277 research outputs found

    Bilingualism and mathematical ability in typically developing primary school children: A systematic review

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    A large body of research has been dedicated to studying cognitive advantages of bilingualism in all ages. However, the research investigating the link between bilingualism and mathematical attainment in young learners is limited. This systematic review aims to investigate the relationship between bilingualism and mathematical attainment in typically developing primary school children (aged 5-11) and examine the roles of moderators (age and gender) and mediators (SES and ethnicity) of bilingualism on mathematical ability. The main purpose of the review was to synthesize evidence based on the empirical research. The author identified the studies examining the relationship between bilingualism and mathematical ability of school aged children from 7 electronic databases. Of the 559 total studies identified, 23 matched the eligibility criteria. The author categorized the studies into 3 groups based on the programs or the experimental conditions that they studied. Mixed Methods Assessment Tool (2018) was used to assess the risk of bias of individual studies and a cumulative confidence in the studies was synthesized. The results show that two-third of the studies on bilingualism and bilingual education were conducted in the US. The overall results demonstrate that bilingualism is positively associated with mathematical ability. Important findings and implications for the future research have been discussed

    Representation of Man and Woman in the Selected Novels of Sidhwa and Singh: A Corpus Stylistic Analysis

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    The present study is a comparative stylistic analysis of two novels Train to Pakistan and The Ice Candy Man by Khuswant Singh (1956) and Bapsi Sidhwa (1988) respectively. The purpose of this study is to explore the depiction of Man and Woman in the selected texts to find out the similarities and differences through which these characters are represented. The study utilizes a mixed method approach which combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. The focus of the research is the analysis of adjectives that have been used with Man and Woman in both the texts. For this purpose, the study utilizes corpus linguistic tool AntConc (3.2.1) to carry out a stylistic analysis of the texts. A total number of 56 adjectives with a total frequency of 107 times were analyzed. The study has found that women are underrepresented in the selected texts as more adjectives are used to represent men. Moreover, both the male and female writers, mostly, portray men positively while women are portrayed negatively. It is expected that this study will open new doors for future researchers and teachers to explore and understand the language of literature from new perspectives

    4-Nitro­phenyl 2-chloro­benzoate

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    The aromatic rings in the title compound, C13H8ClNO4, enclose a dihedral angle of 39.53 (3)°. The nitro group is almost coplanar with the ring to which it is attached [dihedral angle = 4.31 (1)°]. In the crystal, molecules are connected by C-H...O hydrogen bonds into chains running along [001]. Key indicators: single-crystal X-ray study; T = 173 K; mean σ(C–C) = 0.002 A°; R factor = 0.044; wR factor = 0.105; data-to-parameter ratio = 18.9

    Encoding Signifieds of Hairstyles in the movie ‘Unstoppable’ A Semiotic Analysis

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    Media play an important role in conveying entertainment to the audience. As there are a lot of developments and discoveries in this postmodern era, media promote all those ideas which are newly introduced in any genre. Film from the very start, is one of the major genre in literature (visual) which claims more attention from the audience than any other form of entertainment. Media also play an important role in socio-cultural change of the society. Community considers media the best source of information, although at times, it is not. Media play an important role in shaping beliefs and ideologies of a common man. Film is considered the important medium which brings a lot of cultural changes in the society, The movie Unstoppable  also invites those changes and left some questions in the minds of the audience. The present study analyzes the various hairstyles of the movie actors and how these styles are changed according to the setting of the scene along with employing the state of minds of the characters. What these styles signify?. How various hair styles are used as a  sign in this movie?. Researchers study this phenomenon through semiotic analysis. Few images were selected to analyze the reasons behind that act under the discipline of semiotics. Key words: Semiotics, Unstoppable, Hair style, Analyze, sign

    Indo –US Strategic Partnership and Its Fall Outs on Pakistan

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    After cold war, the US arose as a super power in international order. The US however enjoyed cordial relationship with both Pakistan and India during Cold war era and post - Cold war era. However, as per the realist tradition, the US also kept its national interests ahead and thus has been utilizing Pakistan and India as per its strategic interests. The US role in the South Asian politics isa prominent and decisive while evaluating South Asia as a region. The conflictual relationship of India and Pakistan provides vacuum to triangular ties among the USA, India and Pakistan. Pakistan’s relationship with the United States entered into a new phase after war on terrorism, where Pakistan was declared as Non NATO ally of the United Sates against the war on terrorism. However, the American President George W. Bush’s visit to India in 2005-06 and signing of major agreements of strategic collaboration and nuclear cooperation, proved a shift in the USA - Pakistan relations. This research paper poses that one of the reasons of increasing Indo-USA strategic ties is due to historical cooperation between Pakistan and China. The United States changed its policy of isolationism and emerged as a major power. While enjoying the role of only superpower the US has cashed arch rivalry between both neighboring courtiers and lack of trust. Reflections of converging interests include: US-India Subsequent Steps in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) initiative, signing of 123 Nuclear Agreement, missile defense, and ten-year “defense framework agreement” that calls for expanding bilateral security assistance. The incidents like Salala attack, Raymond Davis case and U.S led Osama Bin Laden killing operation within the jurisdiction of Pakistan also played in role in fallout between Pakistan and USA. Pakistan cannot afford to remain oblivious to these developments due to their security implications. A combination of pragmatic foreign policy backed with credible conventional and nuclear deterrence could serve desired national security interests. The study will be strictly confined to the South Asian region in order to ascertain the US-India strategic partnership in the context of conflictual relationship of India and Pakistan. To analyze and cover all the features of “Indo-US strategic Nexus” and its fall outs on Pakistan, quantitative and qualitative method will be used

    Revealing the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Academic Performance of Students: Evidences from Higher Educational Institutes of Pakistan

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    In this world of technology, smart phone has become a vital part in everyone’s life. This study aims to focus on the relationship between smartphone addiction and academic performance of students in higher education. Variables such as use of social networking sites, overuse of smart phone and Academic Performance (Grade Point Average and Time Management skills) were part of this research. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 360 students of two private universities in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The target age group was 19-24 studying in Bachelors degree program. Data was analyzed through SPSS. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression tests were applied. Results reveal that there is a negative relationship between smartphone addiction and academic performance. Moreover, it has been proved that students with good time management skills achieve high grades/GPAs than those who have poor time management skills due to involvement in different social networks (media) such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc. It is suggested that students should spend their time wisely and use their smartphones for educational purposes. However, students need training, counseling and close monitoring to get benefits through smartphones’ use

    Service Quality And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Evidence From The Pakistani Banking Sector

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    This comparative research was designed to investigate the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the Pakistani banking sector. Hypothesis developed for the study was higher level of service quality leads to higher level of customer satisfaction. A sample of two hundred respondents, (one hundred from a foreign bank and one hundred from a public sector / nationalized bank located in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad) was drawn on the basis of simple random sampling. Various constructs of SERVQUAL model developed by Zeithaml and Bitner (1996) and five point customer satisfaction tool developed by Taylor and Baker (1994) were adopted and used for data collection. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 14. Results of the regression analysis indicated that service quality was proved to be a strong predictor of customer satisfaction in case of the foreign bank with the R2 value of 0.644 accepting research hypothesis and rejecting null hypothesis as compared value R2 of 0.156 that does not support the research hypothesis in case of public sector bank. The study concluded that service quality, if managed effectively, can contribute significantly towards customer satisfaction

    Uncertainty in Fiscal and Monetary Policy and its Impact on Economic Growth: An Analysis from Pakistan

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    Uncertainty or shocks in macroeconomic policies have been a debated issue all over the world because these shocks severely influence the growth of economies. To analyze the impacts of these shocks in the context of Pakistan, the current study determined the role of fiscal and monetary policy uncertainty by taking the time series data for the period 1971-2020. In this regard, GARCH and ARDL cointegration model were applied. Empirical evidence revealed that in the long-run, fiscal uncertainty in terms of government expenditure positively affects the economy and monetary uncertainty in terms of money supply negatively affects the economy. While, in the short-run, uncertainty of both policies has a negative influence on the economic growth of Pakistan. The study also gauged other factors, such as, exchange rate, interest rate, and inflation with respect to their impact on economic growth. It was found that these factors positively and significantly sway growth in the long-run

    Analysis and testing of the most important factors affecting (COVID-19)

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    Factor analysis is distinguished by its ability to shorten and arrange many variables in a small number of linear components. In this research, we will study the essential variables that affect the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is supposed to contribute to the diagnosis of each patient group based on linear measurements of the disease and determine the method of treatment with application data for (600) patients registered in General AL-KARAMA Hospital in Baghdad from 1/4/2020 to 15/7/2020. The explanation of the variances from the total variance of each factor separately was obtained with six elements, which together explained 69.266% of the measure's variability. The most important variable are cough, idleness, fever, headache, palpebral, and difficulty in breathing. In the first factor and the variable appetite, not smelling, not to taste and diarrhea in the second factor: variables( sex, work, smoking, drinking alcohol) in the third factor, variables ( diabetes, age, pressure) in the fourth factor, variables(vomiting, heartburn ) in the fifth factor, variables(Blood group, drinking alcohol) in the sixth factor. Therefore, we must wash hands and covering mouths, or wearing a face mask when sneezing or coughing. Social distancing, disinfecting surfaces, ventilation, air-filtering, monitoring, and self-isolation are exposed or symptomatic
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