153 research outputs found


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    More than a decade ago; the concept of sustainability had a great concern from the whole world because of the global warming dilemma. Sustainability is a paradigm that contains environmental, economic and social factors. Many governments have adopted the sustainability paradigm especially in the MENA region as they are the most affected by global warming. In Egypt, within the government role in paving the way to sustainability; principles of sustainable development has been integrated into the country\u27s policies and programs in reflection to sustainable development strategy of Egypt\u27s vision 2030. However, the concept of sustainability is still considered as a facultative matter that has to be included in architectural education in public universities in Egypt. To test this hypothesis, it requires tracing the sustainability paradigm in architectural educational programs offered in Egypt with special mention to Cairo University. An investigation of the selected architectural programs will be conducted using the selected programs\u27 official literature review and analyzing the development of courses\u27 data, vision, mission, philosophy, objectives and outcomes aiming at evaluating the current situation of sustainability integration in architectural programs and providing a state of art of architectural education in Egypt

    The Practice Of City Planning And Design In The Gulf Region: The Case Of Abu Dhabi, Doha And Manama

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    This research study explores the Arabian Gulf region’s practice of city planning and design in response to the active forces of globalization. The focused scope of analysis is justified by the commonalities that unite the Arabian Gulf region, among them is the active response to globalization and the rapid urbanization process. Following the coverage of the regional context, an investigation of the city planning and design is presented in the study as a case study approach. Three coastal Arabian Gulf capitals -Abu Dhabi, Doha and Manama- are selected as primary units of analysis, investigating their urban evolution, the recent planning practice and urban development vision. The aim of the research study is to establish a theoretical connection between Gulf cities relying on their commonalities. The hypothesis assumes globalization to create a common urban planning practice based on (A) geopolitical facts, (B) historical evolution of urbanism and (C) the recent urban development trends that shape Gulf capital cities. The findings reveal that the urban practice in the Gulf region has been constantly altered in response to global challenges. New trends of megaprojects and international planning are dominating the urban development and growth of Gulf capital cities, where the knowledge of international expertise is flowing into the local planning practice. Therefore, the future of the urbanism is expected to focus on comprehensiveness, master-planning in the national scale, as well as establishing a regional interconnection as a strategic development vision unifying the whole Arabian Gulf region

    Verwendung von Nanotechnologie in der Veredelung von zellulosehaltigen Textilien

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    Durch Nanopartikelbeschichtung textiler Oberflächen können mechanische, physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften von Textilien modifiziert werden, wodurch besondere Funktionalisierungen erzielt werden. Zum Beispiel kann UV-Schutz einiger Arten von textilen Substraten durch Beschichtung des Substrats mit einer dünnen Schicht aus ZnO oder TiO2-Nanopartikel erreicht werden. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von nanoskaligen Zinkoxid-Partikeln verschiedener Konzentrationen und verschiedener Größen, die UV-Licht stark absorbieren und Textilien mit zusätzlichen Funktionen wie UV-Schutz, Hydrophobie, guter Färbbarkeit sowie antibakteriellen und selbstreinigenden Eigenschaften ausstatten. Im Textilveredlungsbereich ist die Wasch-Haltbarkeit des Ausrüstungsagenten ein sehr wichtiger Faktor und abhängig von der Affinität des Appreturmittels oder, im Falle von Polymer-Beschichtungen, wie gut die Polymeren mit der textilen Oberfläche Bindungen eingehen können. Theoretisch ist die chemische Bindung zwischen dem Avivage und der textilen Oberfläche der beste Weg, um Haltbarkeit zu erzielen. In dieser Studie wurden anorganisch-organische Hybridpolymere auf Sol-Gel-Basis mit ZnO-Nanopartikel geändert / gefüllt und auf zellulosehaltigen Baumwoll- (100%) und Baumwolle / Polyester- (65/35%) Gewebe aufgebracht. Diese modifizierten anorganisch-organischen Hybrid-Polymeren basierten auf 3 - Glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilan (GPTMS). ZnO-Nanopartikel-Sol bietet Langzeitstabilität für die weitere Verarbeitung. Sämtliche in dieser Arbeit präparierten ZnO / GPTMS Sole für die Ausrüstung waren über mehrere Stunden stabil, was auch für eine industrielle Anwendung ausreichend ist. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind: - Die Wirksamkeit der neuartigen Veredelung für den UV-Schutz wurde durch UV-Vis-Spektroskopie und durch Auswertung des UV-Schutzfaktors (UPF) bestimmt. Die Einflüsse der Ausrüstung auf einige allgemeine textile Eigenschaften wie z.B. Zugfestigkeit, Dehnung, Luftdurchlässigkeit, Weißgrad, Abriebfestigkeit und Steifigkeit sowie die Nachhaltigkeit der Behandlung wurden untersucht. - Die antibakterielle Wirkung dieser Sol-Gel-basierten Hybrid-Materialien wurde an dem Gram-negativen Bakterium Escherichia coli DSMZ 498 und Gram-positiven Micrococcus lutues ATCC 9341 getestet. Der Effekt der Partikelgröße und Konzentration auf die antibakterielle Leistung wurde untersucht. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen wie das Hemmhof Test AATTC Testverfahren 100-200 und der Tetrazolium / Formazan-Test (TTC) wurden in Agar Nährböden auf festen Agarplatten und in flüssiger Nährlösung durchgeführt mit unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen und unterschiedlicher Größe der ZnO-Nanopartikel. In diesem Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Vielzahl an Experimenten durchgeführt, um die Wirkung der ZnO-Nanopartikel als antibakterielle Ausrüstung besser zu verstehen. Diese Studie zeigte die verbesserte antibakterielle Wirkung von verschiedenen Konzentrationen und verschiedenen Größen der ZnO-Nanopartikel gegen gramnegative Bakterien und Gram-positive Micrococcus lutues in wiederholten Experimenten. Dies zeigte, dass die antibakterielle Wirkung der ZnO-Nanopartikel mit Erhöhung ihrer Konzentration und auch mit abnehmender Partikelgröße anstieg. - Ebenso wurde die antibakterielle Wirkung der Sol-Gel-basierten anorganisch-organischen Hybridpolymeren (GPTMS), gefüllt mit ZnO-Nanopartikel-Chitosan Composite, gegen ein gramnegatives und ein gram-positives Bakterium untersucht. Desweiteren wurde in dieser Arbeit auch Chitosan als antimikrobielles Beschichtungsmittel verwendet. Unterschiedliche Konzentrationen von drei unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten (MW) von Chitosan mit gleichem Deacetylierungsgrad (DD, 85%) wurden untersucht. Die Einflüsse der Veredelungs- Composite auf einige allgemeine textile Eigenschaften wie z. B. Knittererholungswinkel, Zugfestigkeit, Dehnung, Luftdurchlässigkeit, Weißgrad und Steifigkeit sowie die Nachhaltigkeit der Behandlung untersucht. Die antibakterielle Wirkung von Textilwaren mit Hybrid-Polymeren, modifiziert mit sowohl ZnO-Nanopartikeln als auch Chitosan, nimmt mit abnehmendem Molekulargewicht von Chitosan zu. - Hydrophile Cellulosegewebe vorbehandelt mit ZnO-haltigen Hybridpolymeren wurden superhydrophob gemacht nach Oberflächenhydrophobierung mit Stearinsäure. Tropfeneindringzeit (TEGEWA Test) und Kontaktwinkel für Baumwolle und Baumwolle / Polyester-Gewebe vor und nach der Behandlung mit Stearinsäure als hydrophobes Additiv wurden untersucht. Nur für die Cellulosegewebe behandelt mit Stearinsäure blieb der Wasserkontaktwinkel auf der Gewebeoberfläche niedriger als 50 °, die Behandlung nur mit ZnO-Nanopartikeln änderte nichts an der hydrophilen Oberfläche der verwendeten Cellulosegewebe. Hingegen konnte für sowohl mit anorganischen als auch organischen, mit ZnO-Nanoteilchen und Stearinsäure befüllten Hybridpolymeren (GPTMS) behandelte Stoffe ein Kontaktwinkel größer als 150 ° erreicht werden. - Photokatalytischer Abbau von Methylen blau durch verschiedene ZnO-Nanopartikelkonzentrationen wurde ebenfalls untersucht. Selbstreinigende Eigenschaften verschiedener Konzentrationen ZnO / GPTMS-beschichteter Gewebe wurde ebenfalls untersucht. Die photokatalytische Wirkung von ZnO-Nanopartikeln wurde in normaler Laborumgebung bewertet, in Dunkelheit und nach UV-Bestrahlung. Die photokatalytische Wirkung von Geweben mit unterschiedlichen ZnO-Konzentrationen innerhalb der Beschichtung wurde ausgewertet. - Färbeverfahren wurden durchgeführt durch die Kombination der ZnO-Hybridpolymeren mit einem beispielhaft gewählten Reaktivfarbstoff (Intracron rot BF-3RM 150%). Das Ergebnis des Färbeprozesses wurde durch die Erhöhung der Menge von ZnO-Nanopartikeln oder Verringerung der Partikelgröße verbessert. Die Farbstärke (K / S) und die UV-Schutz-Eigenschaft der gefärbten Stoffe wurden ebenfalls untersucht. Der Einsatz von mit ZnO modifizierten Hybrid-Polymeren ist daher ein vielversprechender Ansatz für die Entwicklung von stark UV-abschirmenden Textilien. Der anorganische UV-Absorber ZnO ist sehr stabil gegenüber Degradierung und er ist ungiftig. In der Literatur werden verschiedene (aktiv) Substanzen und Prozesse als Urheber der antibakteriellen Wirkung von ZnO diskutiert. Daher wird besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Untersuchung aktiver in den beschriebenen Systemen enthaltener Spezies sowie der Beobachtung möglicher Interaktion zwischen den Nanopartikeln und Bakterien gewidmet. Der hier für die Herstellung der Beschichtungsmaterialien verwendete Sol-Gel-Ansatz garantiert eine einfache Verarbeitung und ist leicht in die Textilindustrie zu übertragen. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht das Prinzip der Sol-Gel-Technik die Kombination von zusätzlichen Eigenschaften in einem einzigen Beschichtungsmaterial, z.B. UV-Schutz, Abriebfestigkeit, antibakterielle Wirkung, hydrophobe und sogar selbstreinigende Eigenschaften.By nanoparticles coating on textile surfaces, mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the textiles can be modified, leading to creation of unique functions. For example, UV protection of some kinds of textile substrates can be achieved through coating a substrate with thin layer of ZnO or TiO2 nanoparticles. This thesis aims to the synthesis and characterization of nanosized zinc oxide particles of different concentrations and various sizes that highly absorb UV light and provide textiles with added functionality such as UVprotection, antibacterial, hydrophobicity, self-cleaning and good dyeability properties. In textile finishing field the washing durability of the finishing agent is very important factor depends on the affinity of the finishing agent or, in the case of polymer coatings, on how well the polymers can bind with the textile surface. Theoretically, the chemical bond between the finishing agent and the textile surface is the best way to achieve durability. In this study, sol-gel based inorganic-organic hybrid polymers were modified/filled with ZnO nanoparticles and were applied to cellulosic cotton (100%) and cotton/polyester (65/35%) fabrics. These modified inorganic-organic hybrid polymers were based on 3- glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS). ZnO nanoparticles sol has long stability for further processing. Complete finishing ZnO/GPTMS sols prepared in this work were stable for several hours which is also sufficient for an industrial application. The most important results are: - The effectiveness of the novel finishing as UV-protection was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy and by evaluation of the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF). The influences of the finishing for some general textile properties e.g. tensile strength, elongation, air permeability, and degree of whiteness, wear-resistance, stiffness as well as the durability of the treatments were investigated. - The antibacterial performance of these sol-gel derived hybrid materials was investigated against Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli DSMZ 498 and Gram-positive Micrococcus lutues ATCC 9341. The effect of particle size and concentration on the antibacterial performance is examined. Bacteriological tests such as Zone of inhibition test, AATTC Test Method 100-200 and Tetrazolium/formazan test (TTC) were performed in nutrient agar media on solid agar plates and in liquid broth systems using different concentrations and different particle size of ZnO nanoparticles. In this part of thesis a lot of experiments were carried out to be able to understand the ZnO nanoparticle action as antibacterial finish. This study showed the enhanced antibacterial activity of different concentration and different particle sizes of ZnO nanoparticles against a Gramnegative bacterium and a Gram–positive Micrococcus lutues in repeated experiments. This demonstrated that the antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles increases with increasing the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles and also with decreasing the particle size of ZnO nanoparticles. - Also the antibacterial performance of sol-gel derived inorganic-organic hybrid polymers (GPTMS) filled with ZnO nanoparticles-chitosan composite against a Gramnegative bacterium and a Gram–positive bacterium has been investigated. Chitosan also in this thesis has been used as antimicrobial coating agent, since different concentrations of three different molecular weights (MW) of chitosan with equal degree of deacetylation (DD, 85%) were examined. The influences of the finishing composite for some general textile properties as e.g. crease recovery angle, tensile strength, elongation, air permeability, and degree of whiteness, stiffness as well as the durability of the treatments were investigated. The antibacterial activity of textile treated with hybrid polymers modified with both ZnO nanoparticles and chitosan increases with decreasing the molecular weight of chitosan. - Hydrophilic cellulosic fabrics pretreated with ZnO-containing hybrid polymers were made superhydrophobic after surface hydrophobization with stearic acid. Drop penetration time (TEGEWA test) and contact angle for cotton and cotton/polyester fabrics before and after treatment with stearic acid as hydrophobic additive were examined. For the cellulosic fabrics treated with stearic acid only, the water contact angle on the fabric surface remained lower than 50°, treatment with ZnO nanoparticle only did not change the hydrophilic surface of cellulosic fabrics used. However, for the fabrics treated with both inorganic-organic hybrid polymers (GPTMS) filled with ZnO nanoparticle and stearic acid, a contact angle higher than 150° can be obtained. - Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by different ZnO nanoparticles concentrations was also studied. Self-cleaning properties of different ZnO concentrations/GPTMS coated fabrics was also investigated. Photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles was evaluated in normal laboratory environment, under dark condition and after UV-irradiation. Photocatalytic activity of fabrics coated with different ZnO concentrations within the coating layer was evaluated. - Dyeing processes were carried out combining the ZnO-modified hybrid polymers with an exemplarily chosen reactive dyestuff (Intracron red BF-3RM 150%). The result of the dyeing process has been improved by increasing the amount of ZnO nanoparticles or reducing the particle size. The color strength (K/S) and the UVprotection property of the dyed fabrics were also investigated. The use of hybrid polymers modified with ZnO is therefore a promising approach for the development of highly UV-protecting textiles. The inorganic UV-absorber ZnO is highly stable against degradation and it is non-toxic. Literature discusses various (active) species and processes responsible for the antibacterial action of ZnO. Therefore a particular attention is paid to investigate active species available in the described systems as well as to observe possible interaction between the nanoparticles and bacteria. The sol-gel approach used here for the preparation of the coating materials guarantees a simple processing easily transferred to textile industry. Furthermore the principles of sol-gel technique allow combining additional properties in a single coating material e.g. UVprotection, abrasion resistance, antibacterial activity, hydrophobic and even self-cleaning properties

    Digital Public Art in Historical Urban Open Spaces: The Impact of New Technologies

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    For centuries, public art has been used to commemorate historical events, celebrate heroes, inspire citizens, decorate public spaces, and attract tourists. It represents the current cultural and social situation and aesthetic and artistic tendencies. Now, contemporary public art often ignores the "Do not touch" sign and encourages users to involve in shaping art pieces to their own preferences. In this process, digital public art (DPA) takes on a new role as a connector between people and art, and public space acts as the interaction context. In the digital era, despite the blame attributed to new technologies for diminishing social contacts and degrading the identity of public spaces, today's application of new technologies with public art frequently produces astounding and surprisingly positive effects on people's feelings, perceptions, and behaviours. Digital public art can stimulate human senses while improving non-visual aspects of space. The study's main concern is to redefine the role of public art in the digital era to cope with the changes in users' behaviour and the rapid changes in technology. In the context of historical urban spaces, the study looks into the relationship between three main pillars: digital public art, urban spaces, and users' behaviour. It investigates the role of new technologies in shaping the future of public art. It also reviews types of DPA in historical urban spaces and their impact on boosting user interactions and urban space identity. Finally, a comparative analysis study presents some DPA types for historical urban spaces to achieve the required interaction and identity


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    Bayesian predictive intervals for future observations from a future sample from the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) based on generalized order statistics (GOS) are obtained when the shape parameter is unknown. We consider two cases: (i) fixed sample size (FSS), and (ii) random sample size (RSS).Some closed forms for the Bayesian predictive functions are obtained. Finally examples are calculated for the lower and the upper bounds of the future observations in cases when the future sample is ordinary order statistics (OOS), record values and progressive type II censoring with different values for the scale parameter &nbsp

    Prevalence, antibiotic resistance, and phylogenetic analysis of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from various sources in Egypt: fish, vegetables, and humans

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    Listeriosis is a severe infection caused by consuming food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, the primary cause of human listeriosis. This study aimed to identify L. monocytogenes phenotypically and genotypically using inlA and hlyA virulence genes, followed by DNA sequence analysis and antimicrobial sensitivity in food resources and human samples. 345 Samples were obtained randomly from different markets and supermarkets in Qena, Egypt, including 115 fish, 25 fish containers, 90 vegetables, 90 diarrheal samples, and 25 hand swabs from patients and fishermen, respectively. L. monocytogenes was confirmed in 11.30% (39/345) and 3.48% (12/345) of the examined samples using culture and conventional PCR methods, respectively. The frequencies of L. monocytogenes in fish, fish containers, vegetables, and humans were 8.70, 3.48; 20, 8; 18.89, 1.11 and 6.09, 4.35% by both methods, respectively, with a statistically significant difference. Although L. monocytogenes predominated in 5-17 and 31-43-year age groups, the age risk factor for patients was statistically insignificant from an epidemiological perspective. Higher incidences were found in females and urban areas 7.27 and 4.76% than in males and rural areas 0 and 3.70%, without a statistically significant difference. The inlA was identified in all isolates, but the hlyA was identified in 41.67%. The highest multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index 0.625 was found in a diarrheal swab; all collected isolates were completely resistant to ampicillin. Additionally, 25% of L. monocytogenes stains were multidrug-resistant. According to phylogenetic analysis, the local isolates obtained from samples of tilapia, catfish, fish containers, cauliflower, and humans shared plenty of similarities

    The syntax of the Qatari traditional house: privacy, gender segregation and hospitality constructing Qatar architectural identity

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    Socio-cultural factors are amongst the most prominent forces that reshape the development of housing in Qatar when considering its vernacular architectural history. The research study uses space syntax analysis supported by other simulation and visualization techniques to examine the extent to which socio-cultural patterns influence the spatial form of traditional Qatari houses. The findings reveal that, despite changes in time and across eras, socio-cultural patterns, namely, (i) privacy, (ii) gender segregation, and (iii) hospitality, determine the spatial form of Qatari vernacular houses. Knowledge obtained from this research study contributes to the construction of architectural identity, auspicated to be referred to along the planned strategy for the urban regeneration of the built environment in Qatar (as envisioned through the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030).This research study was developed under two grant schemes awarded by Qatar University (Grant ID: QUCG-CENG-1920-4) (Grant ID: QUST-2-CENG-2020-14

    Biological Evaluation and Theoretical Study of Bi-dentate Ligand for Amoxicillin Derivative with Some Metal Ions

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           في هذا البحث  تم تحضير معقدات قواعد شف للمركب ميثيل 6- (2- (ثنائي فينيل ميثيلين) أمينو) -2- (4-هيدروكسي فينيل) أسيتاميدو) -2،2-ثنائي ميثيل -5-أوكسو -1-ثيا-4-أزاباي سايكلو(3،2،0)هبتانس -3-كاربوكسيلت مع ايونات كوبلت ،نيكل ،نحاس والزنك ثنائية التكافؤ.تم تشخيص المعقدات المحضرة بطرق مختلفة منها طيف الاشعة تحت الحمراء   (FT-IR)وطيف الاشعة فوق البنفسجية-المرئية (Uv-vis) ،الحساسية المغناطيسية ،التحليل الذري للعناصر (C.H.N.S) ،الامتصاص الذري والتوصيلية المولارية. الواضح من الدراسة الطيفية ان المعقدات تمتلك تركيب احادي النوية وان الليكاند المحضر متناسق مع الايونات الفلزية بشكل ثنائي السن مع شكل ثماني السطوح باستثناء معقد الكوبلت الثنائي فانة يمتلك شكل رباعي السطوح. استخدام برنامج  Hyper Chem-8.0.7لتوقع الشكل الهندسي للمركبات جنبًا إلى جنب مع حرارة التكوين (°ΔH f) ، طاقة الربط (ΔEb) ، عزم ثنائي القطب (µ) ، ترددات FT-IR في الحالة الغازية . تم فحص هذه المركبات ونشاطهاالحيوي كمضادات للجراثيم والفطريات.               In this paper, the complexes of Shiff base of Methyl -6-[2-(diphenylmethylene)amino)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamido]-2,2-dimethyl-5-oxo-1-thia-4-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-3-carboxylate (L) with Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Cupper(II) and Zinc(II) have been prepared. The compounds have been characterized by different means such as FT-IR, UV-Vis, magnetic moment, elemental microanalyses (C.H.N), atomic absorption, and molar conductance. It is obvious when looking at the spectral study that the overall complexes obtained as monomeric structure as well as the metals center moieties are two-coordinated with octahedral geometry excepting Co complexes that existed as a tetrahedral geometry. Hyper Chem-8.0.7 program was employed, after calculating the heat of formation (ΔH°f), binding energy (ΔEb), dipole moment( µ ), and FT-IR frequencies are carried out in gas phase, the geometric shape is suggested. The compounds have been also screened for their bioactivity to antibacterial and antifungal.

    Available Job Opportunity to Youth Graduate and its Relations to the Needs of the Saudi Labor Market "A Field Study"

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    The labor market faces persistent challenges owing to the increasing number of job seekers as opposed to the low supply of jobs in addition to the sometimes exaggerated specifications required by employers in the job offered. The figures indicate an increase in the unemployment rate of female graduates with bachelor's degrees. This has created some concern. These indicators prompted the researchers to conduct this study to describe and analyze the needs of the Saudi labor market for graduates' specializations in humanities and what career opportunities are available? Also, what are the requirements of employers to employ a graduate and reduce unemployment and keep pace with the ambitions of Vision 2030? One of the most important findings is that the reasons for the lack of career opportunities are the employment requirements set by companies and institutions to get a job at 87.55%. The study recommended that a detailed database on the national labor market should be formed that would allocate the last level of education to job training and not only focused on acquiring knowledge, under the supervision of the university, so that the graduate would be familiar with the requirements of the labor market and be aware of the skills required for each job; This helps him to gain work experience before graduation so that he can take the right career decision after graduation