80 research outputs found

    Remesas familiares en Guatemala: Mejorar su pronóstico para reducir la especulación ante el COVID-19

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    La presente investigación se enmarca en el uso de un método de pronóstico ajustado al nivel de remesas enviado en medio de los efectos económicos generados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en Guatemala, con el propósito y la intención de que sirva como parámetro de priorización de los criterios de eficiencia en las proyecciones de la variable y contribuir a reducir la  incertidumbre de las autoridades monetarias, inversionistas y agentes económicos, para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones. Mediante el uso del modelo planteado, se logró obtener un margen mínimo de error, tanto al tener en cuenta los valores absolutos del valor estimado de las remesas como en términos relativos de cara a los porcentajes que representan las diferencias entre los valores estimados y los reales que alcanzan menos de una desviación estándar. Por lo tanto, uno de los fines específicos del estudio es poner en realce que, en conjunto con variables macroeconómicas afectadas ante la coyuntura ocasionada por la pandemia del COVID-19, las remesas mantienen un carácter contra cíclico en la generación de flujos de divisas

    Remesas familiares y el COVID-19: eficiencia en los pronósticos para reducir la especulación en la región centroamericana

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    This research applies an adequate forecasting method to the remittance flows that were affected from the crisis generated by COVID-19 in the Central American region, with the aim to provide a reference tool to prioritize forecasting efficiency criteria and thus contribute to reduce the uncertainty of the monetary authorities, the investors and the economic agents, facilitating the decision-making process.By applying the forecast model suggested for each country in the region, there was a minimum margin of error, both in the absolute value in monetary units and in relative terms as a function of the percentages of the difference between the estimate and the real value that in average amounted to 8.4% corresponding to less than one standard deviation.It is intended to show that in addition to other macroeconomic variables compromised by the COVID-19 situation, remittances continue to be a resilient income stream.La presente investigación aplica un método de pronóstico adecuado a los flujos de remesas que se vieron afectados por el efecto de la crisis generada por el COVID-19 en la región centroamericana, con la intención de que sirva además como un método de referencia para priorizar criterios de eficiencia en las proyecciones de estos flujos de remesas y contribuir de esta forma a reducir laincertidumbre de las autoridades monetarias, de los inversionistas y de los agentes económicos para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones.Al aplicar el modelo de pronóstico sugerido para cada país de la región, se obtuvo un margen de error mínimo, tanto en el valor absoluto en unidades monetarias como en términos relativos, en función de los porcentajes de la diferencia entre la estimación y el valor real que en promedio ascendió a 8.4% y menos de una desviación estándar.Adicionalmente, se pretende evidenciar que junto con otras variables macroeconómicas comprometidas ante la situación del COVID-19, las remesas siguen siendo un flujo de ingresos resiliente

    Specific sublingual immunotherapy with peach LTP (Pru p 3). One year treatment: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Food allergy is an increasing problem with limited therapeutic approaches apart from to the eviction diet. CASE PRESENTATION: A 40-year-old female patient with food allergy symptoms was polysensitized to almost all vegetable food since the age of 36; the onset of symptoms was during pregnancy. The allergological study demonstrated positive skin prick tests (SPT) to nuts, legumes, cereals, spices, several fresh fruits including peach, and other groups of vegetable foods however, it was negative to common aeroallergens. Serum specific IgE levels were negative (<0.35 kU/L) to profilin and carbohydrate determinants, but positive to Pru p 3 (3.5 kU/L). Positive double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge to peach confirmed the allergic disease. She received specific sublingual immunotherapy with native Pru p 3 at a concentration of 40 mug/ml with 5 administrations per week and a cumulative dose of 200 mug of nPru p 3 per month. After an ultra-rush build-up phase concluded in one day she continued therapy during a year with 5 administrations per week. The clinical evolution and laboratory studies demonstrated an early reduction on SPT reactions with no relevant changes on serum specific IgE, IgG, IgG(1) and IgG(4) to Pru p 3 during the immunotherapy period. The challenge test was negative 4 months after the beginning of the SLIT. Regarding clinical response she markedly improved after the first month of treatment, and by the 3th month she had no major vegetable dietary restrictions, except for nuts and pepper. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the excellent efficacy and safety of sublingual specific protein immunotherapy developed according to the patient specific sensitivity profile to Pru p3

    Developing a Digital Technology System to Address COVID-19 Health Needs in Guatemala: A Scientific Diaspora Case Study

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    Scientific diasporas are organized groups of professionals who work together to contribute to their country of origin. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, scientific diasporas around the world have focused their efforts to support the public health response in their countries of origin. As the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Guatemala in March of 2020, a team of four Guatemalan nationals, residing abroad and in-country, started collaborating to tackle COVID-19 misinformation and issues with healthcare services navigation. Their collaboration was facilitated by FUNDEGUA, a Guatemalan nonprofit, which provided a legal framework to establish partnerships and fundraise. The team created a digital technological system called ALMA (Asistente de Logística Médica Automatizada in Spanish). A female character named ALMA was created to personify the digital information services, through social media profiles, an interactive website, a free national multilingual call center, and an artificial intelligence-based chatbot. More members joined the nascent interdisciplinary diaspora through professional/personal references or social media. ALMA provided a platform for Guatemalan nationals to contribute with their skillset to their country during a global crisis through flexible schedules and short- or long-term involvement. As the team grew, the services for query resolution and information dissemination expanded as well. The ALMA initiative shows that scientific diasporas can provide an avenue for professionals to contribute to Guatemala, regardless of their residence and job commitments
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