118 research outputs found
Modifying the traditional plough - maresha - for better management of Vertisols
This chapter provides a brief description of relevant farmers' practices, the traditional implements used and the experience of the Joint Vertisols Project (1986-91) in developing simple and low-cost implements for Vertisols in a highland agricultural system
Sequential cropping of Vertisols in the Ethiopian highlands using a broadbed-and-furrow system
Investigates the effects of improved surface drainage on the productivity of Vertisols in a wheat-and-chickpea cropping trial conducted in 1987 at ILCA;s Debre Zeit research site in the Ethiopian highlands. Chickpea plots were subjected to four irrigation treatments, viz, no irrigation, irrigation at planting, 35 days and 70 days after planting. The trial showed that with a starter irrigation to aid the germination of a second crop, sequential cropping of two crops in the same growing season is feasible in the Debre Zeit
Effect of diet restriction on work performance and weight loss of local Zebu and Friesian X Boran crossbred oxen
Reports results of an experiment conducted to determine the effect of diet restriction on work performance and body weight in crossbred and local oxen worked as singles in farmers' fields around Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, during the normal cultivation season
Low-cost modifications of the traditional Ethiopian tine plough for land shaping and surface drainage of heavy clay soils: Preliminary results from on-farm verification trials
Describes modifications to the traditional ox-drawn ard plow (maresha) for use in the construction of terraces for soil conservation and of raised beds and furrows to facilitate drainage on heavy clay soils together with results of on-station and on-farm tests. Both modifications can be made by village craftsmen
Improved management of vertisols for sustainable crop-livestock production in the Ethiopian highlands: Synthesis report 1986-92
Some of the papers in this report deals with nutrient management; land, soil and water management; grain, fodder and residue management; and technology validation and transfer. The other papers looks into development of coordinated research efforts; distribution and importance of Ethiopian vertisols and locations of study sites; a survey of the farming systems of Vertisol areas of the Ethiopian highlands, and modifying the management of vertisols. The report ends with a discussion on retrospect and prospects of the Joint Project on Vertisols management
The use of single oxen for crop cultivation in Ethiopia
Reports experiences with on-farm trials to assess the use of single oxen for work on mixed smallholder farms in the central highlands of Ethiopia, with particular reference to draft power and agricultural production, design and testing of the single ox technique, and results obtained during the 1983 crop year and future prospects with respect to feed requirements and advantages of using the single ox
Land, soil and water management
This chapter reviews relevant Vertisol properties, experimental results and the overall experience of the project on this subject. There are several types of drainage problems in Vertisols whose magnitude may vary from site to site. Drainage improvement is discussed in relation with camber beds, broadbeds and furrows, field depressions, perched watertable, open ditches, height of beds, soil erosion and supplemental irrigation. The need for water shed development projects is also examined
Distribution and importance of Ethiopian vertisols and location of study sites
This chapter describes the distribution, use and importance of Vertisols in Ethiopia and indicates the study sites of the Joint Vertisol Project. Land and soil features are examined with particular reference to parent materials and landscape features, soil characterisation (colour, texture and depth-to-root-restricting layer). Distribution of Vertisols along the 12 physiographic regions of Ethiopia is described, the major agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia is listed, and distribution of Vertisols and their associations in Ethiopia is shown. Also grain yields some food crops on Vertisols under traditional management in the central Ethiopian highlands and potential arable areas of Vertisols in the different thermal and growing period zones
High value trees: Africa RISING science, innovations and technologies with scaling potential from the Ethiopian Highlands
United States Agency for International Developmen
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