49 research outputs found


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    The issues of cost management from the point of view of substantiating the reduction in the cost of investment products in order to create reasoned conditions for the interest of investors in long-term investments have been considered. The main emphasis on the real economic sector has been made, since it is in this sector that budget revenues at all levels are generated and overall economic growth is ensured. The existing mechanism of cost management in the implementation of investment programs has been assessed. Attention to the main elements of the cost management mechanism in the investment and construction sector of the economy has been paid. Factors that determine the level of production expenses taking into account the specifics of construction products have been analysed. An attempt to justify multi-factor cost management has been made. Management functions by performers have been differentiated


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    The paper investigates modern trends in the development of innovative systems in Russia. These trends are caused, on the one hand, by the lack of a clearly formulated concept of an innovation system, and, consequently, by the inability to determine the ways of its development, and by the active use of undeservedly forgotten program-target planning methods, on the other hand. A detailed analysis of various positions and statistical materials allowed us to prove that, contrary to the generally accepted opinion, the Russian model of public administration and financing of innovative activities has signs of cluster and state-corporate types. The article considers the existing approaches to the management of innovation and investment activities of organizations, which is aimed directly at reproduction processes, in particular, the reproduction of fixed capital. The authors substantiate the necessity of creating territorially grouped innovation systems, which is explained by the dependence of industries and sectors of the economy on each other on the technological principle and the need to create technological links between them to realize their potential advantages within the framework of the implementation and creation of innovative products

    Project financing in the investment and construction complex

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    The problems arising in organizations during the process of investment activities have been considered. The results of financing and implementation of projects and programs have been analysed and interpreted consistently. The issues of expediency of using the profitability indicators of the capital or assets of the company, which requires for the project implementation, have been touched upon. Approaches to the possibility of using the project financing mechanism, have been substantiated. Attention has been paid to the positive and negative aspects of the application of project financing for the company investment activities. It has been noted that project financing is usually used in the implementation of large investment projects, which combine the economic interests of the state and private investors. Particular attention has been paid to the issues of project and program management within the digital environment in order to provide a unified information base. The analysis of possible risks when using the project financing mechanism has been provided and the approaches to influencing the emerging risks have been defined. The result of the study was the formation of factors affecting the effectiveness of the project financing mechanism in the implementation of investment projects and programs


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    The main unresolved issues of choosing the most effective investment projects aimed at introducing innovative technologies have been considered. The traditional indicators of investment efficiency have been analysed. The expediency of using the indicator of the total reduced costs necessary for the implementation of the project has been substantiated. Attention has been paid to the possibilities of public-private partnership in innovation projects. The issues of shares distribution between participants in innovation and investment projects and the use of such objects have been reviewed. The current situation in the investment and construction sector of the economy has been assessed and ways to solve the main problems of investment activity in the construction industry have been outlined. The expediency of creating a mechanism for economic justification of the investment project implementation process, including the creation of reserve funds, has been substantiated. Recommendations for using the indicator of the of the investor’s total stated costs have been given

    Investment attractiveness of the real sector of the economy in the framework of sustainable development

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    The article discusses the main problems associated with the development and implementation of investment projects at enterprises of the real sector of the economy for sustainable development. The current situation in the investment and construction sector of the economy has been evaluated and the ways of solving the main problems of investment activity in the construction industry are outlined. The issues of formation mechanism of the investment attractiveness of industries and individual organizations, production and investment activities have been consistently considered. Traditional indicators and criteria of investment efficiency have been analysed. The expediency of using indicators of the return on capital or assets of the organization necessary for the implementation of the project has been substantiated. It has been noted that in the process of developing an organization’s sustainable development strategy, it is necessary to take into account its digital transformation, within the framework of the possibility of functioning in a single digital environment in order to increase competitiveness. The applying a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of attracting investments for the implementation of investment programs based on the selected criteria, taking into account their functioning in the digital environment, – has been recommended


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    The data on exploration of biological properties of experimental solid and liquid media on the basis of dry enzymatic hydrolysate of fibrinobtained from production waste of anti-rabies immunoglobulin is presened here. The culture media engineered meets the requirements of normative documents and. is highly competitive with the test medium in their qualitative characteristics. Suggested media can be used for V. cholerae cultivation, including submerged cultivation, in production of cholera preventive and. diagnostic preparations

    The influence of gestational remodeling in venous pool of the lower extremity and placental vessels on development of placentary insufficiency at the pregnancy burdened by a chronic venous isuffiency

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    It is spent prospective randomized research ot 3 groups of pregnant women. The basic group was made by 62 pregnant women with chronic venous insufficiency, receiving the differentiated treatment on the developed algorithm with application vein tonics (Flebodia 600). The comparison group included 62 pregnant women with for the first time revealed chronic venous insufficiency, receiving not differentiated therapy. The control group is presented by 25 pregnant women without a pathology. Have been estimated hemostasiological parametres, the control of a condition of venous system of the bottom finitenesses was spent by a duplex scanning. The condition a fetoplacental complex was estimated (biophysical profile of a fetus, Doppler sonography, cardiotocography). During research the positive correlation interrelation between hemocoagulation activity, peak systolic to end diastolic ratio, a resistance index uterines arteries and haemodynamics in the big hypodermic vein is received at duplex scanning that allows to assume the mechanism of development of placentary insufficiency at the pregnancy complicated by a chronic venous insufficiency and to develop the differentiated approach to therapy for preventive maintenance pathological gestational remodeling and thrombogenesis.Проведено проспективное рандомизированное исследование 2 групп беременных. Основную I группу составили 62 беременные с ХВН, получавшие дифференцированное лечение по разработанному алгоритму с применением флеботоников (Флебодиа 600). Группа II сравнения включала 62 беременных с впервые выявленной ХВН, получавших недифференцированную терапию. Группа контроля представлена 25 беременными без патологии. Были оценены гемостазиологические параметры, контроль состояния венозной системы нижних конечностей проводился методом дуплексного ангиосканирования. Оценивалось состояние фетоплацентарного комплекса (биофизический профиль плода, допплерография, кардиотокограмма). В ходе исследования получена положительная корреляционная взаимосвязь между гемокоагуляционной активностью, систолодиастолическим отношением, индексом резистентности маточных артерий и гемодинамикой в большой подкожной вене при дуплексном ангиосканировании, что позволяет предположить механизм развития плацентарной недостаточности при беременности, осложненной хронической венозной недостаточности и разработать дифференцированный подход к терапии для профилактики патологического гестационного ремоделирования и тромбообразования

    Бронхиальная астма: федеральные клинические рекомендации по диагностике и лечению

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    Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease that requires identification of its phenotype and a personalized approach to therapy. At the same time, despite a wide range of therapeutic options, many patients with asthma cannot achieve control over the disease.Methodology. The target audience of these clinical recommendations are general practitioners, therapists, pediatricians, allergologists-immunologists, pulmonologists, and functional diagnostics doctors. Each thesis-recommendation about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures has been scored according to the scales of classes of recommendations from 1 to 5 and A, B, C scale of the levels of evidence. The clinical recommendations also contain comments and explanations to the theses, algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma, and reference materials.Conclusion. The presented clinical guidelines cover current information about the etiology and pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of bronchial asthma. These guidelines were approved by the Scientific and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2021. Бронхиальная астма (БА) является гетерогенным заболеванием, при котором требуется выделение различных фенотипов и персонифицированный подход к терапии. При этом несмотря на широкий выбор терапевтических возможностей, у многих пациентов с БА не удается достичь контроля над заболеванием.Методы. Целевой аудиторией данных клинических рекомендаций являются врачи общей практики, терапевты, педиатры, аллергологи-иммунологи, пульмонологи и врачи функциональной диагностики. Каждый тезис-рекомендация по проведению диагностических и лечебных мероприятий оценивается по шкалам уровней достоверности доказательств от 1 до 5 и шкале оценки уровней убедительности рекомендаций по категориям А, В, С. Клинические рекомендации содержат также комментарии и разъяснения к указанным тезисам-рекомендациям, алгоритмы по диагностике и лечению БА, справочные материалы.Заключение. По данным представленных клинических рекомендаций освещаются современные сведения об этиологии и патогенезе, классификации, клинических проявлениях, диагностике, лечении и профилактике БА. Клинические рекомендации одобрены Научно-практическим Советом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (2021).

    Ultrasound with use of Doppler for assess the effectiveness of chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer

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    The analysis of ultrasound studies of 98 patients with cervical cancer II-III stage before treatment and after a course of chemo-radiotherapy (CRT). Found changes in cervix in gray-scale. The use of Doppler in the study of intratumoral blood flow possible to determine increasing index resistance (IR) in 47 women with good outcome treatment of the disease (criterion Wilcoxon, p < 0.05) after a course of CRT. Remained abnormal blood flow (IR = 0.2-0.46) in 51 women with bad outcome treatment of the disease. To evaluate the effectiveness of the CRT of cervical cancer should be used Doppler

    The net cash flow indicator of the order portfolio as an indicator of the contractor economic reliability

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    Modern information transparency of the results of organizations’ activities determines the use of non-standard tools of financial and economic analysis. The purpose of the article is to show the variety of such tools as the main element used to assess the reliability of a contracting organization. A non-standard approach to the analysis of the sufficiency of free cash from operating activities and the efficiency of the use of working capital, taking into account the peculiarities of the contractor’s activities, is illustrated. The object of the study is the indicators of free cash flow from operating activities. The subject of the study is the features of the activities of contracting companies that determine the possibility of using a non-standard approach in analysing financial condition of organizations of this profile. The article reveals the differences between the widely used EBITDA indicator and the considered indicator of the net cash flow of the order portfolio