51 research outputs found

    Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti dalam Penyediaan Air Bersih di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Tahun 2012-2014

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    THIS research is motivated by the defunct local company's drinking water, so the need for water is a mobdatory requirement for the community. Water inftrastructure is one that is important to remember that water is a basic requirement is always consumed. The purpose of this study to influence the district govermment meranti islands and the inhibiting factors in the provision of clean water. The method used is a qualitatif research method with a descriptive type of reasearch that can be defined that can be interprated as a problems-solving process to describe the state of the subject and object of reseacrh at the presesnt time based on the facts that appear. Basa on the research that govermment efforts are still not up to the water supply in the districh high clifss theree are several factors that influence the govermment, namely the geographical conditions and economic factor

    Dinamika Organisasi Perempuan Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Cabang Pekanbaru Periode 2008-2011

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    The question of violence against women, discrimination , marginalization, subordination and dual role has been the experience of women in any country and social class with anywhere . So the issue of women can be categorized as strategic issues . therefore keputrian department presence is not enough to do it then takes an own organization , known under the name HMI KOHATI .KOHATI as one of the specialized agencies of the board HMI is the most often suffer from structural dynamics , among which are: to issue liquidation compared to other specialized agencies . The argument is usually acute moment of moments HMI to the congress and the National Consultative KOHATI . Beyond the issue of dissolution , KOHATI also stained with various issues KOHATI function in the body HMI , is related to the function ex officio KOHATI in the structure of the management of HMI .Therefore, based on the phenomenon should probably take title author " Organizational Dynamics of Female Rock, Arkansas Pekanbaru Branch Period 2008-2011 in the Struggle for womens issues "where the purpose of the present study that is to know the dynamics KOHATI and purpose until the author can sharper analysis in the presence KOHATI HMI to be able to be more objective in answer to the questions above .This study uses qualitative research methods , namely the collection of data by doing in-depth interviews with the informants , the results of these studies evidently found a few obstacles in the process of collecting historical information Branch KOHATI Pekanbaru. In this study the authors use the theory of group the importance and dynamics of the organization.Keywords : Dynamics , Organization Women, Women Issue

    Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Bengkalis dalam Penanggulangan Abrasi (Studi pada Pesisir Pantai Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2010-2012)

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    Bengkalis government has the responsibility and authority to abrasion reduction, which is oneform of environmental control that isi part of the area under law No. 32 on 2004 regionalgovernment. With the reduction of abrasion expected Bengkalis coastal areas of abraded toreduce the impact arising from abrasion. But what happens at the moment still found the coastalareas are the still so widely abraded abrasion that is growing every year 7-8 meters/years. Thisis cause of negative impact to survival of society and undermine existing infrastructures. For thegovernment forest rehabilitation and contruction of retaining waves. Also, the governmentshould focus on the preventation of abrasion by allocating sufficient budgeting and more onimproving relationship and good coordination wint the community and coordination amonggovernment agencies that have the same mission in tackling abrasion. However, efforts havebeen good , but not maximized.Keysword: Combating abrasion, coastal, rehabilitation and contruction

    Kepemimpinan Penghulu Perempuan dalam Pemerintahan Kepenghuluan Bangko Sempurna Kecamatan

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    This view of women has changed a lot due to the progress of time. One womans success can be seen from the leadership of a woman. Womens achievements and success proves that women also have much in common with the man. Even may exceed the capabilities of man. The involvement of women in public office filling the post-reform experience significant development in Indonesia. Since Indonesia using the system of regional autonomy, many strategic positions, such as governors, regents, and the village chief held by women.In this study, the method used is qualitative approach. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of spoken words and observable behavior of the people studied. This research was conducted in Rokan Hilir in Riau Province. While the object of this study is Kepenghuluan Bangko Perfect, with a focus on womens leadership in governance prince kepenghuluan views of nature along with the factors that affect the success of womens leadership prince. The theory used is the theory put forward by Keith Davis.Based on the results of research conducted and followed by analyzing the data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. After doing some research, the authors conclude the first period had been made: Opening of roads and streets Kepenghuluan Paving, Electrical Entering the Village of provincial government programs, services to the community kepenghuluan Implementation, Development Bangko Perfect kepenghuluan office and village hall, Being a winner in the races best village Rokan Hilir. In the second period has been made: Acquisition of land and make the rural market for the economy, society, Back insert Electric Village of Provincial Government Programs, Extract parts of Bangko kepenghuluan Perfect, Getting government assistance for the development of appropriate housing, street Semenisasi kepenghuluan. As well as factors that affect the success of the prince of female leadership: intelligence, maturity and flexibility of social relationships, self motivation and encouragement of achievement, attitudes human relations.Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Traits, prince of Wome

    Dampak Pemekaran terhadap Pembangunan Daerah di Kecamatan Pekaitan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Tahun 2010-2012

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    Service to the community. With the expansion in the area expect an every community needs thatmust be fulfilled by the government can be identified and coordinated in accordance with theirrespective potentials. However, if viewed from the concept, the role of local government is toprovide public services. Accompanying the political dynamics that have developed since thebeginning of the reform era, especially with regard to the enactment of Law No. 22 of 1999sprung the desire of various regions to split away to form new autonomous regions. For thegovernment issued Government Regulation No. 129 of 2000 on Regional Expansion governing,among others, about the procedural instruments and instrument requirements of regionalexpansion. and Government Regulation (PP) No. 19 of 2008 on government enacted the District.The main purpose Pekaitan the District Redistricting is "to improve services andaccelerate development. Expansion of the District Pekaitan also expected to create localindependence and improve the welfare of the community "through: (1) improvement of serviceto the community; (2) accelerating the growth of democracy; (3) accelerating the implementationof regional economic development, (4) acceleration potential management areas, (5) increasedsecurity and order.This study is a qualitative research, the data collection techniques in this study is adescriptive analysis. This study uses in-depth interviews with informants who did understand theresearch problems that become the object of information, and documentation study aimed toobtain information in the study.The purpose of this study is: (1) To describe the impact of the expansion of the subdistrictin the district Pekaitan regional development and the impact of the expansion of publicservices in the District Pekaitan. This study is a qualitative research technique used to collectdata Descriptive AnalysisThe results showed that: 1) positive and negative impacts on development PekaitanRokan Hilir Subdistrict. 2) positive and negative impacts on public services in the District ofRokan Hilir Pekaitan.Keywords: Impact of Redistricting Districts, Developmen
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