5 research outputs found

    The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content

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    The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process of burning in peat. In addition, this study was also to examine the relationship between water content in peat and organic functional group after combustion (burning).  Peat drying was conducted in an oven at a temperature of 75°C with the interval of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours.  Each time interval had three replicates within two sets of experiments so that the total number of samples were 42 (experimental units).  Variables measured were moisture content, total acidity, COOH groups, and OH-phenolate.  The relationship between the water content with total acidity, COOH groups and OH-phenolate were determined by the equation y = bx + a.  The results showed that the relationship between the water content with organic functional group was linear.  While the relationship between peat water content with organic functional group after burning was irregular, although water levels through the process of burning have been greatly reduced. Keywords: Burning peat; organic functional groups; water content [How to Cite: Said R, FH Yusran, A Haris and S Asmawi. 2014. The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content. J Trop Soils 19: 143-149. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.143]  [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.143]  &nbsp

    Kajian Indeks Pencemaran Air pada Areal Pertambangan Rakyat Intan dan Emas di Kecamatan Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru

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    This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-chemical parameters (TSS, pH, DO, temperature, turbidity, Hg and Fe), mercury's content of sediment (Hg), and biological parameters of water that is mercury's content (Hg) of gondang (Pila scutata) the level of water pollution and and analyze in the diamond and gold traditional mining activities at district of Cempaka. The results showed that the water conditions at the station I which is close to the mine site are still fulfill standard of water quality that are temperature, DO and COD according to the results of calculations using the Storet method and included in the category of heavily contaminated. Based of the Pollution Index method categorized low polluted. At the second station which is a mining area, the temperature still fulfill water quality standards, while for the other parameters based on calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Based on the Pollution Index Method, stations II included in the category of medium polluted. At the third station, which is far from the mine site the parameters of temperature, pH, DO, COD and Fe still water quality standards, but the results of calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Based on the Pollution Index Method according to Regulation No.82 of 2001, the station III was included in category good condition, while according to the Minister of Health Indonesia No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/90 included in the medium category. So the results of this research for the parameters pH, DO, COD, turbidity, TSS, Fe, Hg water, sediment Hg and Hg gondang not fulfill the quality standards of Government Regulation No.82 of 2001 on Water Quality Management and Pollution Control for the class II and hygienic water requirements in accordance with the requirements of RI Permenkes No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/90

    Rekayasa Kualitas Air pada Budidaya Ikan Teknologi Bioflok di Lahan Pekarangan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Kelurahan Guntung Manggis Kec. Landasan Ulin Kota Banjarbaru

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    Jumlah santri Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah sebanyak 102 orang, 23 diantaranya mondok dan sisanya 79 bermukim di sekitar Pondok.  Siswa yang mondok tidak dikenakan biaya, karena berasal dari keluarga yang tidak mampu. Sumber dana kegiatan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah berasal dari donator tetap dan tidak tetap, namun masih belum mencukupi. Untuk keberlanjutan kegiatan pondok pengembangan kemampuan pembiayaan sendiri melalui pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan yang melalui budidaya ikan sistem bioflok. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah pendekatan partisipasi kelompok atau Partisipatory Rural Apprasial (PRA), yaitu melibatkan semua peserta dalam seluruh tahapan kegiatan. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi: penyuluhan/ceramah, demonstrasi-partisipatif, pendampingan, dan evaluasi untuk melihat efektivitas program dalam pencapaian luaran kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan Pengelola Pondok Pesantren dan santri mampu melakukan usaha budidaya ikan teknologi bioflok secara mandiri tanpa bimbingan. Pengelola Pondok Pesantren dan santri memahami dan terampil melakukan tahapan-tahapan usaha budidaya ikan dengan teknologi bioflok yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan atau untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan pondok sehari-hari sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya operasional pondok pesantren