47 research outputs found

    Analisis Semiotika Teks Drama Kau Tunggu Siapa, NiloKarya Wisran Hadi

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    The purpose of this study were (1) describe the structure of drama texts Kau Tunggu Siapa Nilo Wisran Hadi work, (2) describe the symbols of the elements of literature contained in the text of the drama Kau Tunggu Siapa Nilo Wisran Hadi work, and (3) describe meaning of the symbols contained in the text of the drama Kau Tunggu Siapa Nilo Wisran Hadi work. The method used in analyzing the data are: (1) read and understand the contents of the text of the play in detail, (2) identify the structure of the text contained in the text, (3) inventarisation symbols contained in the text, (4) summarizes the symbols (symbol) and the meaning of the text contained in the drama. Based on data analysis, the conclusion that Drama Kau Tunggu Siapa Nilo Wisran Hadi works have text structure: (1) character, (2) events, (3) conflict, (4) flow, (5) and the background. There are some symbols found in Drama Kau Tunggu Siapa Nilo Wisran Hadi works with words and sentence structures that, if strung together would be similar to the shape of the structure of poetry. Symbols which are capable of clarifying the meaning of the text after the analysis using the approach that is research semiotik. Temuan symbols contained in the text of the drama

    Ideologi Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Ranah 3 Warna Karya a. Fuadi

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the ideology of the main character in the novel Ranah 3 Warna works Ahmad Fuadi, which includes a reflection of ideology, familiis, sosialis, idealistic, religious, optimistic and sensitifis were illustrated from the behavior of figures. Type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods.The data in this study are sentences that describe the ideology of the main figures. Sources of data in this study is novel Ranah 3 Warna works Ahmad Fuadi.The findings of study are: (1) Aif Fikri as the main character, (2) the role ideology familiis, sosialis, idealistic, religious, optimistic, and sensitifis

    Aspek Sosial Budaya Jawa Dalam Novel Para Priyayi Karya Umar Kayam: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the social aspects which are included: (1) the main aspects in family, (2) aspects of atiquette or manners, (3) aspects of harmony, and the social system in the novel of Para Priyayi which is made by Umar Kayam. This data is collected by reading and marking. Texts which is dedicated to same social and cultural aspects of javanese some parts of the novel which have been marked and thend. Being taken by using date of inventariaton the steps which conducted in analysing data are, (1) collecting data as a social aspect of Javanese culture, (2) calssification as a using teory, data collecting and classification by using taking note of the happenings which is connected whit a social aspect which is seen from a social problem, (3) clasifing data based teory the reference, (4) conclude the date description in the form of writing report

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Konstrutivisme Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Argumentasi

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    The purpose of this research is. (1) describe the argument essay writing skills without the use of constructivist strategies class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. (2) describe the argument essay writing skills using constructivist strategy of class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. (3) the effect of using constructivist strategies for essay writing skills of argumentation class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. The data of this study is the result of an argument essay writing skills test students using constructivist strategies and the test results without the use of constructivist strategies. The data sources of this study are students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping Pasaman semester of the school year 2011/2012. Data collected using the experimental method, which aims to control or control any symptoms that appear under certain conditions, so that can know cause and effect of the symptoms that occur. The study's findings that there is an influence on the use of constructivist strategies in teaching writing argument essay

    Unsur Postkolonial Dalam Novel Atheis Karya Achdiat K. Mihardja

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    The purpose of this study was to describe postcolonial component which was hegemony and mimicry that was experienced by characters in Atheis novel from Achdiat K. Mihardja. Data of study were characters utterance, display of narrator and acting of the characters in the novel. The primary source of data was texts from Atheis novel by Achdiat K. Mihardja. Data were collected by using qualitative decriptive which was read and written into inventaritation data from and analyzing data based on postcolonial theory. The fiding of the study showed postcolonial component in the novel, they were hegemony and mimicry. Five ideologies that were showed hegemony, languange mimicry and culture that was exeperienced by the characters in Atheis novel from Achdiat K. Mihardja

    Muatan Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerpen Mutakhir Karya Cerpenis Minangkabau

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    LOCAL WISDOM IN THE MODERN SHORT STORIES BY MINANGKABAU WRITERSAbstractMinangkabau culture is one of hundreds of cultures that exist in Indonesia. As a community, ethnic Minangkabau has moral teachings, values and social norms. The values, ethics, and behaviors serve as a source of wisdom in the life of the use of local knowledge. The literary work is a product of the wisdom that is able to provide enlightenment for those who appreciate it. Based on research at the expense of local wisdom in short short story writer works Minangkabau story tip, found some local wisdom as follows. First, local view based on knowledge of life (philosophy), which is true and courageous because the enemy is not requested, the averted eyes met. Second, local wisdom based on an attitude of social life, recommendations and iktibar that life should help each other, life must be saved by saving, provide assistance for the construction of public facilities, take a lesson from the events experienced by others, and environmental conservation with make it sacred. Third, local knowledge based ceremonies; traditional ceremonies as a forum to practice diplomacy and ceremony by mutual assistance principle. Fourth, local wisdom based on the principles, standards and rules and regulations that have materialized in social systems. Fifth, local wisdom based on habits, daily behaviors in social interactions, needs of society, take care for the child with traditional food, and Ramadan and Eid as strengthening the relationship. Kata Kunci: muatan; kearifan lokal; cerpen mutakhir; cerpenis MinangkabauAbstrakBudaya Minangkabau merupakan salah satu dari ratusan budaya yang ada di Indonesia. Sebagai komunitas, etnis Minangkabau memiliki ajaran moral, nilai-nilai, dan norma-norma sosial. Nilai-nilai, etika, dan perilaku berfungsi sebagai sumber kearifan dalam kehidupan penggunaan pengetahuan lokal. Karya sastra merupakan produk kearifan yang mampu memberikan pencerahan bagi mereka yang mengapresiasinya. Berdasarkan penelitian dengan mengetengahkan kearifan lokal dalam cerita pendek karya penulis Minangkabau, ditemukan beberapa kearifan lokal sebagai berikut. Pertama, pandangan lokal berdasarkan pengetahuan hidup (filsafat), yang benar dan berani karena musuh tidak diminta, mata dihindari bertemu. Kedua, kearifan lokal berdasarkan sikap kehidupan sosial, rekomendasi, dan iktibar bahwa hidup harus saling menolong, hidup akan selamat dengan saling menyelamatkan, membantu pembangunan fasilitas umum, mengambil pelajaran dari peristiwa yang dialami oleh orang lain, dan pelestarian lingkungan dengan menyakralkan. Ketiga, pengetahuan lokal dengan upacara, upacara adat sebagai forum untuk berlatih diplomasi dengan prinsip saling menolong. Keempat, kearifan lokal berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip, standar dan aturan dan peraturan yang telah terwujud dalam sistem sosial. Kelima, kearifan lokal berdasarkan kebiasaan, perilaku sehari-hari dalam interaksi sosial, kebutuhan yaitu hidup masyarakat, menjaga anak dengan makanan tradisional, dan Ramadan dan Idul Fitri memperkuat hubungan