75 research outputs found

    Menanggulangi Kelebihan Pemakaian Coklat pada Produksi Wafer XX dengan Metode Qcc di Pt.xyz

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    Pada era globalisasi perdagangan saat ini, kunci untuk meningkatkan daya saing suatu Perusahaan adalah kualitas. Hanya sebuah Perusahaan yang mampu menghasilkan barang dan jasa yang berkualitas kelas dunia serta Perusahaan yang dikelola dengan baik yang dapat bertahan dan memenangkan persaingan global. PT. XYZ adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang food industry, dalam setiap aktivitas produksinya selalu berusaha untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas baik. Jika dalam memproduksi suatu produk dengan tingkat kecacatan tinggi, maka ongkos untuk produk cacat ini harus diperhitungkan, makin banyak cacat maka ongkos proses yang terbuang menjadi tinggi. Untuk itu, maka semua orang yang terlibat dalam proses harus berusaha menekan reject atau cacat produksi agar ongkos yang terbuang menjadi minim sehingga keuntungan bisa tercapai, jika untung maka didalam memasarkan produk, pengusaha dapat menurunkan harga jual agar dapat bersaing dengan produk lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menekan angka reject coklat yang terlalu tinggi serta mempertimbangkan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan metode Quality Control Circle (QCC) di bagian produksi ub3a khususnya di enrober coklat

    Mediasi dan Pengaruh Switching Cost terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan

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    Article presents a measurement of the effects of satisfaction and trust in connection with customer loyalty, and a direct and indirect effects of switching cost on customer loyalty. Data were collected from 42 respondents coming from GSM customers. Data was analyzed by using path analysis methods. The study found that satisfaction did not necessarily affect customers\u27 loyalty. Relationship of customer satisfaction and trust was greatly influenced by perception of customers towards the cost of switching. Level of satisfaction and respondent loyalty average was 69.7% and the average value of customer loyalty was 78.73%. The research result indicates that trust and switching cost jointly influence customer loyalty. Trust is more important than customer satisfaction in influencing customer loyalty, where the trust contains belief towards a brand, which will produce a positive outcome both in the present and in the future. Customer satisfaction does not contain this dimension. It is concluded that GSM operators shall have to focus on trust rather than satisfaction

    Perilaku Brand Switching Pengguna Telepon Seluler Smartfren

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumer dissatisfaction, needs to seek variations, and product quality on brand switching behavior from Smartfren mobile phones to other mobile brands. A total of 140 respondents who had used smartfren mobile phones and then switched brands to other cellphones were used in this study. Data collected through questionnaires using a Likert scale. Analysis of this research data using SEM with Lisrel 8.8. The results showed that consumer dissatisfaction did not have a significant effect on brand switching behavior, while the need to seek variation and product quality had a significant effect on brand switching behavio

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Konsumen, Perasaan Konsumen, Motivasi Konsumen, dan Kepribadian Konsumen terhadap Keputusan Pemilihan Perguruan Tinggi (Studi Kasus pada Program Regular I Universitas Mercu Buana)

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    This study aimed to examine and analyze the effect of consumer knowledge, consumer feeling, consumer motivation, and consumer personality on decision making for a higher education institution (Case study at the Regular Program of Universitas Mercu Buana). Research data for respondents were 385 regular program students complited, in September – December 2017, using purposive sampling method. The analysis used was Structural Equation Model (SEM) and correlation between dimensions. It showed that consumer knowledge had not significant effect to the decision of University election. Consumers Feeling, consumer motivation, consumers personality have significant effect to decision making of a University Selectio

    Tectofacies ordovícicas y evolución de la cuenca eopaleozoica de la precordillera Argentina

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    After a typical passive margin setting during the Cambrian, two basically different tectofacies evolved simultaneously and mostly independently during the Ordovician in the Argentinean Precordillera basin. The eastern domain characterizes epicontinental depositional systems developed on a stable margin, while the western domain is composed of deep-sea turbiditic systems which developed on a high subsidence «cuasioceanic» substratum. The two domains were set aside during the Ocloyic movements and later tectonic phases of the Caledonic cycle. A regional unconformity developed by upwarping of the former platform (eastern domain) conforms the downlaping surface of the Late Ordovician and Silurian siliciclastic shallow marine sequences. This regional doming is interpreted as a peripheral bulge in an incipient foreland basin caused by a type A subduction to the present west. This hypothesis is quite different from former ones and solves most of the stratigraphic and architectural problems during the Ordovician and Silurian Silurian and Devonian depocenters are mainly localized on the eastern domain and conform a succession of shallow marine sequences, which commonly characterize forelands. The different unconformities affecting the Silurian and Devonian deposits are interpreted as basin relaxation periods and as global sea-level oscillations. The Late Devonian Chanic diastrophysm involved an important shortening (definitive annexation of the two domains) and caused the main paleogeographic rearrangement, supported by the regional angular unconformity which separates the Lower Palaeozoic from the Upper Palaeozoic continental deposits.Desde un punto de vista regional, el Sistema Ordovícico de la Precordillera del centrooeste argentino puede subdividirse en dos tectofacies que habrían evolucionado paralelamente y en contextos casi independientes una de otra, acreccionadas durante la Orogenia Oclóyica y fases posteriores del Ciclo Caledónico. La tectofacies oriental (TOr), correspondiente a sistemas deposicionales de ambientes epicontinentales, se habría desarrollado sobre un sustrato estable con subsidencia lenta y continua, característica de corteza continental en márgenes pasivos. La tectofacies occidental (TOcc), correspondiente a sistemas deposicionales turbidíticos, se habría desarrollado, en cambio, sobre un depocentro activo con mayor flujo calórico característico de una corteza continental atenuada («cuasioceánica») y, al menos parcialmente, sobre fondo oceánico. La TOr correspondería a una cuenca estable durante el Ordovícico inferior (Aloformaciones San Juan y Gualcamayo), transformada posteriormente en una cuenca perisutural durante el Ordovícico medio (Aloformación Las Plantas). Una subducción de tipo A habría producido inicialmente (Caradociano medio-Ashgilliano inferior) un arqueamiento flexural correspondiente a un «foreland» periférico responsable de generar la discordancia regional observable en todo el ámbito oriental precordillerano. En los extremos norte y sur se desarrollaron concomitantemente depocentros activos (Aloformación Trapiche). A partir del Ordovícico tardío y principios del Silúrico, secuencias siliciclásticas (Aloformación La Chilca) solapan a través de la discontinuidad regional sesgante las unidades más antiguas.El depocentro de las secuencias silúricas y devónicas de la Precordillera está localizado fundamentalmente sobre la TOr, estando constituidas por sistemas deposicionales de plataforma, con un apilamiento característico de cuencas de antepaís. Las discontinuidades que limitan las secuencias deposicionales son asignadas a variaciones relativas, producto de períodos de relajación y subsidencia activa típicos de las cuencas de «foreland» y a variaciones globales del nivel del mar.La fase Chánica (Devónico tardío) condujo a la definitiva continentalización de la cuenca. Esta constituyó la principal fase diastrófica en la evolución del Paleozoico precordillerano, ocasionando un importante acortamiento y la definitiva anexión de los ámbitos precordilleranos occidental y oriental

    Descripción y génesis de los bancos de oolitas ferruginosas en la base del Silúrico de la precordillera Argentina

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    Detailed outcrop and microscopic descriptions and current ideas about factors controlling the origin of oolitic ironstones coming from the Lower Silurian of the western Argentina Precordillera Basin are given. Chamosite and goethite comprise around 20 to 98 % of the oolitic ironstones. Phosphatic nodules are common components in these deposits. Lithofacies arrangement, outcrop architecture and bioturbation patterns allow to interpret them as shallow marine bars, which typically constitute parasequences boundaries. They are associated with widespread detrital facies. Their origin is related to sea-level fluctuations and a good correlation with global events can be established. The origin and distribution of the ironstones in the Precordillera basin is related with cool-water seas in high southern latitudes, during a high stand of sea-level, occurring after the Late Ordovician glacial event.En la Precordillera del oeste argentino existen abundantes depósitos ferruginosos acumulados en la base del Silúrico, correlacionables con un evento mundialmente reconocido. Los ooides son de composición chamosítica y en menor grado goethítica, constituyendo desde un 20 a un 98 % de las barras. Frecuentemente se le asocian fosforitas nodulares.Los depósitos se interpretan como pertenecientes a medios litorales someros de alta energía y su origen se vincula con oscilaciones del nivel del mar, relacionándose con límites de secuencia y parasecuencias. La estructura concéntrica en capas múltiples de distinta composición representaría variaciones químicas relacionadas con el ambiente deposicional. Los momentos de baja concentración de oxígeno (transgresiones) pueden conducir a notables incrementos en la concentración del hierro en estado disuelto (Fe++), mientras que los de oxigenación ambiental conducen a su precipitación. En aguas templadas y frías la concentración de P aumenta hasta 0,1 ppm, variando éste sus condiciones de precipitación en forma análoga a las del hierro. Estos depósitos indicarían, por tanto, mares templados a fríos

    Reconstruction of the late quaternary glacial geology on King George Island, South Shetland Islands: First steps of a geoscientific project

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    King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo) is the largest one of the South Shetland Islands (SShI). This archipelago is located approximately 120 km NW of the Antarctic Peninsula, from which it is separated by the Bransfield Strait (Mar de la Flota). The SShI are located just south of the Antarctic Convergence Zone in a key location for investigating glacial and climatic fluctuations relative to both the Southern Hemisphere and the rest of Antarctica. The geomorphology and glacier geology of the SShI (Sugden and John 1973, Hall 2003 and 2007, Del Valle et al. 2007, Strelin 2010, Simms et al. 2011) constitutes a fragmentary record. Despite the deglaciation, inland ice free areas are scarce and are strongly affected by the thaw with the consequent destruction of previous geoforms. The few obtained radiocarbon ages on land exposures have poor stratigraphic control being necessary to consider the problems of pollution and the reservoir effect that affect them. Based on geochemical and sedimentological proxies and radiocarbon dating in sedimentary cores obtained from bays, some glaciers advances and warm periods have been inferred for the middle and late Holocene, among them are those corresponding to the Medieval Climate Optimum and the Little Ice Age (LIA) (Yoon et al. 2000 and 2004, Hass et al. 2010, Monien et al. 2011). It should be noted that for some glaciological reconstructions based on organic radiocarbon dating on marine sediments the ages are still questionable. Often it does not exist yet a clear criteria of correlation that allow to link between glaciterrestrial sediments and glacimarine ones. The study of the glacial, periglacial and coastal marine record of King George Island has a particular importance to enhance the knowledge of its paleoenvironmental evolution since the Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3). There is no precision on the beginning and end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), nor on the rhythm of the deglaciation post-LGM, known as Termination 1, both for coastal and marine areas, as well as offshore areas from King George Island. In the same way, it´s not known if there was a glacial advance linked with the Antarctic Cold Reversal clearly detectable in Antarctic ice cores or sediment deposits in southern Patagonian exposures (Strelin et al. this congress). The way in which the deglaciation continued during the early Holocene, the peak of the Holocene marine transgression (Strelin et al. this Congress), the later chronology of the Neoglacial advances, including the LIA, and the warmer periods that separate them are as well topics to deepen. The objective of this project is to study and date the geomorphological and glaciterrestrial evidences linked to the glacial history in the area of South Shetland Islands, since MIS 3, correlate them with bathymetric records and proxies from marine cores and discuss its link with other sectors of the Antarctic Peninsula, particularly with James Ross Islan