1,338 research outputs found

    Financial constraints, migration and inequality

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    Although the self-selection of emigrants is determined by di¤erences in the returns to education, according to the celebrated Roy model, empirical evidence suggests that migrants tend to be favorably selected. This paper argues that financial con- straints might be useful to explain this controversy. These constraints might impose positive correlations between (i) wealth and education, and (ii) wealth and migra- tion, implying a positive bias in the empirical results. We also show that high levels of migration premium and return to education in the source country explain the migration of middle-class individuals, a situation in which migration increases in- equality in the home country.migration, financial constraints, self-selection, human capital

    Ambulatory Hysteroscopy Results Post-Menopause: Comparative Study Between Patients With and Without Metrorrhagia

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    Our objective was to compare the results of ambulatory hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women with and without uterine bleeding. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 236 women who were at least 2 years into the menopause, who were not undergoing hormone treatment and who had had abnormal pelvic ultrasound results. Of these women, 150 were asymptomatic and 86 reported haemorrhage. Diagnostic and operative outpatient hysteroscopy was performed between January 2002 and December 2003. There was no difference between the two groups regarding age of patients, age of menopause and presence of at least one of the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma evaluated, although obesity was more frequent in the symptomatic group. Abnormal ultrasound results for these women corresponded in the majority of cases to intracavitary disease, and the absence of organic endometrial pathology was 9.3% vs 11.3% in each group. The more frequent pathology was benign endometrial polyps (64% in bleeding patients and 84.7% in asymptomatic ones). Endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed in 23.3% of women with metrorrhagia and in 1.3% of asymptomatic women. We diagnosed 2.6% of malignancy inside polyps. Hysteroscopy results were confirmed by histology in 90.3% of cases. See and treat in one session was achieved in 91% of benign endometrial polyps. Ambulatory hysteroscopy has high sensitivity and specificity for intracavitary pathology and high tolerability and safety. See and treat in one session can be achieved in the majority of lesions with indication for excision. These results make us advise our menopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy complemented with biopsy

    Efeitos do cloreto de sódio na germinação e vigor de plântulas de arroz.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos delet&ios do NaU na germinação e vigor das cultivares de arroz (Oryza saliva L.) IAC-25, IAC-47, IAC-165, CNA-796019, Lebonnet, IRAT-112 e CICA-8. Amostras de sementes foram colocadas para germinar em solução de NaU com potenciais osmóticos de - 0,4 e - 0,8 Megapascal (MPa). As cultivares IAC-25 e IAC-47 foram consideradas tolerantes à salinidade atá - 0,4 MPa de NaCl; Lebonnet, CNA-796019 e CICA-8 foram consideradas moderadamente tolerantes; a IAC-165 e IRAT-112 pouco tolerantes. Entretanto, a -0,8 MPa, em que todo material foi severamente afetado pela salinidade, as cultivares IAC-25, IAC-47 e CNA-796019 foram as menos sensíveis. A cultivar IAC-25, de maneira geral, foi a mais tolerante à salinidade imposta e a IAC-165 foi a mais sensíve

    Estresse salino e hídrico na germinação e vigor do arroz.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do estresse salino provocado pelo cloreto de sódio (NaCI) e pelo sulfato de sódio (Na 2SO4), bem como os efeitos, do estresse hídrico induzido pelo polietileno glicol 6000 (PEG 6000) na germinação e vigor do arroz (Oryza saliva L.) cv. IAC 25. O potencial osrnótico das soluções variou de 0,0 a - 1,2 Megapascal (MPa). A germinação foi mais afetada pelos sais, enquanto que o PEG 6000 induziu grande redução na parte aérea. A germinação e o crescimento das plântulas foram mais afetados pelo Na 2SO4 e os sais tiveram ação mais tóxica do que osmótica, enquanto o PEG 6000 apresentou efeito exclusivamente osmótico. O potencial osmótico a - 0,8 MPa de NaCl ou Na2SO4 pode ser considerado crítico para a germinação e crescimento da cultivar IAC 25, ao passo que o PEG 6000 só foi altamente prejudicial a - 1,2 MPa

    Case Report of Malignant Endometrial Polyps

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    The aims of this retrospective review were to determine the frequency of malignant endometrial polyps diagnosed with ambulatory hysteroscopy in the Obstetrics/Gynaecology Department of HDE, Lisbon, between January 2001 and December 2005 and to characterize these cases according to risk factors, sonographic and endoscopic findings tumoral histology, and tumor stage.We found seven cases of malignant endometrial polyps in a total of 1333 polyps initially diagnosed: an incidence rate of 0. 53%. These seven patients had a mean age of 68 years (55–82 years), and all were postmenopausal, with five having one risk factor each for endometrial cancer. Metrorrhagia was present in six of the seven patients(85.7%). Ultrasonography was abnormal in all seven patients, with a mean endometrial thickness of 26 mm(range: 12–44 mm). The hysteroscopy images suggested malignancy in all cases. All except one patient had a single polyp. The polyps had volumes between 1.5 and 3 cm; two were removed completely and five were biopsed. The histological subtype was: mixed endometrioid/serous papillary or clear cell (2), adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation (2), carcinosarcoma (2), and clear cell carcinoma (1). Malignancy inside polyps is rare, but diagnostic hysteroscopy with visual guided biopsies can identify these cases in the earlier stages. The risk factors are not different from those of other endometrial carcinomas, but the histological subtype seems to point to more aggressive cancers

    The complexities and challenges of be(com)ing a teacher and a teacher educator

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    Much has been written about the process of be(com)ing a teacher. Issues such as the professional socialisation of new teachers, the need for support and guidance, mentoring and induction, the formation of teacher identity and opportunities to learn in the workplace have been addressed. Existing literature points to the complex and ongoing nature of the process of becoming a teacher, which relates not only to issues pertaining to the content and form of teacher education programmes, but also to motivational, contextual and professional aspects (Flores 2006; Feiman- Nemser 2012). Less is known, however, about the process of be(com)ing a teacher-educator, particularly as far as his/her education and opportunities for continuing professional development (CPD) are concerned, as well as his/her professional identities, despite the growing interest in the topic in recent years (Vanassche and Kelchtermans 2014; Izadinia 2014; Lunenberg, Dengerink, and Korthagen 2014).CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, IE, UMinho (FCT R&D unit 317), PortugalNational Funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) and co-financed by European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) through CIEC (Research Centre on Child Studies, of the University of Minho) with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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