4 research outputs found

    Implementasi Multi Source Feedback Untuk Mengevaluasi Professional Behaviour Mahasiswa Di Keperawatan Komunitas

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    Professional behavior (PB) merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang harus dicapai oleh mahasiswa keperawatan sehingga harus ada metode evaluasi yang digunakan untuk menilai pencapaian kompetensi tersebut. Multi Source Feedback (MSF) adalah salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menilai PB mahasiswa kedokteran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi bagaimana implementasi MSF yang digunakan untuk menilai PB mahasiswa keperawatan. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 35 responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa keperawatan dan perawat. Responden dipilih berdasarkan total sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan 2 pendekatan, yaitu: kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Mann-Whytney U digunakan untuk menganalisa data kuantitaif dengan tujuan melihat perbedaan distribusi dua kelompok, mahasiswa dan perawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MSF efektif digunakan untuk menilai PB mahasiswa Kelebihan MSF adalah melibatkan banyak sumber untuk menilai dan menggunakan dua tipe feedback yaitu skala dan narasi. Adapaun kelemahan yang dimiliki metode MSF adalah penjelasan skor terutama skor 3 dan 4, item penilaian berupa berpikir kritis, penghargaan terhadap pencapaian, caring perlu ditambahkan

    The Effectivity of Multi Source Feedback (MSF) to Assess Professional Behaviour (Pb) of Nursing Students: an Evaluation Study

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    Background: Nurses are requested to give an excellent services to patients not only excellent in skills but also excellent in behaviour which serve comfort to patients. The behaviour is called professional behaviour or soft skill. Purpose: The aim of this research is investigating the effectiveness of MSF in assessing nursing students\u27 professional behaviour (PB).Methods: The design of the research is an evaluation study which compares the result of PB between before and after joining practice in clinical setting. The participants were thirty three participants consisting of 33 nursing students and 3 mentors. Data were collected using a quantitative approach. The participants are requested to do self and peer assessment using SPRAT modification form while mentors are asked to assess nursing students using the same form. The assessment was conducted twice, before and after joining internship. The data were analysed to compare the score of PB before and after joining the internship among group of participant using Paired sample T-test or dependent sample T test. Result: The results showed that there were differences of score between before and after joining internship with α = 0.000; 0.001; and 0.000 for self, peer, and mentor assessment respectively. There was no difference of score before joining internship among assessors with α = 0.509, and there was a difference of score after joining internship among assessors with α = 0.005. It means that MSF is an effective method to assess PB of nursing students. Conclusion: Applying MSF method to assess PB of nursing student is suggested for better assessment

    Validity and Reliability Assessment Tool of Nursing Students Professional Behavior

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    Introduction: Shieffield Peer Review Assessment (SPRAT) is an instrument to assess medical student's performance using Multi Source Feedback (MSF) method. The previous study stated that MSF with SPRAT is an effective tool assessing professional behaviour (PB) of nursing students both in clinical setting and community setting. However it needs more items to be added. Based on that explanation, it needs conducting validity and reliability test to make sure that the tool is valid and reliable. Method: There were two types of validity test used, content validity test and construct validity test as well as reliability test, namely inter-rater reliability test and item covariance test. Participants were four clinical instructors and 116 nursing students. Result: Content validity test showed that two items must be added as part of assessment item, namely diciplines and faithness. Furthermore construct validity test showed that five items were not valid since they had pearson correlation score <0.3. However the items were included as consideration of nursing students's PB. Inter-rater reliability test and item covariance reliability test showed that the tool was reliable with score 0.460 and 0.912 respectively. Discussion: The assessment tool can be applied to assess PB of nursing students since it valid and reliable. It needs to investigate the effectiveness of the tool in difference of PB of nursing students