22 research outputs found

    Penyisihan Kadar Fosfat pada Limbah Cair Laundry Menggunakan Biokoagulan Cangkang Kepiting (Brachyura)

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    Biocoagulant is a natural coagulant that has an active substance and has a role as cationic which is able to bind colloidal particles in water. Chitosan is a non-toxic, easy-to-degrade and polyelectrolyte biocogulant that can be found in crustacean animals especially in crabs (Brachyura). The availability of crab shell waste has a huge potential to be used as raw material for making chitosan. High concentration of detergent in water can cause water quality to decrease and environmental pollution in the form of increase of phosphate level, so that the previous processing is needed by using coagulation-flocculation method. The research process was done gradually starting from the extraction of crab shells to chitosan by deproteination process, demineralization, and deacetylation, followed by Coagulation-flocculation method. The study was conducted by varying the dose of coagulant by 150 mg / L, 200 mg / L, 250 mg / L and 300 mg / L. The effluent was then analyzed by the laboratory, for COD parameters referring to SNI 06-6989.2-2004, and phosphate refers to SNI 06-6989.31-2005. The result of the analysis was then compared with the PERMENLH / 5/2014 quality standard. Based on the laboratory results, after analyzing the concentration of the parameters tested, it showed that the maximum allowance of phosphate parameters were 81.84% respectively at 200 mg / L coagulant dose with stirring speed of 150 rpm for 2 min and 60 rpm for 15 min followed by deposition for 30 min

    Analisa Kebutuhan Air Minum Kampus Binawidya Universitas Riau Pekanbaru

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    Water is an important requirement in day life. Meet the needs of clean water Campus University of Riau currently uses only ground water that comes from bored wells. The dringking water for academic community of the campus uses water refill. The planning for dringking water supply system of Riau University campus aims to complete the water needs for academic community of Riau University with dringking water quality. The bored water will become of raw water into dringking water treatment plant with the installation site water treatment plant located east of the university faculty of fisheries Riau (0o28'47,62”N 101o23'05,24”E). The planning was done 10 years periode, with the total flowrate 6,58 L/s. Result of the treatment planned consist of bored well,neutralization, filtration (rapid sand filter), reverse osmosis, desinfection, and reservoir. The cost required to build a system of drinking water treatment plants campus University of Riau are Rp 2.405.454.302,00

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Katalis dan Rasio Molar Umpan terhadap Metanol pada Pembuatan Biodiesel dari CPO Menggunakan Reaktor Membran

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    Biodiesel is an alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from fatty material such as animal fat. A research synthesis of biodiesel from waste CPO(Crude Palm Oil) into biodiesel with a KOH catalyst. In this research review of physical properties (density, viscosity and acid number), analyzing the chemical content of biodiesel, the influence of the molar ratio of methanol to CPO(Crude Palm Oil) the percentage of conversion and optimal transesterification catalyst in the transesterification reaction in biodiesel synthesis. 300 grams of CPO(Crude Palm Oil), versus 1:14 methanol to oil molar, catalyst 1% of the weight of oil input into the biodiesel reactor and then the process of biodiesel synthesis performed on the operating conditions of 60 ° C temperature for 150 minutes. The results showed that the optimum conversion catalyst with 1% methanol 1:14 molar ratio that is equal to 85,45%. Physical test results obtained by the density of 888 kg/m3, 5,94 cSt viscosity, acid number 0.707 mg-koh/gr sample. Results obtained have characteristics approaching the characteristics of biodiesel Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

    Studi Timbulan dan Komposisi Sampah sebagai Dasar Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah di Kampus Bina Widya Universitas Riau

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    In all activities, human will produce a residual in a form of solid called solid waste. Kampus Bina Widya is a one of university in Pekanbaru with all of its activities is not hampered from solid waste productiom and problems coming from it, one of which can be seen on the amounts of solid waste in LPS (Land Disposal meantime) located behind of a Stadion Mini. This study aims to determine the waste generation and composition at Kampus Bina Widya and planned waste management system that includes lug, collection, transportation and the planned dump site (TPST) in Kampus Bina Widya, so the landfill activity on campus no longer exists. This study begins with the generation and waste composition studies conducted in 4 faculty, 3 offices, roads, public housing, hospitals and mosques.The study results showed the composition and in 2014 the daily waste generation of 9.448 l/day with composition is inorganic waste by 50,55% % and organic waste by 49,45%. Waste management planning in Campus Bina Widya include disaggregated lug to lug needs a capacity of 10 l bin for organic waste as much as 325 units and as many as 514 units of inorganic waste, bin capacity of 30 l to 108 units as much organic waste and inorganic waste as much as 171 units, bin capacity 60 l for organic waste as much as 62 units and 88 units of inorganic waste. Collection system in the form of segregated polling stations with a capacity of 4 m3 tub. A transport fleet capacity of 4 m3 pick up 2 units. The area of land needs TPSTs in Bina Widya Campus is an area of 635.33 m²

    Studi Karakteristik dan Potensi Pengolahan Sampah di Kampus Bina Widya Universitas Riau

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    Solid waste is one of the environmental problems linked to our lives. University of Riau (UR) is a public university in Pekanbaru that can not be separated from the solid waste problems in which there is currently do not have alternative solid waste treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of treatment and economic potential. Method sample in campus 8 days consecutive shows, with location of sample solid waste faculty, office, canteen, hospital, road, and mosque. Analysis sample characteristic of proximate (water content, volatil, ash and fixed carbon) and garbage energy by using appliance bomb calorimeter. The percentage of the proximate analysis recapitulation waste mixed conditions the average percentage generated of 43,5% water content, volatile content of 45,7%, ash content of 2,2% and fixed carbon of 6,8%. Percentage recapitulation waste proximate analysis by components highest water content of 37,9% of organic waste, volatile content of 83,8% textile waste, ash content of 26,2% plastic waste, and fixed carbon of 96,8% waste iron. The highest calorific value waste is plastic waste that of 12671.56 cal/gr. Solid waste that has economic potential sale value to collectors obtained for Rp.107.735,-/day. Mass balance of weight solid waste with a daily average weight of 816 kg/day, which can be utilized 512 kg/day and the weight of solid waste being dumped into temporary disposal location 303 kg/day. Solid waste treatment for organic waste such as composting or animal feed, while the inorganic waste can be recycled and waste that has economic value can be sold directly to collectors, while the waste that is not used will be disposed to landfill the city of Pekanbaru

    Studi Carbon Footprint dari Aktivitas Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Limbungan Baru Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    Limbungan Baru is the most populous Sub-District in Rumbai Pesisir District. The high level of density population in Limbungan Baru Sub-District is as one potential contributor of CO2 emissions. The calculation of total energy consumption that generate CO2 emmision was called carbon footprint. The CO2 emissions from the household activities are divided into primary and secondary CO2 emissions. The primary CO2 emissions is resulting from fuel used in households, while the secondary CO2 emissions is resulting from the used of electric household equipment. CO2 emmision were calculated using IPCC method (1996). Total CO2 emissions from household activities in Limbungan Baru Sub-District is 2.194,614 tons CO2/month where primary CO2 emissions amounted to 185,535 tons CO2/month, and secondary CO2 emissions amounted to 2.009,089 tons CO2/month

    Perencanaan Kolam Retensi pada Perumahan Mutiara Witayu Kecamatan Rumbai Koata Pekanbaru

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    Flooding in Mutiara Witayu Recidence caused a big problem for the local communities. This situation led the government taking an action to relocate and plan a construction of retention pond as a settlement of the flood in the region. The purpose of this study was to get a sufficient retention pond capacity to accommodate the flood discharge at the sites. During it's planning, hydrological analysis was conducted with rainfall data from the Office of Hydrology station for 20 years. Log Person III probability distribution and 5 year retense were used for the analysis. EPA SWMM program was used to analyze the flow of runoff existing in this study. The flooding problem was due to the runoff water which could not flow out into the outfall caused by the operation of the sluice. So it was necessary to accommodate the construction of retention pond during the discharge of the runoff of rainwater. The retention pond with a capacity of 23,000 m3 with a maximum depth of 1 m and ponded area of 23,000 m2, was planned in the study site. Based on the running program, it was found that the addition of a retention pond with that capacity could effectively accommodate the flood discharge at the sites. The cost required to build retention pond was Rp. 7,810,000,700.00 (Seven Billion Eight Hundred and Ten Million Seven Hundred Rupiahs)