1 research outputs found

    Effect of chemical castration on the productive and behavioural performance of the guinea pig

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto de la castraci贸n qu铆mica con tintura de yodo sobre el comportamiento productivo y conductual del cuy. Se utilizaron 24 cuyes cruzados Per煤-Inti, de 25 a 35 d铆as de edad, distribuidos en dos grupos: castrados y no castrados. La castraci贸n se realiz贸 en la segunda semana del estudio por inyecci贸n intratesticular de tintura de yodo al 2% en dosis de 0.1 ml por test铆culo. Se evalu贸 el peso semanal y al beneficio, ganancia de peso diaria, y el n煤mero de peleas, a trav茅s de un dise帽o completamente al azar con covarianza por peso inicial. El peso semanal fue mayor en los castrados a partir de la cuarta semana del estudio (706.5 vs 648.8 g, p<0.05). El peso al beneficio (837.9 vs 738.4 g) y la ganancia de peso diaria (9.06 vs 6.94 g) fueron mayores en los animales castrados (p<0.01). El n煤mero de peleas registradas (7.8 vs 14.4) fue menor en los castrados (p<0.01). Se concluye que la castraci贸n qu铆mica mejora el peso al beneficio y disminuye la conducta agresiva de los cuyes favoreciendo una mejor presentaci贸n de la carcasa.The objective of the study was to determine the effect of chemical castration using iodine tincture on the productive and behavioral performance of the guinea pig. Twenty four crossbred Peru-Inti guinea pigs from 25 to 35 days of age were used and allocated in two groups: castrated and non-castrated. Iodine tincture at 2%, dose of 0.1 ml per testicle, was used for the castration at the second week of the study. Weekly body weight and at slaughter, daily body weight gain, and number of fights were evaluated using a completely randomized design with covariance for initial body weight. Weekly body weight was higher in castrated animals from the fourth week of the study (706.5 vs 648.8 g) onwards (p<0.05). Body weight at slaughter (837.9 vs 738.40 g) and daily body weight gain (9.06 vs 6.94 g) were higher in the castrated (p<0.01). The number of fights (7.8 vs14.4) was lower in castrated animals (p<0.01). The chemical castration increases body weight at slaughtering and reduce the aggressive behavior of guinea pigs improving the presentation of the carcasses