of online service quality toward online purchase intention, 7)the effect of risk toward online purchase intention, 8)the effect of customer attitudes toward online purchase intention, 9)the effect of online relationship quality toward online purchase intention, 10) the effect of online purchase intention toward e-customer loyalty, 11) the effect of online purchase intentiontoward online customer attitudes, and 12) the effect of e-customer loyalty toward online customer attitudes. This study was explanatory research, which describes the relationship between variables. The study was conducted on consumers who madeonline purchasingat SMEs who were members of the world's Top 50 SMEs in the online version of the Markeetermagazine. The unit of analysis consists of 123 consumers. The analytical tool used was the Generalized Structured Component Analisys (GSCA) to test the hypotheses. The results showed that eight hypotheses with significant effect were online service qualitytowardperceived risk, online service qualitytowardcustomer attitudes, online service quality toward online relationship quality, perceivedrisk towardonline relationship quality, customer attitudes towardonline purchase intention, online relationship quality towardonline purchase intention, online purchase intention toward e-customer loyalty, and e-customer loyalty towardonline customer behaviors. The hypotheses with non significant effect were online service quality toward online purchase intention, perceived risk toward customer attitude, perceived risktowardonline purchase intention,and online purchase intention toward online purchasing behavior. Keywords: Online purchasing behavior, customer attitudes, online relationship quality, online purchase intention, customer e-loyalt

    The Effect of Transcational Leadership Style and Work Environment on Computer Self Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, Behavior and Performance of Computer Operator

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the effect of: transactional leadership style and work environment on computer self efficacy, job satisfaction, behavior and performance of computer operators. The data collection was done using a survey. The sample of this study was computer operators in private owned universities in Makassar, Indonesia with 233 questionnaires were distributed with 80.68% response rate. The data were analyzed using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The result reveals that: transactional leadership style has a significant effect on computer self efficacy and job satisfaction, but has no significant effect on behavior and performance of computer operators; work environment has a significant effect on computer self efficacy, but has no significant effect on job satisfaction, behavior and performance of computer operators; computer self efficacy has significant effect on job satisfaction, behavior and performance of computer operators; job satisfaction has significant effect on behavior and performance of computer operators; and behavior has a significant effect on performance of computer operators. Keywords: transactional leadership style, work environment, computer self efficacy, job satisfaction, behavior, and performanc