4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pakan Ampas Kelapa yang Difermentasi dengan Penambahan Ammonium Sulfat terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Ras

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    ABSTRACT. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pakan ampas kelapa (AK) yang difermentasi dengan penambahan ammonium sulfat (AS) terhadap produksi dan kualitas telur telah dilaksanakan. Ampas kelapa ditambahkan AS dengan konsentrasi 0, dan 4% dan 0.1% Ragi (Fermipan®) dan diinkubasi selama 5 dan 7 hari. Substrat yang dihasilkan dicampur kedalam pakan dan diberikan kepada 75 ekor ayam petelur fase bertelur umur 20 minggu selama 24 minggu. Pakan perlakuan yang diberikan adalah: pakan kontrol (KTL), kontrol + AK tanpa AS yang difermentasi selama 5 hari (F5-0AS), kontrol + AK dengan 4% AS yang difermentasi selama 5 hari (F5-4AS), kontrol + AK tanpa AS yang difermentasi selama 7 hari (F7-0AS) dan kontrol + AK dengan 4% AS yang difermentasi selama 7 hari (F7-4AS). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan, 5 ulangan dan 3 ekor ayam per ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, bahan kering ekskreta dan kualitas telur dipengaruhi oleh pakan perlakuan (P0,05). Perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P0,05) terhadap bobot telur, kecernaan bahan kering, persentase kerabang telur, indeks telur dan tinggi albumen. Total bobot telur tertinggi diperoleh pada ayam yang diberi perlakuan fermentasi baik tanpa ataupun dengan penambahan AS. Fermentasi selama 7 hari dapat meningkatkan produksi henday dan jumlah telur. Kualitas terbaik dari aspek indeks kuning telur dan Haugh unit adalah pada perlakuan F7-4AS. Penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa fermentasi dapat meningkatkan total bobot telur dan AS dapat meningkatkan kualitas telur dalam bentuk Haugh unit.  (The effect of coconut dregs fermented with the addition of ammonium sulfate on production and quality of eggs) ABSTRAK. An experiment was done to determine the effect of coconut dregs (CD) with the addition of ammonium sulfate (AS) prior to fermentation on productive performance and egg quality. Coconut dregs were added with 0 and 4% AS and 0.1% yeast S. cerevisiae (Fermipan®) after autoclaving. The substrates were incubated for 5 and 7 days and mixed into diets and offered to 75 laying hens for 24 weeks. The experimental diets were: control diet (KTL), basal + 5-days- fermented coconut dregs (FCD) without AS (F5-0AS), basal + 5-days FCD with 4% AS (F5-4AS), basal + 7-days- FCD without AS (F7-0AS), basal + 7-days-FCD with 4% AS (F7-4AS). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with 5 treatments and 5 replications. Data were further tested by the Tukey test. Results of the study indicate that feed intake, hen day production, total egg, total egg mass, excreta dry matter, yolk height, yolk index, and the Haugh unit were statistically affected by the treatments (P0.05). The effects of treatments were not statistically significant (P0.05) on individual egg mass, dry matter digestibility, eggshell percentage, egg shape index, and albumen height. The highest total egg mass was found in birds fed the FCD diets. Fermentation for 7 days could improve hen day production total egg. The higher yolk index and Haugh unit were produced by the hens fed the F7-4AS diet than those eggs produced by controlled laying hens. In conclusion, fermentation could improve total egg mass and AS supplementation could increase the Haugh unit

    Effect Of Meat Immersion And Addition Of Liquid Smoke Coconut Shell On The Quality Of Chemical And Antioxidant Of Beef Jerky

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    Soaking beef jerky can improve chemical quality, flavor and consumer acceptance of the products produced. Liquid smoke functions as a preservative, a specific flavor and aroma. The research aims to analyze the chemical quality and antioxidant activity of beef jerky that has been soaked with the addition of liquid coconut shell smoke. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments (D0 = jerky without soaking and adding liquid smoke, D1 = jerky with 2 hours soaking and adding 1% liquid smoke, D2 = jerky with 4 hours soaking and adding 1% liquid smoke, D3 = beef jerky with 6 hour soaking and 1% liquid smoke addition, D4 = jerky with 8 hour soaking and 1% liquid smoke addition) and 3 replications. Levels of protein, fat, water and antioxidant activity of beef jerky were observed in this study. Data were analyzed variance (ANOVA) with Duncan's further test. Immersion treatment and addition of coconut shell liquid smoke on beef jerky showed a chemical quality that was not statistically different in all treatments, but an increase in protein content (34.28% - 39.28%), fat content (3.98% - 5 , 25%), water content (11.02% - 12.33%) and antioxidant activity (355.23% - 201.98%)

    The use of peppermint (Mentha piperita) leaves meal reduces ammonia excreta, increases egg production, and egg quality of laying hens

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    A study was carried out to determine the effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) leaves meal on ammonia production, dry matter excreta, egg production, and the quality of laying hens. A total of 80 laying hens of Lohmann Strain aged 20 weeks old were used as experimental animals. The birds were allocated in individual battery pens. The 20-week-old laying hens were vaccinated for New Castle diseases protection by using Vaksimune®ND B1on day 5 after arrival. The hens were kept for 8 weeks and fed four experimental diets. The diets used were basal diet (BSL), basal + 1% peppermint leaves meal (PLM) (BSL+1PLM), basal + 2% PLM (BSL+2PLM) and basal + 3% PLM (BSL + 3PLM). Feed and drinking water were present at all times. Parameters measured were ammonia concentration, dry matter excreta, hen day production, total egg mass, feed intake, FCR, dry matter digestibility, and quality of 14-days-stored eggs. A completely randomized design with 4 experimental diets and 5 replications was used. Data collected from this study were analyzed by using analysis of variance and tested with the Tukey test. The addition of peppermint leaf meal reduced ammonia production and increases dry matter excreta, total egg mass production, and dry matter digestibility. The Haugh unit, yolk height, and albumen height were improved when the eggs were kept for 14 days at room temperature. The addition of peppermint leaves meal decreased the mass loss of 14 days-stored eggs. In conclusion, supplementation of diets with peppermint leaf meal decreased ammonia concentration and watery excreta and increased the quality of eggs stored for 14 days at room temperature

    Performa Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Burung Puyuh yang Diberi Tepung Wortel (Daucus carrota L.) sebagai Sumber β-Karotein Alami dalam Ransum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung wortel terhadap produksi dan kualitas fisik telur burung puyuh. Penelitian didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, dimana setiap unit percobaan ditempatkan 3 ekor burung puyuh umur 10 minggu, sehingga jumlah ternak bercobaan yang digunakan sebanyak 75 ekor burung puyuh umur 10 minggu dengan bobot badan 130-140 g/ekor. Perlakuan yang diamati adalah R0 (Ransum Kontrol tanpa penggunaan tepung wortel), R1 (99% ransum kontrol + 1% Tepung Wortel), R2 (98% ransum kontrol + 2% tepung Wortel, R3 (97% ransum kontrol0 + 3% tepung wortel dan R4 (96 rnsum control + 4% tepung Worte)l. Variabel yang diamati untuk mengetahui performa produksi adalah konsumsi ransum, total produksi telu, konversi ransum dan persenatse produksi harian (HDP), sedangkan variable yang diamati untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik terur adalah bobot telur, persentase kerabang telur, persentase putih telur (albumin), persentase kuning telur (yolk) dan Skor warna kuning telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan tepung wortel 1-4% memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap konsumsi ransum, produksi telur harian (HDP), total produksi telur, konversi ransum, berat telur dan skor warna kuning telur, namun berpengaruh tuidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap persentase albumin, kuning telur dan kerabang telur. Penambahan tepung wortel hingga 4% sebagai sumber β-karotein alami dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan produksi telur, berat telur, efisiensi ransum dan skor warna kuning telur, namun tidak mempengaruhi persentase masing-masing komponen telur    Kata kunci:  Burung Puyuh, Produksi telur, Kualitas Telur dan Tepung Wortel (Daucus carrota L.),This study aims to determine the effect of using carrot flour on the production and physical quality of quail eggs. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications, where each experimental unit was placed 3 quails aged 10 weeks, so that the number of experimental animals used was 75 quails aged 10 weeks with a body weight of 130-140 g /tail. The treatments observed were R0 (Control ration without the use of carrot flour), R1 (99% control ration + 1% carrot flour), R2 (98% control ration + 2% carrot flour, R3 (97% 0 control diet + 3% carrot flour) and R4 (96 control diet + 4% carrot flour) l. The variables observed to determine production performance were ration consumption, total egg production, ration conversion and daily production percentage (HDP), while the variables observed to determine the physical quality of eggs were weight egg, eggshell percentage, egg white (albumin) percentage, yolk percentage (yolk) and egg yolk color score.The results showed that the use of 1-4% carrot flour had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on ration consumption , daily egg production (HDP), total egg production, ration conversion, egg weight and yolk color score, but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the percentage of albumin, egg yolk and eggshell. 4% as a source of natural β-carotein in the ration can increase egg production, egg weight, ration efficiency and egg yolk color score, but does not affect the percentage of each egg component