146 research outputs found
Early Proterozoic (2.04 GA) Phoshorites of Pechenga Greenstone Belt and Their Origin
No principal differences have been found between microfossils described from Cambrian and Phanerozoic and the 2000 Ma phosphorites. Numerous samples revealed diverse microbial microstructures interpreted as cyanobacterial mats consisting of filamentous (1-3 microns in diameter, 20 microns in length), coccoidal (0.8-1.0 microns) and ellipsoidal or rod-shaped microfossils (0.8 microns in diameter, around 2 microns in length) which morphologically resemble modern Microcoleus and Siphonophycus, Thiocapsa, and Rhabdoderma, respectively, reported from alkali ne or saline environment_ The sequence of the early Palaeoproterozoic events which point to a significant oxidation of the hydrosphere, including the formation of phosphorites and changes in the phosphorous cycle, mimics the sequence which was repeated at the Neoproterozoic-Cembrian transition, implying that oxidation of the terrestrial atmosphere-hydrosphere system experienced an irregular cyclic development
Оценка типов трофобластического кровотока у беременных с тромбофилией на сроке с 7-й по 10-ю неделю методом объемной реконструкции
Spontaneous abortion occur in 15–20% of all detected pregnancies, and 45–70% of all spontaneous miscarriages take place up to 10 weeks. Thrombophilia is one of the main causes of miscarriage and its effect on the course of pregnancy remains poorly understood. In this regard, there is great interest in the problem of diagnosing thrombophilia and further prevention of thrombosis in obstetric practice.Purpose. Compare the parameters of volumetric blood flow in the chorion with different types of trophoblastic blood flow disturbance in pregnant women with thrombophilia in the first trimester for their quantitative verification.Materials and methods. The study included 129 pregnant women at the 7th to 10th week of gestation with a diagnosis of thrombophilia and a control group - pregnant women with a normal course of this pregnancy and a successful outcome of past pregnancies.The patients were divided into III clinical groups:I. Pregnant women with a normal course of this pregnancy and a successful outcome of past pregnancies (n = 33) – comparison group;II. Pregnant women with thrombophilia, in whom current pregnancy occurred on anticoagulant therapy (n = 28);III. Pregnant women with thrombophilia without taking anticoagulant drugs before registration of pregnancy (n = 68).Ultrasound was performed on Voluson E8 and S8 machines. All pregnant women underwent transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound in B-mode, in color-doppler (CD) mode, and volumetric reconstruction of chorion was performed using the VOCAL program. In B-mode, the state of the embryo and extraembryonic structures were examined. The identification of trophoblastic vessels was carried out using the CD – region of interest was placed in the trophoblast area detected in B-mode, size and shape was adapted for a particular section.Using three-dimensional echography, the chorion volume was performed. The degree of blood supply in chorionic volume were calculated; vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and perfusion index (VFI) were displayed on a histogram with quantitative indicators.ResultsIn the CD mode, the types of trophoblastic blood flow were identified in the chorionic vessels:1) continuous type – blood flow loci are continuously identified over the entire area of the basal surface of the trophoblast;2) intermittent type – blood flow loci are unevenly identified along the basal surface of the trophoblast;3) single loci – single blood flow loci are identified along the basal surface of the trophoblast;4) lack of blood flow – blood flow loci are not determined along the basal surface of the trophoblast.Assessment of the quantitative parameters of the volumetric blood flow was used in the corresponding type of blood flow to verify the classification of types of trophoblastic blood flow in the CD mode.Statistical analysis of the volumetric blood flow indices using three-dimensional chorionic reconstruction showed a high degree of reliability (p < 0.0001) in the VI and VFI values between all corresponding types of blood flow.Discussion. High incidence of spontaneous abortion and the significant role of thrombophilia in this pathology leads to necessity of expanding the research in this area. There has been a lot of research done over the past decade. The quantitative threshold values of the resistance indices in the chorionic vessels were calculated using pulse-wave Doppler, the chorionic blood supply indices were determined using volumetric reconstruction for various pathologies.However, we have not previously met the classification of chorionic blood supply in the CD mode. This technique is very simple to perform and is a highly informative for predicting miscarriage in the first trimester. For the first time, we proposed the above classification of trophoblastic blood flow; for the first time, we proved the reliability of the classification developed by us using the method of volumetric reconstruction of the chorion with an assessment of trophoblastic blood flow, which allows us to recommend its use when writing a protocol for ultrasound of the fetus in the first trimester in pregnant women with thrombophilia.Conclusion. The classification of trophoblastic blood flow was verified by three-dimensional echography with quantitative indicators of the volumetric blood flow of the trophoblast vessels, with a high degree of reliability (p < 0.001) which to indicates the reliability of this classification. It can be recommended to conduct a multicenter study for investigating fetal ultrasound with the additional use of the CD in the first trimester in pregnant women with a diagnosis of thrombophilia.Цель исследования: сравнить показатели объемного кровотока в хорионе с разными типами нарушения трофобластического кровотока для их количественной верификации у беременных с тромбофилией в I триместре.Материал и методы. Проведено ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ) эмбриона и экстраэмбриональных структур с применением метода цветового допплеровского картирования (ЦДК) у 129 беременных женщин в возрасте от 18 до 45 лет на сроке беременности с 7-й по 10-ю неделю. По данным ЦДК выделено 4 типа трофобластического кровотока. Дополнительно всем беременным проведена объемная реконструкция хориона с применением программы VOKAL для оценки васкуляризации хориона в полученном объеме с определением количественных показателей – индекса васкуляризации (VI), индекса потока (FI), индекса перфузии (VFI) в соответствующем типе кровотока, представленного по данным ЦДК.Результаты. Анализ количественных показателей, полученных при выполнении объемной реконструкции хориона с использованием программы VOCAL, при различных типах трофобластического кровотока в режиме ЦДК показал высокую достоверность (p < 0,05) в значении VI и VFI между всеми типами кровотока, что указывает на высокую надежность классификации трофобластического кровотока в режиме ЦДК.Заключение. Учитывая высокую надежность предложенной классификации рекомендовано использовать ее в описательных протоколах при проведении УЗИ плода с применением режима допплерометрии
Особенности трофобластического кровотока у беременных на сроке с 7-й по 10-ю неделю с тромбофилией сложного генеза
Objective. To identify the features of trophoblastic blood flow in pregnant women with thrombophilia in the first trimester of pregnancy, according to doppler velocimetry.Materials and methods. It was made ultrasound doppler velocimetry and the determination of parameters of blood flow in the vessels of the trophoblast in 80 pregnant women aged between 18 and 40 years on the stage of pregnancy from 7 th to 10 th weeks of gestation. According to the doppler velocimetry it was allocated 4 types of trophoblastic blood flow in pregnant women in this period. According to the pulse – wave doppler highlighted type 2 trophoblastic blood flow.Results. In pregnant women with indicators of highly resistant type of blood flow, as well as a lack of locus trophoblastic blood flow there is a high correlation between the resistance index in the vessels of the trophoblast with indicators of blood hemostasis analysis system. The course of pregnancy until the end of the first trimester. It was determined that: highly resistant type, as well as the absence of loci trophoblastic blood flow is poor prognostic ultrasound feature and lowe resistant blood flow – prognostically favorable US-sign percentage safely occurring pregnancies in women with lowe resistant trophoblastic blood flow in the two times higher than in the group with highly resistant type loci and absence trophoblastic circulation. It was show the high specificity and sensitivity of the doppler velocimetry study trophoblastic blood flow.Conclusions. Using the proposed method allows to reveal risk to predict spontaneous abortion and missed abortion in the first trimester and assign anticoagulant therapy in a timely manner.Цель исследования: выявить особенности трофобластического кровотока у беременных с тромбофилией в I триместре беременности по данным допплерометрии.Материал и методы. Проведено ультразвуковое исследование с применением метода допплерометрии и определением показателей кровотока в сосудах трофобласта у 80 беременных женщин в возрасте от 18 до 40 лет на сроке беременности с 7-й по 10-ю неделю. По данным ЦДК выделено 4 типа трофобластического кровотока у беременных на этом сроке. По данным импульсноволновой допплерометрии выделено 2 типа трофобластического кровотока.Результаты. У беременных с показателями высокорезистентного типа кровотока, а также с отсутствием локусов трофобластического кровотока отмечали высокую корреляцию показателей индекса резистентности в сосудах трофобласта с показателями анализа крови системы гемостаза. Проанализировано течение беременностей до конца I триместра. Было определено, что высокорезистентный тип, а также отсутствие локусов трофобластического кровотока являются прогностически неблагоприятным УЗ-признаком, а низкорезистентный кровоток – прогностически благоприятный УЗ-признак, процент благополучно протекающих беременностей у беременных с низкорезистентным трофобластическим кровотоком в 2 раза выше, чем в группе с высокорезистентным типом и отсутствием локусов трофобластического кровотока. Показана высокая специфичность и чувствительность допплерометрического исследования трофобластического кровотока.Выводы. Использование предложенного метода позволяет выявить группу риска для прогнозирования самопроизвольного выкидыша и замершей беременности в I триместре и своевременно назначить антикоагулянтную терапию.
Diagnostics of wound infections in patients with burns
The article systematizes data on the clinical and microbiological diagnosis of burn wound infections, and presents the concept of sepsis diagnostics from the position of the American Burn Association Consensus Conference (2007)В статье систематизированы данные по клинической и микробиологической диагностике инфекций ожоговой раны, а также представлена концепция диагностики сепсиса с позиции American Burn Association Consensus Conference (2007
Current of gestation at the combination of chronic venous insufficiency and extragenital pathologies
During work the analysis of character of a current of pregnancy and its outcomes at women with combination chronic venous insuffiency and extragenital pathologies is carried out. It is spent prospective research of 188 pregnant women. All women had diagnosed chronic venous insuffiency. The basic group (n=95) has been subdivided into subgroups, depending on the disease accompanying current chronic venous insuffiency. hypertensive illness (n=16), a chronic pyelonephritis (n=32) and a chronic gastritis (n=47). The control group included the pregnant women suffering only chronic venous insuffiency without other somatic pathology (n=93). !t is shown that chronic venous insuffiency in various combinations with extragenital pathology at pregnant women raises frequency of development gestational complications and burdens a current of the patrimonial certificate that demands preliminary correction of somatic diseases at pregnancy planning, and continuations of therapy during gestation.В ходе работы проведён анализ характера течения беременности и ее исходов у женщин с сочетанием ХВН и экстрагенитальной патологии. Проведено проспективное исследование 188 беременных. Все женщины имели диагностированную ХВН. Основная группа (n=95) была подразделена на подгруппы, в зависимости от заболевания, сопровождающего течение ХВН: гипертоническая болезнь (n=16), хронический пиелонефрит (n=32) и хронический гастрит (n=47). Группа контроля включала беременных, страдающих только ХВН без другой соматической патологии (n=93). Показано, что ХВН в различных сочетаниях с экстрагенитальной патологией у беременных повышает частоту развития гестационных осложнений и отягощает течение родового акта, что требует заблаговременной коррекции соматических заболеваний при планировании беременности, и продолжения терапии в течение гестации
The role of procalcitonin and lactate at single determination in the intensive care unit in the diagnosis and prognosis of hypovolemic and distributive (septic) shock
The aim of this study was to critically analyze the information value of the blood plasma content of lactate and procalcitonin (PCT) in patients with septic and hypovolemic shockЦель исследования — критический анализ информационной ценности содержания лактата и прокальцитонина (ПКТ) в плазме крови у пациентов с септическим и гиповолемическим шоко
Изменения площади арктических морских льдов в ансамблях климатических моделей CMIP3 и CMIP5
The shrinking Arctic sea ice cover observed during the last decades is probably the clearest manifestation of ongoing climate change. While climate models in general reproduce the sea ice retreat in the Arctic during the 20th century and simulate further sea ice area loss during the 21st century in response to anthropogenic forcing, the models suffer from large biases and the results exhibit considerable spread. Here, we compare results from the two last generations of climate models, CMIP3 and CMIP5, with respect to total and regional Arctic sea ice change. Different characteristics of sea ice area (SIA) in March and September have been analysed for the Entire Arctic, Central Arctic and Barents Sea. Further, the sensitivity of SIA to changes in Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature is investigated and dynamical links between SIA and some atmospheric variability modes are assessed.CMIP3 (SRES A1B) and CMIP5 (RCP8.5) models not only simulate a coherent decline of the Arctic SIA but also depict consistent changes in the SIA seasonal cycle. The spatial patterns of SIC variability improve in CMIP5 ensemble, most noticeably in summer when compared to HadISST1 data. A better simulation of summer SIA in the Entire Arctic by CMIP5 models is accompanied by a slightly increased bias for winter season in comparison to CMIP3 ensemble. SIA in the Barents Sea is strongly overestimated by the majority of CMIP3 and CMIP5 models, and projected SIA changes are characterized by a high uncertainty. Both CMIP ensembles depict a significant link between the SIA and NH temperature changes indicating that a part of inter-ensemble SIA spread comes from different temperature sensitivity to anthropogenic forcing. The results suggest that, in general, a sensitivity of SIA to external forcing is enhanced in CMIP5 models. Arctic SIA interannual variability in the end of the 20th century is on average well simulated by both ensembles. To the end of the 21st century, September variability is strongly reduced in CMIP5 models under RCP8.5 scenario, whereas variability changes in CMIP3 and in both ensembles in March are relatively small. The majority of models in both CMIP ensembles demonstrate an ability to capture a negative correlation of interannual SIA variations in the Barents Sea with North Atlantic Oscillation and sea level pressure gradient in the western Barents Sea opening serving as an index of oceanic inflow to the Sea.Сокращение площади арктических морских льдов в течение последних десятилетий служит, пожалуй, самым ярким проявлением изменений климата. Хотя глобальные модели климата в целом воспроизводят уменьшение площади морских льдов в Арктике во второй половине XX в. и предсказывают сокращение этой площади в XXI в. при заданных сценариях антропогенного воздействия, результаты моделей характеризуются значительным разбросом и систематическими ошибками. В работе сравниваются результаты моделирования площади морских льдов в Арктике двумя последними поколениями глобальных климатических моделей CMIP3 и CMIP5 в XX и XXI вв. Рассматриваются различные характеристики площади льдов в марте и сентябре для всей Арктики, Центральной Арктики и Баренцева моря. Также анализируются чувствительность площади морских льдов к изменению приземной температуры в Северном полушарии и связь вариаций этой площади с некоторыми модами атмосферной циркуляции
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