45 research outputs found

    The Accumulation Risk of Heavy Metals in Vegetables which Grown in Contaminated Soil

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    أجريت الدراسة الحالية لتقييم الحركة، التراكم الأحيائي ونقل المعادن الثقيلة (الحديد، الزنك، الكادميوم، النيكل، الكروم، المنجنيز، النحاس والرصاص) من التربة الملوثة إلى أنسجة الجذور ومن الجذور إلى الأجزاء الهوائية عن طريق حساب معامل التركيز الأحيائي وعامل الانتقال. جمعت عينات التربة والعينات النباتية لثمانية أنواع من الخضروات خلال موسم الصيف 2019 من أربعة مواقع مختلفة تقع في وادي الأرج ، محافظة الطائف ، المملكة العربية السعودية. بشكل عام ، سجلت عينات التربة المأخذوه من الموقع الثالث والرابع قيمًا مرتفعة من المعادن الثقيلة مقارنةً بالموقعين الأول والثاني. أظهرت التربة من الموقع الرابع أعلى تركيز من Mn و Ni و Cr و Pb و Cu و Cd بلغ 31.63 و 14.05 و 13.56 و 22.79 و 31.02 و 2.98 ملجم / كجم تربة جافة على التوالي ، بينما أظهرت التربة من الموقع الثالث أعلى تركيز للزنك. أشارت البيانات من الدراسة إلى أنه يمكن التعرف على نباتات الخس، النعناع، الشبث، الخيار، الفلفل والقرع التي نمت في مواقع الدراسة على أنها مناسبة للاستهلاك البشري، فهذه الخضروات الستة تراكم المعادن الثقيلة في أعضائها بكميات مقبولة بأقل من المستويات المسموح بها لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة. بخلاف ذلك، وجد أن تركيزات المعادن الثقيلة في نبات الطماطم ونبات الباذنجان أعلى من الحدود المسموح بها لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة. الطماطم والباذنجان أيضاً أظهرت قيم عامل التركيز الأحيائي  مرتفعة لمعظم المعادن الثقيلة المقاسة. بالنسبة للطماطم كان معامل التركيز الأحيائي لكل من الكادميوم، النحاس، الحديد، الرصاص، المنجنيز، الزنك، الكروم والنيكل 27.250، 42.150، ،1.023، ND، 4.649، 0.459، 5.926 و 29.409 على التوالي. بينما كان في الباذنجان 21.333، ND، 2.360، 0.170، 3.113، 0.623، ND و 50.318 على التوالي.لتجنب الآثار الضارة لتراكم المعادن الثقيلة على صحة الإنسان ، يجب مراعاة الفحص المستمر للمحاصيل المزروعة في الترب الملوثة بالمعادن الثقيلة. أشارت البيانات من الدراسة إلى أنه يمكن التعرف على نباتات الخس، النعناع، الشبث، الخيار، الفلفل والقرع التي نمت في مواقع الدراسة على أنها مناسبة للاستهلاك البشري، فهذه الخضروات الستة تراكم المعادن الثقيلة في أعضائها بكميات مقبولة بأقل من المستويات المسموح بها لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة. بخلاف ذلك، وجد أن تركيزات المعادن الثقيلة في نبات الطماطم ونبات الباذنجان أعلى من الحدود المسموح بها لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة. الطماطم والباذنجان أيضاً أظهرت قيم عامل التركيز الأحيائي  مرتفعة لمعظم المعادن الثقيلة المقاسة. بالنسبة للطماطم قيم عامل التركيز الأحيائي لكل من الكادميوم، النحاس، الحديد، الرصاص، المنجنيز، الزنك، الكروم والنيكل كانت 27.250، 42.150، ،1.023، 0.000، 4.649، 0.459، 5.926 و 29.409 على التوالي. بينما كانت في الباذنجان 21.333، 0.000، 2.360، 0.170، 3.113، 0.623، 0.000 و 50.318 على التوالي. لا ينصح بزراعة الطماطم والباذنجان في التربة الملوثة بالمعادن الثقيلة بدون معالجة التربة مع ضرورة إجراء تحليل دوري للأجزاء الصالحة للأكل من الخضروات المزروعة في التربة الملوثة بالمعادن الثقيلة لمراقبة هذه المواد في النظام الغذائي البشري وتجنب آثاره الضارة على صحة الإنسان.The present study has been carried out to estimate heavy metals mobility, bioconcentration and transfer from polluted soil to roots tissues and from roots tissues to aerial parts using bioconcentration factor and translocation factor. Soil samples and the biomass of the eight vegetable species have been collected during summer season, 2019 from four different sites in Wadi Al-Arg, Taif Governorate, KSA. In general, heavy metals content of soil samples in site III and IV have recorded elevated values compared with those of site I and II. The soil from site IV has shown the highest concentration of Mn, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu, and Cd amounted 31.63, 14.05, 13.56, 22.79, 31.02 and 2.98 mg/kg dry soil respectively, while the soil from site III has shown the highest concentration of Zn. The data referred to the fact that Mentha longifolia, Cucumis sativus, Capsicum annuum, Lactuca sativa Cucurbita pepo, and Anethum graveolens that grown in sites of investigation could be recognized as suitable for human consumption. These six vegetables could accumulate the measured heavy metals in their tissues with acceptable quantities, less than the permissible levels of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Otherwise, heavy metal concentrations in Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum melongena have been found to be higher than permissible limits of FAO. Both plants also have shown elevated bioconcentration factors values for most of measured heavy metals. For S. lycopersicum the bioconcentration factor values of Fe, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Zn have been found to be 42.150, 27.250, 1.023, ND, 5.926, 4.649, 29.409, and 0.459 respectively. While for S. melongena, they have been 2.360, 21.333, ND, 0.170, ND, 3.113, 50.318, and 0.623, respectively. To avoid the harmful effects of the heavy metals accumulation on human health, consideration should be given to the constant examination to the edible parts of the vegetables grown in heavy metals contaminated soil

    Improving influenza vaccination rate among primary healthcareworkers in Qatar

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    The purpose of this study was to improve influenza vaccination, and determine factors influencing vaccine declination among health care workers (HCW) in Qatar. We launched an influenza vaccination campaign to vaccinate around 4700 HCW in 22 Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) centers in Qatar between 1st and 15th of November, 2015. Our target was to vaccinate 60% of all HCW. Vaccine was offered free of charge at all centers, and information about the campaign and the importance of influenza vaccination was provided to employees through direct communication, emails, and social media networks. Staff were reported as vaccinated or non-vaccinated using a declination form that included their occupation, place of work and reasons for declining the vaccine. Survey responses were summarized as proportional outcomes. We exceeded our goal, and vaccinated 77% of the target population. Only 9% declined to take the vaccine, and the remaining 14% were either on leave or had already been vaccinated. Vaccine uptake was highest among aides (98.1%), followed by technicians (95.2%), and was lowest amongst pharmacists (73.2%), preceded by physicians (84%). Of those that declined the vaccine, 34% provided no reason, 18% declined it due to behavioral issues, and 21% declined it due to medical reasons. Uptake of influenza vaccine significantly increased during the 2015 immunization campaign. This is attributed to good planning, preparation, a high level of communication, and providing awareness and training to HCW with proper supervision and monitoring. 1 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all staff for participation in the 2015 influenza vaccination campaign at the PHCC. Members of the Health protection at MoPH and PHCC communicable disease control team are highly acknowledged for assistance with implementation. This Study was funded by the Ministry of Public Health.Scopu

    The Spectrum of Antibiotic Prescribing During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Objectives: Over the last decades, there has been a significant increase in antimicrobial prescribing and consumption associated with the development of patients’ adverse events and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to the point of becoming a global priority. This study aims at evaluating antibiotic prescribing during COVID- 19 pandemic from November 2019 to December 2020. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was conducted primarily through the NCBI database, using PRISMA guidelines to identify relevant literature for the period between November 1, 2019 and December 19, 2020, using the keywords: COVID-19 OR SARS-Cov-2 AND antibiotics restricted to the English language excluding nonclinical articles. Five hundred twenty-seven titles were identified; all articles fulfilling the study criteria were included, 133 through the NCBI, and 8 through Google Scholar with a combined total of 141 studies. The patient’s spectrum included all ages from neonates to elderly with all associated comorbidities, including immune suppression. Results: Of 28,093 patients included in the combined studies, 58.7% received antibiotics (16,490/28,093), ranging from 1.3% to 100% coverage. Antibiotics coverage was less in children (57%) than in adults with comorbidities (75%). Broad-spectrum antibiotics were prescribed presumptively without pathogen identifications, which might contribute to adverse outcomes. Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant and wide range of antibiotic prescribing in patients affected by the disease, particularly in adults with underlying comorbidities, despite the paucity of evidence of associated bacterial infections. The current practice might increase patients’ immediate and long-term risks of adverse events, susceptibility to secondary infections as well as aggravating AM

    Potential bioactivity of Phoenix dactylifera fruits, leaves, and seeds against prostate and pancreatic cancer cells

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    The use of functional foods’ phytochemicals in the chemoprevention of different cancer diseases has become one of the hot scientific areas in the clinical nutrition field. For instance, the Khalas palm cultivar (KPC; Phoenix dactylifera) is one of the natural sustainable resources that have high bioactivity and functionality. This study aimed to investigate the antiproliferative activity and mode of action of KPC’s different parts on prostate (Pc3) and pancreatic (panc1) cancer cells at a molecular level. In the methods, KPC’s leaves, seeds, and fruits’ chemical composition and phytochemical analysis were analyzed. Also, the cytotoxic effects of each extract were assessed against pc3 and panc1 cell lines. Besides, induction of apoptosis, cell cycle analysis, and gene expression of both Cap3 and Cap9 were studied. The obtained results indicated that KPC leaves extract exhibited the highest significant (P < 0.01) anti-proliferation activity against the utilized cancer cell lines compared to fruits and seeds extracts. Also, there were significant (P < 0.05) differences in the phenolic contents, flavonoid of compounds, and antioxidant power of the leaves when compared to the seeds and fruits. Additionally, the highest cytotoxic effect (lowest IC50) was recorded with leave extract than seeds and fruits. Meanwhile, the seeds extract induced (P < 0.05) the apoptosis and arrested cells in the G2/M phase as well as up-regulated the gene expression of the apoptotic-related genes (Casp3 and Casp9) compared to the control group. In conclusion, this study showed that the presence of bioactive components in the KPC different parts extracts have the significant ability to induce the apoptotic pathway that could down-regulate the proliferation of prostate (pc3) and pancreatic (panc1) cancer cells. The pathway mechanism of action was induced by the phytol molecule presented in its leaves extract

    Epidemiology of respiratory infections among adults in Qatar (2012-2017).

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    Limited data is available about the etiology of influenza like illnesses (ILIs) in Qatar. This study aimed at providing preliminary estimates of influenza and other respiratory infections circulating among adults in Qatar. We retrospectively collected data of about 44,000 patients who visited Hamad General Hospital clinics, sentinel sites, and all primary healthcare centers in Qatar between 2012 and 2017. All samples were tested for influenza viruses, whereas about 38,000 samples were tested for influenza and a panel of respiratory viruses using Fast Track Diagnostics (FTD) RT-PCR kit. Among all ILIs cases, 20,278 (46.5%) tested positive for at least one respiratory pathogen. Influenza virus was predominating (22.6%), followed by human rhinoviruses (HRVs) (9.5%), and human coronaviruses (HCoVs) (5%). A detection rate of 2-3% was recorded for mycoplasma pneumonia, adenoviruses, human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and human metapneumovirus (HMPV). ILIs cases were reported throughout the year, however, influenza, RSV, and HMPV exhibited strong seasonal peaks in the winter, while HRVs circulated more during fall and spring. Elderly (>50 years) had the lowest rates of influenza A (13.9%) and B (4.2%), while presenting the highest rates of RSV (3.4%) and HMPV (3.3%). While males had higher rates of HRVs (11.9%), enteroviruses (1.1%) and MERS CoV (0.2%), females had higher proportions of influenza (26.3%), HPIVs (3.2%) and RSV (3.6%) infections. This report provides a comprehensive insight about the epidemiology of ILIs among adults in the Qatar, as a representative of Gulf States. These results would help in improvement and optimization of diagnostic procedures, as well as control and prevention of the respiratory infections.This study was supported by funds from Hamad Medical Corporation (grant # 16335/16) and Qatar University (grant # QUCG-BRC-2018/2019-1)

    Demographics and Epidemiology of Hepatitis B in the State of Qatar: A Five-Year Surveillance-Based Incidence Study

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    Background: Expatriates represent >80% of Qatar’s population, mostly arriving from countries in Africa and Asia that are endemic with many diseases. This increases the risk for introducing new pathogens into the country and provides a platform for maintenance of endemic pathogen circulation. Here, we report on the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B in Qatar between 2010 and 2014. Methods: We performed a retrospective epidemiological data analysis using the data available at the surveillance system of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in Qatar. Data were collected from distinctive public and private incorporates around the nation. Reported cases of hepatitis B patients represent those who met the stringent case definition as per World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and eventually reported to MOPH. Results: The annual incidence rates of hepatitis B cases were 30.0, 34.2, 30.5, 39.4, and 19.8 per 100,000 population in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. There was no specific trend or seasonality for the reported cases. The incidence rates were higher in females compared to males between 2010 and 2012, but similar in 2013 and 2014. The highest incidence rates were reported among individuals between 25 and 34 years of age. No cases were reported in children younger than five years in 2013 and 2014. Rates of hepatitis B cases declined dramatically in 2014, in both Qataris and non-Qataris, as compared to the previous years. Conclusion: Our results indicate a dramatic decline of hepatitis B cases in Qatar but mandate improved surveillance and vaccination efforts in expatriates in the nation. View Full-TextMOP

    Melatonin downregulates the increased hepatic alpha-fetoprotein expression and restores pancreatic beta cells in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model: a clinical, biochemical, immunohistochemical, and descriptive histopathological study

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    BackgroundDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder. Hepatopathy is one of the serious effects of DM Melatonin (MT) is a potent endogenous antioxidant that can control insulin output. However, little information is available about the potential association between melatonin and hepatic alpha-fetoprotein expression in diabetes.ObjectiveThis study was conducted to assess the influence of MT on diabetes-related hepatic injuries and to determine how β-cells of the pancreas in diabetic rats respond to MT administration.Materials and methodsForty rats were assigned to four groups at random (ten animals per group). Group I served as a normal control group. Group II was induced with DM, and a single dose of freshly prepared streptozotocin (45 mg/kg body weight) was intraperitoneally injected. In Group III, rats received 10 mg/kg/day of intraperitoneal melatonin (IP MT) intraperitoneally over a period of 4 weeks. In Group IV (DM + MT), following the induction of diabetes, rats received MT (the same as in Group III). Fasting blood sugar, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and serum insulin levels were assessed at the end of the experimental period. Serum liver function tests were performed. The pancreas and liver were examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically for insulin and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) antibodies, respectively.ResultsMT was found to significantly modulate the raised blood glucose, HbA1c, and insulin levels induced by diabetes, as well as the decreased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Furthermore, MT attenuated diabetic degenerative changes in the pancreas and the hepatic histological structure, increased the β-cell percentage area, and decreased AFP expression in the liver tissue. It attenuated diabetes-induced hepatic injury by restoring pancreatic β-cells; its antioxidant effect also reduced hepatocyte injury.ConclusionCollectively, the present study confirmed the potential benefits of MT in downregulating the increased hepatic alpha-fetoprotein expression and in restoring pancreatic β-cells in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model, suggesting its promising role in the treatment of diabetes

    Molecular epidemiology of influenza, RSV, and other respiratory infections among children in Qatar: A six years report (2012–2017)

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    Background: Studies on the etiology of respiratory infections among children in Qatar and surrounding countries are limited. Objectives: To describe the prevalence and seasonality of RSV, influenza, and other respiratory pathogens among children in Qatar. Methods: We retrospectively collected and analyzed data of 33,404 children (<15 years) presented with influenza-like illness from 2012 to 2017. Results: At least one respiratory pathogen was detected in 26,138 (78%) of patients. Together, human rhinoviruses (HRV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and influenza viruses comprised nearly two-thirds of all cases, affecting 24%, 19.7%, and 18.5%, respectively. A prevalence of 5-10% was recorded for adenovirus, parainfluenza viruses (PIVs), human bocavirus (HboV), and human coronaviruses (HCoVs). Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), enteroviruses, M. pneumonia, and parechovirus had prevalences below 5%. While RSV, influenza, and HMPV exhibited strong seasonal activity in the winter, HRV was active during low RSV and influenza circulation. The burden of RSV exceeds that of influenza among young age groups, whereas influenza correlated positively with age. Further, HRV, adenovirus, influenza, and RSV infection rates varied significantly between male and females. Conclusion: This comprehensive multi-year study provides insights into the etiology of ILI among children in Qatar, which represents the Gulf region. Our results reinforce the significance of active surveillance of respiratory pathogens to improve infection prevention and control strategies, particularly among children

    Melatonin ameliorates serobiochemical alterations and restores the cardio-nephro diabetic vascular and cellular alterations in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    Melatonin possesses a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antidiabetic properties. Diabetes mellitus (DM) induces several physiopathological changes in body organs, which could be observed lately after systemic failure. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the serobiochemical changes and the histopathological picture in the diabetic heart and the kidney early before chronic complications and highlight the association between hyperglycemia, glomerular alterations, and cardiovascular changes. In addition, the role of melatonin in the treatment of cardio-nephro diabetic vascular and cellular adverse changes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was also studied. A total of 40 mature Wistar albino rats were distributed into five groups; (1) control untreated rats, (2) diabetic mellitus untreated (DM) rats, in which DM was induced by the injection of streptozotocin (STZ), (3) control melatonin-treated (MLT), (4) melatonin-treated diabetic (DM + MLT) rats, in which melatonin was injected (10 mg/kg/day, i.p.) for 4 weeks, and (5) insulin-treated diabetic (DM + INS) rats. The serum biochemical analysis of diabetic STZ rats showed a significant (P &lt; 0.05) increase in the concentrations of blood glucose, total oxidative capacity (TOC), CK-MB, endothelin-1, myoglobin, H-FABP, ALT, AST, urea, and creatinine as compared to control rats. In contrast, there was a significant (P &lt; 0.05) decrease in serum concentration of insulin, total antioxidative capacity (TAC), total nitric oxide (TNO), and total protein level in DM rats vs. the control rats. Significant improvement in the serobiochemical parameters was noticed in both (DM + MLT) and (DM + INS) groups as compared with (DM) rats. The histological examination of the DM group revealed a disorder of myofibers, cardiomyocyte nuclei, and an increase in connective tissue deposits in between cardiac tissues. Severe congestion and dilation of blood capillaries between cardiac muscle fibers were also observed. The nephropathic changes in DM rats revealed various deteriorations in glomeruli and renal tubular cells of the same group. In addition, vascular alterations in the arcuate artery at the corticomedullary junction and interstitial congestion take place. Melatonin administration repaired all these histopathological alterations to near-control levels. The study concluded that melatonin could be an effective therapeutic molecule for restoring serobiochemical and tissue histopathological alterations during diabetes mellitus