6 research outputs found

    The concept of criminology (bathil) in islamic financial institution practices in Malaysia and islamic Republic of Iran / Ezani Yaakub, Noraini Mohamad and Asmak Husin

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    In Malaysia, Islamic banking system has been established as an alternative to existing conventional systems. The development of Islamic banking in Malaysia is divided into three stages. In the first stage, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB), the only Islamic Bank licensed under the Islamic Banking Act; 1983 was incorporated in March 1983. BIMB, like all banks in Malaysia, whether conventional or Islamic, are supervised by Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysian Central Bank or BNM). The second stage is the introduction of Skim Perbankan Tanpa Faedah (SPTF) or Interest-free Banking Scheme (IFBS) and Islamic Banking Scheme (IBS). These schemes allowed the existing conventional bank to offer Islamic banking as part of their services. It was launched on 4th March 1993. In the third stage, the government has promoted Malaysia as a regional Islamic Financial Centre. Labuan has been declared as an International Offshore Financial Centre (IOFC). In the year 2002, the first Sovereign Global Islamic Sukuk, structured on the principal of Ijarah, amounting to USD600 million was launched. It signifies Malaysia's strong commitment in developing Islamic Banking and finance in the global front. In fact, Malaysia remains the world's leader in Sukuk issuance by both number and value, with 2010 trade totaling about 40bnandinquarterIIon2011totalingabout40bn and in quarter II on 2011 totaling about 31.5.2 However, the development of prevention method of Islamic financial criminology is insufficient. Most of the prevention was done within conventional framework such as cases of Islamic finance solved and heard in civil court which implements conventional system. In addition to that, most of the wrong-doers are non-Muslim and Muslims who have no exposure to Islamic finance due to their educational background. Thus, this research listed out types of prevention method done by Malaysia and compares the methods to I.R I.R of Iran since I.R of Iran implements full-fledge Islamic finance, and has succeeded to become the leader in Islamic finance among all countries in the world

    Semakan Dasar Wanita Kelantan: penambahbaikan pelaksanaan ke arah mencapai matlamat pembangunan mampan

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    Hal ehwal kebajikan, wanita dan kanak-kanak merupakan salah satu daripada perkara yang terletak di bawah Senarai Bersama Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ini bermakna, walaupun di peringkat persekutuan, Malaysia mempunyai Dasar Wanita Negara, negeri juga boleh memainkan peranan dalam perkara tersebut. Kerajaan Kelantan telah melancarkan dan melaksanakan Dasar Wanita Kelantan lebih daripada sedekad. Ternyata Kerajaan Kelantan turut mengambil berat tentang aspek pembangunan wanita dan keluarga. Sungguhpun begitu ianya telah memilih pendekatan yang berbeza dalam berbanding negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia. Kerajaan Kelantan telah memilih dasar Membangun Bersama Islam berteraskan ‘Ubudiyah (perhambaan kepada Allah), Masuliyah (tanggungjawab) dan Itqan (ketekunan). Daripada dasar tersebut adalah jelas Kerajaan Kelantan mensasarkan suatu pembangunan yang berteraskan Islam dan Syariah. Pelbagai pencapaian telah diukir dalam tempoh pelaksanaan dasar tersebut. Selepas lebih sedekad satu penilaian semula telah dibuat ke atas Dasar Wanita Kelantan untuk menambahbaik peruntukan yang sedia ada. Tambahan pula, Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah melancarkan Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan (SDG) untuk memastikan semua negara anggota merangka pelan pembangunan masing-masing dengan mengambil kira pelbagai aspek termasuklah kelestariannya. Semakan ke atas Dasar Wanita Kelantan perlu mengambilkira SDG agar pelaksanaannya seiring dengan kehendak global namun dalam masa yang sama tidak mengorbankan nilai asal dasar iaitu Islam. Kertas kerja in bertujuan untuk, pertama, menjelaskan sepintas lalu apa yang telah dicapai oleh wanita Kelantan melalui Dasar Wanita Kelantan dan kedua, mengemukakan cadangan penambahbaikan ke atas dasar tersebut yang selari dengan Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan (SDG)

    Semakan Dasar Wanita Kelantan: penambahbaikan pelaksanaan ke arah mencapai matlamat pembangunan mampan

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    Hal ehwal kebajikan, wanita dan kanak-kanak merupakan salah satu daripada perkara yang terletak di bawah Senarai Bersama Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ini bermakna, walaupun di peringkat persekutuan, Malaysia mempunyai Dasar Wanita Negara, negeri juga boleh memainkan peranan dalam perkara tersebut. Kerajaan Kelantan telah melancarkan dan melaksanakan Dasar Wanita Kelantan lebih daripada sedekad. Ternyata Kerajaan Kelantan turut mengambil berat tentang aspek pembangunan wanita dan keluarga. Sungguhpun begitu ianya telah memilih pendekatan yang berbeza dalam berbanding negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia. Kerajaan Kelantan telah memilih dasar Membangun Bersama Islam berteraskan ‘Ubudiyah (perhambaan kepada Allah), Masuliyah (tanggungjawab) dan Itqan (ketekunan). Daripada dasar tersebut adalah jelas Kerajaan Kelantan mensasarkan suatu pembangunan yang berteraskan Islam dan Syariah. Pelbagai pencapaian telah diukir dalam tempoh pelaksanaan dasar tersebut. Selepas lebih sedekad satu penilaian semula telah dibuat ke atas Dasar Wanita Kelantan untuk menambahbaik peruntukan yang sedia ada. Tambahan pula, Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah melancarkan Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan (SDG) untuk memastikan semua negara anggota merangka pelan pembangunan masing-masing dengan mengambil kira pelbagai aspek termasuklah kelestariannya. Semakan ke atas Dasar Wanita Kelantan perlu mengambilkira SDG agar pelaksanaannya seiring dengan kehendak global namun dalam masa yang sama tidak mengorbankan nilai asal dasar iaitu Islam. Kertas kerja in bertujuan untuk, pertama, menjelaskan sepintas lalu apa yang telah dicapai oleh wanita Kelantan melalui Dasar Wanita Kelantan dan kedua, mengemukakan cadangan penambahbaikan ke atas dasar tersebut yang selari dengan Matlamat Pembangunan Mapan (SDG)

    Do Muslims intend to participate in Islamic insurance?: analysis from theory of planned behaviour

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to apply theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting consumer intention to participate in takaful. One area of concern for takaful operators is the untapped Islamic insurance (takaful) market and lower market share compared to conventional insurance counterparts. It is possible that the application of the TPB could shed some light on the problem and possibly offer some assistance to the takaful operators. Design/methodology/approach – Interrelationships among attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and purchase intentions in regard to takaful products participation were examined within a framework of the theory of planned behaviour. A model and series of propositions are developed. The propositions are open to empirical verification and can form the basis for a research stream on takaful participation. Findings – In identifying factors influencing takaful participation, TPB is used and the model incorporates certain individual factors that are likely to influence intentions towards takaful participation. The model proposes that individual factors such as awareness, knowledge and exposure have impacts on takaful participation. Originality/value – This study provides insights for a previously unaddressed takaful participation among potential consumers. Prior work on determining participation of takaful has not applied TPB in an effort to understand the phenomenon

    Predicting intention to participate in family takaful scheme using decomposed theory of planned behaviour

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence an individual ’ s intention to participate in the family takaful scheme based on decomposed theory of planned behaviour (DTPB). The central hypotheses for this study are that individual ’ s intentions to participate in family takaful scheme are a result of attitudes towards participation in family takaful scheme, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control (PBC). Awareness and knowledge, as well as exposure and religiosity, are integrated into the model

    A revisit to the practice of late payment charges by Islamic Banks in Malaysia

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    Islamic banking in Malaysia have been experiencing late payment and default issues because customers are not allowed to be charged with interest (riba) as opposed to the practices in the conventional banking. To mitigate these issues, the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia has enforced ta’widh and gharamah as regulatory alternatives. Practically, ta’widh and gharamah were imposed on the defaulting customers who fail to meet their obligation to pay their financing based on several conditions. Given the significance of its imposition, this paper aims to analyse the current practice in Islamic banks and examine the views of contemporary Muslim scholars on ta’widh and gharamah and its suitability as alternatives for avoidance of riba