6 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Malaysian listed property companies / Asma Senawi

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    This exploratory research aims to investigate the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure among Malaysian Listed Property Companies. In addition, the relationship between the CSR disclosure and several corporate attributes is also examined. To measure the extent of disclosure made by companies, a CSR Disclosure Index was developed specifically for property companies. Content analysis had been used to analyse the activities carried out by companies using annual reports and company websites. Twenty property companies listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia was selected randomly. This study found that very few property companies in Malaysia are making efforts to carry out CSR practices in their businesses. The highest CSR disclosure is community involvement followed by environment, marketplace and workplace. It was also found that significant number of the lowest ranking companies suffered losses during the period under study and significant proportions of the top ranking companies were big size corporations and paid higher audit fees

    Inovasi produk "Smart Panel" sebagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah pembentangan hasil kerja pelajar (Smart Panel innovation as a problem solving method for student work's presentation) / Thuraiya Mohd … [et al.]

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    Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PnP) ini perlu didokong dengan kemudahan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP yang efektif. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP mempengaruhi kualiti penyampaian dan juga proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP ini turut menjejaskan rekabentuk kurikulum dan seterusnya memberikan kesan keatas pembentukan modal insan berkualiti yang mempunyai daya kreativiti dan cara pemikiran kritis. Justeru kajian ini, memfokus kepada masalah ketidakkeberkesanan proses PnP disebabkan kekurangan peralatan PnP iaitu panel pameran. Kajian ini mencadangkan inovasi kreatif serta inventif iaitu "smart panel" bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud. Penemuan daripada kajian empirikal ini telah mendedahkan beberapa kelemahan dalam proses PnP yang menggunakan panel pameran sediada. Kelemahan yang signifikan adalah tempoh pembentangan yang lama dan seterusnya menghilangkan konsentrasi pelajar dan pensyarah. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan masalah sampingan seperti terpaksa menyediakan slot pembentangan di waktu malam dan mewujudkan suasana yang tidak kondusif dalam studio. Oleh itu, inovasi "smart panel" telah dihasilkan bersesuaian dengan meja dan ruang studio sediada untuk menambah baik peralatan sediada dengan mengambilkira faktor masa, kos dan ruang semasa. "Smart Panel' ini adalah lebih efisien dan mudah untuk dikendalikan. Ujilari terhadap sistem ini menunjukkan masa pembentangan pelaj ar dapat disingkatkan daripada satu (1) j am (menggunakan panel biasa) kepada setengah (1/2) jam (menggunakan "smart panel"). Selain itu, ia dapat menjimatkan kos PnP. Justeru, diharap inovasi ini dapat diaplikasikan pada seluruh UiTM, malah organisasi lai

    Penambahbaikan permohonan lawatan akademik secara manual kepada pembangunan sistem e-lawatan akademik versi 1 / Thuraiya Mohd … [et al.]

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    Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. la tidak terhad kepada penyampaian syarahan di dalam bilik kuliah sahaja. Kini, kaedah P&P lebih menjurus kepada pendedahan secara praktikal dan pengalaman antaranya melalui kaedah lawatan akademikpelajar. UiTM(Perak) turut melaksanakan kaedah ini sebagai salah satu metod pengajaran yang ditekankan dalam kurikulum. Namun begitu, proses permohonan aktiviti lawatan akademik pelajaryang kurang efisien seringkali menjadi permasalahan yang mengganggu proses P&P di UiTM (Perak). Justeru, kertas kerja ini membincangkan kelemahan dalam proses permohonan lawatan akademik pelajar sedia ada dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan. Penemuan daripada kajian empirikal ini telah mendedahkan beberapa kelemahan dalam proses permohonan sedia ada antaranya pihak Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA) sukar untuk membuat pemantauan terhadap permohonan manakala pemohon (pensyarah) pula lambatdan kurang jelas berhubung status permohonan. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan masalah sampingan berlaku seperti pelajar lew at mendapat wang perbelanjaan lawatan dan kesukaran untuk mendapatkan bas untuk kegunaan lawatan akademik tersebut. Oleh itu, kaedah permohonan atas talian 'e-Lawatan Akademik Versi 1 'dibangunkan berorientasikan inovasi sistem sedia ada. Objektif utama pembangunan sistem ini adalah untuk menambah baik prosedur sedia ada dengan mengambil kirafaktor masa, kos dan penyimpanan rekod semasa. Sistem ini lebih efisien dan mudah untuk dikendalikan. Ujilari sistem ini menunjukkan proses permohonan dapat disingkatkan daripada 21 hari (manual) kepada 14 hari (sistem e-lawatan akademik). Selain itu, sistem inijuga dapat menyimpan rekod permohonan dengan lebih sistematik dan menjimatkan kos. Sistem ini amat sesuai diaplikasikan di seluruh UiTM dalam usaha menyediakan program akademik yang berkualiti dan inovatif

    Improving the compulsory land acquisition procedure: interpreting the land acquisition (amendment) act 2016 (act a1517) / Asma Senawi…[et al.]

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    The compulsory land acquisition is the process by which the government acquires the private land which needed for any public purpose or for a purpose beneficial to the economic development of Malaysia. The provisions relating to land acquisition are stipulated under the Land Acquisition Act 1960 (“the Acquisition Act”). Some 19 years after the last round of amendments to the Acquisition Act, the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act 2016 (“the Amendment Act 2016”) had been introduced. The Natural Resources and Environment Minister has said that changes to the Acquisition Act are necessary especially for infrastructure development to retain the country’s competitiveness in heading towards a developed nation. This paper aims to examine the changes in the Amendment Act 2016 as to summarize the reason for the amendment. The authors using content analysis to identify the changes involved in the Amendment Act 2016. The study reports the reason for the amendment is to explain and improve the implementation procedure in the acquisition of underground land, strata property and temporary occupation or use of land beside to explain and improve the procedure concerning the reference to court by the landlord. In addition, the amendment is to streamline the existing provisions to meets the current requirement. The findings, therefore, can be referred to all the key players in land acquisition procedure and as an initiation to assess the effectiveness of the Amendment Act 2016

    Investment Constraints in Urban Regeneration: Property Developers and Local Authorities Perspective

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    Urban decay is a phenomenon created due to the expansion of urban population, the restructuring of industrial, social composition as well as the deterioration of urban areas. Consequently this will increase issues of crime, mass unemployment, low quality in urban services, social problems etc. Thus urban regeneration is a tool used to overcome all these issues in order to create quality of urban living, diversify and vibrant cities. However, the involvement of investment in urban regeneration is still infancy in Malaysia as compared to other countries such as Australia, UK, Hong Kong, and etc. This is due to the perception of investors towards the profit generation and the risk involve. The objective of this paper is to determine the constraints involved in urban regeneration investment from the perspectives of the property developer companies and the local authorities. The method used is an exploratory with primary data collection through a questionnaire survey. The findings revealed that the main constraints is in regards of the land issues as well as high cost of investment, however, the benefits gain should also be considered as this create a livable urban living

    Investment Constraints in Urban Regeneration: Property Developers and Local Authorities Perspective

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    Urban decay is a phenomenon created due to the expansion of urban population, the restructuring of industrial, social composition as well as the deterioration of urban areas. Consequently this will increase issues of crime, mass unemployment, low quality in urban services, social problems etc. Thus urban regeneration is a tool used to overcome all these issues in order to create quality of urban living, diversify and vibrant cities. However, the involvement of investment in urban regeneration is still infancy in Malaysia as compared to other countries such as Australia, UK, Hong Kong, and etc. This is due to the perception of investors towards the profit generation and the risk involve. The objective of this paper is to determine the constraints involved in urban regeneration investment from the perspectives of the property developer companies and the local authorities. The method used is an exploratory with primary data collection through a questionnaire survey. The findings revealed that the main constraints is in regards of the land issues as well as high cost of investment, however, the benefits gain should also be considered as this create a livable urban living