1,534 research outputs found


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     Objectives: To study the correlation between Neural Response Telemetry (NRT) measurement level and behavioral (Threshold level and Comfort level) in pre lingual cochlear implant patients age between 2 -10 years old at one and three months post implant. Methods: A cross sectional study conducted at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center from September 2010 to January 2012. Total numbers of hundred patients were involved in this study.All recipients implanted with Nucleus 24 cochlear implant and had full insertion and normal activation of the electrode array. Comparison between intra-operative NRT measurement level and behavioral (T-level and C-level) in cochlear implant patients at one month and three months post implantation were obtained respectively. Results: This study showed the intra-operative NRT levels were seen to fall between the T and C levels in one and three months respectively. There was also a positive correlation between NRT value measurements and both T and C value measurements in both one and three months (p value 0.01). There is a fair strength of the linear relationship between NRT and behavioral level in both one and three month post implant as shown by the r value (0.4 at one month, 0.2 at three months) Conclusion: It is useful to use the NRT values to predict the behavioral T and C values in prelingual children and an additional tool for the mapping. Key words: Neural Response Telemetry (NRT); Threshold level; Comfort level; Nucleus 24 cochlear implant.

    Youth Treatment Adherence at a Rural Community Mental-Health Clinic

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    This study examined the relationships between youth and adult psychopathology, and sociodemographic factors and treatment adherence for youth attending outpatient treatment at a rural community mental-health clinic. “Adherence” was defined as attending more than five sessions, while “non-adherence” was defined as attending fewer than or equal to five sessions. Results revealed no significant differences between youth adhering or not adhering to treatment depending on the relation of caregiver to youth or the mode of transportation taken to the clinic. Furthermore, caregiver and youth psychopathology and caregiver’s estimated travel time to the clinic did not predict treatment adherence. Incidentally, examination of sociodemographic variables revealed that caregivers and youth who spoke Spanish in the home were more likely to adhere to treatment. Additionally, supplemental analyses examining psychopathology and treatment adherence using a “total treatment” operational definition found that higher levels of youth anxiety predicted adherence to treatment. Implications of these results are discussed

    The Role of Cooperatives in Achieving Household Food Security in the Philippines

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    This paper aims to present the roles and contribution of the cooperative to its member’s household food security. Cooperatives were created to protect the less powerful members of the society and provide for their needs by pooling their resources together. It helps improve the standard of living and quality of life of members and to take part of the wealth of the nation. It helps the community generate savings, income, investments, improves productivity, and increases purchasing power in order to achieve optimum social and economic benefits. The cooperatives’ role in achieving the food security of the community continues to be significant. The agricultural cooperatives in the Philippine are engaged in activities such as input supply, production, post-harvest, processing, marketing, credit and financing. Through these activities the members maximizes the utilization of economies of scale, cost-and risk sharing. Assistance was also given to cooperatives to improve their productivity, management and access to credit. The Philippine cooperatives contribute to the economic growth and development. As of December 2014, the cooperatives directly employed 201,255 persons and generated PhP313.8 billion total volume of business. Cooperatives play an important role in agriculture, food security and rural development. In order for them to continue to develop, there should be continued support and guidance by providing an enabling environment and processes for the cooperative movement’s progress

    Psoriasis in Al - Anbar Government clinical and epidemiological study

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    In this study, the percentages of study variables including age, gender, residence, family history between study groups including patients with psoriasis disease and control group, the results showed presence of There were substantial differences in age between study groups (P0.05), but no huge differences in sexual identity (P>0.05), housing (P>0.05), or family background (P>0.05). Meanwhile the terms of BMI, there's no big variation between categories (p> 0.05). They were chosen in this way to obtain the patients with psoriasis disease (27.70±0.80) and control group (27.80±0.50). Per the PASI, 8% of sick people had mild psoriasis (PASI3), while 55% had modest psoriasis (PASI 3-10) whereas, 37% had severe type (PASI >10). In addition, the mean differences of HbA1C, plasma glucose and plasma protein according to study groups including (patients with psoriasis disease and control group) was no significant differences between means of HbA1C, plasma glucose and plasma protein according to study group (P 0>0.05)

    Classification of eczema in Al- Anbar governorate, clinical and epidemiological study

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    The goal of this study was to know the prevalence of eczema in 437 Iraqi patients as well as to identify the most common clinical types of eczema. A study was conducted on 437 patients of various ages and sexes who had various types of eczema affecting their skin for a period spanning January 2018 to March 2020 in Iraq's Anbar Governorate. After clinical and laboratory diagnosis of skin eczema, the lesions were classified into different types of eczema. Our findings revealed highly significant differences in the percentages of various types of skin eczema, with 36.3% atopic hand eczema, 33.3% allergic contact dermatitis, 14.6% hyperkeratotic endogenous eczema, 8.2% vesicular endogenous eczema, and 7.6% irritant contact dermatitis recorded. Our findings revealed a prevalence of chronic skin eczema of 80.3% and acute skin eczema of 19.7%.From this study, we can conclude that, eczema is a real problem in the Al-Anbar governorate of the Republic of Iraq, and more research is needed to develop a suitable treatment and investigate the causes

    Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi, Pendanaan, dan Kebijakan Dividen terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Farmasi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keputusan investasi, keputusan pendanaan, dan kebijakan dividen terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda sebagai alat ukur nilai Perusahaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Perusahaan Farmasi dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2016 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebanyak 11 Perusahaan. Teknik penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 Perusahaan yang telah di tentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan seluruh variabel keputusan investasi, keputusan pendanaan dan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel nilai Perusahaan sedangkan secara parsial keputusan investasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan, keputusan pendanaan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan, dan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan, dalam penelitian ini variabel keputusan investasi mempunyai pengaruh yang dominan

    Isolation and Identification of Helicase from Anoxybacillus sp for DNA amplification

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    AbstractHelicase-producing thermophilic microorganisms were successfully isolated from water samples collected from hot springs in the from Ulu Legong Hot spring, Kedah, Malaysia and were identified up to genus level. The light and scanning microscopy technique were used to identify the morphology of the isolate. Chromosomal DNA from the organism was isolated and used to amplify 16S rRNA and UvrD gene fragments. The gene was amplified by a set of universal primers (F_UNI16S and R_UNI16S). The phylogenetic tree, homological analysis, and detailed comparison of the sequences showed that 16S rRNA gene sequence of the isolate had closest similarities with Anoxybacillus sp. Isolates gave PCR fragments of 2149bp which represent the UvrD gene and 1500bp which represent the 16S rRNA respectively of Anoxybacillus. Anoxybacillus sp was successfully isolated and identified by using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis with UvrD gene
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