155 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kadar Serum Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (Sgot) Pada Perokok Aktif Usia > 40 Tahun

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    : Smoking has become habit and lifestyle for most of the people in daily life. Negative effects of smoking are abundant and no limit at all. Three dangerous compounds in cigarette could cause damage to liver and heart. When liver and heart cells damaged, Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) enzyme releases in blood and became an indicator of liver and heart damage. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of SGOT serum of smokers aged > 40 years old. Twenty eight smokers were eligible to this criteria and participated in this study. Cross sectional design with a descriptive method was employed in this study. Sanples were analysed in laboratory for SGOT serum levels. Research results showed that all respondents participated in the present study had a normal serum SGOT. It can be concluded that serum SGOT level of > 40 years old smokers in Kolombo village, West Bitung 2 were all normal

    Gambaran Kadar Urea Nitrogen Darah Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Protein is required to provide amino acids for nitrogen formation. Urea is the major disposal form of amino groups derived from amino acids. The nitrogen of urea is derived from amonia and aspartatedue to the action of five enzyme-catalyzed reactions of urea cycle. Concentration of urea in blood mainly describes the balance between formation of urea and protein catabolism as well as urea excretion by the kidneys. Vegetarian lacto-ovo is a type of vegetarians who does not consume animal proteins except for milk and eggs, and all plant proteins. This study aimed to obtain blood urea levels among lacto-ovo vegetarians. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Respondents were obtained by using total sampling method. This study was coducted in Klabat University, Airmadidi. Twentyfive respondents were involved in the study. The results showed that 19 respondents (76.0%) had normal blood urea level and 6 respondents (20%) had low blood urea levels; no respondent (0%) had a high blood urea level. Conclusion: Blood urea levels of most lacto-ovo vegetarians were within normal level

    Perbandingan Kadar Besi Darah Sebelum Dan Sesudah Aktivitas Fisik Intensitas Berat

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    : Human body needs various substances to function properly; one of which is micronutrient. Iron is one of the micronutrients required by the body that is involved in several body processes including hemoglobin formation, energy metabolism, and immune system. Iron can be excreted through feces, urine, and sweat which could increase as a result of doing vigorious physical activity. This study aimed to compare blood iron level before and after vigorous intensity exercise. This was a pre-experimental study with one group pre-test post-test approach. Respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling method. The vigorous intensity exercise was playing futsal for 2 x 20 minutes and a 10-minute rest without any subtitution. The results showed that the mean of blood iron levels before vigorous intensity exercise was 83.86 ug/dL and after the exercise was 84.95 ug/dL. The analysis using paired-samples t-test showed a P value = 0.595. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between blood iron level before and after vigorous physical activity

    Kadar Kalium Serum Pada Latihan Fisik Intensitas Sedang Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    : Excessive body heat while doing physical exercise will be excreted by sweating. Potassium is one of the electrolyte compounds incorporated and washed away together with sweat. In turn, the excessive lost of potassium in sweat can decrease the concentration of extracellular potassium level. Physical exercise can also lead to an increase in serum potassium concentration. The present study was aimed to determine the differences of potassium level before and after physical exercise at moderate intensity at students year 2010 Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University. Thirty students (27 men and 3 women) were involved in the present pre-experimental study designed with pretest-posttest. Samples were colected using purposive sampling method and analyzed further using wilcoxon test. Data was collected by determine the serum potassium levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise. Exercise is done in the form of fast walking on a treadmill to maintain heart rate target 64-76 % of maximum heart rate (200 - age) for 30 minutes. The result showed that the average of serum potassium levels before moderate intensity exercise was 4,253±0,3683 mEq/L, and the average of serum potassium levels after moderate intensity exercise was 4,363±0,3908 mEq/L. Wilcoxon test significance values ​​in this study were p=0.110 (p>0,05). It can be concluded that there was no difference of potassium level before and after physical exercise at moderate intensity at students year 2010 Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University

    Gambaran Kadar Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) Serum Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Lacto-ovo vegetarian is the most common type of vegetarians in society. This type of vegetarian does not consume fish and meats, except eggs, milk, and its products. Apolipoprotein is a protein component of lipoprotein. Plasma lipoprotein is a complex macromolecule with a spherical form consists of specific lipid and protein. Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) is a main apolipoprotein in low density lipoprotein (LDL). It is also found in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron. This study was aimed to obtain the description of serum apolipoprotein B (APO-B) levels in lacto-ovo vegetarians. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. There were 15 respondents from Vihara Mandalatama Matreiya Manado obtained by using total sampling method. The results showed that 8 respondents (53.3%) had normal serum APO-B levels, 4 respondents (26.6%) had low serum APO-B levels, and 3 respondents (20%) had high serum APO-B levels. Conclusion: The majority of lacto-ovo vegetarians had normal levels of serum apolipoprotein B

    Gambaran Kadar Fosfor Darah Pada Lanjut Usia 60-74 Tahun

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    : Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in human body which counts for 1% of weight. Eighty percents of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, around 10% in blood and muscles, and 10% scattered in chemical compounds. Phosphorus is needed in bone and teeth classification, energy formation, absorption and transport of nutrients, acid-base balance, and as part of essential body tissues. This study aimed to obtain the phosphorus blood levels in elderly aged 60-74 years. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Respondents were 26 people in Balai Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah (elderly housing) consisted of 11 males and 15 females. Blood samples were taken from vena without fasting. The phosphorus blood levels were examined by using molybdate UV method. The results showed that the mean blood phosphorus level was 3.4 mg/dL. The blood phosphorus levels were normal in 88.4% of respondents, below normal levels 7.7%, and above normal levels 3,8%. Conclusion: Most of the elderly at Balai Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah aged 60-74 years had normal blood phosphorus level
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